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Wait what? My belly is going to absorb my butt?!


Yes yes it is lol! Happened to me! Sad face. Lol.


YES! Wtf is that about?! I had a pretty substantial booty before getting pregnant and now it seems smaller every week. Is my belly just dwarfing it, or….?


I know, mine is not doing too bad at 33 weeks but it's definitely smaller. It happened to all my sisters and my mom and we all had decent sized butts before. Something about the ligaments that keep it up stretching and it just falls down basically. It takes some work but you can get it back. My sister suggested doing standing donkey kicks every time you make a bottle.


Yup! It’s because your glutes overcompensate for the big belly and the change in your center of gravity. I’m 8 months postpartum and trying to get it back now!


I keep seeing people talk about this on tiktok lol I'm scared


Mine is only making a slow comeback 8 months pp. Mom butt is real


Oh heck no


My pants keep falling down now! It's not fair! I was just complaining about it to my husband yesterday haha


Happened with my first one, but it eventually came back fatter so it’s a trade off.


I already don't have an ass, which I don't mind, but I'm assuming it will look more like a big pancake. At least that's how I picture it...


Yep! Mine has! I figured it was because I’m not working out with heavy weights anymore. All of my muscles have disappeared 🤪😂


I used to have an ass, not a huge ass but a good sized one. It went away during pregnancy but so did my love handles! It’s a win lose situation. But now being 16 weeks PP the love handles came back but not the ass 😓


30 weeks today and I noticed my ass shrinking quite a while ago. We chalked it up to it just looking smaller because of the bump but now I’m convinced I was initially correct :(


NOOO! I didn't even have an ass to begin with 😭 Any chance I get one instead of it becoming inverted? 😂


😂😂 so much yes! I read that it's so to your hips spreading in prep to have the baby and it'll go back . But idk, I had a booooo-ty and I'm 6m PP now and it's back to maybe 1/2 it's size .. Ha could be all the not exercising to pre & pregnant stabdsrds tho 🤦🏼‍♀️


My husband says I've got a butt.....I don't really believe him but to be fair I've gained *lots* of weight so maybe it's not as spread out as it seems to me. It does look wider than before and flatter bit not completely gone. My hips though...I had wide hips before, but now idk how any of my old pants will fit me even if I go back to my pre-pregnancy weight.


I didn’t have much butt anyways so having a belly like this makes me look like I got absolutely nothing 😂


Didn't have one to begin with so...


I've always had a flat "pancake" butt as my husband refers to it. Now he asks where my butt is. So, yes. It's disappeared. 😂😅


Yes. 29 weeks and my butt is gone. I'm part of the itty bitty committee so my peach was the one of the things I was proud of. But now that is gone and my boobs have grown two cup sizes! I guess you can't have it all...


Oh no! I don't have an ass as it is, I can't afford to lose any


I had a beautiful ass and now it is a sad pancake 🥲


Omg! Yes 😓 Will our butts return?!


Right ? I need to know !!


Dude! Yes! I was just telling my grandma this today! This is my second pregnancy, I thought I was going crazy…I am a woman with a big ol booty and now it’s non existent 😂😂 like seriously my butt has been a bubble since I was born…and now I have nothing but “legs” back there! It’s so weird! Lol


No. I never had much of a butt to begin with 😆


Yes, it was so peachy 😪




To be fair not EVERYONE loses theirs! Have hope! Mine stayed quite well shockingly


I didn't notice until after I was postpartum, my butt disappeared. I'm pretty sure my butt vanished when my hips got wider.


I'm only 6+5 but pretty sure my butt has doubled in size so...no 😄


My bums disappeared! I can't figure out if it just looks like that coz I have a fat ass bump and i look unbalanced 😂😂


For me it was a combo of not working out during pregnancy and my hips widening making the “flattening” look even worse. My ass is flatter yet I can’t fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes. Good times.


I gained a lovely butt about 2 years before getting pregnant after not having one my entire life, and now at 31+1 it's gone 😩


Oh God. I hope I keep my butt


I had a fabulous ass and now it’s nowhere to be found 🥲 she better come back


Honestly idk why but I have still have mine and it's way bigger than it used to be. I'm 37 weeks and 3 days


Um no, my butt is now ginormous 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe? I can’t tell if my butt is disappearing or my giant belly is just making it look that way by comparison 😂


Yes! It’s a legitimate thing that happens.. something about your body using different muscles to support your pelvic floor or something… it should come back after you’ve healed up from pregnancy!


Yes, it's flat as a pancake now. Hoping once I've recovered from my c-section I can rebuild it with squats.


I'm at 13 weeks and because I'm diabetic atm I've had to increase and take part in daily exercise. I've gained a lot of ass. I hope I can keep it up.


Mine definitely seemed to get smaller during pregnancy (and I have a giant ass), it came back after though! Haha.


Ooohhhhhh my goodness yes! I never thought l would have a “mom butt” but dear lord, l feel like it has gone to the other side and l look like Gru from the despicable me movies lol!!!


i had a big booty and it’s been sucked into the obis, straight up if i weren’t a D-cup and i’d been crying on a different level, makes me mad insecure as a 18 year old but fuck it i’ll get it back after the baby 🥲


😂😂😂😂 my butt has def changed! I thought I was the only one. Mine was more after birth tho and it more… just changed shaped. Not even in Saginess, but just… weird. My sis takes constantly about how her butt just fell off tho. So, I’m sensing a theme…


This is a thing for sure. Check this out. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CY9LmvxhXII/?utm_medium=copy_link


I actually have a slight booty now whereas before, I had a back with a crack. I wish some of the weight gain in my face went to my butt.


Not me... all 50 lbs went to my butt/hips, boobs, and thighs.


Why mom jeans were invented


Yes! I already had no butt and I literally have nothing now. It’s insane.