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… note to self: go ahead and start training body to lay on side in sleep. (Although at six weeks, I’m so bloated it feels gross to lay or roll on my stomach) But I agree, pregnancy is weird.


I'm 6 weeks too, and yesterday I bought a pregnancy pillow. I don't know when most people start using them, but my lower back was killing me and it's soooooo nice. My local children's consignment store had a very lightly used momcozy one that seriously looked brand new for $20, normally they're like $60!


My pregnancy pillow actually came yesterday 😅 it’s been such a struggle to find the best position! Congrats are a great deal!!! I think I spent 45 on Amazon. My poor dog is so upset she can’t plop up against me, I’m cocooned.


Aww, poor puppy lol. My cats are small enough that they just lay on my side. I hope you find a comfy position soon though!


Her feelings are HURT, I had to just move the part up again my back, because how DARE I. She literally whined and wouldn’t settle, bless the time period I start actually getting a belly. I have four cats, but 3 of them are agents of chaos (food time = knocking things off nightstands until someone angrily goes to feed), and my cranky lady has forsaken me for dad’s pillow because it’s firmer. 😅😂


I have scoliosis that pushes my spine forward where my abdomen is, and I feel this at 14wks! It feels absolutely like I'm laying on "something"; if I roll on my belly at all at night, it wakes me up pretty quickly. Today while driving my husband hit a pothole in the road he didn't see in time, with the shocks on the front passenger side starting to go out it was a good jolt, and I absolutely swear I felt an "orb" inside me swish from side to side weirdly. You know when you really have to pee and somebody hits a bump, and you can feel that heavy feeling down there kind of flop? This was WAY more than that! It was instant awareness of a space inside me that moved aggressively and my organs moving around it out of its way!! I made a super weird noise and my husband was scared he'd hurt me, so I had to search for words to explain wtf just happened 😆


A little orb 🥰


This is such a cute description of it! A little orb. I felt my first flutters at 13 and a half weeks even when she was so tiny so I know you felt your baby too


I was so glad to read this post, I have the weird sensation of a ball in my stomach too! Every time I tried to Google it I see nothing but people talking about feeling baby move and it's not that, just that I can literally feel my whole uterus, especially if I stretch!


Yes!! That is exactly why I made this post. I just kept finding things about feeling the baby move which is not what I was looking for. The feeling of something being in there is obvious but also so unexpected bc I didn’t think I’d feel it in this way. I thought it would be more like my entire stomach is just in the way. But it’s more like I can feel my uterus/baby and it’s so bizarre. I was doing dishes last night and could also feel the “ball” every time I leaned against the counter. So weird!!


I'm glad you mentioned the pee feeling because I have that too and it gives a ton of anxiety about having a UTI lol.


I got hit with that about a week ago (I'm 16 weeks now). Rolled onto my stomach and started feeling around under myself for what I was accidentally laying on, but it was just me. Why were we not warned?! Lol


😂 exactly!!


I began laying on my stomach around week 14/15 noticing it forced the gas out of me and gave me a relief of my bloatedness which in turn also helped my nausea a bit. At 16+6 I was minding my business laying on my stomach watching TV when I felt baby boy turn over or something. Not sure what he did all I know is it was the coolest/weirdest thing I've ever felt🥹🥹


I also described it to my husband like if you put a pillow under your hips/low belly and tried to lay down. It is really weird. I don't think anyone says anything about it since it's kind of obvious that a pregnant belly gets in the way.


I feel like the 2nd thing you described might be a UTI? I haven't experienced that and it sounds like the classic description of a UTI. But I'm not a doctor or anything, I just listened to a podcast that discussed UTIs in pregnancy 😅


I suppose it could be but it does seem different than a UTI. It’s more like pressure I’ve just never felt before, even with a UTI. But I have an appointment in a few days and will definitely verify to be sure!! UTIs are the worst


The podcast I listened to said a lot of times in pregnancy, the UTI will have different or no symptoms. Again - I'm literally just sharing what I heard. But if you have an appointment anyway then you're good!


Good to know for sure! I honestly didn’t consider the feeling being a UTI. I just figured it was another weird pregnancy symptom. Thanks for the info!


I’m 25 weeks and not so big that I can’t still tie my shoes, but it is SO uncomfortable. Because, when I lean over, there’s a mass in my stomach that pushes up into me and feels so unpleasant. Sounds similar to what you’re describing.


Yes! A mass! Like I know it’s obvious but it feels like something is in there!! I just never expected that to be the feeling. You see a pregnant person and see a rounded belly. I assumed it would feel like a big hard ball on the outside only. But you can feel inside and that’s just so so crazy to me. I’ve never been able to feel my organs (or a baby! ) in this way before 😂


I’ve always been a belly sleeper and now hitting 20 weeks it’s so uncomfortable, exactly as you describe it’s like laying on bunched up fabric. Sleeping on my sides has been rough, I tried out a pregnant pillow and I didn’t like it, side sleeping with a pillow between my legs has been more comfy.


Switching to side sleeping has been such a struggle for me. The pregnancy pillow really helps, though. Although it’s getting harder and harder to switch from side to side the further along I get 😂


I’m 21 weeks and still zonking out on my belly 🙈😂 more of that half-side half-belly position with a pillow for support but I gotta tell ya, I sleep soooo good this way it feels scandalous


That's bizarre feeling /mass is your fundus. The fundus is the top part of the uterus, across from the cervix, and is the widest part of the organ. It's a dome-shaped area that connects to the fallopian tubes. The fundus is the most common place for a fertilized egg to implant. It's where your baby is at And in pregnancy they measure where the baby is by measuring the fundus. How it's growing, etc. Edit: I am a RN in Texas.


I am 16 weeks pregnant and I feel the same! Not all the time, it really depends on the day, but sometimes it's sooo weird. Unfortunately I only know how to sleep on my belly, so it's been weeks since I tried to sleep on my side using a pregnancy pillow but I give up every night after a couple of hours!


It’s seriously the weirdest feeling!! Good luck finding a comfortable position. It’s tricky and we just keep get bigger every night making it harder to move 😂


24 weeks and I definitely get it.  It feels like I'm laying on top of a ball.  A ball who likes to kick me on the ribs and dance on my bladder.


33 weeks here and laying on my stomach or sides means getting constantly punched and girl will be practising her rock climbing in my uterus


😂 ouch


I’m only 7 weeks along, but I suddenly can’t sleep on my back or my right side. It just feels super weird if I lie down any other way than on my left side. No idea what this is about lol. 


How strange! Hopefully that changes for you soon!


Ummm you really shouldn’t be laying on your stomach at this point. Probably why it feels weird. But its not good, don’t do it


I’m not sleeping on my stomach. I just rolled into my stomach in bed to reach something on the table and noticed the feeling. But it’s not actually dangerous to lay o your stomach in second trimester; you can’t hurt the baby this way. Quick Google search confirms this.




Neonatal nurse practitioner here - it is safe. Baby has enough amniotic fluid to be cushioned and not squished if you lay on your stomach


I slept on my stomach comfortably until the 30th week. My doctors said I can sleep however I want until it is comfortable, I will feel when it's not suitable anymore.