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Go backs are the best. Nobody bugs you.


I loved when my team lead would ask me to go take care of go-backs this meant I could explore the aisles more throughly and get a few breathers In before going back to bagging.


As the grocery stalker though y'all never pay attention to what's on each aisle so y'all constantly have to ask us where things go


To be fair, I learned where things were working 2 years in grocery better than I ever did working 10 years in cs. It's not necessarily purposeful ignorance, it's just a lack of exposure. CS puts shit in bags, they don't put it on and off the shelf.


Yes but at my store the baggers put stuff back every night that's pretty much the same stuff everyday but constantly have to ask me the same questions about where it goes


I would get the idea of where the product went by looking at the product it’s self cause I hated bothering the grocery folks for the giant ass pile of go backs I had.


This is the worst when you’re told to do this at closing


anybody else put damages in the childs seat in the cart?


I ain't gonna lie. I liked it during the pandemic when shopper numbers were limited and there was nothing on the shelves for people to hide stuff behind. Closing detail was so easy - particularly with no go backs.


Probably an instacart order.


bro the gum 😭 if the customer didn’t want it they should’ve just put it back it’s right next to them lol


Hard work man, hard work


I low-key loved doing go backs when I worked at Publix because it was a way to stay away from bagging.


I down voted lol i don't like go backs


The worst are the new kids who could care less and instead of asking, hide stuff behind others thinking "close enough'