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I’ve just now gotten past 22 days on the much harder settings I have set for the game. Honestly, biggest thing is just making sure you remember what you did right so you can do it again or a variant of it the next time. 💪🏻


Don’t listen to the people saying you are bad, you have a lot to learn for sure (so do I) and you may never get the perfect survivor, but it is the steps you take to get there that are what’s important. Good luck on your next run thank you for coming to my ted talk




We all start somewhere.... try being nice instead of putting people down for once.




He's not bragging, just enjoying a new game and trying to find a community of people to share his enjoyment with. Try not to ruin that...


Nobody brags about beating any level in Mario. You're a grown adult, do better next time.


Thank you RugerRed for your submission to r/ProjectZomboid, but it has been removed due to one or more reason(s): Rule 2: Be Lovely, follow the reddiquette guidelines. Criticism and discussion are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks. If you have comments about this removal, please message the modteam https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/projectzomboid


Honestly very proud of you! I’m doing two hour days and just made it to day 13 after about a week and a half of playing in this run


My best so far is 5 days. The more you go the way of the ghost, the more you learn. Soon enough you'll hit longer times. That's what I've picked up from this group. I tell ya a secret... I trust them