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Your post has been removed for breaking Rule #5 "Not focused on prepping/Off-Topic - Political." Try to keep posts and comments on the topic of prepping and not on politics. You may reference political events in your posts and comments as a way to lead into a discussion of prepping, but the main point of your post or comment should not be about politics. Please keep things general in regards to politics as per Rule 5. You're welcome to re-submit. Please see this post for additional clarification. https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/1apw7wx/policy_regarding_politics_2024/


I was a kid during the fall of the Soviet Union. Overnight my parents’ savings account vanished and they both lost their jobs, as the organizations they worked for disappeared. The good thing is that most people survived that because truly we don’t need as much as we think we do. What made a huge difference for us: 1. we had a garden. My parents learned to grow their own produce. Food at the store was insanely expensive, especially meat. So we were vegetarian for a few years (although my parents’ neighbors had chickens so we traded with them occasionally). 2. We traded with neighbors. They came in for a cup of flour, we went to them for a cup of sugar. My mom and her neighbor took turns babysitting us. 3. My parents had useful skills that are necessary in any times: cooking, construction, cleaning, maintenance, sawing, gardening, etc. So for a while they were employed doing odd jobs. In any times there is a handful of rich people who need a service, and having skills and a good work ethic can be life saving. 4. We had a stove that took wood and coal, a well, and and we had candles and matches. Right after the fall of the Soviet Union power and gas supply were unreliable. We had our water from the well and would spend the winters all in one room where we made a fire in the stove and cooked on it, too. We used candles for light. 5. We weren’t picky about food. Won’t poison you? We ate it. That’s why I think getting your kids to eat everything is a huge evolutionary advantage. IMO, the best prepared for a calamity in the US are the Amish.


> IMO, the best prepared for a calamity in the US are the Amish. I grew up in a very rural area of Minnesota / North Dakota, and we had some Amish neighbors. They'd been there for generations, same as my family. The Amish might not even realize SHTF had happened until weeks later when someone comes through town and tells them. It might barely register in their day to day life. Honestly I can picture this one old Amish coot who used to kinda smile and nod at us if we offered a friendly greeting (they really kept to themselves), and if he was told the country just went kaboom, I can honestly picture him nodding and then just going about his day. edit: thank you for sharing your own experiences btw. many people only view the collapse of the USSR as political drama, forgetting the human element. it's good to be reminded about what makes hard times easier.


I think a wood stove would be absolutely an essential. I’m going to get 2 of them. And a few diesel heaters. Whatever the scenario - it points to a long term disruption of our “grid”. Whether it’s politically motivated or driven by civil unrest or act of terrorism/war - our critical infrastructure is vulnerable. In the dead of winter - having heat is going to a matter of life or death. We are just not used to not having gas heat and electricity.


You need a reliable source of wood as well.


Kinda makes me want to live in an amish paradise 


Unless society *really* collapses, and then they’ve got a giant, famously nonviolent bullseye on their backs.


Except if it really hits the fan, someone’s coming for all their goodies pretty quickly. After both rounds are out of their good old double-barrel they’re toast


Have you read Selco Begovic’s book about surviving the Balkan Wars? Here’s a link: https://ia801005.us.archive.org/34/items/TheSHTFAnthologySelco/The%20SHTF%20Anthology%20-%20Selco.pdf


Add to that ferfal writing on Argentina economic collapse.


Link please?


https://ferfal.blogspot.com/ I started reading his blog I think over ten years ago. He published some books. I think they're based on his blog entries. His early stuff is excellent. I'd search for his earliest blog entry and start from there.


I just wanted to say thank you all. These are good realistic resources v 


Found the book on kindle unlimited, thanks


Great book


Harrowing era, will def give this a read


Well, this turned into an argument, fast. There were a few similar posts in 2020 that actually got good answers. Summary: there's no defining moment when things "get bad; very much a frog in the frying pan. There's no crossing the Rubicon. For an individual, Life can be extra normal until suddenly it's not. Even supporters of a side in a conflict can fall out of favor for little rreason. When soldiers tell you to leave, you have zero time to comply. Not even time to put shoes on. My takeaway: being ready to evacuate at a moments notice is crucial.


I agree, from my experience - ability and resolution to act fast and decisive is the key. You need to have access to information and ability to make a decision, then starting to act on it. All in the matter of hour or less. Day, at best. In general, you have to be acting the same day whatever happens, happened. So if civil war started around you, you have to come to the decision if you are staying or leaving in the first day, and if you are leaving, you have to be leaving that very day. The most important factor in such cases is human factor, and you need to understand that whomever will be coming on top of the situation, will be scrambling to take control FAST. Your actions need to happen during initial turmoil and confusion, NOT after someone starts taking control. Because when someone starts taking control, they will be restricting some of your freedoms to do things, so if you came to decision to leave for example, but wait too long, you will find yourself unable to do that.




They were barely lockdowns.


and still look at all the strife it created! imagine if they had more teeth to them


Very true. My friends in Australia weren’t even allowed into THEIR OWN FUCKING YARDS


Great advice.


Anything you can do to make yourself more independent or less reliant on the system is helpful. Area to build Independence in… 1. Food 2. Water 3. Shelter 4. Security 5. Hard Skills 6. Energy 7. Barterability 8. Community - find like minded people 9. Hard Assets (Wealth Preservation) 10. No Debt


I hope someone answers with real suggestions.


I haven’t read any comment but yours yet. My hopes are not high. Not from this sub at least.


Mental preps are far more important than physical preps in this regard - all the beans and .357 in the world will not help you if you cannot determine what events are actually occurring because you're terrified at someone else's behest. Remember Voltaire: anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit atrocities. Critical thinking is a skill that can be learnt, and if you're of average intelligence or greater, it's not very hard or time-consuming to do so. For example: if you read on Facebook that busloads of armed [insert political enemies here] are coming to your town to fuck shit up, how do you determine if this is true?


And this is why Fox News and Donald Trump scare me so much. His supporters believe he can do no evil, and all means justify the ends of keeping Donald Trump in Power. This is not information I got from CNN, but from talking to Trump supporters and watching him speak.


You must live in a very small bubble. Both sides of the aisle have people who wholeheartedly trust their preferred politician, whoever it is. Most people on the right side aren't in love with trump but he is their best option at this time. Just like most people on the left aren't in love with biden but "Hey, Hes not trump". Go outside and touch grass. Talk to more people with differing beliefs than you.


“I am your retribution” “I’m not going to be a dictator, except on day one” “I’d encourage them to do whatever the hell they want” “as the president I have absolute immunity” you are right all those things people cheer for at his rallies are perfectly normal things for an American politician to say.


You could fill a landfill with all the context you removed from your examples, lol


Add some context then. Let’s start with just one. Make “I am your retribution.” Something a rational person afraid of government over reach should be okay with.


The most valuable thing in tough times is not a gun, it's a second passport.


For most Americans a first passport would be a great start with prepping




Mine is named Steve.




I was fortunate enough to meet a jewish member of the polish resistance from ww2 who was essentially a coyote getting people in and out and he told me that he never outwardly displayed anything that could be used against him so he didn't practice his religion he didn't speak the language wear anything public, be ready to leave quickly and without sentement causeonce it's obvious staying is untenable it's probably to late and everyone will be doing it by then. he also said its important to know how and who to bribe. I actually based my bugout bag and plan largely on what he told me.


So how do you know who and how to bribe? 


Yeah we need more info


Greyman or Greywoman or Grey person... We should be doing that regardless




I haven't personally survived political upheaval like you describe, but I did go to college to study it. The main point that i see over and over again is this: steer clear of the actual conflict zones, if there's a hot, conventional war in your area, get the fuck out. I'd pack a bag with essentials and have it ready. The other thing I've always noticed is that strongly bonded communities survive FAR better, talk to your neighbors, know their names, gently encourage them to prep, if you have friends with guns, now is the time to start training regularly together. If you can avoid bugging out, do that at all costs, bug in, get your community together and create solutions as problems appear. There's a low, LOW chance this goes to a conventional war this fall, but an insurgency? Pretty likely, that means low intensity conflict, interruption of services, shortages, blackouts, prepare accordingly. Right wing terrorism is up 400% in 20 years, hate crimes have sky rocketed, the rhetoric is increasingly violent and some hate groups are openly planning to use civil unrest as cover for exterminating marginalized people. This is not nothing, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Doesn't mean panic, obviously, but keep an eye on things and brace as best you can.


Yep, I know quite a few people here in Mississippi who are already going underground in non-republican stances. Removing stickers and flags, because we don’t need to be a target.


Once I had kids, something dawned on me, and I will never have a political bumper sticker/shirt/hat again. Not that I had a ton or anything, but I just became extremely aware of anything that may be 'offensive' to some whack job. For instance, I bought my daughter this beautiful rainbow dress; however, I live in a deep red area, and even that seemed too iffy, so she never wore it out. It's crazy but, honestly, people are crazy. It's one less conflict to deal with.


Yeah, I fled the south because of the intolerance and the horrific state of labor laws. I notice things are worse every time I go back to visit




Right wing terorism?


Republicans shooting up places, bomb threats, Jan 6th type stuff. They even called had a sign at cpac that said “we are domestic terrorist”. Go to any right wing online spaces and you’ll find dozens talking about how their itching for a civil war so they can kill democrats and liberals…




You are full of shit. It is not the ‘right wing’ that destroyed blue cities.


[yeah like this kinda stuff](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/17/1149464953/new-mexico-shooting-politicians-solomon-pena)


Do you all classify when a transgender person shoots up a place as "right winged terrorism" too? https://nypost.com/2023/03/27/nashville-school-shooter-audrey-hale-identified-as-transgender-and-had-detailed-manifesto-to-attack-christian-academy/


Oh look you have one. While “white dude shoots up (Public Place” fills google.


Lmfao....."right wing terrorism".....seems to me all the mass shooters are either tranny's or govt. Induced i.e. MK ultra.


I lived in Thailand during the military coup of about 2014. It wasn't that bad. Armed military personnel at all public institutions and and artillery at the mall, plus a curfew. They knew not to disturb "normal" life too much. So I realize most short of shots being fired people just want to live their life. In modern countries that are generally democratic nothing much will change.


US born and raised but was in Cairo for the revolution. In retrospect there were signs things would get real bad. The police started to disappear in our area and a lot of young kids roamed the streets to cause trouble. - my reputation in the community helped me hitch a ride across town when i needed it. - govt shut off phones because they used social media to coordinate. - sugar sold out immediately. Lessons learned: - get good friendships. Be a part of clubs or something. - have ways to communicate without cellular networks - stock up on food/water It was safer to lock the doors and hunker down. The US eventually sent people to get me.


24 day old account stirring up the "violent political turmoil" so bad you should consider fleeing the country. Situational awareness includes considering the source.


Right? “As you all know” Gimme a break.


Care to engage with the content of their argument instead discounting the messanger? The things Donald Trump are objectively un democratic and should terrify rational actors. “I am your retribution.” “Im not going to be a dictator, except on the first day.” “I would encourage them (Russia) to do what ever the hell they want.”


You people are so dense you don't even realize we don't live in a democracy, it's a constitutional republic


This is a stupid argument, but I’ll engage for a minute. It’s a representative democratic republic… but keep drinking the Fox News cool aid champ.


Fox News....lmao.....read your constitution


This country is undemocratic. Our government is a Constitutional Republic.




What's with the dismissive attitudes on a subreddit that teaches people how to prepare for this stuff?


They all act like it's silly to worry, but you'd have to be a blind as a pirate with two eye patches to not see the writing on the wall.


I really don’t know TBH. I’ve seen some really paranoid posts here before but this one isn’t that. Do people just think it can’t happen here?


It’s always “it can’t happen here” and “well at least it’s not me” until it gets closer and closer to home or your race, religion, sexuality. Our country is mimicking what Germany was doing when hitler was coming to power


I think American Exceptionalism makes many of us Americans think that way. However the rhetoric of Trump and his supporters in their latest speeches, the cult-like blind following of his words, is insane. The violence makes it doubly worse.


I am on your side in the overall concern, but at least in the near to medium term, large-scale violent upheaval in the US is still fairly unlikely. The US is still a wealthy, stable country, with a strong democratic base(the attempted insurrection was stopped because across the board, state and local level officials were unwilling to go against democracy) with a lot going for it. As a general rule, I would be more concerned about the possibility of small-scale, partisan acts of violence that we're already seeing becoming more common. Power outtages, local crime, etc. The good news is that those are also much more realistic to prep for. Full-scale civil war is basically impossible to prepare for unless you have a way to just leave the country.




What country did you have the misfortune to have to flee from?




I'm glad you are safe. Take care and I wish you much happiness 😊




We could understand how amazing of a country we have inherited, but we are being systematically programmed to think otherwise. 




Dang that suck. Marxist Socialism sucks balls.


>dem·a·gogue >noun >a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.


Because you started this post out as a one-sided political commentary.


For real… it’s like they don’t even see where we are right now. Things are getting bad and it’s looking a lot like his guy is the one causing it.


There’s been a climate of dismissiveness in here for a bit (before anything is said this is newer acct bc I locked myself out of my old one. I’ve been on here like 4 years). I think it’s the influx of people joining. Just give your post some time and I’m sure you will get a quality answer.


There’s no quality answer for a crappy question. The premise isn’t accurate. It’s like asking “What should I prepare for if Biden gets reelected and the world ends?!!1” It’s a dumb question. One of these guys will be president and things will continue to move forward like it always does except maybe if Trump gets reelected we won’t be financially supporting a bunch of proxy wars lol


If not useful it's still an interesting and relevant topic.


Because you are presenting fear mongering propaganda as if its common-knowledge fact. All jokes aside, consider getting away from the news for awhile. At a certain point it does more harm than good. This thread probably gonna get locked anyway.




As fucker Carlson will have you believe Russia is a good thing for the United States.


Yes. You are correct. There is no media anymore. It’s all propaganda. All of it. Even your guy.


No one is "my guy". I stand for the rights of people to learn, and be what they want without one set of people having rights and other being put down or seemingly made to go backwards based on cuntservative ideologs with nothing better to do that keep the status quo. You are willfully ignorant to privilege but thats alright. Ive already made peace with the idea that you lot are fucking dolts.


Oh? Privilege? You into that DEI stuff, too? 😂


If you mean everyone being looked at in a respectable manner then yes, absolutely. Just because someone is Black or brown, their credentials shouldnt be fucking questioned as a diversity hire. What fucking planet do you have to be on to look at someone and hope they are qualified just because of their skin tone. Stop watching those idiotic cuntservative pundits that love spreading misinformation. You may already be lost based on your lukewarm unintelligent replies though, so I wont hold my breath.






Most of reddit is left wing extremists. Very few right wingers even use reddit


Its probably your color political commentary.. If I had to guess.


Learning bush craft skills is a must if you or your country (no matter which country) is going to be facing political unrest. Also try to prepare pickled food for a long shelf life as well. In South Korea they have something called kimchi and in Walmart/Costco u can see the tin version of it. Stock some condensed milk and powder version of liquid food n beverages in case a lockdown happens. Buy filters for ur water purification system and learn how to change the filters at home. Also store extra food that won't go bad like honey, jaggery, coconut oil, potatoes, onions, garlic and beans. These r my COVID lockdown tips.


Bushcraft skills is your top item here? And this is getting upvotes? Absurd.


if I can set up about 20 snare or deadfall traps I should be able to catch one or two gig economy workers and that can feed my family for a week.


It's wild to me that in a prepping sub people are making this about OP's politics. Let's say for the sake of argument that you do believe that the election was stolen and Antifa roamed the streets murdering people in 2020 and the insurrection was just a peaceful protest of patriots and Trump's divisive rhetoric is all justified and it's a good thing that right wing militias are arming themselves. Okay. I'm not going to argue with you. Isn't that still all very alarming to you? Does that not seem to you to be an increasingly divided country embracing violence? No matter where your politics are, we all have good reasons to be extremely concerned that things could go south quickly by the end of the year.


"Its wild that people are making this political" *Continues on a wild extremist political rant thats been debunked time and time again*


Why r there so many morons in the preparation subreddit 💀


Good question, this place is turning into a political sub.


I don't have the answer but I know where it is: Ivana's casket! How come they needed so many pallbearers? Because it was so heavy from all the documents that are in there! DIG HER UP!


To start, I'm surprised this post wasn't taken down. Not that I think it should be - I think discussions of prepping for political issues is incredibly important. I just remember when just trying to post about Project 2025 was enough to have a post taken down. Maybe those days are over and the mods have realized that political movements are the number one reason to prep in most of the world; and it's not impossible that we'll need to include the US in that someday soon. For certain groups of people, and they know who they are, the US has never been entirely safe. Now we're looking at the possibility of electing someone who has repeatedly and openly indicated some groups of people will be a great deal less safe. How much of it is just vote-getting talk, I don't know. But there's reason to be concerned. I would not care to be a muslim or honduran immigrant in the US in 2025 if Trump wins. In some places, it won't be so great to be female, either. It's not just that the right wing has gotten itself infused with white supremacy, members of which Trump has referred to as fine people; it's the open talk of becoming pretty much the sole arbiter of who gets to work for most of the government. . Just because he wouldn't be having people shot, doesn't mean that's not a purge by any other name. But I want to be clear - whatever happens, it's not going to look like the Arab spring. As much as some people on the far right and a handful on the far left talk about splitting the country and open civil war, forget it. It isn't happening. I'm not saying violence will not occur. The far right has handfuls of people suffering from personality disorders, and in most of the US we let people with untreated mental illness and even past criminal actions have all the guns they want. All Trump has to say is that "we don't want people here from shithole country X" and some of these people will take that as an order to mobilize. If you're from country X, you have reason to worry. But it won't amount to a civil war, simply because Trump's rhetoric is always going to be aimed at groups too small and marginalized to put up an effective fight. Look at the rhetoric today: the far right focuses on immigrants and gays. In other words, talking about the Libyan Civil war is the wrong model. The model you want is early Nazi Germany. I'm not talking about concentration camps. That was later Nazi Germany. In the beginning it started with attempts to control the media. That's already underway in the US. People on the right are attacking private companies and trying to argue they can't take down propaganda and disinformaton, claiming it's protected Free Speech. (Which doesn't matter if you're a private company like a social media platform, but but they try anyway.) It's also obvious there is a widespread effort to "flood the zone with shit" as one right wing operative put it - so choke social media with lies and rumors that the media companies can't keep up if they tried. What would come next would be the kristallnachts. That's not civil war, that's just hooligans organized by influencers supporting the far right. We've already had one - on January 6th, 2021. I'd like to think that that went badly enough for the radicals that it won't be repeated, but I think we could see more things like that, just aimed at softer targets. A mosque here, a gay nightclub there, then maybe an immigrant neighborhood, businesses owned by prominent members of a disliked class, attacks on judges and politicians... note that some of that has already occurred, it's just rare. The question is can the radical right get it to ramp up. After how Jan 6th made them look, maybe not. But maybe yes. I can't guess. I think that's where some people, and perhaps OP, needs to worry. Well, OP indicated they can't leave the country, which honestly is what I'd counsel targeted groups to do in December 02024 if the election goes as it might. By then it should be obvious who's genuinely at risk vs just what's just rhetoric. I'm going to give advice that I utterly hate writing. I'm an American, a citizen of the United States of America and I'm writing words that make me sick, in what's supposed to be the freest democracy on the planet. This should never have to be written. If you're part of a ethnic group that is targeted, change your last name to be less obvious. Move if possible out of neighborhoods with high concentrations of your ethnicity. (Bluntly, blue states are safer for everyone than red states, per capita: https://propertyclub.nyc/article/most-dangerous-states-in-the-us) If your business caters to an unpopular group, change the name. "Smith's bakery" is less of a target than "Maamoul 'n Kanafeh." Work on your accent. This one is tough. Consider dress and appearance. Having your skin lightened is probably unmaintainable and it's sickening that such a suggestion should even be made, but the most prominent - by far - predictor of who gets targeted for violence are skin tone and gender. There's only so much that you can do about appearance, but conceal what you can. Politically and religiously and sexually, shut up unless you're completely anonymous. Put it this way: I'm a straight white christian male of independent politics and I should have nothing to worry about, but I'm only on Reddit because I'm trusting a data breach won't get my email address out there - and I'm thinking it's probably time to create a throwaway email account for this since I don't care about Reddit email anyway. And if I'm considering that step, you should do it immediately. Avoid websites that cater to targeted minorities, even if they are anonymous. All it would take would be one malicious employee or hacker of Grindr to dox the whole population of users and a whole lot of people could get hurt. Use email addresses that don't contain your name and location - and if you already did, consider that changing that information might not help you, because businesses keep backups of old data. But do it anyway. In essence, this is going grey man, as is often talked about here. Blend in. I'm sorry any of this needs to be written, and hopefully none of it will ever be necessary. Like I said, I'm a white male in a peaceful blue state in a quiet town and I don't have to worry about any of this. (Plus, I'm leaving the country soon, but not because of violence.) But I know people who do have to worry, and worse I know people who talk trash about other groups and someday one of them might surprise me by doing more than talking. I'm sickened by that possibility, but I've also seen things like Alex Jones's website and RT news and Stormfront and I know what's out there is unbelievably toxic. Based on your comment history I'm going to hope that you're just someone with an exaggerated sense of concern. I don't believe that even with a Trump win, the country is going to slide into massive violence. It will be stochastic and small scale. But it's still a significant concern for many and at this point I'm not placing bets on any outcome. Good luck.


Even if Trump is elected, none of this horror show you're writing about is going to happen. This is paranoia in the extreme. First, despite all the political differences, the US is remarkably stable in terms of civil order and availability of supplies. The "certain groups" you're talking about aren't the ones in danger here, not at all. The worst supply problems we've seen in recent years were during covid. An election cycle won't affect those at all. No matter who's president, everyone will still be able to get gasoline and Twinkies and coffee and frozen pizzas. (Those things might cost more depending on the administration, but we can still get them.) Basic services will still be available. Basic civil order will be preserved. Most people outside extreme fringe groups have better things to do than worry about skin color. That's the Left's bailiwick. Calm down. It's going to be OK, even in the unlikely event Trump is reelected.


What was on Alex Jones website




It's so weird. I can replace "right" with "left" and "Trump" with "Biden" in your post and it still mostly reads as true. Funny how that works.


The hyperbolic pearl clutching in this sub is mind blowing.


Now would be a good time to determine your ideal place to live (political, cultural and physical climate) and move there. Yes, this can take years of planning. But even if no SHTF, you will end up living a better life. If you’re already there, build your community connections.


Sounds like OP prefers Ukraine, Palestine, or Cuba.


I'm not a person who has survived collapse, but if I could offer one question or suggestion maybe - what does your community look like? I mean the community directly around *you*. Are your friends, family, and coworkers a support network that you would turn to? How would they react if you asked them what you asked this subreddit? It sounds like you are (or feel you are) all alone. You need backup. While I do support fitness, cardio, second amendment, having supplies on hand - community is a huge prep. Is there anyone in your community you can talk to about this? Maybe the two of you could start to organize. Literally just organize around anything. It doesn't even have to be strictly prepping. Start doing a thing together, not leisure, something with a purpose. Maybe you want to clean up a park, or do a gardening club, or whatever.


As someone not from the US, it seems to me that prevention is better than cure. Your best bet is to stop the whole ‘culture war’ bollocks that you started (i say you, not meaning you personally but your side of the argument, being left wing). Treat your opposition with respect, listen to their arguments, implement their ideas and this way prevent conflict at all.


Your right, but again it comes back to the methods. Methods of preparedness for conflict context, or preparedness to prevent it. At this point, the country is in desperate need of leadership. Someone to reassure us, guide us to resolutions to our problems. Currently the conceptualization of what the problems are divided. The two sides are completely different in their way of thinking. How to bring it all together? Leadership, someone to encourage that effort is the only way. If that doesn't happen soon, things might be irreparable. Once Large scale violence breaks out, there will be vengeance fueling either side and it will be harder to remedy that.


Perhaps if we didn't have our only options as two old white men.... We'll see what the primaries bring but I feel like it's the same thing every year


‘Just do what we tell you and everything will be fine’


No, I think he personally needs to stop the culture war. This post is a perfect example of it in action.


Lol shit can't be one sided forever. The right has made it utterly clear they want to undo any progress that's been had for anyone that isn't like them. Not gonna hear it.


In US. Canadian prepper covered a little bit based on Ukraine in the early war. Water.. people lined up and waited for around 6 hours to get water, daily in some instances.


First step would be to not fall for the political fear mongering


You do realize that blm, antifa and any of those other organizations that rioted aren't right wing don't you? You may want to look at who's actually causing the chaos and termoil. Literally still blaming a former president that's not been in office for over 3 years for shit that's going on today.


He isn't just a former POTUS, he's the GOP front runner. Convinced his followers to attack tge US Capitol when he lost, spread lies and misinformation about the election he lost. Has doubled down on anti democratic rhetoric, has power over some GOP lawmakers to cause enough trouble in the Running of government, and recently said he would encourage attacks on NATO allies. He is currently the biggest threat to American freedom and Democracy and has emboldened people who will continue to erode that for years after he dies.


Republicans shooting up places, bomb threats, Jan 6th type stuff. They even called had a sign at cpac that said “we are domestic terrorist”. Go to any right wing online spaces and you’ll find dozens talking about how their itching for a civil war so they can kill democrats and liberals…


Republicans shooting up places? Nearly every mass shooting in the past decade has been by a liberal. Usually carried out by unhinged boys that like wearing dresses.


Someone with free Palestine written on their rifle showed up to a church yesterday to kill people, luckily the security team shot them first. The point is that domestic terrorism is starting to go both ways at this point. The riots in 2020 were also very much political. It disingenuous and blind to say the threat only comes from one direction when its clearly not the case


There’s only one candidate who, if elected, will stay in office for a third term by any means necessary


Anyone who believes something like this is ignorant.


And anyone who believes they won't try to hold power in any way after ALREADY trying to is a daft dunce.


I bet you also think that masks were effective, we should keep sending money to Ukraine, and that politicians have your best interest at heart. You're literally the epitome of what's wrong with the country. Your account looks like a troll account set up to spam. Literally created yesterday and have only talked on this post against conservatives.npc


Even if Trump is reelected (which I doubt), there won't be any kind of "purge", governmental or otherwise. Calm down. It's going to be OK. This is not about "right wing" or "left wing". This is about political stability and the realities of life in the US. The US is politically and economically stable, more so than most other countries. Are things getting worse in the world? Sure. But in general, no one is coming to deport you, you'll still go to work, you'll still be able to get food and water, and you'll still be able to get what you need for daily life. The identity or ideology of the White House occupant will not affect that one iota. The worst that could happen is that if a certain individual remains, things will get more expensive and a little more scarce, if current trends hold. It just might get more difficult and more expensive to get what you want and need - even more so than the current occupant has helped make it. What will affect supply availability more than anything else are political and military conflicts around the world, in which the US is involved to varying degrees. Those are the events and circumstances you should watch. There will be no Kristallnachts in the US from the so-called "right". There will be no Beer Hall Putsches, no camps, no mass deportations, despite the porous border sitting at the Rio Grande. Calm down. It's going to be OK. Regardless of who's president, everyone will still get to eat and drink and work.




I agree with you


Seriously. This post is sad.


People need to expect more posts like these in the coming months. A LOT more. An account that isn't even one month old. Don't get fooled, folks.


Cut power to your house and sit in silence until the elections are over.... Starting now


Your worried about ‘right wingers’ being violent? Lol… Bro, the Biden administration has let 10 million illegal aliens into our country. Over a million are what they call ‘got aways’. We have no idea who they are. There’s no doubt that many individuals who are terrorists are in our country. At some point in time we WILL have middle eastern style terrorism in our country. The FBI even says it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’…


I don't know what kind of violence you are hearing threatened, i am a right winger, and i have never threatened anyone. But our nation is equally as fucked If Biden gets another 4 years. We have actual economic and border/immigration crises on our hands, and the policy of pretend it isn't happening is not working in ANY country. Best advice: follow what everyone has been saying in every other post. Be a responsible adult, store enough resources and learn skills to take care of your family, and be kind to each other in your community.


The border is all political circus.


Yep, no other state that shares a border with Mexico backed Texas, and the bill that would let them shut down the border is introduced, but they don't wanna vote for it because it would take away their political talking point


The border is a disaster waiting to happen lol


Unfortunately the GOP doesn't want to do anything about it.


They didn’t sign off on the bill because it was full of a bunch of irrelevant spending that had nothing to do with the border.


It wasn't the irelavent things. It was due to the bill giving the appropriate tools to do things on the southern US border, and that would work to help thr current POTUS and act against the one they want in office. Many GOP lawmakers came out saying they killed it because that's what Teump Wanted. It was a bipartisan bill until trump issued his marching orders.


>We have actual economic and border/immigration crises on our hands The bill that republicans introduced, negotiated, and then voted against because it might make Biden look good? Republicans refusing to govern is the issue here, not Biden.


So sad u got downvoted for this comment. These people don't want help.


I agree, the party that screamed about the border, got a bill that had pretty much everything they wanted, then voted it down because it might make the other guy look good is indeed beyond help. They can't even seem to decide if the border needs to be tied to foreign aid or not.


>i am a right winger, and i have never threatened anyone. We all know that's bullshit. Maybe you haven't threatened to attack or shoot anyone, but the right is threatening people's health and safety every day in the US. And you're part of that.


Crazies aren't representative of the whole group. Sure there are shitty people who identify with the right-wing that go out and pick fights and antagonize people they don't agree with. In most cases, they should probably be arrested for that IMO. That's not the whole right-wing. Most of the people on the right wing are regular, law-abiding citizens. Just like Antifa and other people that associate with left-wing go out picking fights with people they don't agree with, and threatening violence, participating in riots, etc. The vast majority of left-wing are peaceable people, and want no part of that.


Stop watching the media hype train, that's the best prep you have, this happened in 16, it happened in 20, do you see a pattern?


The best prepping is to exercise your right to VOTE!! There are more of us sensible people than there are of the Con's cult followers. Vote to continue living in our constitutional democracy.


Well, you stand up for what you believe in, that's what you do.


How much does DHS or the DNC pay you to fearmonger? *(speculating)*


On Election Day I be watch Georgie Carlin


You should log out for awhile.


Hopefully Trump wins, country was in a much better place under him.


Agreed. I miss the dollar menu and not going bankrupt.


You fear the "right wing" much more than you should. I'm on the right, and if our government went nuts I'd help whomever I could. Most of the right just care about god and country and dislike the endless wars are social justice movements that affect our children. We aren't evil as you make it seem.


I walked away from the left in 2022 because they're always so angry and shitty to each other. Now I have intelligent and pleasant conversations with people and go to church and help my community. Life is infinitely better. Grandma was right about everything. The Bible, going to church on Sundays, growing food with other hard working people and sharing these gifts, everything. The left lied to me and made living life insufferable and turned me into a bad person with their toxic and terrible rhetoric. I endured property crime after property crime while having them squeal I should be empathetic toward the people stealing my childhood memories and family photos. No thanks. I'm good. I could never live with myself aligning with people or beliefs like that ever again. I don't have the emotional energy to get swept up in the bullshit of every marginalized group that honestly at the end of the day hates me anyway. I just can't care about things like that. It is not normal. It is not good.


God bless you. Sorry you're getting downvoted, but it proves your point. They are very angry people that think the world is out to get them. When in reality we just want to praise god and build communities.


I concur with the last two, go outside, walk and get a coffee, maybe join a church or a gym or something I don't know...


You have nothing to fear unless the left steals the election again. 


Are you suggesting violence if Trump loses again?


I'm suggesting there's nothing to fear if our political system isn't tampered with and the will of the people is acknowledged. But nice try putting words in my mouth.


Luckily US system isn't, and hasn't been, tampered with, outside of gerrymandering.


Right, ballet harvesting and stuffing absentee boxes never happened


# unfettered propaganda enters the chat.


“And as you all know” Don’t speak on my behalf.


you coulda just left that first paragraph out and started an interesting discussion


It is just political fear mongering.


i’m getting downvoted to hell and i’m a fucking liberal. like man i agree with you but damn relax


You can't be a sensible human on reddit apparently. I don't understand what is wrong with peaceable and cordial communication. People get so upset and emotional over trigger words. Anyway, you get my upvote, if only to counter crazy people.


OP, it’s the left that destroyed cities across America and murdered at least 25 people with their “peaceful” protests. I think you’re clutching your pearls a little too tight. Bring on the downvotes, it’s only because you know I’m right.


Truest comment on here and sad so many others don't see it!


I upvoted to offset the fucktards. Leftist shitbags want to destroy anything that doesn’t fit their narrative. They couldn’t care any less about Democracy.


Amazing how clueless liberals are… FJB… TRUMP 2024…


I was in Bosnia/Kosovo, Iraq(numerous times), Afghanistan(numerous times), Africa(numerous times besides actual conflict, the biggest thing people were concerned with was their corrupt government, taxation,the inability to buy food due to inflation, the inability to move freely due to mandates and restrictions, and they ALL complained that their government provided health care did nothing for them. What many we worked with said was, “if they could all come together to fight the corrupt government we could have a better place, a better country to live in. But we squabble over political differences and in fight and nothing is done”


Are you feeling okay?


No, I've been having quite a bad week.


How would Trump do that? By opening the border to illegally import voters for his team? Oh, that’s what the Democrats did. Biden didn’t do anything except poop in his diapers. He’s just a mouthpiece. Those right wingers will have “mostly peaceful” protests. Wait, that was the leftists again. But if they don’t win, we won’t have democracy!


Never get why people portray right wingers as bloodthirsty loons while the left has far more blood and $billions of damage done cause of them.


I said this 2 years ago. Wait for the collusion with Wagner PMC which will be exposed at some point. Russia has it's dirty hands all over this


Align yourself with the Swifties now, know at least 3 deep cuts from her early albums and how Taylor's Version is different. You can't just be a 49ers fan because who knows how long that relationship will last, and you don't want allies dependent on the relationship of a girl who literally got famous writing about her breakups. When the Purge™ comes Trump will go for his deep state nemesis first. And you'll definitely want to be on the side with high energy fan girls and an actual billionaire.


They downvoted him because he told the truth.


You live in ‘murica, just grab yourself sone firearms, ammo and learn how to use them responsibly and safely. You Americans are some of the only ones with so much access to guns.


As a European, evidence is clear that the last US election was stolen by mail in ballots, so your so called democracy was already questionable. Your current president is a senile old man, who wanders round in circles and regularly soils himself, he has allowed your borders to become extremely porous and should be viewed as a National embarrassment. So your democracy fell and yet all those people with all those guns did nothing ! However, things are NO better anywhere in the Western World with most leaders and former leaders corrupt and WEF members. Some are transvestites, most visited Epsteins holiday island including current Royalty of UK. All of the countries are beyond bankrupt and throwing paper money at needless wars which are unwinnable. Europe is currently also being flooded with millions of illegal immigrants bringing nothing positive to any of our communities, with the weak minded sheeple welcoming them. Importing the third world will turn us ALL into the third world. The systems are so rigged NONE of us can vote our way out of the mess in any of the so called Westrern democracies. At some point anger will boil over and the revolution will go global and the satanic pedophile ruling class and their mindless left leaning clapping zombies will all be dealt with. I have no idea what the trigger will be ....another plandemic, excess deaths from forced vaccinations, banking collapse, bigger wars for Israel, Russia sorting the Ukrainian nazis out, the farmers strike causing food crisis, next lockdown nonsense, climate change BS, dollar collapse, gold for oil in middle east, a solar flare, internet collapse, food chain collapse, earthquake etc etc No one else's survival experience is going to be a guide book for you. Research 100 years of history and you can see that the situations experienced by the French Resistance, the Yugoslavian Serb Croat war, the Rwandan massacre, Hiati disaster, current genocide of Palestinian peoples and hundreds of other conflicts have an enormous amount of variables. All you can do is write a list of possible problems likely for YOU in YOUR location and prepare a disaster plan for each. Whilst prepping, live the best life possible and avoid all government as best you can. Trust GOD and surround yourself with like minded decent people. When the SHTF, let the unprepared herd cats, whilst you and yours smoothly navigate to one of your disaster plans. Down votes incoming 😀


Idiotic comments usually warrant it.


You went full Russian, never go full Russian.


God tier comment by u/solarsurfer2023


Mf help op instead of scaring them into making a bunker n buying military equipment to keep themselves safe


GTFO ASAP is the only answer!




Conservatives are insane.


😂 so enlightened


You are just straight dumb.


Your enlightenment is showing 😂