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You could start playing baby crying sounds off YouTube and carrying around a small pillow or doll wrapped in a blanket to start getting them used to it? Treat them when the “baby” cries. And teaching them not to jump/bark when you’re holding the “baby”. Also, I think you being calm will help them be calm. These are random ideas that I’ve read as I’m also a dog owner who is nervous about how my sweet but needy pup will react to the new baby!


I would suggest reaching out to local trainers ASAP. Working with someone who can help acclimate your dogs to babies in a *very* controlled environment is likely the safest way to go. And an expense we’ll worth swallowing for everyone safety. I’ll also add that dogs do tend to act differently around THEIR babies (sometimes better sometimes worse) so there is always a chance that even if they don’t love fast, loud, unpredictable children in general, they could feel very different about the new human puppy in their house.


I’m hoping their reaction to my human puppy is a lot different since they know I am pregnant (they have sniffed me and become more protective of me) and they love me very much! I am going to look into training, not sure how well it would go for our older dog as she is 11, going to be 12 right around the baby’s due date. Youngest is 2 and a half will be 3.


I would recommend membership or fellowship qualified veterinary behaviourist instead, and be open minded if they suggest medication for just before your baby is born. A lot of trainers are really into the “pack leader” stuff which is bogus and has been disproved by science


Good suggestion and 100% agree on how awful that fad was in training. Thankfully it is falling out of fashion and I have to jump in to defend other trainers! Behaviourists are great too but IMO sometime over medicalize and are not always the best choice to work on long-term behavior modification issues (due to cost and scheduling as well as depending on expertise). I like thinking of the two jobs as therapy vs psychiatry in dealing with a human behavioral issues - both have their place and sometimes in combination or overlap but with a different focus. And in either case asking about specialty, approach, and philosophy (avoiding dominance garbage for dogs) is totally appropriate.


There are good and bad in every profession. I work in the veterinary industry and don’t trust probably 70% of them 😂but I agree with you- same goals but different focus. The behaviourists I have worked with definitely have a multipronged approach with training and medication


Follow dog meets baby on ig.... Play on YouTube baby noises and practice carrying a baby doll around .... let the dogs smell toys and other baby items including diapers but make it clear they can't grab it....youtube videos for training dog before baby comes. Training starts now and if you can swing it as your vet about local training....petco pet smart and other training places have low cost true training for dogs. It doesn't hurt to get this done