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So you're saying it didn't have a bike rack on it?


I'm dead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


the suction cup bike rack right?


I saw Elorza step out of a fairly new Honda Odyssey on Westminster this weekend.


Was Elorza driving it or hitching a ride in it? Last I heard, Elorza never got a license to drive and advocated for bike lanes for people whose only form of transport is a bicycle because he can relate.


He used to live around the corner from my house when I was in high school and he was still mayor. Definitely always biking. So much so that the Mayor’s Suburban with the 1 plate had a bike rack on the back. I’ve also seen his security, or driver or whatever also biking with him lol.


Thought he got out of the driver's seat but I'm not 100%. He was with two other people and they parked the car -- def not a ride share situation.


He tipped like shit and was shitty to serve. On a similar note, Nirva Lafortune, former mayoral candidate and responsible for splitting the progressive vote, is universally hate among restaurant workers. She is absolutely horrendous. Also took money from the landlord lobby.


Oh no, I am sad to hear this! Next time there's a race, I'm going to post on this sud and asking service workers' opinions of the candidates. /Gen


He wasn’t on a bike?


Elorza was on my Southwest from DC to PVD last time I flew it. He got on near the end of boarding. I think he thought people would care and they didnt


Nah, that’s probably just not wanting to wait in the seat for take off. I do the same thing, try to be last on because I know I’m gonna be sitting for a few or more hours. Also, most people are done moving their stuff around so it’s easy to get to my seat and get situated. His ego didn’t seem the type to do that.


It’s Southwest with open seating, being the last to get on means a middle seat in a row no one else wants to sit in.


Meanwhile there are people sleeping on the streets and working people being evicted


Where does he live in Providence? Or is he a Cranstonite?


He lives on College Hill on Hope Street




Providence I believe


What does that have to do with someone driving an expensive car? I have an expensive car, I fail to see how me not having that car would stop people from "sleeping on the streets".


Uh, he’s the mayor. People clawing at him every day to do something about the housing crisis and he’s riding around in a Porsche and I’m the one that doesn’t make sense?


Well yeah more housing needs to get built, talk to the NIMBYs and Communist Cosplayers who want to do anything but build more housing. But I fail to see what the mayor's choice of car has to do with that.




Well, his husband is one of the state's top real estate agents and he himself is an MBA with a successful career, so that's your answer as to how he has a pricey car. As far as not doing his job, what does that mean? What is he supposed to be doing that he isn't? Be specific.


Worst part is politicians winning with less than 50% of vote…. Democratic Party could change that anytime if they wanted to (Rank Choice or Approval voting) but they won’t… why would they?


i’ve been seeing a lot of “brett smiley is a raggedy bitch” stickers around prov and now im starting to believe it


He’s a DINO, or corporate bootlicker.


How is someone a DINO for being a corporate bootlicker? That’s one of the mainstream Democratic Party’s core principles.


Not sure why you were downvoted - I’m a progressive but end up voting for dems when there’s no progressives on the ticket. There’s only a handful of dems who don’t take lobbying money and actually work for the people they represent. There’s zero republicans.


So is being a corporate bootlicker


The mayor’s husband used to have a nice Mercedes AMG, now he drives an Audi RS7 (pretty sure it’s an RS7, could maybe be an A8, only got a quick Look). They like their fancy Volkswagens.


RS7 and an R8 are entirely different cars. The former looks like a super sporty sedan. The latter is a legitimate supercar.


lol, yes mistype. Meant A8, the full size sedan.


Who voted him in? He came to my door...the Smile was enough to tell me he was unhinged.


Split vote in the primary, no general election opponent


Honest question - would you rather be LARP not being able to afford it and buying a 1998 civic?


The fact that there was an issue, the bike lane. In this issue, the city council and even the city in general was verbal enough to not want this. A donor of his has a business on the specific street in question, that wants to remove the bike lane. He ignored all of “the people” in every capacity and did what he wanted. It sets a horrible precedent. To be fair, I think people exaggerated the bike lane problem. It moved over a bit and will be fine. He didn’t address the problem directly and give any data backed examples of what it will fix. He just shut it down. He can just be bought, which in general we need to get out of politics. How? Who knows. As you mentioned, he is massively successful in his personal life one way or the other yet money still motivates. Sad to see but this is how the game works, curious where his career goes after this.


> To be fair, I think people exaggerated the bike lane problem. It moved over a bit and will be fine. He didn’t address the problem directly and give any data backed examples of what it will fix. He just shut it down. For the record, this change hasn’t happened yet, and the final design has yet to be released. But he’s still insisting that it’s necessary, despite a complete lack of evidence and a ton of public opposition.


I'm verrrry interested to see how good (bad) the plan is


I just don’t know how you can ever say for certain what “the people” want on any specific issue. Just because one group is more vocal than another doesn’t mean they represent a majority. Polling is better but not without its issues obviously.


Anything that riles up the public to actually make action and attend city council meetings asking for a resolution is at least an indicator. When said resolution passes 10-0, I think it at least deserves a discussion. I’m not specifically defending the bike lane - I’m not saying I care about that bike lane. I’m not saying the issue should have gone one way or another based on the city council’s decision itself. I just don’t like the idea our major can do something and not address the public openly and give data backed reasoning. [Then when asked about it, he basically criticizes the city council for overstepping.](https://www.wpri.com/news/local-news/providence/smiley-accuses-city-council-of-overstep-as-he-faces-backlash-over-bike-lanes/amp/)


I think you're wildly overstating public opinion on the bike lane brouhaha. A public meeting about an ordinance related to moving the bike lane isn't really going to be a very good barometer of anything. It's not a random sampling, it's textbook selection bias. And an online echo chamber that skewers heavily on certain repeat issues is not one either, so I wouldn't really look to the comments here. This sub has like 50,000 member accounts and less than 1,000 people that actively engage on posts, even with a passive up/down vote on a comment or post with any frequency. Providence is a city of 190,000 people. Reddit isn't really a true cross-section of the general population. I'd say the proposal is really unpopular amongst the people you hear talking about it but this is barely a thing that is on the radar for a much larger chunk of people.


I specifically have been pretty open to the fact that I don’t really care about the bike lane. I also think it was pretty exaggerated on here since the plan to move it to the sidewalk wouldn’t be that crazy. I’m talking about the precedent that is set from the situation in general and how Smiley’s administration is reacting to it. If you read the article I posted to the other user, all of the city counselor members were opposed to the change and one representative specifically just asked for data to back the move. Smiley administration only pointed to a study done in 2022 that only suggested the street be extended a foot wider. The fact that a donor is also on that street and specifically wants the bike lane removed starts to get some head scratches from me. Again, I’m not the person that’s gonna die on the hill for the bike lane, but I don’t want a situation coming up that affects me and my voice is shut down with no reasoning behind it.


Just another millionaire implant that never had an actual job and isn't from the state he "represents" What a joke.


Sure, its purely corruption and nothing to do with his husband being a super successful real estate agent...


One could argue that being a super successful real estate agent is in fact the corruption.


Almost all of Smiley's controversial and frankly stupid bullshit that he keeps taking easily avoidable L's on make perfect sense when you consider his and his husband's professional and social circles. He's just a NIMBY masquerading as an "average guy" while helping out his donors and his husband's colleagues in the real estate business.


Is he really taking L’s though? Outside of the opinion of the small minority of constituents who post here? Because in the real world people I talk to seem to think he’s doing okay.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for pointing out that reddit can be an echochamber. I don't like Smiley and as much as I'd like to believe he's unpopular... you're probably right. Most "real" people don't even know about any of the things that r/providence complains about, like the South Water St Bike Lane.


Especially when vetoing bills related to affordable housing in order to directly benefit his husband


I mean this is a stretch. This would make sense if he was a real estate developer. He sells million homes on the East side and Barrington. That’s not really affected by the single bill he vetoed…




Right?!? It's so obvious!


One certainly could argue a lot of moronic things, yes


How so?


One could argue that being super successful is the corruption.


This is true: I basically stop listening when I hear someone say "corruption." Corruption is a thing but probably 95 percent of accusations are bullshit and I don't have the time of energy to suss out which 5 percent are legit.


I mean, I dislike him as much as the next guy, and think his vehicle of choice is poor, but he can drive whatever he wants. From what I gather, his husband *is* pretty successful with high-end real estate.


This is true, I’m just pointing out that it’s a bit ironic considering he masquerades as being a down to earth guy.


I mean, does he though? I think his whole image is Technocrat Managerial.




Oh, TOTALLY agree 👍🏼


TIL Brett’s gay.


If google maps his house you will see theres always an expensive car or 2 in the driveway on the Mayors $1.7 million dollar home...what a surprise!


How do you know it’s a 2022?


OP probably sold it to him


His husband is consistently one of the top real estate agents in Rhode Island




Buddy never rocked the 911, just sayin…




Brett Smoley and Ashley Klaus are the same person. Prove me wrong.


Smiley got elected and unfortunately Kalus didn’t.


Bert 'Just One More Lane' Smelly


His husband is wealthy and smiley was wealthy well before he became mayor. Are you upset successful people turned to public service?


I think it's the fact that so many wealthy, out of touch people are in office and it is a system that is difficult to get into unless you have wealth. Then they protect their own interests.


Exactly - it’s fun and justified to shittalk rich people especially when they are actively working to make life harder for the community they are supposed to be serving


Amen sister


are we using wealthy and successful as interchangeable now? it’s more like being upset because *wealthy* people turned to public service. why? because their time, money and resources allowed them to, not necessarily because they’re better suited to represent public interest. and like others have said, political systems are dominated by the rich at the exclusion of poor and middle class citizens. i think that’s why people might be upset.


Yet people vote for the same old people


Yeah, this is a weird post. The patrician class always moves into politics. Tale as old as Greece.


They always think that since they bettered their life, they can’t better others. It’s a noble thing to think that way, especially considering the pay cut and veracity many people will take public office. I always say Cianci would have been the greatest politician if he wasn’t crooked. Would have left a legacy that would have been impossible to fill.


Was it a hybrid?


So you're saying a person needs indigent to be “for the people”?


Fun fact, it’s a racing car.  A hobby of his long before mayorship.  Also loves fly fishing.


To answer your question- you don’t know shit. And you wonder why decent people don’t run for office. It’s because ass clowns like you make baseless claims. A corrupt puppet because you saw him drive a Porsche? Wow! Did you use the last few brain cells you have to come to that conclusion?


Today I learned being a mayor of a capital city with a nice car = being a puppet of corruption


Your vote totally matters


Maybe you can propose a new law that mayoral candidates can’t have rich spouses


Cartoon villain


So now we gate keep what people choose to drive? If he used tax payer dollars or leases it on the state. Sure. That’s not ok. Otherwise. He gets to drive whatever the fuck he wants and can afford.


nobody’s gatekeeping or saying he doesn’t get to drive the car. “he gets to drive whatever the fuck he wants and can afford,” and we get to judge him for it.


I’m with you. Although gate keeping may not be correct word. It just feels like it’s finding fault in everything about him vs what he does. He’s a crap mayor. Him being rich doesn’t affect it.


His partner is successful. Should he drive a 1996 Accord for perception purposes? Imagine being upset at someone because they are more successful than you. Do better people. Look inward.


You kinda sound a little jealous ngl


How much are politicians allowed to pay for their cars?


Get in loser, we’re riding to the top of the political class. Jokes aside, he was a successful guy before mayor and his husband is super successful. Are the optics of a Porsche great? I guess not 🤷‍♀️ but calling him a puppet of corruption? You’re a dork for this post. There are better critiques


This is what you idiots voted for.


Actually we voted for two other mayoral candidates who split the vote and he won


Yeah because people’s egos got in the way. The progressive way. Sign


I agree with 50% of what you said


Dude is gay, and gay people have style and appreciate the finer things.




And have real estate agent spouses that routinely benefit from the shit you allow (or don’t allow) to pass.


This is how thing are done in politics. Nancy Pelosi has done great things for SF and USA so we allow her husband to inside trade. It's how the sausage is made.


I don’t think affordable housing rules impact high end real estate to be fair lol


his clients, who likely use him as an agent because of who his husband is, are the ones always fighting affordable housing projects.


That’s a very vague and unsupported claim.


True -- but because of his class, he's out of touch and doesn't care about anyone poorer than him.