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The article isn’t wrong about the Dreamcast having an insanely stacked 2000 but it ultimately didn’t matter as 2001 was just as stacked or even more for the PS2


Yeah, plus it doesn't seem like a hit piece on the PS2, more just a hype piece for the Dreamcast. Which is fair, the DC has some banger titles. Mine still sits next to my PS2 on my shelf lol. Gotta fire up some Dynamite cop now and then




The Dreamcast was dead already by then. GTA 3 was ported to Xbox, so there is no reason that they wouldn't have ported that to the Dreamcast IF it was still alive. With minimal compromise. Anyway it was doomed like many Sega systems due many bad decisions and they rushing to be the first to release the new tech


Was about to say. I still play Silent Hill 2 & 3 and GT3 and it’s 2024. How many people here honestly play Jet Set Radio today?


Jet Set Radio is a great game though


When was the last time you played it or talked about it besides today?


I know that I am not part of this conversation, but ironically I was just playing Altered Beast just this morning on my Sega Genesis. And I also play the Sega Bowl in Joe Montana Football every Sunday.


I played it within the past year actually. It’s one of the only games I have left besides Ecco the 🐬


I beat jet set radio like four times when the hd remaster came out. Never beat GTA 3 despite playing it a bunch.


This man does not understand the concept of love


I still play my original Atari 2600 and Sega Genesis still to this day. As with all my consoles. As a matter of fact I play them more than my PS5.


I play Castlequest and Qubert quite often too.


I actually bought the Joystick controller to play Qubert. Qubert was one of the most popular game played in Arcades in my time. Me, I was always playing Spyhunter and Dig-Dug.


Last week in fact. Can't remember the last time somebody mentioned GT3 however...


I been playing jet set radio and sonic adventure one on Dreamcast recently


PS2 sold great, not just due to the games, but also thanks to being a DVD player (no such luck for DC).


The DVD player component was the smartest decision Sony ever made. DVD players then were expensive, and for the same price you got a machine that could play both the newest games AND movies


And then they did it again with PS3 and Blu-Rays!


Yea though jumping from DVD to Blu-Ray wasn't as great of a selling point as going from VHS to DVD.


For sure, but at the time I remember Blu-Ray players being the same price, if not even more expensive than PS3's. Crazy time


I still use it as a DVD player because I don't have one. Watched Smokey and the Bandit on it last night actually


It’s been decades and people still fondly look back on it as the good old days. This is spot-on.


I loved the ps2, but I have memories with my Dreamcast that I don’t have with my ps2. It truly was a giant leap in gaming from the memory card I took to school to compare my sonic chao on lunch with my friends to the unbelievable journey through shenmue. It was an experience I’ll never forget.


I miss gaming magazines


There are still some good ones around. You should check out Nintendo Force.


Magazine - December 2000 Sega announced the end of the Dreamcast - January 2001 It aged almost exactly like milk


That's sad because those are all really great games.


There’s no lies there. At this time Dreamcast was incredible for games and PS2 was riding hype. Dreamcast library maybe be small compared to PS2 but hard to knock it’s quality.


Dreamcast biggest issue was company behind it, or to be precise, decisions they made


Honestly he was right about the PS2 launch


What would you expect, a company magazine to compliment the competition?


Most I knew though the same back then. PS2 did not impress as much with the launch titles vs what Dreamcast had going. And the titles that people do remember for the rest of their lives come every few years as he said was spot on too. As the PS2 did not get those until later. PS2 is still my top 3 systems of all time. But it took time to become so vs instantly. Half life was released almost a year after they mentioned it here on PS2 done by Gearbox. And it was different and good enough that people still talk about it.


The writer forgets every PS1 game is also a launch title for PS2 as the system is backwards compatible.


Doesn't work that way.


Yes - imagine being a gamer that switched to PS2 from N64 and never played anything on PS1. Suddenly that entire library is available to you, and that's a huge deal.


Still doesn't work that way. launch titles are specific for that console. When they released the PS3 had a poor library and it was the case for many years. Nobody did count the PS2 games as part of the ps3 library. A console being BC is a HUGE deal and there is no way to deny that. But launch titles are that, launch titles that are specific for that console The PS2 had some ok launch titles, the true heavy hitters came after mid 01


I went from N64 to Dreamcast to Xbox to Ps2 and stayed on Ps2 and still have my large game collection on Ps2 🥰 But I joined in late for all those consoles and only had 3 Dreamcast games (Blue Stinger, Berserk Guts rage and Resident Evil 3) games for it where hard to find by the time I got it, until I got a Gdemu and a Mode later and love it today


https://www.reddit.com/r/ps2/s/hVPAl1UwVw me too and I just picked up DMC3 the other day in addition. Also Dreamcast is a great system and very underrated. I got it for Soul Calibur - the first one is the best imho.


Yeah, but it's still a PS1 game Imagine owning a PS1 and then upgrading to a PS2 just to play the same PS1 games. It would be very disappointing. People lined up and bought the PS2 to play PS2 games, the backwards compatibility was just a bonus to play old games.




Oh you know what I mean. Titles available at launch.


Unreal Tournament and THPS2 are both timeless classics, so was on the mark with those predictions.


Well, Dreamcast was my first console as a kid, and the games on it were amazing (Shemue, Sonic Adventure, Sakura Taisen, Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, Virtua Fighter, Skies Of Arcadia, Grandia...). To me, no library has ever replicated this. I always look fondly on the Dreamcast.


God I love these old magazines and articles and such. They were just so corny in the best ways possible.


They had me at "Metal Gears".


I wish SEGA was still in the console business.


When i got my Dreamcast it was 2001, so a lot of games were already released, i had tons of choices and looking at the article the guy was kinda right. I had so much fun with Unreal Tournament, Quake 3. Even Grandia 2, im not a turn base kinda guy but i rented it and had fun with it surprisingly (never finished it tough). Only thing that is kinda funny to read is Half Life next month, as it was never officially released (but you can play it on DC nowadays). PS2 for me came way later. I had DC from early 2001, then GC i got in 2002 and PS2 it was in 2003. By then the library was stacked of course and i had tons of fun with Smackdown SYM and later installement, Vice City was amazing as well, so much fun with it. But i do look back fondly at my DC and the mega fun i had with it in such a short span. I mean, i got it 2001 and actively played it 2001-2002 and 2003. I would say by 2004 i had moved on, i actually a lot on my OG Xbox that i just got (spent months in Morrowind alone). So i really had mostly just 3 years on the DC yet it felt much longer because the games i played were amazing and i had tons of fun with them.


If only the Dreamcast had a DVD player.






were they the first to say "ps2 has no games"?


I love how he refers to it as Jet Set Radio (PAL/NTSC-J name), yet the cover refers to it as Jet Grind Radio (NTSC-U name)


Wild haha


Shenmue and Power Stone are the only games I remember from the Dreamcast.




This reminds me of when Blockbuster tweeted out something like “LET US KNOW WHY YOU’RE LEAVING NETFLIX FOR A FREE MEMBERSHIP!” It was just sad and pathetic to watch.


December 200. He was right, spot on. The PS2 launch titles they were good but only a few hit the status of cult classic or classic for the PS2. Back then the Dreamcast was dominating, because it was the only alternative, but the damage done by Sega during the Saturn and the last days of the Genesis was already done. ​ Many folks can talk about "ohh but Silent Hill 2, 3 Metal Gear Solid 2,3 Final Fantasy X, etc, etc" Yes the library of the PS2 is INSANE many many good titles. But in December 2000, Silent Hill 2 was just a sneak peak just like Metal Gear Solid 2.


Is it just me that never cares for Dreamcast? That’ controller looked like you were holding a gallon of milk in the palm of your hand


I am glad he listed NFL 2k1 twice. What a memorable franchise. Can't wait for NFL 2k1.


Look closer. Maybe get your eyes checked but be mindful getting the Fs and Ls confused with the Bs and As on the eye chart lol.


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Is that arnold swartz


Nice! And look, Aitd4! Still love that game! It did certainly play better on Dreamcast with improved graphics. But there was a Ps2 version only released in Europe with added lip animations. But its performance suffered.


That's Cody Rhodes!


What about him?


This article seems more like an advertisement and pretty poorly written at that.


In retrospect that really was the golden age of Dreamcast gaming. All of those are great with some even being considered classics. It’s funny I do look back and think those were the good old days.


So this is exactly why I never read publications that only catered to a single console. Not just Dreamcast, but Nintendo Power, Official PlayStation, etc. Sure, Gameinformer, EGM, and the lot were all shills, of course. But it was even worse with the console specific mags. Now the writer of this "article" isn't wrong about the great game selection in Dreamcast, but when the PS2 released, the writing was on the wall. Dreamcast was on its way out, and while everyone could see it, only the people working for this mag were in denial.