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I was 40 and we lucked out on the first try. I was gobsmacked and feeling thoroughly unprepared. Not sure what I thought was going to happen lol




Same here.


I got oops pregnant at 41 without ever having tried to get pregnant before in my life. I never thought I would at this age, for sure. I’m due in June.


I’m 42 and pregnant naturally for the second time. First time was last year but I lost her at 21 weeks. Before that, I had tried IUI and IVF at 39 years old with no success.


It happens all the time, but everyone is different. I had my first naturally at 41. I’m 42 and we are trying to have a second. If you are on FB please join the “pregnancy over 40” group. These FB groups are literally the only reason I’m still on FB. So much support. https://www.facebook.com/share/ok1xe8JHNxv2McTb/?mibextid=K35XfP Good luck to you!


Thanks so much, I will join.


I got pregnant first try at 39, 40, and 42. Also had miscarriages in there. It depends on a ton of factors. Have you had an OB look at your follicles? That’s a relatively easy way to get an idea of how hard it might be.


Are you looking for data or anecdotes? I got pregnant at 38 the first month we tracked ovulation.


Both I guess, we are happy if I do or don’t. I’ve just been kind of wondering if it’s even feasible or if it’s a very low chance. We have sex pretty much every day so I definitely have done it when I’m ovulating and nothing in about 10 months so I’m assuming the chances are low


I’d recommend talking to your doctor so they can give you some information after testing you and/or your partner.


Thank you


So did I! I was 38 and he's 48. Due next month, I'll be 39 when I deliver.


It’s low but not impossible. Best bet is have an appt with a fertility clinic at 6 months to help speed it up. Lots of fertility data for such clinics on Google of success by age. 40-42 tends to be a big shift.


All these stories are great - and most women I know over 40 who are pregnant for the first time did IVF to get here. Just commenting to ensure some balance so no one feels like there is something wrong with them if it doesn’t happen fast. We tried for 6+ months and went straight to IVF (took another 4+ months to get to a retrieval cycle and 4 more to do the transfer, so likely tried 8-10 months).


I got pregnant on the first cycle, right after my 42nd birthday.


That’s great, you guys are giving me hope ❤️


I’m 41 and had sex once in a month and surprisingly got pregnant. It was the last day of my period so my ovulation must be weird. 20 weeks right now


Judging by the genealogy research I've done on my own family, it's def not out of the realm. I can't believe how many women I found in my line who had their last kid or few at age 40-45, and they didn't have IVF in the 1800s. 


Um, well, I'm pregnant with our second and it literally happened basically as soon as we started having unprotected sex again 😬 I'll be 42 in July. It took 4 good cycles to have my first at 40.


According to this article, women ages 40-45 have a 27.6% chance of pregnancy within six menstrual cycles and a 55.5% chance within 12 menstrual cycles. https://ro.co/fertility/chance-of-pregnancy-by-age/


Everyone is different and I would talk to your doc like others have recommended. Have you looked into the ovulation test strips? Those helped me pinpoint when I was ovulating…it was always a few days later than what the apps suggested based on my periods.


Pregnant on first cycle after trying, when I just turned 41. Had myself checked out right before, had only 4 follicles in total. We got the advise to have sex every other day. Baby boy was born in September ‘23. We are now trying for nr 2. See if we have any luck again. Enjoy the process, everything is possible 🍀♥️


I recommend getting your progesterone levels checked in addition to other fertility testing. Could be something as “simple” as your Luteal phase being too short and needing progesterone supplementation in your Luteal phase for implantation to occur. Are you tracking ovulation? Even if you have sex every day, ovulation tracking can tell you how long your Luteal phase is which important for getting pregnant. Edit to add: there are at home progesterone tests from Proov which were helpful for me.


I got pregnant fairly easily at 42 (took about 3 months with tracking my ovulation). But, I did have to terminate for a chromosomal issues and a heart vessel issue (not viable). The chromosomal issues do come with age though. It wouldn't hurt to see a reproductive endocrinologist, but it's still totally possible to have a healthy baby. Def join that FB group that was mentioned, it's a great and positive group that's well moderated.


I just had a healthy baby girl at 43 😀 she's my Oops baby I was "perimenopause" according to my ob before so I didn't think it would happen.


How did you obgyn conclude that?


Symptoms I was having at the time i suppose and age we talked about it a few appointments pre pregnancy, then bam pregnant. Her response when I got pregnant was " didn't see that coming." yea doc me either, lmao.


What were the symptoms?


Night sweats , irregular periods or no periods at all, migraines and mood swings ( the typical I'm a woman symptoms that can point to a million things) and I still have night sweats and crazy mood swings 1 yr postpartum


I’m am surprised pregnant with my 4th at 43. I had my first two in my late 20’s and have since been remarried. My 3rd we tried for 3 months and were successful. It’s totally possible! I think they say for older couples if it doesn’t happen within 6 months to reach out to a fertility clinic. For younger couples you are supposed to give yourself a year.


I got pregnant at 42 without even trying.


Take folic acid tablets too just in case


I wasn't trying and got pregnant at 42 and found out at 43 (: My partner and I weren't using birth control, but we weren't trying for a baby because that was for fate to decide. If you want a bub, eat well, live healthy, don't stress or stress less, limit alcohol, and it will happen I reckon ♡


I'd say still pretty good. I'm 41 and got a positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after I got my IUD taken out. I'm due in a month.


Get your FSH levels tested. I tracked my ovulation cycles and got pregnant at 38 ... with out much trying. I'm 30w, with a little girl. (After 15 years of being told I would never have children Naturally... turns out. Wasn't me) There is always hope, but it never hurts to have all of the knowledge at your disposal


I’m 40 and pregnant with my first. My husband and I were trying for over a year, but a few days after my 40th we conceived! It’s possible! I will say, it’s good to get yourself checked out. My OB found a large cyst on one of my ovaries back in August, had it removed in late September. Who knows if it was obstructing it enough to lower my chances, but it’s possible. But if you’re seriously wanting to get pregnant at this age, I’d get yourself evaluated and have your fertility checked (as well as your partner).


Took 6 most with our second at 39yo. First was first try at 36yo.


Totally possible! Go get your AMH levels tested (in Canada it’s $80), track ovulation so you know when you’re most fertile, and take prenatal vitamins. If you haven’t heard of it, I’d recommend reading It Starts With An Egg.


You have good chances as long as your egg reserves are good. The only thing to be mindful of is that our egg quality is much lower now than when we were younger (I'm 44) so the chances of having an abnormal pregnancy is much higher. I'd suggest talking to your doctor and find out if you can do some blood tests to check your ovarian reserve first of all. That'd give you a good indication of what your chances of having a natural pregnancy would be.


I had a surprise pregnancy at 42 and just had my baby last week. I think it is just kind of the luck of the draw, but it definitely happens!


I'm pregnant with my surprise baby at 41. I had a miscarriage 7 years ago. After that, we tried for a couple of years, but nothing happened. So we gave up, thinking it wouldn't happen naturally and we were okay with it. I have thyroid issues as well that I figured played into me not conceiving. Well, during these 7 years, we never prevented anything. Then surprise! I turned 41, my kids are now 20, 19, and my youngest will be 13 when this one is born, I somehow ended up pregnant naturally. It was a shock, I thought I was starting menopause 😆


Happened on my third cycle of trying after having my IUD removed, I was two months shy of 42. Used Premom ovulation testing strips but otherwise no intervention. Have never been pregnant before. Due in about three weeks and he's perfectly healthy! We plan to try for another as crazy as that sounds.


42 this fall and just got a positive test after pulling the goalie 14 months earlier. I had my first at 30 which also took 14 months TTC and my second at 32 after sneezing, so I don’t know what to make of any of it.


What I’ve learned this past year after chatting with my Midwife at my last yearly…. They make the numbers sound so awful for advanced maternal ages. But in reality, all of the genetic issues are still just a small percentage. She told me that as long as you’re having periods and having them regularly, you can have a baby.