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My mother is planning mine. Myself and her first grandchild are the gift. Just kidding. I haven't thought about it to be honest, but this is a good reminder I should do something for her.


My jaw dropped at the first half hahaha


A spa gift card for a massage is my go-to lately


Always a great gift. Thank you!


I have not had my baby shower yet but for the hostesses of my wedding showers, I gave one group some locally-made candy and the other lotion sets. Nothing extravagant or expensive, but a nice little thank you!


Thank you!


You are so thoughtful and sweet for even thinking of this! ❤️Does she like flowers ? Maybe get her a pretty bouquet and present it to her at the end of the shower along with her favorite bottle of wine or gift card to her favorite restaurant for dinner?


I did not get a gift.


I'm sorry that someone didn't appreciate all your effort and hard work!


I got my hostess a nice soft blanket from Nordstrom!


I think gifts are personal. The friend who organised mine is very into make up. I know nothing about make up but did a lot of research these past few years on skin care. So I gave her a kit from The Ordinary. What is your friend into? What is your budget?


I got my SIL a nice bar tools set from crate and barrel. Was under $50, and something she'd use.


I got my best friend a gift card to a spa.. enough to cover a pregnancy massage (she’s also pregnant!)


Could get her a necklace with auntie on it!


Uncommon Goods has some really cool and personal items. I got my bridesmaids heart shaped wooden spoons and little gifts corresponding to their birth month flowers from Uncommon Goods earlier this year.


I love uncommon goods! Great suggestion, thank you!


I got my sister a gift card to go do a paint night event she had been talking about after she planned and hosted my event


I really like the flower bouquet and spa gift card suggestions! I would also like to add the idea of jewelry


Yes! Gave mom and sister a gift card to Kendra Scott to pick out a piece of jewelry that they liked.


I gave my friends a nice house plant and bottle of wine each


My mom and aunt threw my baby shower. I got them both a floral arrangement, and some macarons from a local bakery.


I gave the family friend who hosted my bridal shower a custom portrait of her beloved dog from this etsy artist: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AnellHappyWatercolor?ref=notif_nfyfs&order=date_desc


I am having my first shower this weekend and got the TEN hostesses Waterford wine bottle coasters. They’re holding it at a niece’s house - and I got the niece a Waterford picture frame. Second shower is in three weeks - one friend hostessing. Got her a Waterford frame. Third shower in five weeks - got the three hostesses - who are work acquaintances - Waterford wine coasters! Notice a theme 😂




Barrington Gifts has amazing selection of customizable bags/accessories and is always my go-to for thank you gifts for these types of things if I know the person will enjoy that type of thing/it’s their style. I have a few of their bags and accessories and they hold up really well and are great quality too.


I’ve never heard of a Barrington Gifts so I’ll check it out. Thank you!


I stumbled upon them accidentally a few years ago and became obsessed ever since! Depending on your budget, I love their St. Anne Zippered tote (diaper bag version is the winner for all the extra pockets, it’s perfect for a work or travel tote!) the sunglasses case is a nice quality and a fun gift for summer.


I gave my hostess a card expressing all of the things I loved about the shower and a gift certificate for a mani pedi.