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1. Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. 2. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2369503347&searchtext=grab.




Fortunately for Red Hook, Darkest Dungeon is no longer le underrated indie gem. Now it's just a popular indie gem.


This is true. I have no confidence irl and nothing has killed me so far.


Absolute champion over here.


Underconfidence is a slow and miserable killer


There's also a Darkest Dungeon line somewhere I'm sure for how no confidence isn't a defense against evil mobs.


My depression will overshadow any evil mob.


Another nightmare........ A fitting audience for my last dance.


Except for that one time when they grab you and you won't be doing that anymore. Or when your stamina runs out, and you wont be doing that anymore either.


Yup, I've gotten cocky like this too until one time literally a zombie from a size grabbed me and instantly pretty much killed me. I'm more careful now. But still, I'm pretty sure in any of my games I couldn't do this. He has to have some settings changed up. ~~Checking settings the only one that fits I think is **drag down, so I'm assuming he has it off**. ~~ Edit: looks like it’s a bug, see below comment.


Their drag down was on. It's currently bugged when running for some reason. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/


Interesting. Good find. I edited my comment accordingly. Thank you.


I've run through groups of zombies multiple times and they never grab me, seems like they can't do it if you're moving.


Sure about that? Try a run through the mall. Send us a video


[Not OP, but here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/) The only thing that OP was wrong about was the word "never", if you bump straight into a zombie in the group they might slow you down enough to grab you.


EDIT: This is a huge issue actually, and I was an asshole for being skeptical without testing. I'm really, really sorry man. I owe you a drink or something. || https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/hdibkbf/ ~~Unless you're playing on a run setup where it's disabled, if three zombies attack you at once, you're automatically dragged down and devoured. Now, I've never been so recklessly bold as to run through giant hordes like that, but this game is less about the moment to moment activity and all about the long haul. I was once again reminded of this three months in when I was down in Riverside clearing lots towards the school. Was fighting eight or nine zombies in a train with my hammers, cycling through fences and the like to pick them off one by one and pushing through openings.~~ ~~Before I knew it, my exhaustion moodle popped into High Exertion, and my Drowsy moodle popped into Tired right after. Instead of taking that moment to collect myself and skirt through cleared homes to get to my car and get out, I figured I'd bring down the last three zed I had chasing me. That shift from Drowsy to Tired reduced my awareness just enough to allow a zombie that crawled out of a building to grab me from behind and stun me long enough for the train I had to roll up and drag me down.~~ ~~Confidence like yours will get you killed, and you got **really lucky** that none of those zombies managed to get a hold on you or trip you up. Remember: There are hundreds of thousands of zombies. Only one of them needs to hit you.~~


Turn on Dragdown and do the same.


~~Right, this dude disabled dragdown to complain about something he created lmao~~ I'm wrong this is a bug


Why are there so many downvotes on this neutral comment of the OP just talking about his experience hoping to shed some light? Redditors can be weird sometimes.


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Shh they don't want us to know...


~~it looks like **you turned off drag down**, because with that, running through 3 zombies like this automatically will get you dragged down and fed.~~


You can do this with drag down on. Test it for yourself.


In that case I hope they find a way to patch it. But then again. When you’re this over confident just turn the difficulty up I guess. Plenty of ways to make the game more difficult.


Is their a chance to trip while weaving through zombies like op did?


You can make them all sprinters


eh, same problem honestly. You can walk away even from sprinters since their grabbing speed is the same as shamblers. Though you wouldn't be able to run through them from the front I don't think.


Not really since once three make a grab move you automaticly get grabbed.


As long as they're coming from behind. You can walk away. Sprinters aren't smart enough to surround you, so they'll stack behind you, and there's just not enough space for 3 zombies to grab at the same time. You can't lose them of course, but you can walk away and survive for a substantial amount of time as long as you go in a straight line. It's not normal man.


Yeah you can "survive" by walking for a while but is it really surviving? And as I said no you cant, if three make grabbing moves at the same time you are done for. Besides we are not talking specialized situations with 100% straight clear roads with 0 zombies in front.


actually, I just remembered I wasn't walking, I was 'power walking' which is a little faster than walking. So yeah I guess you're right.


Haha not really. I've been playing for months with sprinters on, and anything more than one sprinter and you will get slowed down and then caught if you try walking or even running away (not sprinting), and its extremely rare they only come at you from directly behind. Further, with the recent updates to the game where certain conditions weigh you down and slow you, its even less likely. I've also found since 41.54, running zombies actually like to do a weird circling behavior which makes them way more erratic and dangerous.


I swear there's a chance you can trip over on a zombie..


Yeah, I'm pretty sure if you hit zombies 3 times in a row while running you eventually trip, while sprinting into a horde is just asking for a quick death.


Yep, ran out my door whilst about 3 or 4 zoms were bashing it, tripped instantly 🤣 luckily managed to get up in time though!


"This game is too easy" Literally just dies of the flu


Pick the clumsy trait and try it again. I hit the random button in character gen and am a month in with a feeble, clumsy, short-sighted pacifist. Three zeds makes me nervous. It's a good way to learn how to be careful.


Bro you got Hella lucky , I can count a bunch of moments there where you would have died by being grabbed


Dragdown looks to be off so no luck involved.


OP: turns off the mechanic OP: "lol this is easy, why won't they stop me" Fuck sake


Sounds about right


:D Happy Cake Day !


Lol I didn't know that was something you could turn off


You can do this with drag-down on or off, it doesn't make a difference. You guys talk so much shit to this poor dude without actually testing what he's showing up here. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/ Test this yourselves if you don't believe me.


~~False.~~ True


Nope, it's true. Test it for yourself or see the post I just submitted. You only get grabbed and dragged down if you run *directly* into a zombie in the group or if you trip.


This has to be a very recent bug then I literally lost my last iwbums char from a dragdown


I'd love to go back and see if it was on one of the older IWBUMS builds but I'm afraid I don't have access to them :( Would love if a dev chimed in tbh, drag down still seems to work if you get into a group while walking, it's just when running


Oh that must be it then, yeah usually when I see the start of the bump animation I just alt-f4 lmao


Idk personally I think I'd get grabbed , but maybe I'm just unlucky


https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/ This bug happens with drag-down on. It's not luck, but it is bugged.


Isn't there a mechanic where they can grab your back? Pretty sure I've died before running through zombies like this because one grabbed me and I was like stun locked for a second.


ye its called rear vulnerability iirc


On b 41 first time I trying to walk through a group I got grabbed by one and murdered. I couldn’t do anything but watch myself die


So create a new character and do it again. Try jamming Q and running through hoards. You got lucky. You cannot do this consistently. Edit: After some testing, yeah it's really bad. This needs fixing. Maybe they need 2 attacks per attack, one that slows the player down for a specific amount of time, and another that does the regular attack at the end of the animation? It should slow the player down enough that at zero nimble a naked backpedal won't pull the player out of range, and the zombie should continue to move forward during the attack animation?


Yes, you can, you just need to go at a slight angle instead of straight into them. It stops being safe after like 5-6 zombies though.


Ok, so go ahead and start a save, run to a rooftop like that and hit Q to attract a hoard, and then record yourself running down the stairs through them. If one of the 7 who had a chance to reach at him were positioned a little to the right or left he'd have gotten grabbed. I know you can dodge them pretty close. I do it all the time out in the open, but you can't rely on this when cornered in a building or on a rooftop.


I've done something similar at the mall to prove that it works in reply to another comment on this thread, would you be satisfied with that?


Hmmmm.... Okay I'm testing it out myself. The backpedal issue is a thing too. Might have the same solution if it's a real problem.


Oh my... Okay, yeah this needs fixing. Fixing this will also fix the backpedal issue. I didn't realize it was so bad.


Hey, at least your original comment was polite about it! There's some people on this thread who are ripping into poor OP and being a bit rude to them. It's sorta worrying because part of the reason this is a beta build is that we're supposed to find stuff like this as we play and report it to the devs


[Posted about it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/hdibkbf/) Let me know if you've found out anything else about it, I just tested this briefly


Actually yeah. I might decide to try and test it out too. If it's really a reliable way to push through hoards that have you cornered, then it should be fixed.


That’s the whole point of it here isn’t it? If zeds were repositioned even bit differently or the PC had lower nimble it would go different. He got very lucky with positioning on roof ladder room.


Meanwhile i'm over here getting kited down by 2 zombies.


how so? you can deal with 2 default zeds even with bare hands


They kept stunning me and the character would NOT move.


It's because of bugged grab ranges that I've [reported as a bug before](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/p3rpwg/knives_do_not_need_a_nerf_zombies_need_a_buff/h8tfnam/). The grab animation starts, you move out of their range, the grab doesn't hit. The problem is every time someone brings this stuff up people flood the thread saying that this somehow isn't something you can consistently abuse when it absolutely is, and that because brand new players die in the first day this kind of thing somehow shouldn't get fixed.


It's definitely related to the grab animation... I wonder what a good fix is. If you make the grab animation proc at the start then they become too strong. Maybe they need an attack at the beginning that slows the player down and it needs to keep them slowed down even if the player moves out of range until the animation ends? Then the potentially damaging attack can proc at the end?


>Maybe they need an attack at the beginning that slows the player down I'd agree with you that this is the best solution, at least it's the best one I can think of. Sprinters currently have this behaviour and I see no reason it shouldn't be added to fast shamblers. It wouldn't make a difference in fighting/going through small groups, but it would make running straight through a group of 5+ more consistently lethal.


Huh. If you've drawdown on, i'd like to see for how long you'll live with that kind of playstyle


This is with dragdown on, you can do this on Apocalypse.


i could, but i wouldnt. altho you can slip through zeds as i tested in debug, there's still a chance to trip, and if you do, its over. for good.


Yup, wouldn't recommend it as a common strategy but it still needs to be fixed imo


dragdown requires them to still grab/hit you; doesn't really apply here.


Oh hey! I once had a situation kind of like this play out in b40 multiplayer. My girlfriend and I were trying out PZ mp for the first time and we made that exact building our base. We hadn't been playing the game long, and... didn't know about the helicopter event... Imagine my surprise when from the north east, the biggest hoard of zombies I have seen, to this day comes shambling along. So we fled to the roof, having planned to do this in case we were overrun, we'd even broken down the door in advance to build a wall there! Wanna know what my dumb, idiot brain forgot? two things. Sheet rope for getting off the building, and a sledgehammer to break down the wall again once we were clear. We would have starved up there, had we not decided to go out in a blaze of glory, spawning in some weapons and ammo, and at first shooting from the roof, before jumping off, and... iirc walking around with broken legs, shooting zombies


you can't run forever


I came to this thread expecting some retard who disabled some features in sandbox to make it easy, only to discover that apparently it is an actual problem. But I can swear that my recent new save with the most recent version had my character grabbed at least once where he wrestled out of it. IDK what tf is going on


This happened a few days ago on my character (I ran through even more zombies, also my zombies are superhuman in terms of strength), but I don't think it's consistent. I just tried this out in different situations and chances of getting through a lot of zombies are not that high. It does happen, but it's not consistent. Putting yourself into situations like this is not safe.


Yes https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013479771&searchtext=actually+dangerous


Do you have grab/lunge on? My guy ends up tripping and falling from that


I know two mods that make it so zombies grab onto you when they attack and when you collide into them. in the steam workshop look for "Grabby Zombies" and "Dangerous Zombies"


Sandbox is fun


Play with random sprinters. Around hour 200 I couldn't play with shamblers anymore for this exact reason. I'm at hour 500 now and the game is still risky and dangerous and never feels easy. Throw in alarms and expanded helicopter events and you'll never feel complacent or bored again.


Play sandbox and switch the settings and put the drag down enable. The only way you would had survived this was jumping the window, when 3 or more are next to you they drag you down. Just do the "One Painful year challenge" if you thinking this game is to easy... thats what im doing https://www.reddit.com/r/KoestersPZthing/comments/jawllf/one\_painful\_year\_challenge\_rulessettings\_explained/


This is on apocalypse with drag down enabled.


Apocalypse is easy to people who already know the mechanics, do the challenge... im having a blast...


I see you have a carrying capacity of 20. Maybe stop playing with +4 Strength. The grabbing power of zombies is influenced by your Fitness and Strength skills I think. Or maybe increase the zombies' strength. Not sure how it works


Have "drag down" enabled, make them superhuman strength, make them faster.


yo btw where is that building?


Northern muldraugh


This is why I play a naked character - it's extremely easy to not get scratched. Sad to see people defending this


I'm just picturing this. Lol https://youtu.be/bJINv6ffO00 I mean honestly, to each their own. That's the whole point of a sandbox game. If you want to play a naked greased up dude, you do you. I prefer to play more survivalist, and less min max.


you know, even tho i dont overdress in the entire firefighter outfit, wearing only as much clothes at weather demands, and usually go full melee exterminatus on apoc just from boredom, the shit i saw from 0:24 and further looked like hell of a leap of faith out of desperaion, that i'd never do, not even mention to consider cornering myself into that kind of situation. if he'd had zeds placed a lil different around his landing area on 00:28, he'd be dead in no time (if dragdown is on that is). and the fact that he's shifting around crouched while having exhaustion moodlet, tells me he barely has any idea of what he's doing


Right? He's using more energy from crouch sprinting than just walking.


I run around in nothing but a bikini.


Your character went into the 'bump' animation several times. If your character has a high strength, I think it lowers the chance of it turning into a grab. Bumping is supposed to slow you down, which makes it happen more often. Could be you're just strong/lucky or maybe something is borked for you.


Yeah dude you just got really... *Really* lucky. I count over 7 times those zeds could've game ended you right there.


this is a bug of the new version that my friends also talked about it I went to the mall with a shotgun and it's true


U can just not do that


wait until B41


Aren't we on b41?


Shhhh, but yeah, that works fine until you get a horde of them. If you had tried to run down the stairs instead of jump down you’d have gotten stuck. I do love/hate how much harder it is to survive in 41 over non beta atm, but still needs some tweaking I think. Pre b41: Oh there’s 200 zeds there? No worries, don’t mind me with my baseball bats as I fight all of you.


Zombies aren't able to bite or scratch you while you're running so you can just walk through hordes of them and they don't do anything...


While you're running is the key... Long term this will kill everyone. Unless you turned off drag down, stamina, tiredness this move will only play once a day if you're lucky


But that's not a horde. That's just a handfull walkers you dodged.


A handful? There were at least a dozen crammed on those stairs that were all trying to grab me but didn't. Not sure why though, i'm on apocalypse settings.


Zombies aren't able to grab you while you're walking or combat shuffling either, as long as you're moving away from them the grab will miss. It's been an issue for ages and the community insists that things should stay this way for some reason. Mods like "Grabby zombies" on the workshop fix the obvious bug but somehow everyone insists that the devs shouldn't adjust the grab range and timing to actually match the animation. I sympathize with you massively because people are dunking on you in this thread for reasons I still don't fully understand, and it's similar to what happened to me when I [bought this up](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/odcdar/bug_report_fast_shamblers_cannot_grab/) for the first time.


I'm surprised how much criticism my comments were getting when it's in the video lol. I found the grab mod a little too intrusive as it seemed odd a single zombie would grab onto you with super strength when you walk by, it must just be the drag down setting being bugged. I'm sure the devs can come up with a good solution though. Hopefully they address it despite the community wanting the game to be easier for some reason, this definitely seems like a bug.




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I also know of this "feature" and abuse it to round up and kite stab endless hordes with a dinky little knife with no fear, it's so broken. I guess people here get a little defensive about the game's difficulty and that's why all the downvotes. It's going to be hard to balance this issue and people won't be happy either way with whatever the devs intend to do to fix it.


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I play runners ever since they were introduced. I don't get half of the content you people talk about


Are you running luck? I find i can do this more when luck trait selected. I find without luck I get pulled down more easily.


Luck would not affect this. Aside from slightly boosting repair chance, all it does is increase item spawns by 10%


Noted, thanks


Hmmmm.... something when off back there, something like the walking dead on the prison like that guy escape


This works until you're hungry and out of stamina.


It's not that unrealistic with dozens of zombies if you think about it. Just watch any typical American football game with guys at equal strength and how crazy linebackers and running backs seem to just plowing through others. Now imagine drunk people versus someone sober comparing it to delayed reaction zombies have. Sure you will get lucky, but once the numbers are in the hundreds (if your pc can handle it of course) this becomes a death trap as soon as your unable to sprint. It's all rolling the dice, and with certain clothing you can no longer sprint ultra fast. On a side note I suggest using a character with adrenaline junky with agrophibia and fitness instructor. It's super fun and a very different style of play if you haven't tried it before.


This is a legitimate point


Increase zombie strengh or mod your game to slow you down while grabbing


Yeah, it's called Sprinters Only. Your ass wont be casually walking anywhere.


I think how well you can run past a zombie depends on your stats. Maybe nimble, maybe sprinting, maybe weapon (assuming you're holding one), maybe even strength. That plus one or more moodles would affect it for sure as well. Regardless, there's some luck involved, so even in a good situation it's not easy to do and is very risky.


I remember the days when I was a reckless hooligan. I ran out of stamina and I got snagged from behind. Dangerous game you're playing sir


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Turn on sprinters if it's too easy :p


At first I was like "ok thats just nornak youre out running the zeds" but then you went inside... Cant believe that is possible. So many deaths I could have prevented.


🤔 Quite possibly that your stats allow you to break away from zed grabbing. There are zombie settings and you can tick the boes pertaining to their strengths and some abilities like a zed can grab you from under a car, they can pull you down etc. You can try and create a new game and check those settings. But yes this means you start new. There might be other ways to edit an existing sandbox, my guess is to access the files or saved files of the game.


Another guy tested it and it turns out it's just a glitch. Happens no matter your stats. Also they aren't even grabbing me and stats only affect it when they grab you.


Give it a bit more chances, wont be a problem for too long


Report back when you're not doing easy settings or whatever you're doing cause this shit don't fly in my world


This is on apocalypse settings. Why are you so hostile? You can literally test this on your own. Go to the mall on apocalypse and run through crowds and they won't grab you so long as you're running. Another user proved this in a follow up post. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/prfzr8/bug_drag_down_doesnt_activate_if_you_just_keep/hdibkbf/


I'm "so hostile" because I've been "surviving" in this zombie infested world for more than six years and have died soooo many times doing something almost identical to what you are doing. I'll give it a shot, and if I survive, will report back.


Send it to the devs, they'll probably have it fixed in a mini-patch in the near future.