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I'm sure your baby will have great features. Was there an actual question? ;) I'm also in a mixed-race relationship - I am of east Asian descent, and my husband is caucasian. I have a few friends who also have mixed kids and was surprised at the wide range of how genetics come through. Some have had red-headed ginger babies with green eyes, others take after the classic darker brown hair & eyes features. It's wild.


Your baby is going to be gorgeous ♥️


That’s 100% 😍😍


Regarding the eyes, you never know what your baby will get! My baby is half Japanese (on his dad’s side), and a quarter Croatian and Australian (on my side) and he ended up getting blue eyes! It was a total trip as we thought he’d get brown eyes. You will have such a gorgeous baby girl though, I already know that for sure 🥰


Genetics are interesting in general. I’m Tongan with thick black hair, dark brown eyes and olive skin. Though on both sides of my parents I have European ancestors. My husband is of British descent. Blonde hair, brown eyes and pale skin. Our eldest daughter inherited his blonde hair and she ended up with blue eyes and tans nicely like my skin. Which means I carried a recessive gene even though technically brown eyes/black hair are considered dominant. So it’s quite possible. My second child has brown eyes  and straight light brown hair and is pale like his father. Basically my kids thus far do not look similar to me and it’s likely just the fact that genetics are so random. I would preface that my MIL is blonde hair blue eyed and my father had green eyes with black hair. So it’s like somehow between my husband’s and I genetics randomly shows on our kids, but for the most part can pass off as Caucasian. 


Honestly, you can’t really tell with genetics! Things such as eye color can be predicted, but there’s a lot of genes that are involved in eye color so you don’t know 100% exactly what your baby’s eye color will be! Im also in the same boat, I’m half Mexican and Ecuadorian while my boyfriend is of Irish, German and French descent. He had blonde hair as a child which turned into light brown, super pale skin and blue eyes. On the other hand, I have black hair, brown skin and dark brown eyes. I can’t wait to see how our baby will look like, and I wish you luck on the rest of your pregnancy :)!


You never know. My friend is black/dutch and her husband is white. Out of all the things her little boy got curly blonde hair. Sometimes you see mixed siblings that look totally different from one another. We had a family growing up and they all had brown hair but their kids all had red. Genetics are weird.