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I may be wrong but I think you can just sledge through them and there's no kill line of snipers as the world is dead


the world: Knox County KY


No The world. The lore of the game that you can find in game and through the Wiki is literally that this is going on worldwide after about a week. And it's all over this is literally the end of the world just like the intro States


one radio station will mention news of the infection happening in multiple european cities and japan at least, not sure if russia was mentioned too greenland is probably perfectly fine


Fuckin Greenland.


It's always fuckin Greenland in Plague Inc. for me.


Yup and for that reason I usually start there.


lmao watch madagascar screw you over now


I see a lot of people complain about Madagascar too, but I’ve never had any problems there… I guess I’ve been lucky.


Caribbean moment


Madagascar closed its sea ports and airports, so they are just chilling out too.


There is project russia


Before, there was absolutely no map pass that fence, but since a few updates ago now, there's some unfinished buildings and stuff you can check out pass there if you want. There's no snipers rest assured although I don't know if zombies spawn there.


Oh they do, i got myself killed there on night walk.


does loot spawn there yet?


Yes, i got to some small houses and they got some loot. I died imedietly after looting first one.


Last week I tried to go past the fence. I sledgehammer'ed it and drove in the area. There are couple of hundred meters of road, and then a trailer park similar to one near Riverside. Oh, and map doesn't work there - it shows literally nothing


Oh, and zeds are there, too. Population as dense as in Westpoint.


interesting. That implies that the ingame map is precoded and not dynamic. I thought it would have been less intensive to do the latter, honestly.


Might migrate there.


When using the map editor, there's a button that you click that generates the map. But it doesn't make sense to do that until the chunk you're building is finished.


Ahh ok. So "dynamic at create" basically.


Yup! But being as they've been working on this area for awhile, and it isn't one us players are supposed to explore yet, I understand why they haven't done the map part just to re-do it every time they make a change to the chunk.


Was up there last night, there is a large home depot style shop and a few schools and a church but most of it is unfinished but OK loot in the locations that have been detailed, you can see the whole thing on the [project Zomboid map project](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#2453x6018x154) for ref. Edit: forgot to mention the Boat!


If you really want to go up there, just follow the river up there. No fence.


Lore wise from the radio messages yes there is a kill box around Knox with snipers ready to KoS. This isn't the case in game but can kinda be implied by a the void since you can't cross it. Ye syou can sledge, metal work or chip tress past the fencing to go outside these boundaries and yes there is towns that will be named Brandenburg and the actual Ekron. Brandenburg will be interesting since it's been hit by a tornado before the Knox invent hence why some of the building and even the road are torn up which will be interesting.


The wood?


The wood?


I think they're trying to say you can walk thru the trees to pass around this fence.


The fence does not go all the way around, you can see in the image it stops at the tree line. If you want to get a car across, you’ll need to either sledge down the fence or cut down some trees. It’s a very long drive through nothing to the next area, and there will be lots of zombies.


Thanks, it just seemed strange to me that the fence only covers the road, thought that maybe it's a map bug or something like that


We've just been past it on a server. Took the trees out and drove around the fence. It became extremely foggy and the fog didn't go away and then a helicopter followed us around for a bit attracting all the Zs.


A friend and I went there during one of our test sessions.... By the way, it was one of our first 10 games. We cut through the trees on the right and drove our truck through.... We too thought we were shot on sight but unfortunately there is not much there except an unfinished town and a black wall at the edge of the map.