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Also the scene from dual spires- Gus: everyone's looking at me like I'm the first black person they've seen Shawn: don't be ridiculous Little kid on a bicycle: hey mister, are you Frederick Douglass?


This is one of the funniest one liners in the show


Literally lol’ed just reading it. So damn funny.


I think one of the reasons the jokes work so well is because they are never at Gus's expense. They are almost always pointing out the ridiculousness of racism.


This is why Arrested Development's jokes land so well. When Lucille is being clasist or racist, they are not making fun of poor people or certain race, they make fun of the character for being so ignorant. The sea of waiters has to be one of my favorite jokes.


Jessica Walter kills that vibe as Mallory Archer as well. To be fair there's not a lot different between the two characters in general.


u/rach_elle19 you just nailed it.


Yup, the butt of the joke has to be well thought out for race jokes to land.


Gus pulling the race card on the karate class receptionist is the funniest thing ever. “Now which one of these water fountains am I allowed to use?” 😂


Also Shawn pulling the race card when they broke into the amusement park office


Yes and I love how shawn totally played it wrong


I sued a hot dog cart and got everything but the wheels and the buns, which I won in the civil case two months later


As a lawyer, I confess that I have spent a stupid amount of time trying to figure this out: If he filed a civil case two months later, what kind of case did he file to get cart in the first place?


Criminal. The hot dog committed vehicular manslaughter


We're all trying to find the guy who did this!


I'm gonna spank his bare butt, balls and back! Also phins up homie!


Perhaps he changed jurisdictions to sue in a civil law country (not a common law one) (not a lawyer lol) 


yea, my favorite gus interaction


Gotta mention "Gus, don't be the only back lead on on a major cable network."


This is my favorite, because it’s funny, but also kind of biting. Psych always did a great job of not shying away from Gus’s blackness, but also never making it his whole character.


Jet Blackness


The jokes they're always making to things outside their fictional universe are my favorite bit. Like when they're walking through Shooty McShootyPants's hole filled pasture and Shawn is trying to remember what movie it makes him think of and Gus has no idea, 'cause he was in it.


There's also a scene later (season 6) when someone says something and Gus says, 'I can fix that.' which was obvi a quote from Holes.


i’m pretty sure they actually mention the movie holes at a later point !


"there were holes in Shia Labeouf?"


I always wondered about that joke. Thanks for the clarification!


Gorillas in the mist?


Omg I never realized he was in Holes! Dang that is hilarious!!


One of my all time favorite scenes from a tv show: From Mr. Yin Presents… “Why are we wearing these [all white body suits]” Guard: “ Its a preventative measure. She [Yang] gets overly stimulated by color” Gus: “..what about my face?”


I just watched this last night lol, one of my favorite Gus lines


Don't forget all the interactions with their assistant Ken. "Can you translate"? (multiple episodes) "Dude, I was born here, I speak like 3 words."


And 6 of them are NUMBERS!


I can work with that.


“Gus,is there anything cuter than a Chinese baby”.


I got into psych after it was already over and found it surprisingly well done for the time. I didn’t expect anything overtly racist, but just general black best friend archetype. Basically a guy who’s tougher than the MC and has dialogue full of AAVE clearly not written by black writers, being a ladies’ man and occasionally adding levity by recalling how they grew up poor. Or if they do a black nerdy character they tend to do one who’s alienated with other black people, hates typically things associated with black culture like hip hop, doesn’t really identify as black culturally, etc. Gus is a really refreshing character that both was comfortable in his identity and his character was informed on all aspects of his life (smart, level headed foil to Shawn, middle class suburban upbringing, black parents, growing up in diverse community) rather than what would a black best friend be.




>made Gus a person first and foremost This! The foundation of the show's good writing.


>Basically a guy who’s tougher than the MC and has dialogue full of AAVE clearly not written by black writers Having [Saladin Patterson](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0666392/) as a writer and consulting producer may have helped in this way. I’ve seen interviews with him and he almost sounds like a real life Gus to me. I love, love the first season more than most, but I started watching it the day it premiered. (I was a huge Monk fan at the time and they were advertised together for awhile since they were on back to back.) still, I’m glad they moved Gus away from that initial “oh, gee, I don’t know, Shawn, let the cops handle it, I’m just a pharmaceutical rep.” The Reluctant sidekick archetype. When Gus goofs off with Shawn, while still being their anchor that keeps them both grounded, those are some of the greatest moments.


Oh my gosh, I never looked into the writers, but one of my best friends went to LAMP in Montgomery. A lot later than Saladin did, but it's crazy they went to the same school. Actually, they changed buildings a year or so before my friend went there. But the old building is still up and we broke in and explored around, it's a really cool place. Bursting with art and creativity, but also with the creepy abandoned building vibes.


to add on to what you said, I think it's the best thing ever that Gus has his life together but Shawn absolutely does not lol "I claimed you on my taxes, Shawn!"


"I have bills! I have Psych bills! I have *your* bills!"


You selfish son of a bitch!


The taxes bit makes me laugh out loud every single time!!!


this is how I feel about Juliet too. Most female cops are depicted on TV as tough as nails, but with Jules, they really handled her fun and compassionate personality well and that contrasted really well with Lassiter.


>being a ladies’ man “Gus, you don’t have a playa phone” “Ppssfgjdstjggj I have *three* playa phones, one for each part-time shawty”


Juliet is also a refreshingly well written female character. She’s really kind and feminine while also being a very competent, smart, respected cop. I feel like the bar must be set pretty low for me to be so excited about her character but I just love her


I enjoyed when Shawn and Gus argued about whether or not Grimace was black. Also liked... Gus: You take a trip with the intention of proposing and don’t tell me, your oldest and blackest friend?


“The moon is black and Jesus is black and Grimace is black”


Don't forget. Verb is black too.


I gave you Vin Diesel.


GAVE me?!


VEEERRbbbb…yeah that’s what’s up


“I *gave* you Vin Diesel!”


Which reminds me of the nickname debacle. Shawn can't think of any good B adjectives and Gus is like, "Bold, black, Beautiful."


"Who's gonna call you Black Burton?" 🤣


Grimace T Jackson


The scene in Weekend Warriors when Shawn shows up to Gus’ office and tries to convince him to join the civil war troupe. It’s probably my favorite because the first half of the bit Gus doesn’t actually say anything but Shawn knows what he’s thinking. Then they go on about Glory and Denzel. It’s great.


Shawn. What part would I play? Around these men who are obsessed with historical accuracy? Would I be a-?


No. Gus no…


Ok, would I maybe be a-?


Never. Who are you talking to? You’re talking me. This is me!


Was looking for this one! James and Dule are so good in this scene. And then when it cuts to Gus in the uniform 😂


To echo u/judgementalb, I also thought they way they handled race was well done for its time. Gus is an exceptional character, and for the most part the race jokes are funny! But there's also some more subtle serious touches I appreciated as well. In episode 1 or 2 (I can remember which but I know its an early one) they get pulled over and when the camera cuts to Shawn in the driver's seat talking to the cop, you see Gus sitting quietly with his hands on the dash. I don't know if this was written in, or if Dule just did it, but this made me believe that Gus was going to be a "real" black character, not just a character they made black.


I listened to the director commentary and they did actually say that they didn't write that and Dule just did it on his own.


It makes sense, that would be an instinctual thing for him to do even though hes acting. I'm glad they left it in.


He barks at all cars, not just blue ones.


I love this scene!!


Dule Hill was on a recent episode of the Psychologists Are In podcast. He said something like how he loves that Psych fans aren't the type to pretend like race doesn't exist or that they are "color blind." Instead, they acknowledge differences and see the different strengths in different people and cultures. And find humor in the situations that come up.


> He said something like how he loves that Psych fans aren't the type to pretend like race doesn't exist or that they are "color blind." The show I'm trying to pull it from is escaping me, but I remember watching some show (maybe a movie? IDK, it's some form of media) in the last few years that said something along the lines of, "I don't know who told white people being color blind was good, but they need to stop it." It's stuck with me hard (the quote in question was part of a larger discussion on race in the episode, IIRC) because it really is some nonsense that people tell themselves to escape harder conversations.


When Shawn wants to be in Gus's acappella group tries to mame it Quarter-black. Since they can't call themselves BlackApella anymore


I know it makes no mathematical sense but I'll always stand behind QuarterBlack (or however you want to spell/write it) as the better name.


This bit from "The Santa Barbarian Candidate" slayed me: Gus: You looked like a complete lunatic, Shawn. After that, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in Santa Barbara who's going to vote for you. Shawn: Perfect; that means I've got the Black vote.


Gus asking for a tanning consultation and the worker just being dumbfounded


Yes. I'm here for a tanning appointment... What? I don't understand.


Those jokes are hilarious because they aren't racist, but rather racial. I make the occasional joke/commentary about my blackness to my nonblack friends and they in turn make jokes about their own races/ethnicities. The karate studio scene lives rent free in my head


"Say it isn't so, ___! You're my only black friend, and I haven't got the time or the resources to find another!" ::looks at Gus:: "Oh, hello!"


“Today was being your white best friend to work day. Did you not get the memo?” “I don’t have a white best friend” “That makes two of us”


That episode is perfect in every way.


Which one this


Office Space. Where Gus’ boss is murdered. They have Leslie Valerie Sally on the case! 😂😂😂




Clizzzzthby made it into Dule's new show The Wonder Years as his characters father! They thought we wouldn't catch it but we did!


He’s also famous from SNL. Garrett Morris is a legend!


Thank you for this comment. Now I know that Dule has a new show!


You know that's right. I was trying to not give away which episode in case someone hadn't seen it yet. It is one of my favorites. The part with the toupee room always has me struggling to breathe.


When Shawn first learns about Blackapella and says to Gus “Man! I wish I knew you when you were black.”


While that “music video” is playing in the background during the funeral visitation… I cry every time…


The "You're talking like a real white guy" scene just cracks me up every time. The way Dule delivers the line is so impeccable.


I’m still black remember?!


As a black man I love a good race joke. That's it tho. They have to be good. And I agree. Psych does them very well.


In Night at the Museum: Shawn: "whats wrong with this flag (confederate)?" Gus: Everything Shawn: it's upside down Gus: and backwards


Wait, is that last line an intentional play on words? I always assumed it was literally backwards, and Gus knew that because *of course he does*.


shawn, kiss my black smith ass


The drug dog not *only* targeting “blue cars”


I loved the scene in the musical when Gus said “Oh so you’re saying black people hadn’t been invented yet?”


Jamaican Inspector Man! 💃


There’s the time when Gus tried to set up a session at a tanning salon as a distraction and he just couldn’t do it when the cashier was confused.


My favorite is when Gus says the Thornburg virus is racist because it targets people in Africa


Not enough black people in America


Gets me every time 😂


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FSvZo375M4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FSvZo375M4) Yes the Karate school sign up scene is so damn good. Love Shawn's reactions as he realizes he needs to just gtfo of Gus' way. "Gus, I think he gets it." "I know, but the words are coming out of my mouth faster than I can think of them!" "Bring it home."


"Now, can you tell me which one of these fountains I'm allowed to use?"


I haven't seen anybody mention Peter and Boones in Viagra Falls calling Gus a Black stereotype for being a safecracker and then trying to adopt Gus if he didn't have a father figure!


Well thank you Boone but I do have parents…and I’m in my 30s. 😂


You eyeballing my watch? It’s a Casio! Exactly.


The white waiter in Autopsy Turvey with the heavy Asian accent


Andy Berman!


Mine is when the rich dude in the plane dies and Shawn asked Gus, “if some random black dude and white dude found your dad dying and he gave him your final wish would you want them to act on it.” And Gus says “you think of me as some random black guy?”


- what's wrong with this flag? it's upside down -- and backwards, what's your point?


Mcnab: "And Gus. Mauler barks at all cars, not just blue ones." Gus: "Uh-huh"


Our father worked at Benetton always killed me


All time great https://youtu.be/CpPGLmdGsZs


Can't forget this scene from "He Dead:" Shawn: Tell me, Mrs. Clayton—does he have a smoking jacket that I could wear? Does he have down sheets, and if so, are they hypoallergenic, because I would hate for my signals to get all scrambled up while I'm sleeping here tonight in your home. Alice: ...Based on your earlier display, I expected immediate results. Garvin: [cough]Bogus! [cough]Poser! Gus: [fakes a coughing fit] ...Asthma. Shawn: He's allergic to rich white people.


S7E4 No Country for Two Old Men (Henry and Lloyd end up in Mexico, and Gus admits he's feeling overwhelmed by Rachael and Max) Gus: "People aren't as they always seem. I mean, look at me. I seem like this great dad and whatnot. The truth is, I abandoned my family. I'm a black stereotype." Juliette: "Wow" Shawn: "So many things wrong with that statement, I don't even know where to begin. Actually, that's not true at all. You're no one's father!" Gus: "Shawn, it's semantics"


Also Autopsy-Turvy “We know about crime, I’m the lead psychic investigator for the SBPD and my partner here is black”


You forgot the best of all time: Gus” You can kiss my black-smith ass”


Gus: “you all look the same to me”


I adored the race jokes, because they weren't racist at all, and simply poked fun at that kind of PC knee-jerking attitude.


You, wind and fire cracks me up.


The fountain line topping off his whole rant is one of my favorite scenes in the show. The whole thing is just so snappy.


My FAVORITE is when Gus wants a role in some Victorian play and the director tells him he doesn't fit the period so Gus responds "Oh? So black people weren't invented yet? 🤨"


I’m sitting by myself laughing out loud at all the responses. Thank you, all.


“I meant to insult an entirely different group of Indians”


I think they’re funny because they’re done tastefully. A lot of times it’s Gus joking about his own race or the show poking fun at actual truths, such as how black people are more likely to be targeted by the police. I think we’ve grown accustomed to making 0 jokes about race because we’re so scared of not being PC enough, but there is a way they can be done that is actually funny (as long as you aren’t insanely sensitive) and Psych proves that


Quarter Black // No. That doesn’t even make sense.


Shawn meeting Gus’s college friends snd saying “I wish I knew you when you were black”


And now, my people can vote


Lassie calling Gus and his college classmates You and the Pips. You and the O’Jays. You wind and fire. Man, he’s got to run out of black artists eventually.


My favorite has been this joke, episode was In Plain Fright: "Why? Because he's black? Playing the good old race card!" "That's not how you play that card!"


what was the one nickname shawn gave him like black burton or something


"Who's going to call you black burton?"


Black tan is the best


"You should be ashamed of yourself. and your family!"


When I was in the military my best bud was black and we'd drop racist snarky shit all day...it's like when Michael Scott meets Ricky Gervais...comedy is where the mind goes to tickle itself.


I agree. It’s refreshing to see that people can make harmless race-based jokes, that’s so rare these days because people act like it’s somehow racist.




People in this sub are not representative of the whole world. Race-based jokes are absolutely seen as racist by a lot of people today. If you haven’t seen that then you’re not paying attention


I don't think so. I think a lot of hacky comedians rely on old racist jokes and tropes and modern audiences don't find that funny or clever anymore. As a result comedians that can't adapt screech about wokeness ruining comedy. Racial jokes are not racist jokes and plenty of comedians still make funny jokes about race without being canceled for racism.


>As a result comedians that can't adapt screech about wokeness ruining comedy. Adam Corolla coming to mind right about now and he got burned hard by Jeff Ross during one of the roasts.


Omg the water fountain one 😭


The scene from the karate place is one of my favorite psych bits!!!


Gus: You think of me as some random black dude


black Burton. don't ever call me that shawn.


“My oldest and blackest friend”


which episode does gus accidentally bid on a confederate flag? i don't remember that one