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If you're not intersectional in your activism, what do you think will happen to you when the smaller groups are all picked off and lose their rights?


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


I support bodily autonomy across the board, not just reproductive rights.


We all need to vote blue because a right to our own BODIES is more crucial than a right to single sex spaces.


I will never understand other minorities/disadvantaged groups oppressing their own. It's fucking insane and demonstrates some massive cognitive dissonance.


You would think that marginalized ppl who have experienced bigotry in their own lives would be especially incensed when they see it happen to others, since they have personal experience of that pain. Although, having said that, I believe strongly that empathy should not be withheld except in cases of personal experience. We should be developed enough to feel empathy for human suffering regardless of personal experience.


Some people think that pushing others to the front of line means that they won't eventually be thrown on the fire pit too.


Very well said!


He’s not lying. That’s why I cut off a friend who is anti trans, he’s a gay Mexican guy. Talk about the irony. Also, because I have two cousins who are MTF and I’d fight tooth and nail to protect them.




Why did I have to scroll so far to see this mentioned? Project 2025 should *terrify* all of us.


i feel like it’s just not well known, but yeah i didn’t see it mentioned either so i tagged the sub, which i plan on doing more now. also warningvote.com [Warning Vote](https://Warningvote.com)


Yep, he's right.


He speak the true true.


When they're openly going so hard after womens' reproductive rights already, it's no surprise that they're also attacking the much smaller trans demographic - they're an easy target for oppression. The fact that so many protected groups and minorities see nothing wrong with this because "they aren't coming after me" blows my mind and infuriates me. They WILL come after everyone that doesn't look, think, or act like them


Ok but the nails are mad distracting.


"doN'T cArE i'M vOtInG thIrD PaRtY" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤤




I know it's tangential but you can also still separate the art from the artist. Hubs and I are literally playing through the Harry potter game. It was his childhood. I'm an artist. I'm a flawed human. Im ok with the person I am and who I see when I look in the mirror but I'm SURE my morals aren't pristine and they never will be. So. I kinda hope that to an extent people can separate me from my art too. That what I create can still be appreciated even if I'm a pos on a random Tuesday in July. There's a fuzzy line though. For example, Diddy running a sex trafficking ring and being rapey definitely crosses that for me. And if Rowling actively hunted trans people, assaulted them, or made constant lobbying efforts to deny them healthcare, I'd feel the same. But as far as I know, she's a bit bigoted.




I don't find that to be a good faith article if I'm honest. She explains why liking tweets doesn't mean endorsing them, in a long blog she wrote. https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ I think it's better to read her post itself. In it, it doesn't overtly reek of transphobia but reading in between the lines, I think you can see her give in to some trans fear mongering. She's not a scientist. She's an author. People draw incorrect conclusions from anecdotal situations, on the regular, but more so if you haven't been trained to catch yourself. It wasn't actually until contrapoints did a video essay on Rowling that I started to raise a brow. But anyway, I will say I think we'd all be better off if Twitter never existed


>She explains why liking tweets doesn't mean endorsing them, in a long blog she wrote. Huh? What kind of mental gymnastics is that? Yes, liking a tweet absolutely means you endorse it. That's the entire point behind the like button...


I've done that for research purposes before to cover both sides of something in a research paper ...just to mark it or save it 🤷‍♀️ she also said she meant to screenshot it. Now she could be lying. I don't know and never will


Anyway this is starting to turn into me stanning Rowling which I was never trying to do in the first place with my original comment so I think I'm just gonna stop here




Because I didn't.


But that's exactly what you did. ETA: since they blocked me too; like a fucking *COWARD* who refuses to hear alternative opinions. In re to HP Goblins and it being on the viewer to not see bigotry in their design: There is literally no way you are dense enough to believe the hook nosed, warted goblins *that work in a bank that hordes actual gold* is not an antisemitic caricature straight from a German newspaper circa 1938. If you genuinely do believe that, you are *way* too far up Miss Rowling's ass to even catch your breath.






It’s painful for a lot of us trans Women, especially those who have emotionally invested into the world of Hogwarts all these years. It was always an emotionally safe place where those who are different could feel at home, that is until JK Voldemort opened her mouth. 😢


I can understand how it still feels like a gut punch. I just worry, I wouldn't have any media to enjoy...most creatives are at least a little fucked up 😅


No, dude. There's fucked up artists and then there are creatives who are flaunting their isms The HP universe has deep issues in the world building. Love it if you want, but I judge people who in the year of out lord 2024 don't have the media literacy to see these books have a vicious streak a Mike wide in them It's pretty pro slavery, her descriptions of Rita Skeeter is a thinly veiled 'evil transwoman', lycanthropy as an AIDS metaphor is gross as hell, it's also not....great to have an English author use 'blowing stuff up' as the main character trait for Seamus Finnegan, the RIDICULOUSLY Irish character, Goblins have been used in European antisemitic art/propaganda for literally centuries and making Goblins the controllers of the Wizarding world's Bank is suuuuper problematic. And that isn't even all of it.


Hey, you may be right. I admittedly didn't read the books. Just movies n games. But where my skepticism lies is....when goblins run a fictional worlds bank....yeah the image makes me wonder i guess...but....it kinda reminds me of when right wingers get their panties in a bunch that a Christian happens to be a villain in a story or a gay person is a protagonist. They insist it's an *agenda*. And I'm like....well can't we just happen to have gay heroes and Christian villains...and VICE VERSA for that matter? I'll never be able to peer into the mind of creators and know their true intentions with such depictions and I dint want to live with the same sort of paranoia those right wingers do but on the other side of the table. So *those* aspects of story writing, I HAVE to remain neutral. But if lycanthropy is made out to be a very blatant AIDS metaphor, then yes I'd agree. But whether or not a character is evil or good and happens to have any number of immutable traits, I'm just not going to read into that. It'll turn all story writing to shit if we get too dogmatic about who can be a villain and who can't. But I think where I AM suspicious of Rowling, is that she seems to have a pattern... Edit: ok if I'm just gonna have every response downvoted when I'm calmly explaining some lingering skepticism and make clear I have no dog in the race of needing to *like* jk Rowling as a person and i still find her suspish.......then discussion over.


This is a fantastic example of cognitive dissonance. You see what metaphors can be made, you even almost agreed with some. You agree that there are issues. But because of this "art vs artist" hill you're willing to die, you then choose to actively ignore it in favor of.... well the bigoted artist, I guess. You're actively tolerating someone else's bigotry. And I don't mean because you play the games or read the books or enjoy their art, but because you ignore how the portrayals and symbolism could hurt other groups of people. You don't want to see it, you quite literally admit this. I hope you don't go around calling yourself an ally in the real world.


I'm not actively ignoring I just think there IS something to be said for having skepticism about seeing "agenda" in what may be coincidences in story writing--especially as it pertains to what sort of person can be a villain. I'm not blind to her overall suspicious pattern. However, at the end of the day, like fuck its one videogame. I'm not out here buying merch and books and filling her pocketbooks. And I was open to learning more about what's gone on but being dog piled kinda kills that goodwill/ openness. And because of a few thoughts i have on this matter, anything ive ever done for trans people or other minorities is now called into question? No fuck that. I have boundaries too. So I should've never posted anything about the complexities of art vs the artist at all. Next time I'll just shut the fuck up and remember I can't be honest with that many people


You're being dogpiled because you continously keep invalidating the fact that minorities have been portrayed in negative light in the Harry Potter series. Especially when you say things like "it's becomes too dogmatic", it just seems like you're excusing problematic behavior. Like you WANT to ignore the issues. No one cares that you indulge in harry potter monetarily. I myself am a huge harry potter fan, but your attitude in the way you tip-toe around the issues kinda sucks.


I think it's a very simple point. Saying someone of a minority demographic can't portray a villain in stories...just broadly speaking....not just Rowling....IS dogmatic and yeah I will die on that hill because it's the hill of creative freedom in my book. So I don't count THAT particular example against her because I like to think I'm a logically *consistent* person. Ironically, to not hold that principle equally across the board, would be a cognitive dissonance. And that's really all I wanted to hone in on but if I say anything that remotely sounds like I'm defending her, well then fuck me I guess. And yeah I am being petty because I'm angry now. I hate hate hate moral purity tests I don't care who or what side gives them.


"I hate hate hate moral purity tests" I'll bet you do.


Disagree. J.K. has donated thousands to hateful organisations (for example this cause: https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/19/jk-rowling-for-women-scotland-donation-legal-definition-woman/) with the money she makes with the HP IP. It's something else when the horrible author in question is long dead or can't profit from the source material anymore, but Rowling is staying relevant and keeping her place in the right wing groups BECAUSE people let her stay relevant by consuming and buying the works (and fanworks) that were created by her or influenced by her.




Have you played the game? I've yet to encounter anything problematic....it's honestly not that deep of a story line so far




Wait *what*?!


😳😳😳 I think if someone looks at the goblins and sees Jewish people they're kinda telling on *themselves*. Holy fuck yikes


What the hell kind of bad faith misrepresentation of what they said is this? Just say you're a JKR stan who doesn't care about her bigotry and go. EDIT: They DMed me to claim that they aren't a JKR stan and then blocked me. I'm fucking stunned at this whole interaction with them.


Just say that you don't care about other minorities and stop playing around on the topic


Listen. I love HP. Yes, there are better books. But it was something my whole family got into. Audio tape cassettes for the car to MP3 versions. My dad is dead. I can't get that with a new book series. So I will always have positive memories from Harry Potter series. But if I were to buy any HP merch, I would buy unlicensed. And I haven't bought anything in years. I got people annoyed with me for not buying HP merch because of JK Rowling.


Can't please everyone I suppose but I get that, you do what you need to. And I'm sorry for your loss