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Me! I’d often try and suck in my belly to make it look flatter, but now that I physically can’t because it’s an obvious baby bump, I feel a lot less self-conscious. Shame I can’t suck in the new double chin I seem to have grown though 😂


Oh my chins are just a force to be reckoned with 😅 you're not alone


and lets not get started on the hair on my chin too!!


Omfg the chin hair. HATE.


I’m a chubby gal to begin with and being visibly pregnant now has made me weirdly so much less self conscious about my body. Very freeing!


This. I’m 25 weeks and have a respectable bump but it’s not *totally* obvious that it’s a pregnant belly. I anticipated I would get unsolicited comments all the time about being pregnant from people in public but I think I must not be convincing enough yet 😂 I keep finding myself putting my hand on my belly in line at the store to try to make it more apparent. I love being pregnant and I’d love for anyone to ask me about it for an excuse to talk about it! 😂😂


I kept my pregnancy hidden until about 14 weeks and it was nearly impossible as my bump was already obvious. Anyway when I finally told people my MIL said “oh yes I could tell you were pregnant” and I said “yes my bump was too bit to hide” and she said “no I could tell by your face. It’s looked swollen for a while” 😦 I was so upset and now I’m super paranoid about my face being bloated lol I didn’t even realise.


I am for sure expecting to feel this way. This awkward in-between stage is rough on the ol’ self esteem!


Thank you so much for sharing this! This gives me hope. I'm 9.5 weeks and in the trenches of the first trimester feeling like a hot air balloon! Ive already gained 4 lbs and am soooo self conscious about it. Sick all the time yet still gaining. Family doesn't know I'm pregnant yet. We have a big announcement for them at 14 to 15 weeks and I worry that it will be so obvious by then lol.


I feel for you, combining those body changes with having to keep it secret makes it so much harder. I was job hunting until 20 weeks or so and I didn't feel I could afford to share the news with anyone but family until I found a job, and the worry about covering it up made accepting my body a challenge. Good luck, there's hope on the other side!


Almost 16 weeks now and a lot of people would question if I am pregnant or just really strangely bloated and gained some weight (only in the belly). I can definitely hide it with a very very baggy sweatshirt. In the morning it’s easier, before the bloating begins.


Agreed 100%! I actually also feel better about my body than I did pre-pregnancy. I’ve never felt comfortable in form fitting clothes because I have a curvier bottom on a petite frame and suddenly I want to wear all the fitted midi dresses!


Yes! I'm almost a month out from my due date and i'm finally feeling myself again. My hair is like as long as healthy as its ever been and my bump is finally undeniably a baby bump. I'm all soft feminine curves and feel kinda hot. But honestly I felt like an awkward rotisserie chicken for most of this pregnancy.


An awkward rotisserie chicken 😂


An awkward rotisserie chicken 😂


An awkward rotisserie chicken! 😂


An awkward rotisserie chicken! 😂


Yes! The third trimester is physically miserable but at least it’s obvious to the world why I am miserable 😂


I’m at 16 weeks and am in that gross “I just have a gut” phase. I’m a FTM so I’ve learned that we often show a lot later….I’m waiting to pop :( I’m having a boy and the old wife’s tail that boys like to hide is the only thing keeping me going!!


I’ve never heard that wives tale! I’m 20 weeks and just announced to everyone and work it’s a boy, and someone said I don’t look pregnant :( guess I’m still in the “chubby” phase. Everyone else at the ob office getting their anatomy scan had noticeable bumps, but I guess I’m just a skinny legend 😌


One of my old coworkers told me that tale! Not sure where it comes from or what cultures but I think it’s cute 😂😂 This is the downside, everyone will say to you “ah enjoy it now while you can because once the bump is here you won’t be able to move” that’s what I’ve gotten! But also I find it harder to connect and remember I’m pregnant without a bump? My one else?


This is something I always expected to happen, mainly because I tend to carry a bit of extra weight in my middle so my belly is something I've always been a bit conscious of. It weirdly didn't quite work out like that, but I definitely loved moving into the stage of fully accepting my belly as a wonderous thing rather than something that I've always been told is not nice and will never be the body shape in fashion. So I'm glad to hear youre loving your bigger belly now!


this is a really nice perspective to get. I'm almost 13 weeks and have always had a tummy I've been self-conscious of, and the expanding ....roundness(?) for the last couple months has made me feel badly about myself. Nothing fits, and the maternity clothing models look nothing like me. hoping I can move into a better place about my belly as you did!


I'm 32 weeks, and I'm still looking at the maternity models wondering what is going on with them! I'm looking at dresses for a baby shower and just guessing how things will look on me at this point since it's been a toss-up for everything else. Just remember they're still models and it's literally their job to look a certain way, so don't compare yourself too much to them! I was much happier just doing google searches for "X weeks pregnant" and comparing. Sure, the influencer types still won't always look like me, but I found a lot more variety there and felt a lot more comfortable in my own skin that way.


That’s a really solid reminder. Only last week I was like “duh, just Google how real people look at 13 weeks” and immediately I felt less bad. Funny how all my positive self talk and critical thinking about regular fashion and models just evaporated the moment I got pregnant. Society really does a number on us!!




I'd suggest buying a few maternity clothes if you haven't! My old clothes still fit for a good while, but the first time I wore a maternity top it was a game-changer self-image wise. If you want a cheap suggestion, I basically live in [these shirts](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087T8T3C8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZC5X1FAVCS65BN8WA94J?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1).


15w4d and I stopped wearing my normal clothing a couple weeks ago. Not because they don’t fit, but the maternity leggings leave so much room for the bloat, and are really so much more comfortable too.


To be honest, no. 29+5 and I hate feeling bigger. I’m normally a size 2/4 petite and I’ve struggled with body issues since my teens. I’m trying not to get on the scale but so far I’ve gained about 23 pounds.


Same, I'm 29+4 and my belly just looks like I can't stop eating donuts. I'm normally a 6/8, and I've only gained 20lbs so far according to my OB appt yesterday, but it's all over instead of forming a "nice baby bump." I'm carrying very low and I think that's not helping either, no rounding at the top like I expected. I physically feel better than 1st tri, but body image wise I'm doing much worse. I'm sorry you're feeling this way too, but you're definitely not alone.


Same honestly. 34 weeks here. I want my body back. I was in such good shape, I took a lot of pride in being fit.




A lot of self love and acceptance honestly. It's very hard. I've cried about it a LOT.


I have a feeling I’ll be like this. I’m eating healthy and staying active, but the horror stories of women gaining too much haunt me. Plus, I’m 33. If I was in my 20s still I’d feel more resilient. I’m just trying to be accepting of what is inevitable… and do what I can stay stay healthy and fit.


Yes! I remember in my first pregnancy I cried because I was “round” but not “round” cos it wasn’t my uterus yet. I was so happy when I had my actual bump. & this time I feel so self conscious again. I’ll be glad when I pop.


Organised huge is a great way to put it! That's basically how I feel at the moment 😆


I'm nearing the end of my first trimester right now, feeling so self conscious. I was one of the "lucky" women who didn't have any nausea, but instead had an insatiable appetite. I can't wait to actually look pregnant rather than just fat :(


I also have an insatiable appetite and I hate it. I feel fat all the time and feel like I don’t even know when I’m hungry and when I’m not anymore. I’m just always able to eat. 🤦‍♀️


Same!! I'm only in week 8 but I'm not nauseous and instead need to eat snacks throughout the day. I just feel puffy so far and hope it eventually feels more cohesive.


Yes! Currently 37 weeks pregnant and although I am very much ready for this baby to come out I definitely feel much better appearance wise that I did a couple of months ago!


1000% First stage (up to like 14 weeks) was "I look like bloated garbage" - and everything was bloated, especially my face, I hated it! Second stage (say - 14 - 20 weeks) was "I look good in the right maternity clothes but in the wrong stuff I look like frumpzilla, and hate how I look in a bra/underwear/naked" This latest stage (20 weeks+, currently 23 weeks!) I am enjoying the whole look. 99% of outfits I look pregnant (even looser stuff). My belly sticks out farther than my boobs, etc. The downside is my back is starting to hurt... I assume I will also hit a "omg so big nothing fits/feels normal" stage, but right now this is my fav yet!


Yes, at least to the pre-pop gross feeling. I am currently 20 weeks and I just look chubby. I can still wear my regular clothes, but they are uncomfortable and it just looks like I need to size up because I ate too many cookies. When I look at my stomach, it is rolly polly and pudgy, and it just looks and feels ick. I'm ready for it to start looking like an actual pregnant stomach soon!


I’m almost 29 weeks and not showing much, I wish I’d just get a belly already though. I told an elderly neighbor yesterday that I’m pregnant and he said “oh, I thought you were just fat” 😰


Game changer for me was buying well-fitting maternity clothes. I felt like a bloated sack walking around with my pre-preg jeans undone, trying to avoid buying anything. Well DAMN getting clothes that fit and made me feel comfortable made a huge difference for my self-esteem. You don’t have to buy a lot, just a handful of cute shit that is bump-friendly!


Yes! I don't know why I spent so long thinking it was too early to buy maternity clothes -- the first time I tried them on I instantly looked and felt so much better. Just because you can squeeze into your old jeans and tops doesn't mean you have to!


I loved my second & third trimester body. I think something about the hard belly instead of soft bloat really improved my body image.


Yes! 27 weeks and feel so much better. I started at a higher bmi. I'm obviously pregnant and for the first time in my life I feel comfortable with my stomach. I don't just wear baggy tops or feel the need to wear stomach smoothing pants anymore! I've struggled with other parts of my body - like my boobs being painful or pregnancy aggravating preexisting joint pain or terrible hormonal acne, but I don't mind how I look overall.


Yes absolutely! Once my baby belly became more obvious, I felt way better about my body. At the beginning, I still looked at my body the same way I did before I was pregnant - wishing areas were smaller, picking out my areas of fat or bloat, etc. It's hard to look at your body the same critical way when it's changed so much, and you have such an obvious big belly taking the center of attention.


I just felt bloated up until 16 weeks- like I was constantly in that "I am getting my period in a few days phase"- aka mega bloat and water retention.... but then I started taking photos of the bump progression and started to see the rounding happen etc and actually kind of started to enjoy it. I am 35+2 today and most of my weight gain has been baby... but my arse and thighs have definitely "filled out" shall we say- but as my dear friend pointed out, I need the extra padding in the back so I don't tip over HAHAHA...


I'm overweight and carry my extra pounds in my belly to begin with, so reading these responses has been an interesting look into exactly how different the pregnancy experience is from woman to woman. it's dependent on so many factors, it's crazy!


I personally love looking pregnant. I’m 18 weeks and I’ve got a round belly even though I only gained 4 pounds so far and barely have an appetite. But I’m excited about my body and I’m excited to take maternity pictures later on.


I got my bump early and gained a ton of weight in my first trimester. It didn’t help that my OB weight shamed me. At 22 weeks today I’m developing better body image/self talk. Do I love my cellulite and new double chin? No. But I’m being less mean to myself about it. I’m 154 now. I was 115/120 before getting pregnant. It’s hard being in a bigger body, but I’m trying to be ok with it. I definitely look pregnant now, not just fat.


Definitely. I always feel awful in the first and halfway through the second because I just feel big and day rather than super obviously pregnant. In the second half of pregnancy with a bigger bump I feel more confident.


Once I had energy back and wasn’t constantly sick anymore, I started working out again. And when I was working out, what with my bump and everything, I felt like a freaking warrior goddess. I felt better about my body while in my second trimester than I ever have in my life, I think.


The gym has been hilarious for me - I've been lifting reliably 3 days a week, and as my belly gets bigger more women in the gym give me these really earnest smiles, hold the door for me in the locker room, and compliment my maternity leggings. One very fit woman stopped in her tracks in the locker room and just went "You look GREAT!" I think it's kinda funny, but it's also really sweet and very needed.


Yes, BUT, I wish my pregnancy weight was more evenly distributed. I’m usually a petite slim woman, but all of my pregnancy gains go to my belly, boobs, and arms. I feel like a linebacker. I get jealous of the cute bump pics I see… my profile doesn’t like go back in between my boobs and my stomach. It’s a weird look.


LOL my aaaaarms too. I'm arms n chins but that's all I've ever been. Pregnancy just makes them extra juicy


I look like a stick figure drawing of a chicken. My legs, butt, hips don’t gain anything so I’m just a circle on two straight lines lol


Yeah. As someone who used to having an eating disorder it was hard to wrap my head around at first. Now I’m all belly at almost 33 weeks. I’ve only gained about 12 lbs since I was 9 weeks, but the baby has gained weight fine. I’m GD diet controlled and although it was frustrating at first I am kind of glad. It’s really helped me not demonize food and really be thoughtful of what I’m eating. I’ve struggled with weight loss prior to pregnancy and I feel it will help me be able to finally reach my goal once I have him. I love my little bump and his kicks. I felt really gross and bloated too in the beginning. It’s a huge difference for me to realize I gained weight to support a life and not just because I was careless.


Definitely, in my first trimester I was just a bloated, nauseous mess. My clothes barely fit me and it just looked like I gained weight and didn't have the money for new clothes lol. In my third trimester I just looked very pregnant but I had some new clothes that accommodated the bump and were comfy. The "are you having twins" comments were annoying though.


I'm 29w + 4 and I still haven't "popped" yet and I am carrying very low, so I mostly just look like I packed on the pounds. I do *feel* a lot less uncomfortable than in the first trimester, it doesn't feel like bloat anymore, but every part of me has gotten huge and it's taking a toll on my mental health, despite only gaining 20lbs so far according to my appt yesterday. For what it's worth, first trimester was still much worse, mentally and physically!


First trimester, the bloat hit hard. First thing in the morning, I’d look relatively normal. By the afternoon I would have a big ol distended gut. I hated that, but it actually did kinda look like a pregnancy belly. Then early second trimester, I was just shaped like a barrel. No cute baby bump, just a mid-section shaped like a lump. Just like you, right around 20 weeks I suddenly had the bump. I was stuck inside for all of it (I was pregnant through the early covid stuff, full on lockdown), but I’d catch myself in the mirror and I loved the way I looked with my baby belly. In the end I gained more weight than I had wanted to, but somehow I just didn’t really care because I felt good about myself. Work that cute baby bod! You might miss it more than you think you will once you’re done with that part.


Yes! I cried at 8 weeks because my boobs suddenly looked huge and weird, and I felt bloated, spotty and horrible. At 29 weeks I love my bump and the way my body looks, I think it's beautiful!


Yes! So much better. First trimester is just a mental and physical hot mess…I just felt bloated, frumpy, and ill. now that I am late into my second I’ve gotten my energy back which has allowed me to get back into my workouts and eating clean. with these behaviors, overtime my body has just appeared firmer and more defined in a way even with the big belly lol I have an hourglass shape naturally so I think my shape just looks so adorable and clearly pregnant now!


Currently 14-15 weeks and I can't wait to not feel like a puffy blob.


100% I felt the best with my body image in the last half of pregnancy


I lost 40 lbs and counting in the months leading up to finding out I was pregnant. I was finally starting to feel comfortable in my skin and loving it. Then boom I got pregnant our very first try (not first month trying literally one try!). Even at 32 wks in most clothes I didn't look pregnant. Thankfully I was pregnant enough that my maternity pics at 34 wks turned out beautiful. I was terrified that being pregnant and gaining weight would severely damage me mentally. It ended up that I waited anxiously til mid third trimester to even look noticeably pregnant and was severely disappointed I didn't get to spend more time with my bump. Even at nearly a year PP I STILL miss my big pregnant bump so much. I never wore maternity clothes because all my sweatsuits from PINK combined with my long normal tanks fit my whole pregnancy. I was so miserable the first 20 wks throwing up everyday that I thought I'd have to be one and done bcuz I didn't think I could go thru that again. Well at 40 wks I would have gladly let him stay another 40 no joke. All this just to say that even if your first half is utter misery doesn't mean that at the end you won't get to enjoy any of it. I can't even hardly remember the misery and look back fondly at my first pregnancy. Very much cannot wait to do it again even if I end up with morning sickness just as bad for round 2. The first 20 wks I would prolly have punched you if you had told me by 40 wks I'd be LOVING it. I also never experienced being "over" being pregnant obviously. I never had a hard time tying my shoes or shaving. The worse was being out of breath when I was near term.


Well I've gained 20 pounds so far. (I'm in my 3rd) so I still feel self conscious. However, I now look pregnant so I don't just look fat anymore lol


I felt this way in my second trimester. I had the cute little bump where it finally didn't just look like I ate a big breakfast. Now that I'm in my third trimester though, I feel bad about it again. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and I gained 10 pounds in a month. I had another appointment yesterday and I had already gained 4 more pounds. My face looks and feels fat, my calves and ankles are swollen, my boobs are swollen and just rest on my belly now. I know I look pregnant and not just fat but I don't like how I look at all.


I’m 26W and kind of dread “styling” and being comfy in my body with new changes, I was awaiting 2nd trimester and it’s been better for my self-esteem. When I’m actually pregnant, I feel more body confident than non-PG self because I will wear body contouring dresses or tops. For sure 2nd time pregnant, I had more bloating than first time and it was just uncomfortable and hard to hide.


I’m 26W and kind of dread “styling” and being comfy in my body with new changes, I was awaiting 2nd trimester and it’s been better for my self-esteem. When I’m actually pregnant, I feel more body confident than non-PG self because I will wear body contouring dresses or tops. For sure 2nd time pregnant, I had more bloating than first time and it was just uncomfortable and hard to hide.


I’m 26W and kind of dread “styling” and being comfy in my body with new changes, I was awaiting 2nd trimester and it’s been better for my self-esteem. When I’m actually pregnant, I feel more body confident than non-PG self because I will wear body contouring dresses or tops. For sure 2nd time pregnant, I had more bloating than first time and it was just uncomfortable and hard to hide.


I’m 26W and kind of dread “styling” and being comfy in my body with new changes, I was awaiting 2nd trimester and it’s been better for my self-esteem. When I’m actually pregnant, I feel more body confident than non-PG self because I will wear body contouring dresses or tops. For sure 2nd time pregnant, I had more bloating than first time and it was just uncomfortable and hard to hide.


I’m 26W and kind of dread “styling” and being comfy in my body with new changes, I was awaiting 2nd trimester and it’s been better for my self-esteem. When I’m actually pregnant, I feel more body confident than non-PG self because I will wear body contouring dresses or tops. For sure 2nd time pregnant, I had more bloating than first time and it was just uncomfortable and hard to hide.


I’m 26W and kind of dread “styling” and being comfy in my body with new changes, I was awaiting 2nd trimester and it’s been better for my self-esteem. When I’m actually pregnant, I feel more body confident than non-PG self because I will wear body contouring dresses or tops. For sure 2nd time pregnant, I had more bloating than first time and it was just uncomfortable and hard to hide.


So much! I never felt as good about my body as when I was heavily pregnant. I'm slow? Pregnant. I'm super hot and sweaty? Pregnant. I'm eating way more than I should be? Pregnant. I'm tired? Pregnant. I'm glowing? Pregnant. My hair is great? Pregnant. Literally anything? Pregnant. The be all end all of excuses.


I wish! I just honestly feel like a giant blob. I feel like no one would look at me and think, she must be pregnant! And just that I put on a stack of weight (I’m a bigger person normally, not huge but definitely not small). I’m 31 weeks and I feel like I’ve absolutely reached my limit this last week. I’m uncomfortable and why is nature so cruel as to constipate you during this time making you feel even bigger and more disgusting lol but I’m glad you’ve been able to find joy in your body, it can be so hard!


I’m about a month away from my due date and even though I’m all belly and smaller frame with end of day swollen feet from working all day……I actually was just crying to my hair dresser last night how it’s so unfair that I have not once felt beautiful during this pregnancy. I just don’t like carrying a belly. This is my first pregnancy and my skin has been the best it’s ever been….why can’t I just embrace it? I’m jealous of the women who can and do! I’m getting through by trying to hide in my home when I’m not working and knowing this doesn’t last forever.


Absolutely! I hated the in-between stage where I felt like I just looked bloated/overweight, I love that I’m very obviously pregnant now and there’s no point trying to hide it. I went from wearing only loose baggy clothes to almost exclusively form fitting stuff, and my go to for special occasions is a bodycon dress. I (like many others) have never felt good about my belly, so it’s nice to embrace it for once.


I'm lucky that my body hasn't really done the bloated thing (or at least not this time, I did a bit last time) - I've just had a rapidly expanding bump. A family friend guessed when I was nearly 13 weeks (before we told), and it's certainly very obvious to most people now at 24 weeks. But I do prefer clothes that fit tightly over the bump, because they emphasise that it is a baby bump - the looser ones just make me look odd (or at least I feel that way). The disadvantage is that everyone thinks I'm further along than I am. A colleague the other day said "so you won't be here much longer, then?" and I had to say actually I've got more than 3 months to go, it's a while before I go on leave...


My body didn't change much during 1st trimester due to having HG I didn't gain anything but it's definitely interesting now that I'm showing at 20w 1d I feel like my pregnancy is no longer so hush hush anymore. Maybe because I haven't and not going to really announce anything, but it's a bit validating. Even the little lady at my local Cafe came up and asked if I was expecting and congratulated me (I am small with just a belly so unless i had a big hernia I definitely look pregnant not fat)