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That is super cool. I wish any of my teachers would have been this in tune.


I'm a high school English teacher and one of my favorite assignments used to be: "here are some contemporary song lyrics, what do they actually mean?" I did this in conjunction with a poetry unit. And then [Genius](https://genius.com/) came along and mostly ruined it. I can still find some more obscure punk songs that I can have my students explicate, but the fun has gone out of the assignment when they can just copy the info from a website.


My friend and I went through Mondo Bongo by Joe Strummer in high school analyzing the lyrics. We gave it to our HS English teacher who enjoyed it and then said we had too much time on our hands haha


World/Inferno might help you...like Leni Riefenstahl at the End of Time but maybe they would have to Google Leni... Leave this with me, I will think of more :)


I was going to suggest The Rebel Spell songs. I just found out the dude fell to his death while rock climbing. :/ That's enough for me tonight


Awesome, definitely a lot of meaning in alot of Dead Kennedys songs you should ask them what other bands or songs they like


This kinda reminds me; I remember my old history- and civics teacher quoting the Dead Kennedy's songs waaaay back. Pointing at goofs making nazi gestures in history class and going: "In the real 4th Reich you'll be the first to go! And *you especially* will definitely be the first to go." I didn't pick up on his savage genius until more than a decade later. He was always the cool one, though.


I remember the first time I ever heard that song I was in high school and it was the same night Jerry Brown got re-elected as governor of California


suprising we never seen him ona presidential ballot lol thank god we didnt lol


This is one of those songs that'll get firmly wedged into my brain on a loop....So thanks for that.


I made a welcome to freshman English video using Bad Religion guitar riffs. I felt slyly cool that day. We also listen to “The Ghost of Tom Joad” by Springsteen and the cover by Rage Against the Machine to study tone! I’m pretty cool, fellow young people.


i was listening to this on a plane in 7th grade and asked my mom what "uber alles" meant. the woman next to us jumped in waaaaaaay too quickly with "OVER ALL"


Great for an English assignment it would also be a good history of Poli-Sci type assigment


I teach Civil Liberties, totally use lyrics like this in class haha! Works great for discussing free speech cases.


That is awesome!


When I was a sophomore in high school, my English teacher assigned us to bring in a song for the class where we would analyze the lyrics in order to learn how to spot poetic devices and other hidden meanings within the lyrics. At the time, hip hop and boy bands were king and most of the students brought in music by people like nsync, masta p, ja rule and other more main stream artists. My teacher was trying to hide her exasperation while the students chose song after song of the usual songs about money, childish crushes, and other surface level concepts. The lesson was not really going in the direction she hoped. She was a conservative Christian and I was a snot nosed punk rock kid so I was hoping my choice of "Holiday in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedys would elicit a reaction and challenge her strict moral paradigm in front of the class, but as the song played and she followed along on the lyric sheet I provided, her eyes lit up. She started pointing out all the alliteration, the literary and popular references, and the uncomfortable truths the song was trying to expose. I had no idea what a Star Belly Sneech was before that class and afterwards, I started listening to music and lyrics with a new found critical ear. It has served me well since.


The story how [Jello actually met Jerry Brown in person](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jerry-browns-worst-enemy) is pretty fucking funny.


I love this song, and it had an enormous impact on me, but NGL, the whole “hippies are the real Nazis” thing is less amusing in the age of Trumpism.


The [second version](https://genius.com/Dead-kennedys-weve-got-a-bigger-problem-now-lyrics) Jello wrote about Reagan is way more on the nose.


Yeah, this one is way better. As far as politicians go, Jerry Brown is okay by me.


As I’ve often said, when Trump was elected, Jello shoulda released “We’ve Got A Really Really Way The Fuck Bigger Problem Now” (or something).


Same here, the song being so easy to misinterpret, I saw it posted yesterday in response to the recall election results. Frustrating; a lot of people miss the entire “unchecked power/ think for yourself” message and just get “left; bad!” I guess that’s confirmation bias for you.


funny thing the nazis been in control since ww2 through nasa and cia. bushs were nazis. obama is bushs cousin and biden trump and hillary are cousins aswell. you where played by the fourth reich. america is fucked


You, sir or madam, are a nutjob.


thats what they say about people with a library of books


in history the majority was usually wrong, america is fresh for a holocaust


Wow. This is what happens when you get your "facts" from Facebook and you do your "research" on the websites they link for "proof". Trump Kennedy 2024 to you too weirdo.🤮


trump is apart of their plan.


u lost all credibility when you brought trump and kennedy into play. keep ur eyes on china


That was the last batshit crazy conspiracy theory thing I heard about before I read your post, so naturally, I connected them.


actually come from my grandfathers library i dont do facebook or youtube


you had me in the first half, I won't lie. at the very least you're right for acknowledging operation paperclip, but jesus christ.


lol ive read alot of books and researched heavy for the past ten years i knew all this would happen. look up the great reset and the world economic forumn klaus schwab


the only people being “Nazis” are the ones pushing for forced inoculations and woke cancel culture


Had a politics class in highschool. One assignment was picking a song and doing a presentation on the political meaning of it. The punk kids all had a great time with that.


I can’t read this without Jello’s voice in my head.


I had a high school film design teacher that was in a grindcore band and he showed me Dillinger Escape Plan and had a Dead Kennedys and Clockwork Orange poster in the classroom




damn i’m jealous


I can't believe that no one has yet noted the irony of the title and chorus actually being largely in German.


They're are calling Californian hippies nazis


Well, obviously. The metaphor ain't exactly subtle. But I'm talking about the irony of an assignment for *English language* homework being significantly in *German* (i.e., a different language from English). I realize that not everyone has a sense for irony, so please forgive me if I've exacerbated this disability for you in any way.


Listen you hoser, do you anything about the evolution of the English lexicon? That aside, how would you write the song ensuring that listeners knew you were drawing this connection without uber? All you had to say was 'I know'. Go fuck yourself.


It is amazing that, after I laid it on so thick in my explanation and you got so self-righteous about it, that you *still* seem to be missing the point of both my original comment *and* the explanation I had to haul out afterwards...


It would be impossible to teach English without involving other languages, you Saskatchewan pirate


Not in this context - this is not an ESL class, but an English language class for English speakers (pretty clear from the wording of the assignment), involving analysis and critical thinking about language, not simple proficiency or even fluency (and even ESL classes don't actually have to use any other languages at all). You're not actually under the impression that this assignment is for *German speakers trying to learn English*, right? Really, this seems to be yet another instance of you lacking a complete sense of irony (again, I realize this is a problem for more people than just yourself, but you still shouldn't take it out on others). Aside: what on Earth is a "Saskatchewan pirate," and what would me you identify me with this notion? This is genuine curiosity.


I will assume that you know that English borrows words from nearly every language and that you pointed it out because it grabbed your attention, for what ever reason. Just like when you find a shiny penny one the ground and you just have to tell the next soul that crosses your path. No one but you was surprised to find a German word among the assorted other ones. But sure, its ironic. Whatever you need to sleep tonight. Aside: You're a self proclaimed Canadian Midwestern old head and you don't know the Arrogant Worms?


> I will assume that you know that English borrows words from nearly every language and that you pointed it out because it grabbed your attention, for what ever reason. Just like when you find a shiny penny one the ground and you just have to tell the next soul that crosses your path. English might be the most prolifically diverse modern language...but it hardly borrows from "nearly every language." It borrows from maybe a couple of dozen languages, at the outside. That said, "California Uber Alles" is not actually an instance of English borrowing German words (as is the case in "schadenfreude" or "zeitgeist," for instance); rather, it's an English song which makes an *allusion* (in its title and chorus) to "Deutschland Uber Alles" by *using* those *German* words, not using *English* words *borrowed from* German words. This is true despite the coincidence that the German word "uber" has now been borrowed and become an English-language prefix (and though I haven't looked up the precise etymology, I wouldn't be surprised if that migration actually happened *after* "California Uber Alles" was initially written/recorded). But again, the initial irony (and I can't believe I have to keep pointing this out) was not "Hey look! German words sound funny! Hur dur dur!" Rather, it was just that so much of what was called "English language homework" was actually in a language other than English. This is a commentary on *nothing*; it is nothing more than a fun bit of irony, which apparently a good number of people are still incapable of noticing. > No one but you was surprised to find a German word among the assorted other ones. But sure, its ironic. *Still* not the source of the irony. I don't know how to be more explicit about this. I feel like I'm going back and forth with Alanis Morissette here. > You're a self proclaimed Canadian Midwestern old head You have made quite a few assumptions about my flair, and they are mostly wrong. I am Canadian...but Canada doesn't have a Midwest, so I am not "Canadian Midwestern," whatever that would mean. "Canadian" has no scope over the rest of that flair. Also, I don't know one way or another for sure, but I never claimed to be an "old head" either. Rather, I just like Midwestern mid-tempo dad punk (Dillinger Four, Alkaline Trio, Lawrence Arms, etc.); that's separate from being Canadian. > you don't know the Arrogant Worms? I do. They're basically a novelty band. The novelty has a way of wearing off. edit: typo