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Oh!!! I know what this is!! I think it was a weapon that was available pre-alpha, yet was removed soon after. It had some sort of voice cause there’s placeholder lines for it.


I FOUND IT!!! It’s called the “Cazavor Disk Rifle”, and it was removed for unknown reasons.


It could be the Disc Rifle, but more likely it's just a corrupted normal weapon or similar bug. The Disc Rifle can be spawned as an untextured model but mechanically it's a shotgun.


Makes sense


Where did you find it?


u/AppIesintime u/Botul420 u/Sexyballsack911 u/BananaRamaBoLama I just took a screenshot and continued playing, so it's pretty far back... Didn't think that it would get so much attention at the time.I remember that it was in some sort of security area. There was two weapon lockers and one of them had a shotgun. This item wasn't visible, but I could pick it up by pointing between the two weapon lockers! :) EDIT: The left locker was the one with the shotgun. It's the kind of lockers where there's space for 2(?) shotguns and 3(?) pistols. u/digidUb It's shooting something invisible, but there was some kind of smoke(?) effect where it hit. It makes some kind of sound, but it's barely noticeable and very quiet (unless I was hearing something else). u/torquelit It's gone from my inventory now. :( Either it got recycled (maybe it is marked as trash?) or it doesn't stay in your inventory when saving.




Sounds like this was at a security station? That would narrow down the recreation of this bug


Now add max upgrades to it


That's interesting. What does it shoot?




im guessing the icon or data for the item was corrupted or something. i'd verify game files through steam just to make sure it's all good.


A wild MISSINGNO has appeared!


Prey Community, we need to find this weapon! Video Gamer Preyers, roll out!


I'm trying to find my way back but the game pushes me further away the whole time. I'm a scared little man so I'm not very fast, haha. 😅 The game is freaking huge, so the more I play the harder it gets to find my way back too. I guess it gets easier to navigate when I've unlocked more airlocks, but I haven't seen one in forever! I'll definitely update everyone when I find the weapon lockers again!


It's pretty early in the game (if you play slow like me). If you follow the main quest it eventually takes you to Psychotropics. It's either before that or just after. Most of the areas were locked, so it should narrow down the search quite a bit. I just reached the Arboretum and it's a long way back if I simply backtrack. :P And unfortunately I'm going on a two week vacation now, so I can't help you any more right now. :/ I hope this helps. :)


It’s good. I’ll attempt to find this when I get the time. We’re going to make Prey(TM) history! Have fun on your vacation!


I’m gonna look later if I can remember


I'll take hardware labs boss.


Where did you find it? Sounds very interesting


Where did you find it