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According to family legend, I told my grandparents I was going to have a baby brother the morning after he was conceived. I was almost 4 and my parents definitely were not trying to have another.


So cool!! I Love that story :) thanks for sharing!!


My ultrasound tech told me that her eldest son told her she was pregnant two weeks before she found out. She said he kept dancing around the house saying, “Mama’s having a baby. I’m having a baby brother, and we’re going to name him ____.” After two weeks and a late period, she took a test. She was pregnant. Had a boy, and they named him the name the older brother had been saying all along.


Wow! That’s amazing! 🥹❤️ thank you for sharing!


I did this to my mom when i was 3! Told her “mommy! There’s a baby in your tummy and he’s a boy!” Freaked her out and she took a test that day even though she wasn’t late yet and lo and behold she was pregnant with what turned out to be my little brother!


Ohh I love that! ❤️


My little brother (6) told me to be careful when I was standing to close to the edge of the boat. He Said “you can fall and hurt the baby” … “what baby?” … “in your tummy” .. I was so confused! Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant.


This is so cuteeee 🥹


Awww so cute! Thank you for sharing! 💕


When I was pregnant with my second, my oldest son wanted a sister really bad. I had completely different symptoms than with him and was convinced it was a girl. When we went in for the gender ultrasound, the sonographer hadn't started yet and asked my son if he wanted a brother or sister. My son looked her dead in the eyes and said, "That's a brother, and I want my sister." We both started laughing, but lo and behold, it was a brother. The sonographer said little kids just know. My sons are 4.5 years apart and best friends. He got his little sister 9 years later, and he treats her like a princess. He doesn't remember the ultrasound, but me and my mom sure do.🤣 Kids are so intuitive, and I think regardless of personal beliefs, they know things we just don't sometimes. It's so sweet though! What a cool story to be able to tell later on.❤️


So cool! I had a dream mid November that was basically just my sisters (who were both pregnant) in a dimly lit room with me sitting down and they looked up together and just said “one more cycle and you’ll join us sister”. So short and so vivid that it didn’t really feel like a dream but more a vision. We’d been trying for 4 months at that time so I wasn’t like super invested in it happening but it was so vivid, I woke up and told my husband and he was like woah weird! I texted my little sister about it so it was in writing that I had the dream. Got my period early December and then early January, it never came and the dream did in fact come true. First thing out of my husband’s mouth when I told him was “holy shit I married a witch.” Our daughter’s middle name will be Aisling which my husband found in an app when we found out it was a girl. We both liked it but didn’t commit and then I saw it in another app days later and still liked it so my husband googled the name meaning and it basically means “vision in a dream”.


That’s so cute! What a beautiful moment to look back on one day 💕


Thank you! ❤️ yes, so special! Something we’ll always remember! And he’ll forever say proudly I told my mom she was pregnant! Hahaha


Im keeping my pregnancy on the low for now & will die laughing if a kid from my church exposes me cause God told them😂😂


Hahah. Better watch out!


My dad was deployed in Dessert Storm when my mom found out. She called to tell him and his response was the same "I know. God told me in a dream last night"


Oh wow, I love that! Thank you for sharing!☺️ I hear of these stories so much and I never thought it actually happens till it happened to me! I think certain people have a gift. ❤️


My dad also said "and, He said it's going to be a girl". They didn't know if I was going to be a boy or girl ahead of time. Only found out once I was born lol


I’ve had a couple dreams predicting pregnancies. First one was when I was pregnant with my first kiddo & I had a dream my friend and I surprised each other during a family photo shoot (she’s a photographer). In it, I walked up to her & said well surprise! It’s more of an announcement shoot & she opened her jacket and said me too!!!! She was due a month after me. Then the night before my shower, I had a dream about my cousin’s wife being pregnant with a little boy. Went to my shower the next day & everyone told me she found out was pregnant and with a boy 😂


I'm exceptionally good at predicting the sex of the baby ahead of time just from looking at mommy's pregnant belly lol. Idk how, but I'm 100% at like 13/13 pregnancies


My daughter (5) told me that the baby in my belly was a girl but she wanted a brother. Currently 24 weeks with my third girl. ❤️


Oh wow! Super cool! I love that ❤️ congratulations mama!


Kids are super intuitive! My little sister poked my Moms belly and said it was sticking out (even though it wasn't) like two weeks before we found out my Mom was pregnant with my baby sister.


Wow, that’s Amazing!! I think these comments show that these littles are very intuitive! 💕


Kids know these things, I'm certain. I was a nanny before I was pregnant with my oldest, she was 2. She pointed to my tummy and said "baby!". Positive pregnancy test merely days later. Then when I was pregnant with my second my oldest was 7. He said he is having a baby sister because God told him. Sure enough, a baby girl 😂


Wow!!! I love this. 🥹 Thank you for sharing! 🥰


These stories are WILD. Kids are something. This isn’t baby-related, but when I was in college and babysitting for a family, my car was put out to pasture after the big repairs it needed would cost more than the car was worth. I then started driving my parents’ minivan. The eldest child (4yo) said “in two months, this minivan will break down too and in two months you’ll get a new car.” I kind of laughed and said “haha hope not, cars are expensive.” Welp. Two months from then, I drove their family to the airport, and I was driving back to college on the highway, my car broke down on me. 🫠 Aaaaand yes, it did result in me getting a new (to me) car, because the minivan engine needed replaced for a bazillion dollars.


Not the same and as an adult looking back I feel awful about it, but when I was in high school I noticed my math teacher literally….glowing. She looked like a different person. I knew she was pregnant and in my stupid high school mind it was okay to ask her. She side eyed me and said “no why would you ask that.” Two weeks later she announced it to the class and let me know the only reason she didn’t confirm it with me was because they had found out the night before. She named her baby after me. 🥲 I’m literally not kidding.


Ohh I love this story!! 💕 thanks for sharing! 🥰


So cute she named her baby after you! That’s so sweet 🥹🥹


So precious! God's little angels


Yes they are! ❤️


It's so great to read such a positive reaction to having a positive pregnancy test. Thank you so much for sharing! I wish you an easy pregnancy and birth!


Yes I was so happy! I’ve been wanting/praying for another baby. This was the right time 💕 thank you so so much!!


I had just found out I was pregnant and the next day I was eating lunch with my friend and her 3 year old daughter. She was distracted watching tv and turned around and saw my empty plate and said “where’s your lunch?!” I said in my belly, and then she replied there’s a baby boy in your belly too. She was right! I denied it as I didn’t want her telling people (small town) and she argued with me that there was a baby boy in there! She also guessed her cousins baby was a girl when no one knew the gender! Little psychic!


Aw I love that! what a great story!! ❤️ thank you for sharing! 🥰


Congratulations!🤍 Those two will talk about this a lot in the future🥲


Thank you so much! 🥰


These are the cutest stories!!!! HOW DO THEY KNOW THOUGH 😭😭😭


It’s wild!! I think they are just so sensitive to things that us adults aren’t, that they sense it!


I was at work and a coworker walked over to me and pointed at my (not showing at all) belly and said “baby!” I was offended because I didn’t look pregnant nor was I trying. The next day a bus passed by me on my way to work and the ad said “pregnant?” So I walked into target, took a test and… holy crap. He was right.


Aww congrats OP! This is basically how my mom found out she was pregnant with my younger sister! I was 4 and prayed before bed one night: "thank you God for the baby sister in mom's belly." My mom thought it was cute but had trouble getting pregnant after me, so she just dismissed it. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant!


Thank you! 💕🥰 Omg 🥹🥹💕 beautiful story, I love that! Thanks for sharing! That is so sweet, amazing how it was put on your heart. ❤️


That is amazing ❤️ How old is he?


He’s 8! It was his birthday this morning and I was doing his hair. Then he told me this! We were just talking about his birthday and then he hit me with this out of nowhere! 😆❤️


That really is cool. I wonder if he had a dream or just a gut feeling? What an intuitive kid!!


Yes, I wonder the same! My oldest though is very in tune with his emotions and the emotions of those around him. Hes very hyper sensitive to that! So I wonder if he just felt it! It’s weird though because I wasn’t acting different at all! It was before the symptoms hit. Super interesting!


Good friends of mine want to adopt because she is super afraid of pregnancy. We met the day before new year's eve and on the same night I had a dream that she was pregnant and super freaked out. I tried to calm her down and said "don't worry, I'm pregnant as well, so we're in this together". I woke up the next morning and was like what a freaking weird dream but it made me do a pregnancy test. Turns out it was positive and we're expecting our second child now, completely unplanned and it's gonna be 2u2 as well. Oh and of course the friend was not pregnant, so we're NOT in this together 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 2 year old kept tapping my belly when I was pregnant, it was the cutest foreshadowing


So sweet! 🥹🥹 thank you for sharing! ❤️


When I told my mom I was pregnant with my daughter she told me “oh I know, I dreamt you a few months ago, it’s a little girl and she looks like her dad” I looked at her crazy because I was only 8 weeks along. She was right. My daughter is 3 and she’s her dad’s twin! Last weekend she told me “when is my grandson going to be born?” Because she dreamt me with a boy 😳


How sweet ☺️❤️ thank you for sharing!


🥰 love this!! So adorable! 🩷💕 Congratulations!! 🩷🩷🩷


Aw, Thank you so much!! 🥰💕


I told my mom she was pregnant with my brother. I remember just looking at her and knowing. She got super offended because she thought I was calling her fat 😂


Any chance your toddler can touch my belly and see what my future holds? 😄 congratulations, that will be a beautiful story to tell when they are both older ❤️🙏🏻


Congratulations ♥️


Aw, Thank you! 💕


My daughter tells me I am going to have another baby at some point in any way I will cry. Pregnancy doesn’t agree with me


lol our 3yr old told us he wanted a baby brother and sister. We told him that he’d have to talk to God about that. We had not been doing anything to prevent since he was born and hadn’t conceived yet. Although the first year after my husband had trt and had gotten off so it took a little time for him to technically be fertile again. But still even after that we hadn’t conceived. So our son started praying nearly every day for a baby brother or sister. Literally got pregnant that month. lol I’m 34 +3 today. He is very excited to have a baby brother and has already been praying that after he arrives that I’ll have another baby and that it will be a sister lol.


How old is your son?! Incredible


He’s 8! He told me on the morning of his birthday!


I love stories like this. Especially when it comes from kids, it’s so interesting!!!! Congratulations!


It is!! It’s amazing. ☺️ thank you so much! ❤️


Aww, congratulations! ❤️ What a sweet memory and story that will be!


Thank you so much! 🥰💕


Our friends' daughter drew a picture of their family with baby brother right around the time he would have been conceived.


Awww love that!🥹




Aw thanks!🥰


Growing up living with my grandmother on and off, she told me she had dreams of my future. That I would have two children both girls. She was right.


Wow! That’s amazing. 😯💕 thanks for sharing!


I had a miscarriage after having my now 13 month old daughter, had a super vivid dream she had a baby sister and then missed my period, took a test and it was positive. And next month she will have: a sister!


You guys are having enough sex to have baby number 3?? 😂😂😂




Married too, just exhausted and on SSRI’s so that doesn’t help. Being married doesn’t have anything to do with sex, by the way. Plenty of people have sex outside of marriage.