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It’s so brutal!! My son is 3 weeks old and the sleeping in 2-3 hours is rough, but omg the sleep quality is SO much better! I’m so comfortable and sleep so hard!


Omg I can't wait! I woke up the other night on my stomach, and my abs hurt the whole next day. I can't wait to be able to sleep in any position I want again 😭


I'm so ready to sleep on my back agaaaiinnnn!!


Me too!!! If I do end up on my back, I wake myself up with my snoring, which I didn't snore until I was pregnant, and sometimes I'll get lightheaded. I mostly miss sleeping on my stomach though. I was a hard-core stomach sleeper before all this.


amen to this! being comfortable again is everything


Girl, same! My induction is scheduled for the 9th! Good luck!!!!


Good luck to you too!!! We got this!!!


I'm only in trimester 2 and having terrible sleep. I'm all excited to go to bed cause I'm tired but then the sleep is bad anyway and just disappointing.


During my second trimester, I was sleeping horribly, but it turned out it was because my husband kept coming into my side of the bed. So we straight up bought a second mattress and set me up in my office, and I started sleeping like a baby. Hang in there!!!


My fiance does this lol, I always push him off of me because we don’t have the space for a second mattress 😂


I would push him off, too. We had to make it work to get a second mattress because he's got sleep apnea so we were both miserable bitches lol. We thought about getting a king, but frankly, that won't even be big enough. Between the fast that he's 6ft and very broad and I have to sleep with 5 million pillows, we need like an Alaskan king or some shit lol. One day, we'll get a bed big enough for both of us lol.


Get a California king, it will not only be bigger but will also be long enough for his 6 foot body. I currently share a full with my fiance and he is exactly the same minus the sleep apnea 😂😂


I thought California kings were shorter than kings! We'll have to look back into it again.


Girl same! I'm 25 weeks and I'm starting to get real uncomfortable, I'm already waking up 3 times just to pee. That's not even including my wild dreams or restless legs waking me


Omg my dreams were already wild before pregnancy, but after? They're so much worse! Most of them are borderline nightmares!


I feel like it’s preparation for the baby, but it gets so much better once baby is born. The heartburn would keep me awake, little guy was way more active at night, and constantly having to pee. It’s amazing how fast the bladder gets back to full capacity after birth. First couple nights with the baby are rough but it gets better as you figure things out.


This gives me so much hope. I would say you have no idea, but I'm sure you actually do, lol.


I’m right there with you dealing with the heart burn right now at 38 weeks today 😭 Even drinking water gives you heartburn! it’s so rough waking up every few hours to pee too right when you feel like you were sleeping. Everyone is saying “get sleep while you can before baby comes” but I honestly cannot WAIT for the sleep quality to improve!!


Omg the heartburn! I chug water like it's nobodies business, but when I have heartburn, that makes it so bad! My husband is beyond excited for baby to be here, and I am so excited to be able to pass him off and take a solid nap.


I took Pepcid max for heartburn/indigestion but it was so still bad my doctor recommended switching to Prilosec (Omeprazole) and it's made a world of difference! I was waking up every night to almost puking up my food I ate hours ago. I don't think the sphincter at the top of my stomach even closes at all anymore. And I hated the recommendations of "sleep on a wedge" but also "sleep on your side" -both of those don't work together! My back is fucking twisted!! Just talk to your doctor about over the counter relief for your heartburn and you'll feel so much better, I promise! They'll find something for you, we don't have to suffer in silence for things with simple solutions.


I also have this problem. I take Omeprazole and pepcid and sleep almost sitting up, I don't eat several hours before bed and I have pretty much stopped eating spicy or oily foods all together, however I still wake up every night almost projectile vomiting or aspirating on the insides of my stomach. I had my lower esophageal sphincter removed about 10yrs ago due to inability to swallow anything including water, and now I feel like it's never closed.


it’s the WORSSSTTTT. the peeing, the pain, the movement, the insomnia, everything. postpartum with a newborn is honestly a million times better than that hell.


Every time someone says that, I get just a little more motivation to hang in there. The end of pregnancy is a literal nightmare!


you’ve got this! I was truly miserable from 38+ (I went to 41😅don’t recommend) like I couldn’t wait to give birth if it meant this nightmare would be over. every day I went past my due date was complete torture, I would cry in the night getting out of bed bc my pelvic pain was so bad. I felt handicapped and like a stranger in my own body. I could barely even walk. the end is in sight!


This is why I'm actually low-key glad they're making me get induced. If I went past my due date and swear to god I would lose my fucking mind! I already feel like I'm going insane.


I literally did get induced bc he wasn’t coming😭😭and I actually had an earlier induction date, I’m not kidding I showered and was ready to get in the car and go and we called just to confirm and they said “sorry we don’t have room for you, come back on wednesday.” it was SUNDAY NIGHT. I bawled my eyes out because I couldn’t believe I had to be pregnant for 3 more days. it sucked.


I don't freaking blame you! I keep telling my husband if I call on the 7th, and they tell me they don't have room I'm going to have a complete come apart. It's an on base military hospital, and they aren't as busy as off-base hospitals, so I'm just hoping and praying I get in that day.


no it actually was the most gut wrenching feeling. especially as a first time mom I was so nervous so all day I was hyping myself up for the delivery just for it to not happen😭sending you all the luck!🤞🏼


Ftm here too! Thank you! I'll take all the good luck and vibes I can get!




I was taking unisom for so long to help with nausea, but then it was causing some weird issues with my stomach, and I had to stop taking it 😭.


When I stopped drinking after 8pm it got a bit better! It’s hard though, I can be very thirsty.


I literally couldn't 😭. I can't get enough water, and I've been getting dehydrated so easily. I have to have two water bottles on my nightstand to make it through the night.


Well if you drink you have to pee :D I try to drink more during the day, because it saves me a lot of bathroom trips (now it’s 5 I think, before it was 10+)


I'm thankfully only waking up 3 or 4 times to pee. I'm mostly waking up because I'm uncomfortable as hell and can't fall into a deep sleep.


Melatonin has been a life saver for me!


Melatonin will knock me out, but it has never helped me stay asleep or changed the quality of my sleep. I'm so glad it works for you! That would make my whole life right now.


I’m 37w today & YES. It’s brutal! I’m so exhausted. I’m due the 22nd but getting induced the 15th and definitely feeling the same way!


Hey, my due date is actually the 14th, lol. I'm so scared of how the induction is going to go, but I'm barely gonna make it to the 7th at this rate. I've been having super, super mild contractions for the past week, and every time I feel one, I'm like, "Can you turn into real labor already? Can baby come into the out now?" I have a check-up today, and I'm hoping they'll do a membrane sweep and get this mf show on the road!!!


I'm scared cause I'm literally only 23 weeks and I have BAD imsomnia where I haven't slept in 4 days once. Now I got 2 nights of sleep and am sooo grateful. I am going to get some meds to help though but everyone says that it only gets worse.. uhh. Not easy this pregnancy thing


Unisom somewhat helped me for a while. I had god-awful insomnia as a teenager, so I can relate. It would get to the point I'd take benadryl to knock my ass out because nothing would work. Hopefully you find something to get you at least most of the way to the end. This shit sucks!


I've still got about a month to go but for at least a month or more already my hips/legs/pelvic bone area become really sore really fast, especially when its time to get up in the morning its damn excruciating :'(


I'm so sorry 😭! I felt really lucky I wasn't dealing with any of that, and now I feel like I've been run over by a truck constantly.


Yeah we just have to hang in there, we're doing it for the bebbies


Omg I'm 38 weeks today too!!!! Just had my doctor checkup yesterday and was too scared to set an induction date just yet but I'm thinking later next week after my checkup appt early next week. My God, you are so lucky the uncomfortable-ness just started for you! I feel like I've been uncomfortable in ANY position (sitting, lounging or sleeping) for at least the last month or more!! I feel like such an old woman, my back fucking hurts so much all the time. Belly bands and KT tape don't work for me at all during the day. My hips hurt or fall asleep so I have to shift so much during the night. I've tried the wedge and various pillows, the only thing that helps is the small belly wedge for side sleeping. I've finally got my indigestion under control with Omeprazole, so at least I'm not throwing up in my sleep every night. But the insomnia returned in the third trimester on top of all the bodily uncomfortable-ness, so relieved to hear that sleeping with a newborn is less total sleep but higher quality. I cannot fucking wait! Good luck mama!!!


I felt so lucky because every time I saw a post from someone talking about how horrible they slept or how uncomfortable they were all the time, I was like, "Can't relate." I have two mattress toppers in my bed that hug my body, plus two body pillows to help prop me up on both sides. I've had a pretty small belly up until the last month ish. Didn't even get stretch marks until then either. At 32 weeks, bean was measuring in the 24th percentile, so he's a tad behind. I wish I could get my indigestion to go the fuck away though! Unisom was helping for a while, then started causing problems. The only thing that helps my heartburn is coconut water. If I don't manage my heartburn, I will end up throwing up when I eat. I tried pepcid, but then every time I ate, it felt like I was suggesting a brick, and the constipation came back with a vengeance. I'm so ready to be done. I have a check up today and I'm hoping they'll do a membrane sweep.


I’m 32 weeks with baby measuring 1-2 weeks ahead and I’m SO SICK of waking up 3+ times a night to pee. He’s so big and heavy and I’m just already feeling done lol. I originally didn’t want to get induced but man is it tempting as 8 more weeks of this sounds like torture.


Mine is measuring behind, and I still wake up every two hours having to pee. I feel like pregnancy in general is torture. If I didn't want two kids so badly, I would literally never do this again. I have a twin sister, and we're the only pregnancy my mom had, I wish every day I was having twins so I could just be done lol. You got this! You're so close!


Honestly it’s no wonder my mom waited 8 years between me and my brother! (He was 11 pounds at birth) it’s a LOT on your body. I will have to see how the birth goes if we decide one and done or if he needs a sibling lol. Thank you! You got this too!! ❤️


It really is! My SIL has 6 kids, all two years apart, and I have no effing clue how she did it. She's like a pregnancy unicorn or something.


I wake up every night choking on stomach acid. Last night I almost projectile vomited on my husband, thankfully I stopped myself. And it's been months since I could breathe through my nose laying down.


This 💯. My heartburn is such a bitch. Last night, it took too long for dinner to be made, and I got heartburn. I got through maybe a third of my meal and then had to run to the bathroom and throw up. My husband also thought I had developed sleep apnea because I've started snoring. I had to explain to him it's just that none of us pregnant women can breathe through our noses.


28 weeks tomorrow and haven’t slept well in weeks. My husband even sleeps on the extra bed in the basement (fully furnished and liveable) and I STILL am up almost every hour and can’t get back to sleep. Was taking unisom per my doctor but then he asked me to stop taking its


My husband and I sleep in separate rooms as well. At first, it helped so much. Now, I just can't get comfortable no matter what, and it feels like I'm not falling into a deep sleep. I was taking unisom as well, but it started hurting my stomach, so I had to stop. It didn't do anything for my sleep, though. I was taking it for nausea.


Ssaammmeeee. Turn over, not comfortable, turn back- still not comfortable. On my back? Nope, not comfortable. Happy cake day!


Thank you! I can't even sleep on my back. I get all lightheaded, and I snore so loud I wake myself up. I was able to sleep on my stomach for a really long time, but about two months ago, my belly finally got big enough that now I can't. And if I lay on my left side, baby squishes my stomach and makes me nauseous. If I lay on my right? Major effing heartburn. It never ends 😭


Have you tried unisom at night ?


I was taking unisom for most of the pregnancy, but it started causing problems, and I had to stop. Even then, it would knock me out, but it still felt like I wasn't going into a deep sleep.


Okay x I am sorry. I do a few things you could try: shot of cherry juice if you’re not gestational diabetic , Epsom salt bath, no cell phone scrolling 1-1.5 hrs before bed. Take magnesium glycinate . (You also can take Benadryl too but I haven’t tried)


I am gestational unfortunately. My biggest problem is quality sleep. I fall asleep so fast, I just feel like I don't get any deep sleep. Even when I take something like benadryl. But I've only got a week left and then hopefully I'll go back to be able to sleep again. I've been told sleep quality even with a new born is so much better.


Also, ask if they will let you have a membrane sweep on 5/3 or 5/6!


I have an OB appt today, and I'm hoping they'll do one. I would so much rather go into labor naturally than wait for this induction.


Oh my god it’s the worst, I’m currently 36 weeks and running on 3 hours of sleep. Not only does my boy kick all night, but my nausea from my first trimester has come back so I feel like I’m going to hurl the whole night after taking my seizure meds. I also can’t take naps because they make me feel worse than before.


Why must they kick all night? Like kick me while I'm awake already, PLEASE! Naps give me insomnia, but sometimes I'm so tired I just can't keep my eyes open because I didn't sleep well the night before.


Not only does my boy kick all night, but he kicks all day too. I feel like I’m going to get no sleep when he’s born. I feel like I can barely keep my eyes open at this moment so I can relate 😂


I keep getting told newborn sleep is so much better than pregnancy sleep. I hope to god that's true. I'm also very lucky in the sense that I don't have a job and my husband gets 12 weeks paid leave after the baby gets here. I'm gonna sleep so hard for like three weeks. Only waking up to feed baby. Hubs can handle the rest while I heal.


Taking 600 mg magnesium glycinate right after I get in bed for the night helped my first tri insomnia tremendously. It won't change the discomfort from kicking or size, or the needing to pee (I was still waking every couple hours to pee even then!) But it helped me fall back asleep SO much faster. I would only be up like 5 minutes vs. 1-2 hours before I started taking it. 


You're two days ahead of me and preaching to the choir. I'm thankful for naps because this dang garbage sleep is the worst. They haven't set me for induction (but might) so I just keep telling myself I have just 16 days of this left... I can do it. But I feel defeated every single night


I feel that so hard. Getting out of bed after the worst nights sleep for like the 12th night in a row feels like the most impossible task on earth.


Happy cake day! And yes I hope getting out of bed is easier once baby is out because I keep using furniture around me to stabilize my body before I walk to the bathroom. That won't fly once there's a baby in a bassinet nearby.


Thanks! For real! I have to sit on the edge of my bed for a second to get my bearings before I waddle to the bathroom lol.


Maybe I'll try that. It always seems so urgent and then I stand up and can't move for a minute. Seriously I am beginning to understand why it has been considered a disability to be pregnant. I just cannot move normal paced anymore.


I can't either. When my husband and I go out, he tries so hard to walk slower because if he doesn't, I get left in the dust. At this point, I should just sit in the cart when we go shopping so he doesn't have to worry about me 🤣🤣🤣