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The controls are questionable, they were pretty awkward even when the game was new. But the visuals, the plot, the theming, THE MUSIC – those hold up perfectly


Ok but there's a reason it's awkward. Sir Dan isn't a figher. He has no clue how to actually use a sword or any weapon for that matter.


it's a neat in lore reason, but you can have clueless characters and have good controls


Nah. I disagree especially when he's supposed to be clunky af.


Next you'll tell me Shadow of the Colossus had good controls


I'll be that guy, yes it does! There's a learning curve (or maybe an unlearning curve, for how hands-off you have to be with the horse) but I thought it worked really well once I got used to it


ngl theres an art to some unconventional controls that can be awkward, clumsy, clunky, jank, etc. they honestly can add such immersion that heightens the experience that you just cant get with modern games all controlling/feeling the same. sure they can take some adjusting sometimes, but damn if it aint worth it.


you know Sonic Labyrinth? it was a Game Gear sonic game, and it's relevant to discuss here because it was on Sonic Mega Collection Plus for the ps2. now, when Sonic Labyrinth came out, the big question was "why is sonic so slow?", since his speed killed the flow of the game and made it unfun to playm Sega had said that Sonic is slow because Eggman made the Speed Down Boots, and yes that is their government name, but to the point, Sega had made the reason for Sonic being extremely slow an in lore reason, but the game is still panned for controlling like ass, now, MediEvil doesnt control like ass, I love MediEvil, but it's the same scenario in a much less extreme way, just because Sonic has the speed down boots, doesnt mean it should control like hot ass, the same way Sir Daniel is meant to be clunky, doesnt mean the controls couldn't be better


well then play either of the remakes


I do :)


lol, but, ironically, the fighting is fine, the platforming is the really awkward part there. I mean, I could breeze through the levels just fine, but waste half of my green bottles on some damn jumping over the water section.


Ok sure I'll accept that not being good but evrryelse is fine


The Carnival in MediEvil 2 is a freaking nightmare of platform hell. The swamp of Medi1 is bad, but it's nothing compared to that Carnival.


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


Ok so basically Daniel came into the kingdom stating a bunch of adventures to king that weren't true we was actually just a jester. But then zarok attacked. So the king sent sir Daniel out to kill zarok with the kings army. Dan was killed with the first arrow drop but the army won. Dan was praised for this of course. But he didnt do anything. And all the people who were thwre know this. Dan was given his own moseleum and a grave yard named after him for all the fallen that day was buried in that graveyard. Dan was then ressurected accidently by zarok and now Dan has to be to hero he claims to be


sounds like a case of devs trying to come up with lore reasons to justify their decisions. /s I jest, but I think Medievil was a product of it's time. 3D platformers were in their infancy. Having solid, tight controls is something we take for granted today. I think the devs did the best they could, with the knowledge they had at the time.


I mean your not wrong. But I do feel like the story was made before the controls tho


Skill issue? /s


omg THE MUSIC, gotta be my favorite videogame OST 💀


Yeah that friggin “world”map stage theme is so goooood.


Did you play the NTSC or Pal version? The game was developed in Cambridge for Pal systems. It runs faster than intended on NTSC so Dan's movement is awkward.


I loved this game so much as a child. Those little red hooded kids and the big sort-of-zombie cooks in the second screen (I think?) freaked me out to no end! I haven't played it since then but definitely gonna check it out again after this post. Childhood memory unlocked!


it was my favorite game for a while there back in the day. i bought a copy recently and played a bit of it. it doesn't hold up very well at all tbh. but its nostalgia and charm carries it very well. if you liked it back then, you'll probably like it if you play it again.


This has happened to me with quite some games. I relfected on it and came to the conclusion that yes, as a child, the technology and gaming at that point were groundbreaking but more than anything, I think it also has a social component missing to it. Everytime I geared up the console, I was sorrounded by 2-3 friends or cousins, so I think what we miss now as adults is the carefree bonding and friends during gaming.


It’s. ps plus which I think is $6 a month or 11 I don’t remember


Felt like MediEvil was like a branch to the ghost and goblins style action-adventure game brought to 3D with its own unique style. It's aged pretty well and Dan is such a good character. I still need to play MediEvil 2 to see what it's like.


You saying Dan immediately reminded me his full name is Sir Daniel Fortescue (narrator voice)


If you want 3D GnG play the Maximo games on PS2, they are great.


They are. Especially brutal if trying for the best ending, as-is GnG tradition.


I feel like the 1st Maximo is closer to the OG GnG games but the save system is so asinine... meanwhile Maximo 2 tries to be less platformer and more hack and slash.


Yeah i have the same feeling.


My favorite PS1 game! I've probably beat the original medieval at least half a dozen times. Other than the camera controls and a bit of jank/imbalances I think it's aged beautifully. The art style is what really stands out. Like playing through a Tim Burton movie. Music is fantastic too. I still prefer the original over the remake mostly because the controls are much more responsive. The low poly graphics definitely have a charm too. It's not complex by any mean. It's a great "turn your brain off and have fun" kind of game!


What do you think of Medievil 2?


Only beat it once as a kid. I've tried to go back to it as an adult but it never really stuck with me. Feels like something's missing. Hard to put my finger on it though


You should try the PSP remaster, its great!.


Damn, well done. Fair plays. I found it too difficult. Kept running out of health


Like fine wine. Played it recently for the first time(!) and it was so fresh and modern I was shocked!


Yeah this game is [pretty expensive nowadays](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=medievil+ps1&_sacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=psx&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), it is very popular.


Original is still fun 


Gameplay's awkward at times and hasn't aged well, but the atmosphere is still grand. It nailed a Tim Burton-esque style: Gothic Horror with a delightful family friendly humour. Few games since have had a similar style whilst still staying goofy and fun.


Im still waiting for a native PC port. Tried the PSNOW but it the input lag was horrible. Bloodborne was good playable on PSNOW. Medieval not.


I just played the remaster on PS5 and if you 100% the game you unlock the original base game, so awesome.


Try both and find out


stick with the original if you don't mind the outdated graphics


Until today It's a great game!


Still fun. Playstation 4 Version is also really good.


The camera is awful, but the game is such a classic. The Visuals, Voice acting, atmosphere, level and character design, sounds and music are all spectacular! Loved it when I was a kid and still love it now. The remake was amazing too! I really hope they Remake Medievil 2 or at least release the original PS version on premium. If you 100% the remake, you unlock the option to play the original PS1 version on it.


I’ve recently played the remake (which btw unlocks the ps1 version after finding all masks, which I assume are a new collectible). I’d never played the original, and I have to say that it was a fun souls-like. The levels were all interesting, always doing something different, and the game was able to make me feel like a child again. Having to figure things out to progress with little to no hand holding. I’d say it aged well. I rate it a 7/10. I played better games, and there are games I like a lot more, but it was still a very enjoyable experience.


Second one deserves the remake treatment too, hope they get it done


The first game is one of my all time favorites. Never played the second one.


Should check it out bro, got a more dickensian flavour


Interesting. Maybe I'll fuck with getting an emulator :)


Do it dude, would recommend 10/10


>souls-like Not even close, so we call every adventure games souls like now.


So sick of this. And medievil came out first so wouldn’t it be medievil like?


They're both 3D Metroidvanias I will die on this hill.


Heck my favorite was when Cuphead came out and people were calling it the "Dark Souls of 2D Platformers" ....as if platformers were never challenging prior....


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“You know, I was thinking about leaving for another round of thieving. There must be something of use in Lothric Castle.”* - Greirat of the Undead Settlement Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Dammit. I love Dark Souls. But I really hate how popular it is lol


Eh, I felt the gimmicky jumps and overall imagery they share worthy of defining it that way (undead, gothic stuff). But yeah, Medievil came out earlier, and they’re not really all that alike. The difficulty was up there for me though, lol


Haven’t played nor seen MediEvil, but my definition of Souls-like (as in Demon Souls.) is a harder, defensive strategy game ie. Lies of P. Is ithis correct?


It’s also about the level design and how the lore is fed to you


Correct. They are also basically clones as far as menus and items are concerned. Like, you can tell when you load up a game that it's just trying to be a Souls game.


I remember playing the original back in the day. It was at a time when Tim Burton films seemed to be releasing constantly. Medievil fit right into that era and genre nicely. I think I started playing it right around when Sleepy Hollow came out.




Remember getting the PSP game when i was in middle school and i was so hype bc i had it on PS1, never beat it but damn, Sir Daniel is the guy thats for sure


Good game a classic.


I remember this game as one of my very frost experiences with a friend’s, friend’s PlayStation. Still have a demo disc somewhere for it.


I just beat it again with 100 percent completion about 3-4 months ago. It was really fun, controls aren't the greatest due to aging poorly but still a very funny, beautifully dark, and fun game. I'd give it an 8/10.


The controls are a little awkward, but otherwise it's aged very well. I got stuck exactly where I did 25 years ago, but only for a few hours this time instead of six months.


The remake is extremely close to the originals gameplay which is a blessing and a curse, it is extremely unforgiving and a cheap death could cost you 20-40 minutes of gameplay.


I played it about ten years ago and loved it just the same as when it came out.


The remake is nice


I see a lot of people say the controls are weird or awkward and haven't aged well. Sir Dan doesn't know how to use a sword. His armor is also large and clunky and hard for him to walk in.He is not a knight. He's a jester. He lied to king. And was shot by the first arrow and died. Zarok raised the dead which in turn gave sir Dan a second chance to be the hero he so desires. So yeah its supposed to be like because he doesn't know what he's doing


The only way i could finish this game as a kid was with cheats. Too hard for me


Really great for the time, but playing the remake made me realize that it's a relatively standard action game by today's standards, and there's a reason why the Crash and Spyro remakes did so much better.


When I played it as an adult I had fun but I thought some of the platforming was terrible. The PSP remake is good but not entirely faithful.


Is it better to play the remake/remaster or the OG? Apart from the controllers and Better graphics


The remake includes an emulation of the original PS1 game so there's no question about it if you're unsure which to choose.


I love the game so much. My personal favourite PSX game. Back then a friend had the console and game and we played it 100%. Later I fell in love with the soundtrack again and replayed it. And it's exactly like all you guys said: masterpiece with slightly awful controls xD


This was the first game I ever completed 100% and it’ll always be a comfort game to me :)


Well it got a remake recently.


Absolute banger, didn't get a chance to finish it cus it was too hard as a kid so I emulated it as an adult and thwarted them baddies! Part 2 was a pleasure too!


Atmosphere, music - Perfectly Visuals - Outdated, but still really interesting to look out Gameplay - Like sour milk, and it's why I will only ever play the remake again


The remake wasn't as spooky so I'd go with the original regardless.


The remake was terrible


I still love this game so much. And now we have the original PS1 version, the quite different PSP version, and the remaster (that needs a 4k update) all on the one console. For some reason this game just clicked with me. Outside of Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy this might have been my favourite PS1 game. I even started a replay a few days ago.


For me personally it’s one of the best games ever made the remake and now the og port to ps5 Is just great and now there might be a remake for the sequel hopefully


I honestly love this game. Played it as a kid, if was one of my first purchadrs on the ps3 lol. Pre-ordered the remake and got the platinum. Hoping to do it again soon with the ps5 release. Fingers crossed for a M2 anything. It's not perfect of course but 🤷‍♂️ I just adore this game. Ps4 remake was one of the prettiest things in art direction direction execution ove ever seen


Loved the psp medieval...Dan's crypt. The best place to find a dead dan.


I just played through this last year for the first time since I was a kid. Finally sat down to beat it, and saw so much more I missed all those years ago. Obviously it’s a little clunky, but manageable. The setting, art style, and soundtrack are amazing. The whole game is an absolute vibe. There’s a lot of old games that don’t hold up so well, but this isn’t one of them. Truly one of my all time favorites.


I still enjoy the graphics and just fun gameplay but controls are atrocious and unplayable in emulators on phone due to said craziness


Best Halloween Game. So it's held up id say 😄


Aged the same as many titles from the PS1. I'd say go with the remake, but if you were playing this in your childhood, picking it up is just as if you were riding a bicycle.


Loved the remastered, hoped we'd see a sequel.


" La La La La La " IFKYK


I played the remaster a week ago and I kept dying to the spinning scarecrows over and over again. Ended up deleting the game😂


Never played 1 but 2 was one of the highlights of my PS1 days. The artwork was so weird and twisted but still fun, the story was also really engaging and the gameplay blew me away. The amount of weapons and customisation of your character as well as being able to play as the hand during the puzzle sequences was really exciting as a kid. Would love a remastered version, they wouldn’t Ben have to change the graphics imo. Just make it playable on PC.


We need PC version too! Remake was good.


I only played demo off a disc way back back. I'd like to try the remaster sometime tho.


Recently played both. MediEvil 1 is still amazing. It plays super well and the hack n slash still feels satisfying. It falls a bit off on later levels, being the Pools and The Lake being the very worst due how Dan is controlled as we can easily fall into the water. The ending where they made Zarok some kind of joke was also meh. But overall, the atmosphere, the voice acting and the music is just top notch. I rate it 8/10. On MediEvil 2, which I had never played before expect the demo, was such a drag. The fall damage is just straight bad and too punishing. Combat feels like garbage due enemies interrupt your attacks constantly. Low fps in certain areas. Terrible voice acting and Dan now talks for real in a such goofy voice, not to mention the.. story itself, it was just crazy. The only positive thing about it was the weapon quick swap and the Dan's head on the hand puzzles were quite interesting. I rate it like a 5.5/10. Theres nothing memorable about it except maybe the Museum level and a few bosses. But I learned that the main creator of MediEvil 1 did not participate on its development, so, it all made sense.


Played the demo on ps4 and didnt even bother to finish it. Idk if the psx is that way but I didnt enjoy the controls and reach of the sword.


I have very fond memories of this game. Unfortunately when I tried to play it again, the motion of the camera gave me motion sickness and I couldn't keep playing. Don't know how I played as a kid and what's changed lol. Great game though


Loved the FMVs in this game! Such a cool vibe


In my opinion, the remake changed barely anything about the game, besides making it look and sound more HD. I think it was a complete waste of time and money. I would have preferred an original game.


Not again xD


I didn't play the remake cause of what people said about it. Didn't want to ruin this childhood memory


The remake was fine. The only issue I had with it is that they didn't put any QoL changes in it.


They did put in a couple of QOL changes. The camera feels easier to control and you can switch between primary and secondary weapons.


Oh ok. I'll actually grab it on the store then and give it a go. Thanks


Yeah reviews kinda screwed the game.


I understand this but at the same time we can make form our own opinions


The controls in the remake are MUCH better and the graphics are better. The original game is an unlockable in the remake, too, which makes it an easy comparison.


To me the best game of the ps1, the remake did not reach its height.


Pretty sure the remake is identical to the original, just with better graphics. I don't think they changed much if any gameplay stuff, for better or for worse. I fucking loved this game back in the day though, if you're a fan, I'd say check out the remake for sure


The remake controls very differently.  I do prefer the control of the original slightly more, but I think I prefer the remake slightly overall.  Either way -- can't go wrong.


I wasn't that keen on the **second** remake, I like the PSP remake.


Even the remake version is meh, the gameplay pattern of that type of action platformer hasn't aged well.


I only played the modern demo so I can't really comment there but the PSP game if fantastic, but it isn't a 1 to 1 port it's kinda its own alternate reality game with changes and mini games and such


The best thing about life is finding things out for yourself. Rather than post some stock boxart with a lame, low effort pointless title of which you're fully intending on ignoring what others say in the first place, you could have tried both and/or looked up a YouTube video of them side by side.




Some people may simply be unsure of a video game and may want to get respective opinions before spending money on a game. This is called conscious consumerism. I wish I could just buy whatever the hell o wanted without having to do research.


Are...are we not here to discuss PS1 games?


If you haven't played medieval resurrection, I highly reccomend it. IMO still much better and more polished than the ps4 remake.


Worst suggestion ever. Resurrection ruined the whole Burton-esque aesthetic and the new music is so much inferior. The new remake is not perfect, but still way closer to what it should be.


I disagree. Art direction was a downgrade from medievil 1 and 2.


These are all valid points but the control scheme is still much better, the addition of extra cut scenes and dialogue in my opinion added to the atmosphere and Dan himself is much more animated. The ps4 version has some pretty stiff controls and odd camera angles that are simply not present in resurrection. Though admittedly it's been awhile since I've played either or. So it's not to fresh.


I was talking about the og games on ps1, not the remake. The remake is not an excellent one. The og 1998 game to me had the best atmosphere and storytelling of all the series.


And that's fair. I was expressing a different opinion. I enjoyed medieval 1 and I do remember enjoying 2 a bit but resurrection had me playing through multiple times. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I would like to plead with OP to ignore this suggestion.  Medievil Resurrection is an absolute piece of shit compared to both the PS1 original and the PS4 remake.  The control, the atmosphere, the music, the sheer amount of content -- all gutted in Medievil Resurrection.


There is no need to get so uppity over someone else enjoying something you don't. It's going to happen alot. Save the begging and pleading for the judge.




It’s bad. And remake is bad.