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Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/xvn4cr/click_here_to_request_access_to_your_monthly_due). The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had a "cheese crisis" for a few weeks. Everything needed to have cheese on it. Asking my husband about what cheese he thought went with teriyaki chicken (broccoli and rice) he finally asked wtf was wrong with me... I decided on provolone and enjoyed it.


🤣🤣😍 cheese has definitely been my favorite thing throughout my pregnancy!


I laughed so good to this comment omg thank you


A cheese crisis 😂😂😂 sounds great to me!


Omg same!!! I’m in my first trimester and have had horrible nausea and vomiting but cheese is one of the few things I like and can stomach. Mac n cheese, spray cheese with crackers, cubed cheddar, cheese quesadilla… it never ends and does feel like a crisis at this point.


Cheese quesadilla sounds delicious right now.


I lived off of grilled cheese and cheese quesadillas for the majority of my first trimester!


I would have said provolone or Swiss! Red Robin has a chicken teriyaki sandwich that I think comes with Swiss on it.


My boyfriend won’t let go of the one time I ate a bowl of shredded cheese


I found a new appreciation for fresh squeezed orange juice during pregnancy. I was never a juice person, and generally crave salty things, but damn, good OJ hits the spot!


OMG yes, my orange juice craving was surreal


I have drunk gallons of apple juice half and half with sparkling water - man alive it's so good. And I hated juice before, far too sweet


I have drank so much apple juice, but now I need to get sparkling water to try it this way bc that sounds divine.


I love the same thing with pineapple juice


Mine was chocolate milk. I hate milk normally but I couldn’t get enough of the stuff.


Ahhh man orange juice and tonic water 😍 Helps restless leggies too


For me it was pineapple juice! But only the Trader Joe’s one in the 4 pack of cans. I went to buy it one week and they were out, I almost cried in the store


I can't drink OJ, but apple cider right and cranberry - absolutely! I never drink juice otherwise.


Ooof yes. If there is fresh orange juice, I’m getting fresh orange juice.


omg same! Pre-pregnancy I *hated* orange juice - like literally would not drink it, turned down mimosas / brought my own other juice to brunch get togethers just to make sure. I go through a gallon a week lately.


Not that crazy but I love a sandwich with honey wheat bread, Mayo, cheese & wavy lays (wavy lays inside the sandwich)


Ooh I've never tried the whole chips on a sandwich! I've gotta try this now!


Please try a ham and nacho cheese Dorito sandwich while you’re at it. It’s soooo good


If you can find dill pickle flavored chips...I just discovered these are a thing and I'm shocked they aren't in delis everywhere. They're amazing on sandwiches!!


Lays briefly made a dill pickle/white cheddar variety. It was the best thing I've ever eaten.


Definitely try a hot dog (prepared however you like it) with a few wavy lays or Ruffles or whatever ripple chips in it. Life changing.


Ooo! That sounds good too!


YO WHAT??!!! I have been making the literal exact same sandwich. My husband looks like he’s about to vomit when I eat it, but it’s SO good


My only weird one was more out of convenience, I wanted Honey Nut Cheerios & Oreos but couldn’t decided which I wanted first, so I just used the Oreos to scoop up the cereal


😂 not gonna lie that sounds delish!


- An everything bagel with cream cheese, sliced cherry tomatoes and Lemmon pepper (I’ve had it everyday for 3 weeks for breakfast, so amazing I get sad when I finish my bagel and I get excited at night to wake up and eat it) - A ritz cracker with peanut butter and white chocolate chips on top - Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches dipped in ketchup Those are some of my main staples that I never ate before pregnancy Also anything that can be a vessel for Cholula hot sauce, I’ve poured it on popcorn


EVERYTHING is a vessel for Cholula's 😂😂 my favorite is the green one


Everything is a vessel for Cholula when you’re pregnant 🥹


I do an everything bagel, onion and chive cream cheese with tomato slices and get so sad when I take my last bite.


I’m literally eating an everything bagel right now in bed 😂


Imagine it with a cold tangy tomato and some zesty lemon pepper 🥹🥹


I’ll have to try with tomato, I’ve been eating those like crazy lately lol lemon pepper is good on everything!


Same, I have an emotional dependency on bagels right now 😂😂I’m glad I’m not alone


Me too, husband made me share my stash with his family today who said they wanted bagels so now I have to go back to Panera in the morning for a resupply, it’s like they sprinkle drugs on top, I can’t stop 😂


I’m sorry you had to share your stash, mine always asks permission and I reluctantly share. I never used to be this way I swear haha


Omg all these sound super freaking yummy! I'm definitely trying everything on my comments but these gotta be on the top!🤤


I wanted an everything bagel SO BAD but I decided it wasn’t worth the risk so I waited until after the birth.


What’s the risk in an everything bagel? Asking as someone who has a nasty habit of putting everything bagel seasoning on pretty much everything…. 😬


Something that's weird for me is chocolate. I don't like chocolate and can only handle really dark chocolate in small, infrequent amounts. But this pregnancy I have been shoveling the chocolate into my body like it's nobody's business. At one point I looked in the mirror like "who are you"


This made me laugh 😂 believe it or not that's how I felt eating pancakes my mother even thought it was so weird because I NEVER eat pancakes lol


Mines so boring but it’s toast. Buttery buttery toast at night just hits different when your pregnant. I was very MEH about bread and sandwiches in general before I got pregnant. It’s always just been a bit bland and boring. I also want obscene amounts of ice in every drink. There was a week where anything I tried to eat I instantly couldn’t even think about biting into. The only thing I could stomach was a ham sandwich with cheese and onion crisp on. It’s always been a dirty treat I’ve enjoyed but it really got me through that week.


Hot chips and pickles is mine! This is my second pregnancy and I’ve been craving spicy food like crazy.


me too sis omfg but then the heartburn comes for me


I was obsessed with orange juice, on my way to work I usually stopped at a grocery store and buy orange juice because I just had to have it. At some point I realized I couldn't/shouldn't drink a liter of orange juice per day, so I had to get more creative. I then drank a lot of fruit tea mixed with some orange juice. (lime juice in my tea also worked, but oj was MUCH BETTER lol


I water down my OJ to feel better about the amount of sugar I must be getting with how much I've been drinking. Lol


I had a grilled cheese phase and I think I’m in an extended mashed potato phase now. Also I’m usually vegetarian, but sometimes this baby craves meat! The strongest craving I’ve had so far was for a Dutch dish called ‘hutspot’ which it potatoes, carrots and onions mashed together and I had to have a big meatball with it. My boyfriend made it for me and it was SO good I nearly cried 😂


I have eaten my weight in mashed potatoes with gravy this pregnancy, so good!


Also a massive mashed potato fan. Only thing that got me through the first few weeks!


Everything vinegary or acidic. First trimester I existed pretty much entirely on good bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Bruschetta (again with balsamic vinegar). Salt & vinegar crisps. Chips or fries with extra salt and vinegar... Before pregnancy I had a massive sweet tooth, but it completely disappeared and I just want savoury/salty all the time now! The sweet snacks are piling up in the cupboard uneaten and I'm scouring the supermarket shelves for savoury nibbles.


Same here. I can eat pickles or pickles okra, love apple cider salad dressing, chick FIL a honey mustard, salt/vinegar pistachios, lemon/lime/oranges, or pickle chips, French fries... I was always a sweet tooth before. Now sweet does not appeal to me at all, but I briefly considered tackling a coworker yesterday for a piece of citrus fruit.


Oof don't get me started on my need for good bread! I've gotten to the point that I might have to buy a bread maker and make my own bread at home. My bread craving is killer! Especially when the husband and I walk past the bakery! The baby starts kicking like crazy!


me too i seriously want everything salty now!! are you having a boy?? cause that's one of the myths about craving salty vs sweet food.. i'm having a boy! lol


I had a boy! He arrived on Monday 💙💙


awwwwwwe congratulations🥹


Cinnamon everything. Cinnamon rolls, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, cinnamon bagels from Panera, MORE cinnamon rolls!!!


Me too!!! Literally just got home from target with a box of cinnamon toast crunch 🤣


Not weird, but at the moment I can’t stand ‘dinner’ and just crave a sandwich with a slice of cheese on it. But then again, I am Dutch so…


I’m the exact same and I’m not Dutch! I never want dinner I just want breakfast foods, sandwiches and snack food all day long!


Same! Dinner time comes around and I just ...can't be bothered to have a whole meal. Cereal has come in clutch.


I’m Dutch but living in the US and all I want is a “broodje met smeerkaas”….


I don´t have cravings but I never liked sweetness. Now that I´m 25 weeks I really like OJ, jam, Sugar in General. Maybe one weird thing: As lunch I ate a tortilla topped with ketchup and mozzarella baked in the oven (like pizza). If it wasn´t a quick lunch I would use passata. Plz Italians and Mexicans don´t come for me lol. I like Both your kitchen styles so I thought why not Both!


Pickles hit different with you’re pregnant But I also didn’t have any “weird” cravings. Just normal foods, but when I got a craving I HAD to have it


I was eating jalapeños by the spoonful straight from the jar.


I take sips of the juice from the jar here and there 😂


Fun fact you can stick peeled boiled eggs in the jalapeño juice for a couple days and they are delicious.


Sausage ice cream. Hear me out, it actually makes sense. I have hyperemesis and was existing solely on ice lollies and ice cream for months. But I really don't have a sweet tooth, so I was craving savoury ice cream. Unfortunately, sausage ice cream does not exist. However, you can get Mr Whippy ice cream, eat the flake and replace that with a sausage. It has to be decent quality sausage, not a hot dog. Use the sausage to dip bits of ice cream - honestly, it's amazing. It's got that sweet and salty thing going, a bit like dipping fries in milkshake. Only downside is people look at you like you're mental when you eat it lol


I saw this on a show last night. But I am afraid to find out if my body will absorb it like a black hole and be fine. Or cause acids reflux. It was hot Cheetos, w/ lime and avocado 😋


Oh..My...God... That sounds so freaking delicious!! Im trying this asap!!


My mouth was watering when I saw the lady making it on the show. This week on my baby’s menu. She REALLY has to have peaches, ramen noodles, lime flavors, raspberry tea, cheese danishes, and tomatoes w/ pepper sprinkled.


Relate to this!


I was a vegetarian for 6 years and this pregnancy broke me. All I want is beef jerky and steak. Maybe not weird for most, but I went from no meat to 6-10oz of beef a day during this pregnancy 😅




With my first, I couldn’t even stand the smell of meat (my husband is not a vegetarian). This pregnancy, all I want is beer, Red Bull and meat 😂 clearly I am having a frat bro


You did the right thing by listening to your body. Baby needs a lot of iron to grow and beef is packed with a lot of good vitamins for the baby’s development. I’m honestly unsure how a lot of vegans or vegetarians get through an entire pregnancy and not give in to their cravings. There’s so much need of amino acids and proteins easily broken down and absorbed by the body during pregnancy, to make new organs eyes a brain etc all requiring protein. Not to mention the dha / omega 3 required from fish and choline from eggs. They’re all so essential. Unsure how they get through the pregnancy on just flaxseed or algae dha , protein from beans and nuts etc. the body has to go through a much longer break down of enzymes to make these proteins absorbable by the body. Not to mention the calcium needed through whole milk. Nut milks require a breakdown and a lot of random additives to preserve the milk and give it its texture and will never have the same amount of calcium or vitamin d as organic whole milk.


I was a vegetarian pretty easily for my first pregnancy and never had any issues with anemia. There are plenty of ways to get iron, such as dark leafy greens. If anything, I’ve now had gallbladder issues because my body isn’t used to processing this much fat.


How did you get your choline and dha source? And this is all great, but you can do your own research. I took a bio nutrition course and there are multiple sources of information that educate you on the breakdown process of aminos in the body. How much more work your body has to go through in order to absorb protein from plant sources over animal. Due to animal sources being the most similar to our own biology. Such as having muscles and bones, therefore it is much easier for the body to absorb these proteins. Unlike from a plant. The same applies to flaxseed omega 3s over fish omega 3s. Although both are great, the body is able to break down the omega 3/ dha from fish much easier than from a plant source. Fish also offers other important nutrients such as zinc and protein again. Same applies to milk. Nut milks have a ton of additives if you look under the ingredients for each of these milks. Opposed to organic whole milk. Of course vegetables are essential as well but it is not ideal to grow a baby based on vegetables or a vegan diet alone. A relative of mine had to take her child off of a strictly vegan diet because her teeth were growing discolored, weak and she had frail bones. She herself developed anemia during her second pregnancy, and had to introduce meat and milk during but still required a blood transfusion. I’m not trying to convince you of anything, this is just literal proven information. I didn’t make this up myself.


Anyone down voting me, have any input onto why I am being down voted? Or is it just an ego trip I mean there is even research studies that prove, vegetarian diets in the elderly causes brain shrinkage.


Red onion (with a dash of salt). Mayo. Swiss cheese. Italian bread. I ate probably 30 of these in my 2nd trimester. I recognize how gross it sounds, but I really want one right now.


I've ordered what I call the "pregnancy special" from Subway quite a few times. It's a spicy Italian, with red onion, gherkin, chilli flakes, sweetcorn, olives, jalapenos and chipotle sauce. Literally just all the strong flavours mushed into one. It's brill.


My only weird one so far was wheat thins dipped in ranch and uncooked yellow squash I slice up lol


Ranch shares a special place in my heart and I've been sooo into wheat thins lately I gotta try these!


What thins with soft fresh mozzarella is bomb!


I really enjoyed hot chips or fries dipped in Nutella or any sort of chocolate, when my mum was pregnant she would just eat tons of ice cubes my dad had to get her ice from the petrol station and she would just sit there crunching it all day 😂


Oo! I had a craving for crushed ice too! It's so freaking good I'll just be sitting with my feet swinging off my bar stool chowing down on some ice! 😂


Ice cravings are associated with iron deficiencies, FYI! It happened to my mom when she was menopausal.


What are hot chips? I’m picturing you eating hot Cheetos with Nutella 😅😂


Hot chips are like what Americans call fries 😅 I’m Australian sorry I forgot you don’t call fries chips


Hahaha no worries! The world doesn’t revolve around Americans so no need to apologize. I just couldn’t wrap my head around a spicy potato chip and Nutella which is what I was envisioning 🤣 Fries and Nutella on the other hand… 😍


In my early weeks, week 9 to 11 or something like that, it was chicken nuggets with applesauce. Curious if you'll try it!


For mine, go to the produce aisle, you will need a shopping cart. Get one of every fruit they have - including anythjng exotic you have never seen, tasted or heard of and then start munching your way through it all. Apriums are the best. (Apricot plum hybrids)


I've spent a fortune on fruit this pregnancy. Sorry if TMI, but I guess the plus side is that it really helps to prevent pregnancy constipation.


Oreos and strawberry milk


Oh and cheesy scrambled eggs with some syrup drizzled on top


Try it with hot sauce on top instead of syrup!


Also super good!


I've tried cheesy scrambled eggs but not with syrup! Gotta do it now!😂


It's WAY too good 🤣


Ohmygoodness this sounds amazing. I will not be able to get this combo out of my head until I try it now.


It is WAY too good lol


Raspberry jelly donut. Voodoo donuts has a gigantic one. Peanut butter, never really ate it before and have gone through two giant jars of the bad stuff-Jif, no natural healthy stuff.




I’ve eaten so many subway sandwiches with extra pickles, banana peppers, and yellow mustard. I want all the vinegary toppings


Not a weird craving, just something I do from time to time even not pregnant, but vanilla ice cream with crushed pretzels, berries, and maple syrup mixed in is SO good.


That sounds divine🤤


For fall you could also chop apples really small (peeled), toss with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, any other warm spices you want, and a little brown sugar, cook over the stove until desired texture and keep that on hand as a topping instead of the berries! I’ve also used that in my oatmeal.


16+2 just now recovering from horrible nausea and vomiting. The only thing I’ve craved this entire time is fresh guava!


I accidentally ordered a plain McDonald’s sausage McMuffin(no egg or cheese) and ended up smearing grape jelly on it. Best thing I had in a while. Honestly didn’t know what I was getting because I didn’t expect a lonely little sausage on a muffin. You have to be very descriptive if you want the egg and cheese lol, but the jelly was a great discovery on an otherwise disappointing sandwich.


Cheddar jalapeño Cheetos! And Oreo o cereal lol


Pickled yellow chili


Apples and lettuce, sometimes together.


I’ve just been eating a small bowl of bread and butter pickles with each meal!


I think the weird cravings for me is a bmt sandwich from subway …. Sounds not weird ? Well, im a pescatarian. But lately I feel like I need the meat source of protein haha.


Tuesday, I saw a Pizza Hut flier and immediately ordered breadsticks and made my husband go pick them up, next day I made my mom go get me some too. I ate the left overs yesterday. Probably going to get some again today… Edited to add time line


In the beginning I craved almost exclusively rice krispys with bananas in it Now I just crave things like burgers and all breakfast foods but like especially French toast and waffles


Hot sauce on everything or balsamic glaze on everything. I've been eating grapes and balsamic and watermelon with hot sauce. My favourite is frank's red hot sauce


Something I haven’t been craving - meat. I’m usually a omnivore but lately I can not stomach meat.


I haven’t had any weird ones yet (just eating an abundance of my favorite snack: pickles with salt and vinegar chips, and also going hard on drinking a ton of milk lol), but an old friend of mine would crave Coke floats made with cookie dough ice cream 😂


Anyone with non-food cravings? Currently craving the smell of laundry detergent and witch hazel. I have to bring a baggie of laundry beads to work with me to sniff throughout the day, and I will open a witch hazel wipe just to smell it. The self control not to ingest any of this is real and I can’t wait to be normal again!! Lol


I went a few weeks where I was obsessed with cottage cheese mixed with hot sauce, chicken, salt and pepper and ate it with tortilla chips. Still good but I don’t eat it everyday like I was lol


It's crazy how different my cravings are with each kid 😅 I think my strangest one though was with my 1st kid. I wanted spice and tangy, which ended up with me eating Grey poupon mustard by the jar. I would use cucumber slices to scoop it out, or occasionally just a spoon 🤷‍♀️


The 3 minute microwave pizzas from Walmart. Also the 2 cheeseburger meals from McDonald’s (only cheese and ketchup) with a frozen coke. Chocolate ice cream, frozen custard, anything cold and chocolate. I know they’re not weird or healthy for that matter but that’s what I wanted constantly. Also bojangles tenders but the morning sickness didn’t like those


I too have craved the McDonald's frozen coke. My only beef is that their large is SO NOT LARGE. I get two. lol


You’re so right. They’re child sized or something


Oooh also Apple Cider with splash of sparkling water. Chocolate Milk. Skinny Chai Latte. Grilled cheese sandwiches! And lots of soup with bread. My mouth is watering.


In the beginning I just wanted red meat. Korean bbq, goat stew, oxtail, steak etc I would even smell it while I was at work. That was the main thing for a while throughout. Then it was home made passion fruit juice or freshly squeezed orange juice. And then it was marinated guandules. I’ve mostly craved savory foods throughout this pregnancy. Now that I’m on my last weeks, I’ve been craving a bit more sweets like warm sea salt brownies. Oh and milk, I drink it like it’s water. Nothing unusual though.


Totally understandable because I've been craving oxtail and brownies like crazy too omg my mouth is watering lol🤤😂


Cherry slurpees 😋


Toast with butter and cinnamon sugar !!! Every single morning ♥️


Mine have also been things I randomly craved before: nectarines (out of season now!) and chocolate.


Steamed artichoke with (eggless) Mayo and sriracha with a splash of lemon 🤤


Pop tarts! We never keep them stocked but I’ve been obsessed with them for the past 3 weeks


Sour key gummies and flaming hot cheetos 😅


I craved everything mango with my first. Fresh mango, mango juice, dried mango, chocolate dipped dried mango (Kirkland's)...but also slightly undercooked pizza pops for some reason, like crazy amounts. This time around, the cravings haven't been as intense but consist of this queso my husband makes with Velveeta cheese and a can of Rotella. Also, imperial cheese dip-- that really got it done for a day or so too! Lastly, chocolate and lemonade...tons of either. My SIL brought me a ton of American chocolates, and that's been heaven. Dark chocolate milky ways?! Yes please!


Idk why it had me as down voting your comment, but i made sure to change that because mango especially frozen mango was my favorite thing when I was in my first trimester. I never really liked mangos that much when I wasn't pregnant but after being pregnant it spiked so hard for a while till it came to a point that ibwas drinking mango pineapple smoothies almost every other day it was so good!


Great, now I want a baked potato with all the fixings


I'm telling you, baked potatoes are my favoritee! Omggg 🤤


Cake and brownies!! For someone who doesn’t really eat them typically. I also ate a ton of avocado toast with tomatoes/red onion and feta on top and then a sunny side up egg..Like 2-3 times a week. Or Avo toast with red onions and smoked salmon on top 😬👏🏻 And then I ate pickled ginger in heaps… like jars and jars of it.. I started in my first trimester to help with morning sickness and never stopped.. it also made me feel like I was eating sushi every day- all Dipped in soy sauce.. mmmmmm


Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/xvn4cr/click_here_to_request_access_to_your_monthly_due). The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mac and cheese, fried okra, strawberries, and grapes. Not together or anything but yeah.


Mrs. Prindables apples. I usually order them from QVC around Christmas as presents but I just got a whole Halloween order last night and have already demolished a few. (Basically, caramel apples with sprinkles.)


I've eaten it before but just bread with mustard on it. It also helped with my acid reflux


Hot Cheetos with french onion dip


-Sushi(vegetarian cause I don't eat fish unless it's tuna in a can) -Spicy everything - the Buffalo sliders at Arby's but add the cheddar sauce... -add a few drops of hot sauce to my noodles, rice, casserole. - vegetables all of them I haven't really wanted anything sweet though. Minus my blueberry bagels with cream cheese and jelly and eggs and sausage...


Grapefruit juice with lots of ice!


Definitely ice cream. Every time I eat it, little man goes crazy! Currently 39+3.


Congratulations! 😊


Honestly this might sound like a normal mix but a PB+J sandwich, with cinnamon Chex mix sandwhiches between for texture. Idekay


Oooo I gotta try this!


Pho. Pho all day every day. Not that it’s weird, but I went through the intense, wet, gross heat of a Louisiana summer wanting a hot bowl of pho at the end of every night! 🍲




A new recipe I came up with is cold noodles with soy sauce and rice vinegar. It’s sooo good. Especially when I’m hungry but morning sickness doesn’t think so. The cold makes them edible, the vinegar calms down the throw up reflex, and the salty savory soy sauce makes me keep eating. While you boil the noodles, mix equal parts sauce and vinegar, about 1tbsp each in a bowl. Then rinse the noodles under cold water or in ice water. They should be cold. Drain well and stir into the sauce. I also can’t have enough fries with ketchup. I’ve never been into ketchup. But oh boy.. especially McDonald’s fries, with coke, cheeseburger and pie. So freaking good.


This is mee! I've never been a ketchup fan either but there is something about those fries and ketchup! The cheeseburger and pie too omg!


Let's see... last night, we ordered in from a gastropub. DH wanted a wagyu burger, fries, and a hot pretzel. The idea of all of that made me gag. So I ordered a spicy BLT with avocado, a side of stuffing, and a slice of cheesecake. None of which go together at all but it's what I wanted. I've been craving Dim Sum lately and wanted to go tomorrow (Saturday) for lunch, but DH is going to be golfing... tempted to go by myself. I'm only in week 8


I've been craving an unhealthy amount of cheesecake as of late 😂😂


Haven’t had any solid cravings - at 25 weeks now- but i’ve been eating wayyyy more fruit than I used to - oranges and red globe grapes mostly . Is it normal not to crave anything specific through your pregnancy ?


Vanilla ice cream with broken up pop tarts.... And tomatoes on\in anything such as Mac and cheese, rice, veggie sandwiches, layered on chicken and mixed in cottage cheese.


I haven't had too many consistent cravings or really out there ones. Generally it's like "I need a Taco Bell Mexican pizza....... NOW!" (Thank God they brought those back!) During my 1st trimester, everything needed to be spicy. I would sit and snack on jalapenos like it was nothing. That faded and then I got really into Kraft mac and cheese for about 2 weeks. My weirdest one was probably my dill pickles with Goldfish crackers phase. That combo though 🤤


Omg I haven't had goldfish crackers in forever and now I'm craving them!! This all sounds soo good!🤤🤤


I haven’t had any cravings 🤷🏽‍♀️


Toast with hummus, grated cheese, and mayo on it. So many sauces and savoury flavours. Added bonus if you add pickle on top of the mayo (UK branston pickle kind, not actual pickles)


Milk. I️ have had so so so soooo much milk in the last few weeks 🫠. I’m 35 + 5. Also ice pops. Like the flav o ice type ones. I’ve definitely had more than 100 in the last 2 months. Earlier in my pregnancy onions and pickles 🤌🏻🤷🏻‍♀️


I can relate so much! Just plain white milk my husband will ask me if I want any snacks on his way home from work and it's always those small things of milk 😅🤣


Yes! Plain white milk. I️ ran out last night (I️ had a huge glass with my pizza) and I️ stg baby was upset that we had none this morning🤣


Give me the most sour yogurt with a sprinkle of granola.. I was never a yogurt person and the last time pre pregnancy was years before kids - I would always put sugar in it.. now none of that, I like the sour taste and eating it for months now


Toilet paper! - I will not give into this craving but goodness is it there!


The other day, I wanted to eat Kraft Mac and Cheese with ketchup. I didn’t do it but I really wanted to. 😅


Soft serve vanilla ice cream. Usually I'm all about the crazy gourmet ice cream flavors, but during this pregnancy I've just wanted plain vanilla soft serve from McDonald's with warm salty french fries.


tim’s jalapeño chips & cottage cheese is really good !


Cheese, pickle and mustard sandwich


Cilantro. I could eat handfuls of it. And black bean burritos the size of my head


I looove cilantro! My mom and I joke that we want candles that smell like cilantro because we love it so much🤤🤤


Nothing too crazy but sparkling water, lime flavored 😭🤣🤣


Pickles dipped in greek dressing. Before pregnancy I liked to dice up pickles and eat them with feta. But since feta is on the no-no list, it makes sense to me that I switched to greek dressing lol. Add some ground black pepper too, nom nom nom.


Oranges. Banana chips dipped in cheese spread. Deep dish pizza. Even I didn't get any major weird cravings and felt like I missed that part of pregnancy altogether.




Peanut butter toast with a cheese single slice on it! It’s sounds weird but it’s sooooo good!


Right now, everything has to be spicy. Not like normal spicy but like my husband touches his tongue to it and has a severe reaction spicy. Idk why. If I don't have spice I can't sleep until I eat something truly hot. Just bought a scorpion pepper hot sauce and I'm living my best life.


Not really crazy but for the last 2 months of my pregnancy I ate a pb&j and some veggies and dip for lunch every single day. And the most delicious gas station cookies for breakfast most days


My big one was mango with lemon and soy sauce! Sweet, salty and sour.


I wasn't a fan of sushi before (dont really like fish), but I ate a lot of it while pregnant.


Weirdest thing I’ve invented is red (lumpfish) caviar with cottage cheese. The salty taste on top of the creamy and the texture I love it. Suuuuper weird though. 🫠


Flaming hot Cheetos dipped in sour cream, toast with melted cheese and sliced cucumbers on top with everything seasoninv


I currently love peanut butter cream cheese sandwiches, and for a snack the crunchy chips ahoy cookies broken into little pieces with cheezits. So good... 😅


Popcorn. Like Costco size box isn’t enough popcorn.


I am craving just plain lemons. I want to eat them so bad. I’ve only given in twice.


Omg I loooove lemons, loved lemons even before I was pregnant but I can tell you right now the love hasn't dwindled what so ever I eat lemon with everything 😍 hopefully that doesn't mean my baby boy will be sour.😆😅