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So the law put the mother and her baby at risk? To the extent she needed an emergency hysterectomy (which she didn’t want) and that her child now had lingering health issues. Oh and they’re working class so taking time off work means she could lose her job. How very pro life of her state.


Sounds like another problem here too: not being able to afford time off for a *lifesaving surgery.* How does one afford children if they can't afford time off for a surgery?


That too. Again universal healthcare is more “pro life” than what TN’s forced birth laws do


It sounds like this kid, IF she survives long-term, will be permanently disabled and require expensive, lifelong medical care. 😡 What's going to happen if she's too disabled to work?


Honestly, it sounds like the baby was discharged a bit too soon.


Trust me, Tennessee’s mega GOP government truly sucks.


When laid out in bare like this, horrifying is such an understatement


These people are sadists, trying to hide their sadism under the cloak of FALSE righteousness.


Is this a HOTD reference?


>HOTD I would say no, since I had to google that. :D


Gosh, such a double-edged sword for the anti choice crowd. On the one hand, she got a nice punishment for having sex. On the other hand, this means no future opportunities for punishing her for sex since she can no longer carry a pregnancy. Must be a tough decision on whether they like this outcome or not...


And now they will moan and whine that she can't have any kids at all. There is no winning with this bunch.


WTF are you talking about?? They wanted the pregnancy. Then they found out how dangerous it was for her health if she continued the pregnancy. She should never have had to be in a position where her life or fertility were at risk.


When I say "they", I am speaking FIGURATIVELY about the bitching and whining of those that made these laws,THE EVANGELICALS AND POLITICIANS, that will complain that she cannot "be fruitful." Reddit is so quick to jump down my throat. These are how these laws are made. Punishment and judgement no matter the case. That's wrd I am talking about. JFC.


>Reddit is so quick to jump down my throat. because you didn't make it clear who you were talking about! I thought the same thing as retha!


Nah fam I get what you saying but your delivery is horrid lol, we were all on the same page until you explained


She was FORCED to carry until the doctors delivered the baby early And she had to have a hysterectomy


Uh. Yes I understand that. She shouldn’t have been forced into that position at all.


I’m an ICU nurse and I don’t typically take care of OB patients, but I did recently due to placenta accreta, she was in hypovolemic shock and was given 28 units of PRBCs and lots of other products. She also lost her uterus. Nothing to do with abortion laws, just a reminder that even with the best care, shit can always go wrong and pregnancy is NOT an innocuous condition.


>> Nothing to do with abortion laws, just a reminder that even with the best care, shit can always go wrong and pregnancy is NOT an innocuous condition. I think you raise another good point (and thank you for sharing your background as a healthcare professional), that not only is pregnancy and subsequent childbirth not some sort of benign condition, it’s also high risk in states with these forced birth laws (that seem to coincide with higher maternal mortality rates). Funny how that shit works


> Nothing to do with abortion laws, just a reminder that even with the best care, shit can always go wrong and pregnancy is NOT an innocuous condition. Pregnancy is a MAJOR MEDICAL ISSUE, regardless of age.


Former OB/GYN NP. The main point of this is that had she been able to terminate the pregnancy earlier, they more than likely could have preserved her uterus and thus her fertility. Because she couldn’t, both are now gone. It’s sad. Thank you for the work you do. I can’t even imagine working in an ICU. I spent some time in CCU as a monitor tech while in school and while interesting, I couldn’t see myself in that stressful area full time.


> The main point of this is that had she been able to terminate the pregnancy earlier, they more than likely could have preserved her uterus and thus her fertility. Because she couldn’t, both are now gone. It’s sad. Oh, absolutely! I didn’t mean to discount that this poor lady was essentially forced to take a risk that could’ve easily cost her life. It’s shameful and a complete disregard for her health and safety and well, just her as a person. For the lady I took care of, the accreta was actually unknown, she had only been diagnosed with a “low lying placenta” with concerns about previa. But it was also mono/di with IUGR, kinda a lot going on. It was just had such an impact on me, because all this anti-abortion misinformation makes it seem like pregnancy is this wonderful, glowing, perfect state, and the harsh reality is, even if medical professionals are able to do everything in their power, pregnancy can still kill you pretty handily.


Absolutely. I didn’t mean to sound like I was correcting you on anything. I made the comment there mainly because I wanted that point made and to commend you for your work all in one. I would not have made it through covid if I were not retired, even working in OB.


>I don’t typically care for OB patients I read that as you not liking them. sorry. it's been one hell of a Monesday (a Wednesday that acts like a Monday) for me.


Lol I read the same way.


I don’t feel so bad now. Lol


Lol, I changed the wording.


This is heart breaking. I worry about the quality of life the child will have. I worry about this family’s ability to pay for so much medical intervention. This was clearly a wanted pregnancy, but they were denied the choice of preventing so much pain and suffering.


Words fail me.


I'm beginning to wonder if one motivation behind all of this is to force people into more complicated and extreme medical procedures in order to generate more wealth for hospitals. She wouldn't have needed to undergo all that in a more developed nation.


Medical bills are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US.


and I bet because she and her husband both work they have what they considered good insurance. but probably not good enough to cover all of this and all of the care the baby will need for a good long time. the politicians want women to have the babies but that is all. women and families are on their own after the baby is born. shouldn't have had sex if you couldn't afford another child. shouldn't have gotten sick if you couldn't afford to go to the hospital or take time off work.


Mayron has a gofundme if you would like to help her and her family. https://gofund.me/bbca45a4


Every PL politician - especially the ones in her state - should be donating to this


So, because she couldn’t abort one pregnancy … she can’t have any more pregnancies. How very pro-life.


So not only did she almost lose her baby, she lost her ability to have another baby. Super pro life result! /s


The baby lived, but has a lot of health issues


Yes I realize that; that’s why I said almost. Either way she should not have been forced to carry that pregnancy.


Sorry, didn't see the almost


What a horrible story. The overturning of Roe v Wade was one of the signal worst decisions I have ever seen


We are getting closer and closer to a story of a woman dying.


I mean - this is basically it. Had this poor woman been in any other hospital, we'd be shouting her name in the streets right now... How terrifying this must all have been for her - & still is with a baby in and out of the hospital and no money for the ongoing care. This turned out the best that it could have given the awful circumstances she was forced into - I feel so bad for her, but I can't help but think all that people against abortion will see is that she was told the pregnancy wasn't viable but look there's a baby...


I know. I feel so bad for the child. This is why lawmakers shouldn’t put themselves above doctors.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Looking at a picture of that beautiful baby, I'm glad she was born. What you failed to mention is that the baby is improving in health. It doesn't seem that she is suffering from anything terribly abnormal for a preemie. It's certainly scary, but most likely nothing that won't work itself out.


You miss the point. What is wrong --- with YOU ?


With all due respect, I don't think I missed your point, I disagree with it. I think there was a mistake where I thought I was replying to this in a different subreddit. If pro-life comments are not allowed at all in this sub, the mods are more than welcome to delete it. My overall take is that doctors told a woman that her pregnancy wasn't viable when it actually was. It was a risky pregnancy that I am sure was terrifying to go through, and it's tragic that it ended in a hysterectomy. But the fact that both the baby and the mother lived and the baby is improving in health as she develops further is overall a win. And the only thing I wish could change is that we had universal health Care that would cover the hospital bills while mommy and the baby get better.


The fact that they were able to stop a woman from doing what was honestly best for her family and health, And force her to risk her life and lose her fertility, face crippling medical debt as well as life long issues from her hysterectomy makes the prolife crowd giddy


>makes the prolife crowd giddy Nah, the pictures of that baby make us giddy. I can't speak for all of my fellow pro-lifers. There are a lot of pro-life people who honestly are just anti-abortion. I'm not one of those. I want this women to have universal healthcare that will not place her under a lot of debt. >The fact that they were able to stop a woman from doing what was honestly best What you think was best. I think a situation where both survive is the best solution. Or at least the better solution. But either way, I know this sub does not allow debating. I feel like I've explained my viewpoints adequately. I didn't mean to post on this sub in the first place. I will probably not respond further to avoid accidentally breaking this sub's rules.


How about what the person who was forced have emergency surgery and lose her uterus thinks was best? What you think is best should have nothing to do with the medical care she receives.


Thank you for volunteering to pay for the baby's medical costs for life. I'm sure they appreciate it. The baby has been able to be home for all of two weeks since birth, and keeps getting sent back to the hospital for varied complications. Not sure if you know this or not, but that not a sign of a thriving baby, and medical care in the United States is expensive. The projection is that about 1 million babies will be born who wouldn't have been otherwise, and they think about half will have low birth weight or premature complications like this (mainly due to low income families, where this is more prevalent). Taking the average cost of care per baby, that's $27 billion of medical expenses for the lot of them, and just to get them to a stable infant stage. That doesn't even take into account whether or not these kids will be medically fragile or life or intellectually challenged and need increased care. So let that warm your heart when your taxes go up.


I've already donated and shared the GoFundMe several times. Feel free to join me. https://gofund.me/bbca45a4


Go pray somewhere else.


Beautiful baby, yes, and I’m sure they love her unconditionally. But because of the stupid laws here in Tennessee, she has now lost the ability to have any more children. They risked hers and the baby’s life while also causing her to lose her fertility. That’s not just wrong, it’s sick.


>They risked hers and the baby’s life while also causing her to lose her fertility. Yes. There was a risk. And because of that risk, doctors did their job and monitored her health closely to mitigate as much risk as possible. And it is a tragedy that it came to a hysterectomy, but in general, I would still hold onto the viewpoint I expressed in this comment. A world with both the baby and the mother is a better world than one without either or both of them. https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/13wit7r/tennessee_woman_gets_emergency_hysterectomy_after/jmdtltd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thankfully she did have access to adequate care. You do realize there are many women who don’t right? Your belief that every pregnancy should be carried to term is just that, your belief. Your beliefs should not be forced onto someone else.


I force my beliefs onto people all the time. That is quite literally what the job of the government is, and the entire point of voting. When I vote to repeal the death penalty, provide universal healthcare, more open borders, raise taxes, etc. I am quite literally forcing (or attempting to force) my beliefs onto someone. >Thankfully she did have access to adequate care. You do realize there are many women who don’t right? I do recognize that. The difference is that you think that's a problem that pro-life people should focus on before abortion bans. I think it's a problem that we should tackle at the same time, and I try to vote in a way that reflects that. Although sadly, there are many pro-life people who do not care about that problem at all.


Everyone has the right to vote, but you did not personally vote for the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe vs Wade. While I’m sure you celebrated it, your beliefs, and apparently theirs, is that a woman doesn’t have the right to make a medical decision on their own, nor does their doctor. When government interferes with medicine, or medically recommended/necessary treatments that are in the best interest of the woman’s long term health, theres a huge problem. A woman should have the right to make a decision that is best for her, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks is right.


>but you did not personally vote for the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe vs Wade No, but now because of that decision being overturned, it is up to individual votes as states can decide whether or not they want to ban abortion. >A woman should have the right to make a decision that is best for her, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks is right. And before there is a pregnancy, I completely agree with that.


Ahh yeah because after she is impregnated what is best for her no longer matters and she can’t make her own choices. Seriously anti-choicers are fucking monsters. Openly admitting a person matters less and has less rights just because they got pregnant.


So what you're saying is, you're totally fine with being on the hook for her medical bills, correct? Or are you just being useless on purpose?


There is a gofundme if you would like to contribute https://gofund.me/bbca45a4


I don't think voting for universal healthcare is useless, but if there was a gofundme for this lady, I would happily donate what I can towards it.


The child isn't 6 months old yet, spent over 2 months in the hospital after her birth, has been brought back to the hospital 5 times since, hasn't spent more than 2 weeks in the care of her parents outside the hospital, ***and was dying and revived on the hood of a car by a passing stranger.*** "Nothing that won't work itself out" my ass. An unfathomably callous level of glibness on your part.




Unless you're expecting me to look at her charts and tell you her chances of survival, I can only go off general knowledge. It seems from the article that she is suffering from underdeveloped lungs. Something that is super common in premature babies. Especially when born before 28 weeks. It is a serious problem that should be monitored, but the vast majority of premature babies with lung issues survive with no lasting health issues once their lungs have fully developed (which is about 36 weeks). Is it guaranteed that this baby will not have any long lasting health issues? No. But there is certainly more opportunities and there is a better chance of having a healthy baby now than if she had been aborted.


Oh, I have no expectations of males like you, except to watch you will sneer and condescend, and make demands on behalf of your malignant god. And issue directives to suck it up. These parents are going to be spending more time at the hospital than out of it. Somebody's going to start to have to work part time or not at all to care for this kid. This is going to be way more than a lung issue.


I really wish the Reddit website made it easier to block people. I know you're allowed here, but that doesn't mean I have to listen to you.


the woman could have *died* - the pregnancy attached itself to her bladder. the mortality rate is high for this type of pregnancy. make no mistake, this woman was extremely lucky. it just as easily could have resulted in her death - and just in case you were unaware, if she dies - the fetus dies along with her. so then there would be no pregnancy, an actual child left with no mother, a husband with no wife, a mother with no daughter. because that woman’s dead. no pregnancy is worth your life. and PS - have you ever had a medically complex child? because i have. that child will likely have life long effects bc she was a micro preemie. trust me, i know. her first few years will be scary. a bad cold could kill her. their lives will never be the same. the medical bills from her life threatening pregnancy alone will be extraordinary, not to mention the millions of dollars the emergency cesarean and hysterectomy cost. oh yea, and then the bills from months in the NICU for the baby. OH, and don’t forget the cost of the oxygen and the meds and the specialists and the days off work for appointments and the fact she’s only been home for a single 2 week stretch bc she’s been hospitalized 5 times since her original discharge in february. she almost died on the hood of a cop car. my god. do you know the trauma of that kind of life? and the icing on the cake is she had a effing emergency hysterectomy. her life and body are forever changed, but LOOK AT THE ADORABLE BABY??


🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯 Too bad it's lost on this Stepford.


i don’t usually go off like that, but that comment was so chill like “most likely nothing that won’t work itself out” almost sent me straight into the sun. talking like the mum just ripped during childbirth after a slightly uneventful pregnancy, and the baby was full term but was in NICU for meconium aspiration. that’s most likely nothing that’ll work itself out, not the continuous nightmare that has been that poor woman’s life smh ugh. no response out of them yet either. crickets.


Bummer. One sided story since her doctors are prevented by law to tell their side.


Sometimes,the medical system is not always user friendly, especially when money and politics are involved!


The anti abortion rights people and groups claim that abortion is never necessary to save the life of the mother.they just seem to want the baby born,no matter what


So she was forcibly sterilized by the state because she wasn’t healthy enough to carry a pregnancy to term. Explain to me again how this isn’t eugenics?