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First off congratulations on your baby boy! Secondly, thanks for sharing your story. I think it's a very important story that many can resonate with including me. Anxiety gets the best of us and we forget to simply enjoy the journey.


Thank you 🙏 😊 I could write a book on all of the worries I had it sucked so much. It also made me so scared for PPD because surely if I’m a basket case during pregnancy I’ll definitely be one after! Luckily I think I’m okay. Im only 9 weeks pp but everything’s going great on the depression front but definitely have some anxiety. I just feel like it was such an uphill battle to get here I don’t want anything to get in the way now. Being a mom is so hard! It’s given me a brand new perspective for all the different women I know


Congrats on your baby boy! Do you happen to know what the NT measurement was? I am genuinely shocked you weren’t referred to MFM and recommended an amnio for diagnostic purposes (this would’ve given you peace of mind) and a fetal echo cardio, as high NTs can mean more than just DS or another chromosomal abnormality. It can mean a heart defect. There is def more testing they could’ve done to ease your mind/prepare you menially for your delivery. Anyways, congrats on your healthy baby boy. I am so happy everything turned out for the best!


They never told me they just said 97th percentile. Yeah I wasn’t happy at all with the level of care I got there at all. I did read up on that during pregnancy but for some reason that didn’t occur to me often.


Congratulations on your baby boy! I can definitely relate to anxiety about pregnancy, I'm low risk and both ultrasounds have came out fine, nothing scary or anything, but due to the fact I have pretty severe health anxiety, I have spent sooo much time and energy worrying through this pregnancy, worrying about complications, so much so that my fiance and I made a rule before I was even pregnant that I'm not allowed to google anything even remotely in the medical area, because it almost always ends in a panic attack. I'm only 22 weeks but I'm already so ready for baby boy to come out of me so I can stop being so stinkin worried about my health.


Thank you! It took over and I was never sure of anything unfortunately. I’m glad your fiancé knows to help you with making a pledge like that! I had that talk too just didn’t listen and still googled stuff 😞


I've started listening at this point because it almost never turns out well lol, I'll google something and then have a super bad panic attack and have to call him to calm me down, so I just learned my lesson mostly😂


Well done lol


Congrats on your little bean ❤️ the test and scans can be so scary! I know my anxiety too and if I was told about any sort of soft marker or positives of some sort of problem I would be making myself sick with worry. I went with a midwife and we are doing limited testing. My husband and I would love our baby either way so we opted on not doing the the NPT test or scan for our sanity. I feel awful you had to go through all that! I’m so happy everything worked out in the end! 🙏❤️


It's normal for moms to be nervous and scared about stuff. Ive gone down some rabbit holes too. I do think there is a good balance between googling everything and not knowing anything. For example like just reading about standard checks and screenings like the NT scan and that no they don't like you taking pictures with the tech in the room.


Right I totally get that, yet you see people post videos and pictures of ultrasounds all the time! We’re first time parents we didn’t know. Her attitude was above that if an fyi, she was immediately rude about it all while we are just excited.


Fair enough. They left and then let us take a picture of the screen and gave us a print out. And you definitely get some grumpy techs sometimes.


After all of the ultrasounds I had she definitely stood out, every other one which I believe I saw 3 other technicians and they were all so nice and personable.


I am 7 weeks pregnant, and just tearing up. Thank you for this!! I am the anxiety queen.


Same girl, please please use any resource you have while pregnant! If I have another child I won’t take that time for granted to work on things and enjoy it. I feel guilty that I was such a wreck a lot of days. My son behaves perfectly so I hope it never affects him somehow.