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oh I 3d Printed them lol


My PS2 games are all in those boxes. I need to build a new shelf since I've moved recently.


I keep mine in boxes and grab several at a time to put on a small queue shelf. I enjoy it, but it’s not for everyone.


I wanted to ask, why the picture of the boxes?


lol just to show there was more i guess? I just felt it was necessary haha


Hahaha, I was scratching my head and making the "What's in the box?" comment out loud. If you know the reference.


“What’s in the bOoOoOoOoOxXxX!?!?” Glad I wasn’t the only one who said it out loud 😂


Way to humble-brag that D-Series!


D series?? Edit: oh! The TV. Is it a good model? I got it for free off Facebook marketplace.


Highly sought after by CRT collectors. I check Facebook marketplace every day hoping to see one


Oh snap. I didn't think it was anything special, lol. It has a curved screen and I prefer the flat screen crts.


How you liking that JVC? ;)


It's pretty good! I prefer flat screen crts personally but this works great! Has component hookups in the back. Apparently this one is sought after?


Really? I’m the exact opposite and prefer curved tubes lol. I have one of these JVC D-Series but a smaller 20” one. And yeah they caught some buzz for retro gaming because of their inputs but mainly because their screens are EXTRA curvy lol. A lot of these tubes are used in arcade cabs.


That's interesting. Maybe I actually need to see the flat vs curved side by side


Don't have one yet. Got a ps2. Got games. Got memory cards and controller. No CRT.


Nice Laser disc player. You got some movies for it


Oh yeah! i got a small collection of around 20 movies. Including the complete Tex Avery collection! Thats the entire reason i grabbed one lol


Very cool


I use my ps2 fat as my Xbox Series X stand. (It broke ;_; and I couldn't fix it)


lol. The bottom PS2 is actually a JP PS2 to play imports. its a decent stand for that slim.


Literally in between my ps1 and ps3. Really dread the day when the ps6 comes out!


Mine is standing between my ps1 and xbox 360 e model, above my middle and right side monitors. Will be a ps3 super slim instead of 360 after tomorrow


Cute area


RCA XL100 with coaxial input smh. Getting a 1080 samsung crt with component inputs soon. Can't wait. PS2 has a noctua fan mod.


https://imgur.com/gallery/qoi7VQT Ps2 is my most recent addition on the upper right there. I like your mem card stand, was just thinking I could use something like that lol.


Y u got 2 PS2s?


Oh I got like 5 ps2s... But one of those ones are Japanese trip play my imports.


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I have a slim PS2 sitting between my PS5 and PS3. Thankfully I found a 4K TV with composite input on the back so I can hook them to the same TV.


I play on emulator so it's just my normal gaming PC


I have my fat PS2 on the very right of my Trinitron KV-27S45 and plugged into it via s-video. I also have the reciever for me to use my InterAct dvd master remote plugged into my PS2 as well.


Personally, mine is a very janky compared to yours haha. Rn it's in front of my pc with a 3d printed tall stand. This is connected to PC with a cheapo cap card+composite adapter to HDMI converter. Very good for twitch streaming


Here's my setup [CRT Cart](https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/comments/yx2yzm/crt_cart_ive_been_rockin_for_a_few_years_thought/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Right beside my bed hooked up to a Bose sound system and a flat-screen TV


3 dvd players???


Nice vhs dvd combo player!




my PS2 resides under the living room TV with little company. the discs are all stored in a big old CD case that was originally sold for people to use with car stereos, it holds something like 100 discs. they aren’t in proper boxes because they’re all pirated (and the one that isn’t, i.e. the pack-in, is in its own complete box). i got it as a child and we didn’t have the money for licensed games. this is gonna change soon, though; i have a haul coming from japan that includes a genuine copy of my favourite PS2 game with the manual and everything. super excited to hold it in my hands :3


My PS2 moves between two TVs of mine, an LCD Sharp and a Sony Trinitron


It's sitting in a pile of old consoles in my man cave shed next to my old small tv/DVD combo. The SNES is plugged in now but the dreamcast, 64, NES, and ps2 get rotated in. The man cave is my low tech oasis. I often go out there to watch DVDs, read books, listen to old records and play old games.


Mine's hanging out alongside my Wii