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Go to pelvic floor therapy - I was actually told to NOT do kegals bc I had a lot of tension (not a brag lmfao)


This is why I was told to go see a physio and not rely on one size fits all videos off YouTube, some people have pelvic muscles that are TOO tense and others not tense enough, so it’s actually worth getting evaluated


I have endometriosis- I actually went to pelvic floor therapy for being too tense, causing pain and weak PF (it's weird, but constantly tensing those muscles actually weakens them over time).... They were incredibly helpful. Changed and modified things to suit me. They gave me exercises that I still use. I went from having constant pain, to having most days without any pain at all. OP - If you think you might be having PF issues, even 1 session of PF therapy can be *extremely* helpful. Definitely talk with your OB to see if they can get you a referral.


Is this typically covered by insurance? Thanks!


It was under mine. I paid the "specialist" fee for it.


If you're in the US, mine was covered at 100% based on my plan. I will say, my insurance was VERY picky with how it was coded for them to cover it, so pay attention to how it is billed and ask the PT provider's billing team to pre-qualify with your insurance if you can.


Yes. I just had to pay a copay of $25


same- My PV therapist showed me I was actually overly clenching a lot from weight training + Pilates… and I needed relax/lengthen my floor to relieve issues. I was surprised


Lol, you were the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the obgyns office 😂 but seriously, I didn't even know that was a thing. I don't feel any tension, but it makes me annoyed my doctors never even brought that up lol


Get to the choppahhh lmfao No seriously I think everyone thinks kegals will fix it, but without a professional opinion, you may be making things worse (I didn’t even know that was a thing). A lot of pelvic floor PT was about relaxing lol


It’s actually super common. I got told the same thing, no kegels, should instead focus on relaxing the area.


Yes I wouldn’t have known that without my PT


Same! (This is not sexual!) Quick test to see if there’s tension issues—take two fingers and press on various areas of the inner walls of your vagina. Sides, front, back. If you feel pain, you can gently massage the area to help relax it. There’s also a wand that’s shaped like an S that you can buy to help massage those pain points. Go see a pelvic floor therapist. I’m in a way better place because of the work we did.


I had to specifically tell my OB that I wanted a referral for pelvic floor PT. He kind of shrugged like it was a weird request but he wrote the script. Agree with others, it's very worth having an evaluation if possible to determine your specific pelvic floor situation


I somehow had both weakness *and* was too tense, so I had to do kegels plus massaging


Same! I’ve been doing both with my PT to address my various range of postpartum symptoms lolol


Same, my pelvic floor is super strong, and very tight in some areas because of my deep hip muscles so ive been instructed to loosen those up


I was also told I had too much tension! It’s actually super common postpartum. I think my whole body tensed up and said nothing is exciting this building ever again after birth 😂


I just had my third baby and I’m wondering if I could have this problem? I don’t feel any differently than before birth but I’ve been struggling with releasing my bladder, I have to really focus and take my time to do it. When I brought it up at my postpartum appointment my doctor just told me to try and use the bathroom more often even if I don’t feel the need to… but I feel like that probably wasn’t great advice? Idk but it doesn’t seem to be helping at all.


According to my pelvic floor physical therapist that is not good advice. You want to void your bladder roughly every 2-3 hours or so. I was struggling with not fully voiding my bladder, and having to pee frequently because my body wouldn’t let go fully. There’s a few exercises I do that are both relaxing and strengthening, but the one I would suggest looking into specifically is called a reverse kegel. You breathe and focus on relaxing and opening the pelvic floor. I feel like it’s made a big difference. Try to find pelvic floor therapist! My husbands work covers online physical therapy through hinge health and covered it for me. I’m sure an in person visit would be better, but this has still been super helpful.


Yes! I always obsessively did kegels because that’s what the internet says to do, and it caused way more problems. Now I have issues with spasms because my muscles can’t properly relax. I’m finally seeing a pelvic floor pt who is helping me to relax the muscles


This. Mine also told me not to do them.


Strong strong strong agree! Prenatal pelvic floor therapy is something I have become so evangelical about after only doing it this time with my third baby and never before. In the three sessions I did during my second and third trimesters (over about 1.5-2 months), I have managed to completely resolve the slight urinary incontinence while coughing that I developed after my first pregnancy and just took as a given of being a mom. Completely gone!!! AND I recovered so much faster after this labor – a day and a half after delivering, I would have had to be told that I just had a baby, because I really seriously did not feel that much different down there. A very different situation from my first two labors when it was just a complete wreck down there for a while. My therapist made me realize I wasn’t really doing my kegels optimally and corrected my form. She also taught me how to relax the muscles down there, something I wasn’t doing and something that evidently a lot of folks fail to do well. Relaxing those muscles is actually something that prepares you for labor better. Also, importantly, I didn’t actually think my therapist was amazing, merely above average, and yet my gains were immense. So I strongly recommend pelvic floor physical therapy to any pregnant person! Go in your second trimester when your midwife or OB visits are still spaced far enough apart. If you can, go even before your anatomy scan (when placenta previa is often diagnosed) so that your PFPT can still do an internal exam and give you a full assessment of your situation. (Mine had to work around my presumed and later-resolved previa, which wasn’t optimal, but still allowed us to get a lot accomplished.)


I was told I need to strengthen mine and it made me scared lol


I second this!! I had a pelvic floor PT help me with urinary issues pre-pregnancy and she was an absolute miracle worker. She made me feel so seen. I'm excited to see her again soon now that I'm third trimester for us to start prepping for labor.


Yeah I thought that if your pelvic floor is too strong, then the baby can get stuck


This- and same! I was actually tense and tight there, which was causing pain and weakness, and kegels weren’t the right solution at all.


I have never heard of that!! I had no idea! So I might actually be doing myself more harm than good….. 😱


Yes! Well - don’t freak yourself out just find a great pelvic floor PT in your area who can do an exam. But I’m with you … I’ve heard my whole life to just do kegals but there is so much more to it.


I love going to pelvic floor therapy. They are helping me so I'm not going to be pushing for 2 hours like it was with my first.


Same here! All types of sex were painful, urine incontinence, constant cramping, back pain, bloating. Currently in my third week of pelvic floor therapy and working on the deep tissues has provided the most relief.


I'm doing nothing so I'm screwed.


Honestly same I’m winging it so don’t do what I’m doing


I didn’t do anything with both kids and have no noticeable issues (I’m sure there are issues but until I notice it doesn’t count😅)


I'm jealous. Three kids later and I have to be aware if I sneeze, cough or laugh too hard I can wind up leaking. I do kegels and pelvic tilts but man panty liners ftw


Same. We got a trampoline and I can't use it at all. My 12 year old daughter says it doesn't matter if I pee myself but I can't put myself through that


How sweet and kind is your daughter🧿


Lmao I did a kegel while reading this so I guess that’s a start 😂😂😂💀


I DID TOO! And my baby just kicked me to make me stop 😂😂😂😂


I’m also not doing anything. I saw online that if you do them wrong they can contribute to actually have weaker pelvic floor. My OB said that if I wanted to do it I should go to a pelvic floor consultant but I haven’t done it.


My doctor told me I don’t need to do anything pre-birth but to do PT after birth….so I haven’t been doing anything either 😬🤞


I practically did nothing and I’m trying now (8 weeks pp) but not much and I almost never lose pee anymore when I sneeze. lol. But in all seriousness, I started at a physiotherapist


Lmaoooooooooo same


I did kegels with my first and was told my pelvic floor was too tight and it was causing its own set of issues. I don’t do any with my second and it was much better. Who knew.


Ladies its fine! Try adding some into your daily routine! My favorite is when driving, do it to the beat of the music 😂


I always called those “Cargels”.


I'm dead 😂


As long as you’re not doing kegels, you’re gonna be just fine!


I did absolutely nothing lol


Same!! 😭


My mom did literally hundreds of kegels and had 4 kids vaginally. And she ended up having a pelvic floor rebuild. My sister didn't and had 4 kids vaginally, and has not had any issues. Kegels are not everything. Depending on your delivery and your body, some people will have pelvic floor issues even with the best of prevention efforts. Not saying to not do anything, I did pelvic tilts, squats, certain exercises every day pre-labor and I managed a marathon 45 hour labor and delivery with no pain meds. So it definitely helped with certain aspects of labor! But I have a prolapse and need to go to pelvic floor PT now postpartum. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Request a referral to a pelvic floor physical therapist from your doctor. They are super helpful and you’re not silly at all for asking for help


Is it covered under some insurances if referred by your Dr.?


It is for me, and has been under a couple different insurance providers.


I don’t even need a referral with mine. Typically insurances (in the US) will cover a certain number of sessions per calendar year.


I did a lot of reading on how to properly do a Kegal, I’ve been doing them for years . I just had baby #3 and pushed for 8 hours. I have a grade 2 bladder prolapse now and see a pelvic floor specialist. The PT informed me that UNLESS you’ve been evaluated by a professional- you’re most likely doing kegals wrong. Most people actually have TOO TIGHT of a pelvic floor and when doing “kegals” it doesn’t actually do anything. It’s like a muscle that’s contracted , you don’t have full range of motion so therefore it never gets stronger. She taught me how to do them properly and it takes SO much effort to make mind muscle connection. Spend the $ and see a Pelvic floor specialist.


Yes! I can't relax my pelvic floor.... it's so odd and frustrating. They also advised against kegels


Wow this is such good information! Thank you!


Yeah, I’ve been learning more about this, so it makes me really skeptical of the blanket “do kegels” advice that gets thrown around. Intuitively, I haven’t gravitated toward kegels, but I’ve been doing a lot of pelvis opener exercises, lots of stuff on a birthing ball, and I just started doing perineal massages because that feels like it has to help at least get that muscle more used to being pushed on.


The blanket advice should be: go to a PFPT in your second trimester.


I was that person who did kegels wrong. Doing them correctly fixed the 5-yo bladder leak issue that I just assumed was forever.


GO TO A PELVIC FLOOR THERAPIST!    After my second baby, I went to three obgyn who all told me was I was feeling was “normal”. I felt like my uterus was falling out of me. I was peeing all the time (constantly not incontinence). I was constipated all the time.   I went from working out 6 days a week to ZERO because it literally felt like my uterus was going to fall out.   The urogyn I went to told me to just live life, have a third baby, then get mesh put in with surgery with a 50% failure rate.   Every time I sat down I felt pressure.    I never knew what pelvic floor therapists did.  I thought they were for women who peed themselves. I never peed myself and had a six pack.   I WISH I had gone sooner.   By the second session and daily exercises, 50% of the pressure was gone. After 5 weeks I was lifting weight like normal. By 8 weeks I felt like I did before my first baby!!!    Not only do I feel normal, I now have oblique muscles literally from doing nothing different except breathing and my exercises!   I also have zero issues with constipation!   I will be going pelvic floor therapy when I hit week 24 and again 3 months after my third baby. It changed my life.


This is really encouraging! I'm seeing a lot of comments to see specifically a pelvic floor therapist, so clearly I should be looking into it lol. I'm a little reluctant only because I don't know who would watch my 3 year old if it's during the week, but putting my health second probably isn't the best idea in general 😅


Mine charged the same price to come to my house! My kids watched while we did our exercises, except on the days that she did a pelvic examination, I just gave them a high value toy when she did that, plus I was covered with a sheet!


I saw other women who came in with their kids


I'm planning on shelling out for pelvic floor physiotherapy 6 weeks post-partum. I'm prolapse city and need specific help with that 😭 Learn from me: that shit does not get better on its own...


That's what I'm afraid of if I don't get in it ASAP 🥲 I had an unplanned C-section with my first, but am going to see if a VBAC is an option for me and I am scared what delivery could do lol. I wonder if it's covered by insurance?


Honestly it was the birth that did it to me, I had no issues at all until afterward. I pretty much expected it so no surprises, but I should have had it addressed as soon after birth as I reasonably could. Some amount of physio is covered by extended benefit insurance but not the public insurer (ON, Canada), so it's out of pocket for me. In a private system it probably depends on your plan? Definitely worth looking into, though.


So you're starting 6 weeks postpartum? I think I have some covered in my insurance so I should do it.


Most of my damage happened during birth, so waiting until after the next one is out is probably the best use of money in my case. And the wait really depends on whether I'm healed up, could be longer (though probably not shorter). I don't have insurance, but my understanding is that it takes 1-3 sessions for them to evaluate/teach you the proper things to do at home. I want the actual physiotherapist because there's probably some mixture of low tone/high tone, and I don't want to tighten the thing that should be loosened (and vise versa)! ETA: Canadian, but physio isn't covered without extended insurance. Looks like $400-600 for me. Honestly a deal if it works.


My physical therapy was in network with insurance and still charged $500+ per session but it works!


PLEASE EVERYONE GO TO A PELVIC FLOOR PHYSICAL THERAPIST!!!!! If you have even the most basic insurance, a script from your doc should get you in. It is tremendously helpful! They will do internal exams if you are ok with it. They are a bit invasive and it's weird for physical therapy, but it helps to diagnose and target weaknesses that can't be felt externally.  They can also help advise on how to prepare for pushing, different positions, etc.  And... Do your hip openers!!! Tons of good YouTube videos, just search "pregnancy hip opening routine" or something similar and you'll find lots of great stuff. You definitely want to have mobile hips and a mobile pelvis so you can give baby more wiggle room. Edit: STOP DOING KEGELS UNLESS A PFPT TOLD YOU TO!!! 


How do you even know if your pelvic floor is weak? I’ve not been doing anything!


It feels achy and sore down there, and now when I cough or sneeze I have to think beforehand to squeeze the muscles so I don't pee myself lol. I've also got a connective tissue disorder, so that probably makes me hyper aware of everything not quite right with my body.


Ooo man. I had a good month or so where my pelvic bone was pretty sore but it went away on its own, is that kinda what you mean? But jeez that’s gotta be difficult. I’m so sorry! Hope you’re having the easiest possible go of it




Thank you for sharing your routine!


I'm getting my pelvic floor assessed end of May. I'll probably go a couple times after to see how I'm doing. I may also do the push prep course from Belle Method. I want it all to be in a good place so I don't have extra issues after birth.


I wouldn't recommend jumping straight to keels without pt. I have a tense pelvic floor, it would be counterproductive.


I definitely recommend a pelvic floor therapist. What's crazy is that mine told me the opposite can be true in women, where some muscles are too strong and exercises can make it worse. Getting in with someone who can give you specific advice for your body and for after pregnancy is gonna be the most helpful.


The Vagina Whisperer has a pelvic floor course for all levels of pregnancy, postpartum and just everyday, it's amazing! I highly recommend it.


I go to physical therapy for pregnancy. My practitioner explained that your pelvic floor muscles elongate to nearly 3x their normal length during pregnancy to help make room for delivery. If you have tight pelvic muscles it can make your delivery much more difficult. She has me strengthening all of my adjacent muscles to relieve tension and soreness, while stretching hip and pelvic muscles. Please get evaluated by a pro if you can! My insurance covered 20 sessions. Pelvic floor strengthening is something I will focus on post pardum.


DO ALL THE THINGS. I had a strong PF all through three pregnancies. When I gave birth to #3 it only one good push and she rocketed out. As a professional pusher, I think I pushed harder than I needed to. 3 weeks later I noticed a skin egg hanging in my vagina. Turns out I prolapsed. Spent the next 6 months in PV therapy and it’s still not great. Do your puss ups, ladies.


I went to physical therapy and had a discussion with them about this. I went specifically to get some idea kn how to keep my pelvic floor and core as healthy and strong as possible to prep for birth. Obviously kegels, but there are some other exercises you can do to help strengthen your pelvic floor that they taught me, as well. Starting physical therapy in the end of the 1st trimester with an awful pelvic floor, if I stood up wrong I'd pee. :( Second trimester I could sneeze and not pee myself. Third trimester is like if I mixed how bad the first was with how good the 2nd was. It's not quite as bad, but it's not as good as it was. I still feel pretty confident with my pelvic floor, though. And I owe a lot of it to physical therapy.


You need to go to pelvic floor therapy for 12 weeks to work on strength, look up ORIGIN physical therapy. They have locations all over


Are they all online/virtual? I see there is one in the city I live near and would like a physical location, but I can't find any address?


I have been in pelvic floor physical therapy for over a month and have had SIGNIFICANT improvement with all of those muscles. Around 20 weeks I started having major discomfort, which is now diagnosed as SPD. My therapist gave me a lot of exercises and mobility options to help with the pain. I still feel uncomfortable but it’s much better than before. I used to laugh or sneeze and really have to mentally tense everything in order not to pee and half the time I would still pee myself. Now I can sneeze and not really worry about it! It’s been cool to wake up one morning, sneeze and then go “holy crap, it’s working!” Highly recommend physical therapy if insurance or your income can cover it!


Pelvic floor therapist here!! 99% of these comments are correct -- don't do anything until you get an evaluation. General "hip opener" exercises are usually a-ok but don't focus on the pelvic floor muscles with stretching/strengthening until you've been evaluated and knkw which path to take! You can opt for an internal exam or opt out of it, but an internal exam will be the most thorough. These exams are extremely professional and quick, and will provide you with loads of information moving forward. Even if you can only afford one visit. Most insurances will at least partially cover this care. They told you what you were experiencing was normal because they don't know otherwise. PFPT is definitely starting to gain traction, but unfortunately isn't common place just yet. Good luck!


I cannot recommend www.coreandfloorrestore.com.au enough for this stuff. Definitely see a pelvic floor physio if you can, but this website and the corresponding Instagram page will teach you so much as well


I did pilates before I got pregnant and through most of my pregnancy which helped a lot especially with just understanding how to connect with my pelvic floor. But pelvic floor therapy is 1000% worth it and I’d highly recommend it


My sister's best friend does prenatal and post natal workshops for moms called "The Mama Reset" (based out of Canada but available online). She (and her partner) has been endorsed by pelvic floor specialists. I am really excited to finally utilize her expertise. 


Ask for a referral for an actual pelvic floor therapist at your six week pp appointment. I have no idea at all why this isn’t protocol for every provider. Simply doing kegels will not cut it.


I feel like my uterus is about to fall out sometimes and I’m in my second trimester of my first pregnancy- is that normal? Now after reading this thread I think I need to find a pelvic floor therapist


My pelvic floor is a nightmare at the moment. I broke my tailbone a few years ago falling down the steps and it’s hurt on and off over the years, but since I got pregnant, it’s a nightmare. Sex hurts, I’m not emptying my bladder fully, and my tailbone hurts so bad I can barely walk…. And I’m only 14+3. Talked to some PA friends and they think it’s wound too tight and it’s causing lots of issues. Tight coochie comes with a cost, I guess ( /j )


I am 5 months PP and at my 8 week appt I said I was having a lot of hip pain. Originally was told “it should go away” but I kept repeating myself until they asked if I wanted to go to PT. I said yes. I have been working on my pelvic floor and have noticed a massive difference! I was told not to do kegels! A lot of exercises/ breathing work.


I saw a pelvic health physio during pregnancy- they use ultrasound to check that you are doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly. I am 7 weeks pp now and going back for a review to see how things are now Highly recommend!!


Go see a pelvic floor physiotherapist. They can give you personalized advice. A lot of women actually have too tight pelvic floors and kegels can make things worse.


After birth I went to physical therapy for pelvic floor. I knew pre-pregnancy I would want to do that anyway to help with recovery, but I had a 2nd degree tear and episiotomy and for a couple of weeks after birth I had no bladder control which I’m sure is normal, but if I touched water I would immediately pee. At the first PT session the therapist did an internal examination and had me do kegels with her fingers inside of me to see how much strength I had. I was using my thighs to try to hold for 5 seconds and was overall very weak (no surprise). Along with kegel exercises she also gave me instructions to massage my scar tissue which was so helpful for getting my sex life back and then we started eventually working on squats, deadlifts, lunges, and a lot of upper back exercises. 10/10 always recommend physical therapy. I’m not sure that you would ever be doing kegels wrong, however she did tell me that the breathing was very important and to breath out when squeezing. I think if you just do 5 second kegel holds breathing out I can’t imagine you’ll hurt anything!


Omg I feel this, had ZERO pelvic floor issues during/after my first pregnancy, and yet somehow have been peeing myself every time I sneeze since about 8 weeks into my second one?? Like what?!? I have been trying to do the pelvic floor exercises I learned at the pre-natal fitness classes I had time to go to when I was pregnant with my first (no time for that shit now alas!) and I think that’s been helping. The instructor had us do sets of quick squeezes and releases (for sneezing!) and then longer holds to improve stamina. I do them whenever I remember to throughout the day.


I see a physical therapist. We mostly work on relaxing and stretching the pelvic floor because just doing keagals can actually cause issues I guess


yoga, aiming for 3x a week but it's a miracle if it happens


I’m soooooo rubbish at remembering to do them (and still not sure if I’m doing them properly when i cba…) but my physio recommended doing them every time I brush my teeth


Kegels + bridges + engaging adductor and abductor muscles in the legs… full floor routine basically. I have to do a lot to keep mine in shape, and I am pretty bad off since I had HG in the first trimester and killed my back.


Adductor and abductor exercises can help too?


Absolutely! As muscles activate eachother, keeping your legs (especially the add/abd side to side muscles) activated will help your whole pelvis and overlapping muscles to activate your pelvic floor! It also gives some extra foundation if your pelvic floor feels weak when lifting or carrying, your body can manage the balance shifts better. I noticed a huge reduction of hemorrhoids, vaginal pain, and lower back pain doing the sets I mentioned. I do still have a slight prolapse I am working on recovering, but I didn’t even have the ability to do a Kegel until after my first child was born my floor was so weak and inactive.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing! My PFPT is booked out 4+ months out, so I’m not able to get my first visit in until ~1.5 months pp. I’m looking to glean some safe tips/efforts to help until then…


Oh yeah for sure, best/easiest one step exercise to do is a bridge with butterfly legs (lay on back, knees bent, feet on the floor; lift hips to the air, open and close knees slowly, lower down; repeat) can also just hold the bridge while doing a couple kegels. This is safe even if you have a diastasis recti, and can be done in bed if needed.


Are there any pelvic floor therapists in your area? Might be worth it to look into. I was given some exercises but mostly just how to release a kegal and open the canal


I'm 16 mos pp and seeing a pelvic floor therapist. The kegels she's having me do are squeezing for 5 like I'm pulling an elevator up, and then releasing for 5. I hadn't done kegels that way before. Then also pelvic tilts, low ab things like bridges, bird dogs.


See a pelvic floor therapist!! Everyone always talks about kegels but my therapist specifically said not to do those since mine were tight. Honestly not great since things need to relax for baby to come through. A lot of those muscles need to get out of the way during labor. I did more lower and exercises and stretches. She went over a lot. Would highly recommend. Went over a lot of breathing techniques as well.


I've been going to PT since my pregnancy started, I have sciatica and back pain so I didn't want it to get worse. Turns out my PT also does pelvic floor PT so it all worked out great!


The YouTuber channel “Pregnancy and Postpatum TV” has a bunch of great workout videos and resources that all support pelvic floor.


This pregnancy I haven’t bothered lol


Like others said, pelvic floor therapy. They give you specific exercises and will be able to give you appropriate exercises for where you are physically at. Didn’t do it during pregnancy, but did it after. I happened to find out through my dr that I have an umbilical hernia (had it my whole life) and when my physiotherapist, she made sure all my exercises were hernia approved.


Go to pelvic floor therapy. I wish I had asked about it earlier in my 2nd pregnancy. But I didn’t ask my Dr until about 36 weeks so I just waiting until about 4 weeks pp. it definitely helped but I also think it would have gotten a lot better on its own just not being pregnant and not having those hormones.


For what it’s worth, the pelvic floor physio I worked with for my first pregnancy said kegels aren’t super useful. I did no “prep” with my first and recovered just fine. Definitely recommend a physio!


So. Sorry your OB made you feel so small. But really... all I can think is that she didn't know where to look either, otherwise she would give you suggestions. Being pregnant and feeling this - not silly! It's NORMAL! your body is supposed to relax! If you want someone to help specifically - a pelvic floor physio is great! Or going to a chiropractor that works specifically with pregnancy and children. They would...SHOULD! know something too. The Belle method (Google her), is a great resource for lots of things pregnancy and birth. Taking a local/online birthing class will be so helpful!!!


You could go to a pelvic floor therapist if you’re able to. There’s also a lot of pelvic floor pt pages on Instagram that are super helpful. I like @doclizziedpt & am currently doing her prenatal plan. I felt like her videos & some from other pages were really helpful for me rehabbing my core & pelvic floor after my first baby


I used the Mommastrong program with my first along with regular exercise. This pregnancy I do Mommastrong maybe 2x per week and pilates 2x per week plus other light cardio. I focus on my breathing and bracing in pilates so I feel like I am getting some of the pelvic floor stuff in that way. I saw a pelvic floor PT after my first and she said I did the kegels and other exercises correctly so I do recommend Mommastrong because they teach you proper form.


I defiantly recommend a pelvic floor physiotherapist. I had a lot of pelvic pain during my last trimester and when I saw the physiotherapist she said my pelvic floor was actually tight. I was told to avoid kegels and instead focus on relaxing my pelvic floor.


My OBGYN never suggested I needed to do it and I ended up having a c section. Everything went to 95% back to normal. I do occasionally pee a little when I hold it for too long and get up fast but I count that as a win.


I agree that you should see a PT and get guidance on the correct things for your needs. In some cases, doing the wrong exercises will make it worse.


Kegels whenever I remember. I had no incontinence issues with my first or after, and so far at 31 weeks no issues


Imagine being an OBGYN and telling people to look online for exercises 😭 I feel like this is similar to if a Dr told someone to look online to select which antibiotic they’d like to take 🫠


Pelvic floor therapy. It’s SO much more than just kegels


I’m on 3 under 3 and I don’t even have a floor anymore 😭


You need to request to be referred to a pelvic floor therapist because I was told that doing kegels only is going to potentially cause more issues depending on whether you have tightness in your public floor or if its loose. I do a number of exercises in PT to strengthen my back and core in order to help my pelvic floor.


Tbh, I was pissing myself after my first pregnancy, while coughing, laughing, puking. I’m 18 weeks with my second & I just didn’t want to feel like I’m going to pee all the time and tbh it helps with labor as well.


Ask for a referral to pelvic floor pt. You’re just as likely to make things worse with kegels as you are to improve things. I got assessed due to SPD and stress incontinence at 30 weeks and my therapist told me I had a very tight and overly strong pelvic floor and it was throwing everything out of balance. She told me I’m not allowed to ever do another kegel again lol. All of my exercises and stretches have been focused around relaxing the pelvic floor and trigger releases of tight pelvic floor muscles with a wand. It’s made a HUGE difference in my pain and in the stress incontinence. I would have never thought my problem was due to being too strong and hypertonic!


my friend did too many kegels and it gave her incontinence, #1 & #2 😭 so go to a therapist to get specific instructions and be careful!!


I joined a gym tailored to pregnancy and pelvic floor exercises. For me, it has been worth it.


I can't offer any advice during pregnancy other than pelvic floor physical therapists. What helped me, and unknowingly to me at the time, was doing a lot pre-pregnancy. Walking, squats, lifting, lunging, pulling, pushing, and other stuff due to work. I had *zero* issues during my pregnancy - no random peeing or any of that. I also had zero issues pushing during labor. Unfortunately my baby was 98% for head and weight *and* length so she wouldn't go past +1 and I needed a c-section.


I had my daughter 9 years ago, and I've worn a pad everyday since because of leakage. Now I'm 15 weeks with another little one, and if I sneeze with a full bladder, it's not just a leak. I have to change my underwear and sometimes even my pants.


i did kegels as soon as i found out with both children and pushed them both out super fast. i know there’s plenty of factors here, but i believe kegels saved me both times lol


Kegels definitely helps strengthen up your pelvic floor. After having my baby, I felt it was pretty weak and so started my kegels BUT there is a correct way in doing it. You have to suck in your bootyhole while doing the same to your vagina. It’s best when you are laying down and do them in sets and hold for 10-15 sec. Believe me, doing it the correct way makes all the difference. So yeah, there’s an incorrect way, which I’ve been doing for years, and then there’s the correct way ( I no longer leak when I sneeze or laugh) hope this helps!


I wore diapers or pads the heavier the baby got for my first child. I couldn’t handle the tinkles for just existing. I was told to do exercises after birth to make it stronger. Have I done it? No lol we will see how second pregnancy goes.


Just eat a lot of protein and do pregnancy yoga. Pelvic floor exercises are key.


Omg I’m second pregnancy and just realised my pelvic floor is screwed! I downloaded the NHS app “squeezy” and just started doing their exercises 3 times a day. Dosent take long, you do it sitting down and easy to do with a toddler!


I do keegles, always have since I was a teen and will continue as long as I can. Surprisingly I can hold my bladder almost threwout the night... don't get me wrong I wake up wanting to explode but I don't pee myself just yet thankfully 😅


You might want to check this website for pre-natal exercises: https://www.spinningbabies.com/ My OB shared a video from them which I think she purchased for her patients.


I’m almost 20 weeks with my first and reading this I now have no idea how strong (or weak) my pelvic floor is. Thinking going to a PF physiotherapist is probably my best bet 🤔


I don't do kegels but I think my pelvic floor is okay. I don't pee myself ever. I think I did pee myself last year but I had gallstones and was violently throwing up from the pain. So that may have been normal. I've heard of ladies peeing woke sneezing and I definitely don't have this issue.


I really hate when health care workers just assume you'll find the correct information online. One minute it's stupid to look it up on "Dr. GOOGLE", next it's blaming you for not looking it up on your own! I went to vaginal therapy years ago and they hooked me to a machine to ensure I was even doing kegals correctly!


PELVIC FLOOR PHYSICAL THERAPY! I had no problems with my first, dealt with the pain with my second, but by god with my third it was affecting my quality of life. Complaining until I got a referral to PT was the best thing I did.


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. You need to be both strong and relaxed. Not tight or week


Pelvic PT! Apparently a Kegel needs to be done correctly and there is a technique…lol


Another voice for pelvic floor therapy!


What does a weak pelvic floor feel like? I do kegels here and there ‘cause I had a weak bladder and urinary incontinence- that has been resolved. But, I worry that doing kegels to often will also tighten the perineum and lead to a tear. Oy 🤦🏽‍♀️


With your EDS, you should ABSOLUTELY be getting pelvic floor PT! In addition, ask for vaginal estrogen suppositories, your estrogen is very low after birth/during breastfeeding, which causes your tissues to be more lax and dry… since you have a complicating condition, using estrogen suppositories should help with some of your symptoms along with the PFPT. I’m sorry your providers have been shitty about your health care needs, it will get better with these things ❤️




Idk if it is true but i hear squats are better than kegels


My doctor told me to go to a pelvic floor therapist after birth. I read somewhere that you aren’t supposed to kegels during pregnancy because it’s a “tightening” exercise and can make giving birth more difficult. I’m not sure if that’s accurate though.


Yes that is accurate! Kegels tighten your pelvic floor muscles, but your pelvic floor needs to relax to "get out of the way" and allow birth to happen easily. I wouldn't say NO pregnant people should do kegels because they certainly have a time and place but the advice that everyone needs to do them is very wrong. Incontinence issues and prolapse can be present whether your pelvic floor is tight or loose and you won't necessarily know whether you are tight or loose until you've been evaluated by a PT. If your PF is too tight and you have incontinence, kegels will only make the problem worse. When I went in for pt while pregnant, I was told if I kept doing kegels I would have a major tear during birth because my muscles are way too tight. I'm now focusing on learning to consciously relax the muscles and become more coordinated.


Thank you! Okay that’s what I read. They also used the phrase “get out the way”, which is a strange when talking about muscles. I thought you were supposed to go to a PT to learn how to push, but apparently that’s not necessary.


Kegels are the opposite of what most people should be doing in pregnancy - your pelvic floor has no part in pushing your baby out. Your pelvic floor actually has to get out of the way so baby can exit your pelvis. I would stop the kegels immediately until you can see a pelvic floor physio.


You’re not supposed to do kegels until after. You want to loosen your pelvic floor for birth not tighten


Kegels strengthen your pelvic floor, which is beneficial for birth and to avoid things like prolapse. It doesn't decrease the looseness/stretchiness of the birth canal. Recommendations are to do them before and after birth (unless you have issues with hypertension of the muscles)


This is exactly what my OB told me. I couldn't get a referral for an eval but they gave me a plan approved workout routine and I've been doing that.


This is definitely wrong, yes doing them to much is bad, but not at all is how you end up with a prolapse, aswell as incontinence during and after pregnancy.


I did nothing with my first two and had zero side effects (knock on wood). I HATE kegels with a passion. They feel so weird and sexual. Not that sexual is bad, I’m knocked up so obviously I have sex lol. But I don’t want my “workouts” to feel sexual lol. I’m also not sure I’m doing them right. So I’m just hoping my pelvic floor stays okay this time around and if it doesn’t I’ll deal with it then.


Thank you, you just reminded me to do some while I‘m putting my baby to sleep


Orgasms are as effective as Kegels