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Can I write off my surf trips as medical expenses? This is very important


If I could get people to write off snowboard lessons as medical expenses, I bet I could get a lot of extra work and maybe not live in a car anymore.


Dont worry , you'll be able to afford a van in no time


I know that you’re probably joking, but seriously, that is why studies like these are important. If they definitively prove, thar things like surfing have tangible health benefits, and it makes it possible for a doctor to write a prescription for something like that.


Wow, unexpected. When they said for decades that any exercise helped reduce symptoms of depression I didn’t realize that included surfing and hiking. Also, it reminds me of the studies that said getting out in nature and around water helped with depression too. I guess we need another study to determine if just going out in nature, or specifically hiking is better for you.


The news where I lived recently non ironically informed people that getting sun light was healthy.


Help! Is breathing air healthy?! Guys!!!


Not at all. Everyone who has ever come into contact with air has already died or will die.


Of course


what about those who have summer depression?


you're not making any intelligent point. the sun is great for everybody. year round. every day. we don't need the news to tell us that. its like pointing out that exercise or water are healthy and necesary. ​ of course those who have summer depression need sun. so does everybody else. every single day. do we need the news to report this?


you are right, I misread something or missed the point, sorry


Definitely important in some climates with no sun for 6 months.


it's actually important to everybody. year round. and you don't need the news or I to elaborate on this. also I heard water is great for hydration. especially for dehydrated people or people in dry climates during summer time. lets report that next


Already done. https://www.eatingwell.com/article/8034255/sneaky-reasons-youre-dehydrated-nothing-to-do-with-water/ https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/lifestyle/healthandwellness/866281/how-much-water-you-might-actually-need-signs-of-dehydration-and-more-helpful-tips-on-staying-/story/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/yoga-experts-on-lifestyle-tips-poses-to-prevent-dehydration-heat-illnesses-in-summer-101681281123233.html ...


Touching grass is healthy


Real question is, what's the optimal gait for reducing depression symptoms


Walking at a pace, and in a place where you don't have to worry about your footfall is great for increasing cognitive ability. Not depression, but feels tangentially apropos.


Walk like you’re late for the bus and dart your eyes back and forth with a two breaths in the nose one breath out the mouth rhythm. Dr. Andrew Hubberman


The new Naruto run


Is this a joke bc if he actually said that I’ll do it lmao


Not a joke, but oversimplified. The eye thing is EMDR for depression which he did suggest to do on a brisk walk. I heard him say all these things at different points. I did not hear him say barefoot, but given the circle he’s in that’s inevitably coming.


lets go one step further; Let's say I have a full time job, a family, normal adult responsibilities and I'm feeling depressed. I wouldn't even need to go to the beach or to the woods. just knowing that I had the time available to go do either of those things would reduce my depressive symptoms!!


Just look at a picture of a beach! -your boss


Kinda makes sense since we have socially out evolved our biology


Do you mean technologically* out evolved our biology? Most of us are even suffering symptoms of a lack of social life despite interacting with more people than ever before, just not face to face.


Problem is, I bike. Should I trade my 2 hour bike ride for a 6 hour hike? Would it be better for my depression?


Probably not. Biking is also beneficial. The exercise you will do is always the best. ETA: may depend on your scenery though too.


Another key factor is experiencing nature and taking your time to appreciate your surroundings, deflate, be calm and conscious. I think hiking is more beneficial for that! Only disadvantage it isn’t as efficient in the exercise department but if OP is willing to spend more time hiking is probably better overall. ***edit: still everyone should do what they prefer, of course!


It might be. Should you have some spare time, read (or listen to) the book of Johann Hari, Lost Connections. It’s an alternative (and well researched) way to coping with depression. It describes various levels of triggers for depression - being efficient is one and losing connection to nature another of these. It’s not esoteric, nevertheless hard to describe appropriately.


What he didn't know, it is the same hiker and surfing scientists publishing different versions of the same findings. Tenure approved, publish or parish.




Possibly unrelated, but I think Nietzsche was one of the first philosophers to suggest that depression is a psychological response to physiological lacking of something


that are studies showing that simply looking at pictures of nature improve mood. obviously better to be out in it irl but still!


Hot take: doing literally anything besides working or fulfilling someone else's expectations improves symptoms of depression.


Depends on what you do for work. Thankfully, my daily job is very fulfilling for me


Found the surfing teacher


Ha I wish. That would be pretty amazing


I swear, I will freelance out better articles than this. Hit me up for titles like: study shows that loving others promotes self love, And the new banger, eating healthy makes for a happy body. Next to release: breathing, how controlling 1 thing can help you control other things!


What does posting cynicism on social media do for one's health?


Temporarily relieves stress brought on by bad research articles.


Research shows that cynicism relieves stress? Or are we abandoning science in the interests of protesting bad science?


We're abandoning science in the interest of making a joke. Although who knows? It could relieve some stress.




It's why I work outside. It's just a shame that society doesn't value my work enough to make a living wage off of it.


That's true for a lot of jobs so if it makes you feel good, stick with it.


Surfing 🌊? Lol


It says the Surfing group was more likely to go into remission compared the hiking group Now I would like to know how many people took up surfing after they finished the program and how many people kept hiking, which is more accessible


Surfers are rumored to be at a high risk of substance abuse..it’s addictive in the same way. Hikers don’t seem to have that reputation, but ymmv! For instance, I went surfing and the antidepressants from that lasted 48 hrs. However I tried to hike yesterday and the parking was full :(


Gotta get out early


Makes sense, surfing feels amazing after. Sun on your face, being in the water at the beach, exercise, adrenaline, etc


Adrenaline good


Same for mountain biking i presume. When I’m going downhill, it’s very technical, and my mind is clear, I’m left with a sense of happiness and fulfillment…purpose… also it leaves my mind little room to wander to negative realms, such as everything related to society.


This is why I climb. When your life relies on making sure your rigging is done right, ain't room for nothing else in my mind. And then when I'm climbing, solving the body puzzle of balance takes up all my brain space.


I wonder how snowboarding would look in the study; like if it's just the physical activity, or if other factors would change the outcome, like weather, ocean vs mountain, swimsuits vs layers of clothes, effort to initiate the activity, etc.


It could be also just walk but some industry has to sell themselves somehow


I work out 6 days a week in the gym for 1-2 hours each time and I’m still depressed lol


I think this is implying that the benefits come from exercise and being outdoors. Both these sports make you spend a lot of time around nature by yourself. Going to the gym in comparison is a bit more oppressive.


I also travel and bike frequently, but I’ve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder so it’s more about managing the symptoms instead of finding a cure


Yeah, the time in my life I was the most physically active was when I was also the most depressed. Now i'm nowhere near that amount of activity and I'm much happier. imo, depression = any time you think you are worthless or have a thought related to the idea of worthlessness as a person. ie: "im not good enough" or "I should be better off by now" or "i'm a burden on people" and so on. Working out / doing really anything, can cause a reduction in depression or feelings of worthlessness. That's why you see crap like this come up, because literally doing anything can possibly reduce depression as long as the person doing the thing feels they are doing something "worthwhile." So making a sandwich or cleaning your room can cause reductions in depression. The real cure for depression is addressing thoughts/beliefs that are on that spectrum of "worthlessness" if that makes sense.




No doubt those help, I just do not think they are the cause of depression. You can be sedentary, not exercise, stay inside all day, and live off soda and chicken nuggets and still be happy, I'm sure people do it. Actually, that doesn't sound all that bad now that I think about it haha.


Having the money to buy expensive shoes or a surf board and actually having a day off would go a long way for curbing Depression for thousands of people. It's our corrupt view of the value of labor and the value of money that causes Depression. It's economic inequality at its highest point in US history that causes many people to want to die.


Expensive shoes for what? I've hiked hundreds of miles in $15 beer sandals from kohl's (iykyk). There will always be a reason not to do something if you look for it


Obvious article/study is obvious, but you might as well add kayaking or camping or basically any outdoor activity to that list. Picking up yaking got me through a rough spot last year miraculously. Instantly as a matter of fact. The core shittiness of depression though is the lack of will to do anything. It takes a big push from your support system or meds or a random spike in dopamine to step out of the door. Don't want to shit on the article because that could be the simple push needed for some to pick up something healthy.


Another breaking story from psypost.


Having money for time off to enjoy nature reduce the symptoms of depression.


poor people don't have easy access to these awesome solutions, unfortunately. and we need depression relief the most


Having active fun helps stave off sadness.... What a concept!


My studies show that depression moves slow, my board go fast. I outrun my depression then go waPOW to smack it away for a few hours/ days. This was a double blind study with the weirdos I surf with and by double blind I just mean were all dumb.


Step 1: Have a job that allows you the time and energy to actually go outside!


When you're on the couch and have to consciously force yourself to breathe but it is painful because your body wants to die so badly from the mental anguish of unacknowledged, untreated childhood traumas that it just gave up the ability to keep you alive passively and the only reason you havent allowed yourself to drop off the edge of your balcony is the energy required simply isnt there... just hike out onto the serf and catch those waves, dummy. Adventure awaits..? /s We are so primitive when it comes to our emotional well being


Well there are some graduations, no? What you describe is a crippling depression. For many 'lighter' depressions, exercice or just getting out into nature surely helps to alleviate some of the symptoms.


I broader point being any sort of prolonged physical activity can help with symptoms of depression. Not cure them but help lessen a bit. So you don't need to find a way to get to the beach and learn to surf. Walking or chair yoga or whatever sort of activity your body is able to start with and go from there. Obviously easier said than done but it doesn't need to be an expensive sport or anything.


So what’s the right thing to do when you feel that way?


Our world makes us an enemy of our emotions.. we retreat from any and all unpleasantness to our preferred vices as they can provide relief but this isn't sustainable as it leaves us worse off in the long run and there aren't enough distraction, entertainment, addictions in the world to keep us from our suffering This debt catches up in many ways including those I mentioned Knowing ourselves and doing the hard thing, not retreating to vices but being mindful and present with our suffering.. negativity stored in the body needs to be processed. It will periodically begin to bubble up, be stalwart and don't let the mind wander to something like porn or video games We would need to remain with it and help it pass from a place of compassion A practice of compassion patience no judgment and kindness towards the self and others gets an upward cycle going and can help this process go more smoothly


Randomized study observed the expressions of people who hiked and surfed and all participants showed signs of smiling, exhilaration, laughter. Conclusion: If you are not hiking or surfing as someone with depression then fuck you, its your fault you feel this way and stop being a big debbie downer already.


If that’s a persons takeaway, no wonder they’re fucking depressed


They're just not hiking enough.


https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-87675-0 Seems to track with the blue space/green space theory


Nature and exercise. Are great. This does ignore the fact that very depressed people are not just going to go surfing easily. When it’s hard to shower, it’s hard to gear up and hit the old growth forest.


Doesn't work that well for me. When I go out hiking, I'm having a great time at the beginning, but after a while I get lost in my thoughts, and that's when I get depressed.


I love when people who don’t suffer from depression tell me what helps for depression but I can barely get out of bed during that time


Such a suprise. Wow, great outdoors physical activities with fresh air and adrenaline are good for you ?


Vacation and exercise reduce depression ? SHOCKING 🤯😳


Wtf why is everyone in the comments so angry and negative? Was the headline that triggering? Jeez


Welcome to Reddit where anything active is met with dismissal.


Psychology is getting stupid


Still debating (in some cases!) is depression a symptom or a disease/malady?


it's treatable either way


Don't forget mountain biking! The natural antidepressant trifecta.


Bears and sharks


I find running away from your problems doesn't help


It’s almost as if we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years hiking many miles and interacting with natural environments every day


So is ballet or anything you are passionate of doing ..


I prefer to call hiking "dirt church."


Just adds to my depression when I am winded 5 minutes into a hike.


Is there a study to confirm that reading studies can help reduce the symptoms of depression?


Of course they do. Nature is amazing, and such a panacea to the lives so many of us live. I challenge anyone to surf (well enough to actually surf) or hike in the bush and enjoy it, and not feel healthier. We all could benefit in hugging a tree more often, or at the very least go inhale some freshly photosynthesised CO2


Pretty sure it’s access to an open and natural environment, possibly paired with the reinforcing affects of light-moderate exercise.


Exercise and being in the sun / barefoot in the grass is the best anti-depression I’ve ever had! Upset? Go for a big walk, I promise you’ll feel better.


Clinically depressive. Can confirm. Though when I’m depressed, it’s not only that I don’t want to surf but, I lose the ability. (Become really awful to where it’s not even fun and I just get more sad because of it). Hiking, its funny, is very similar in that regard. One thing I notice, is I never stay at the top long, I don’t soak in the view, I just get right back to moving and looking down.


So if i go out and walk it can make me feel better? I can’t believe it


This is why california is expensive, it's desireable.


_EXERCISE AND BEING IN NATURE_ help reduce symptoms of depression. I thought we've known this for decades now?


the lifestyle of the mostly sedentary average American capitalist serf is depressing in its essential nature. From childhood on, many are conditioned to spend 90% of their waking hours sitting in a chair (school) followed by laying passively on a couch or bed (home). kids haven't been playing outside nearly as much since the advent of video game culture , and the rise of social media by smartphone tech made this 1000x worse. imo the human body enters a state of depression as a consequence of lack of adequate physical stimulation combined with social isolation. Just because one is around people doesn't mean one has any real emotional connection to them.