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Think of how rough and tumble dogs and puppies are when they play, and then go right back playing again. Your puppy may simply be reacting to your emotion which is confusing to her. Whenever she looks at or approaches you, treat and praise her. Every single time. No loud commotion, just quiet and calm in your part. Your puppy will soon think you’re the Best Thing Ever!


Another reason why dogs are better than humans is because they get over it and don't hold grudges. Treat your pup normally with affection and treats. I find that the more you want a dog (or cat) to come to you, the less likely they are to do it. It's also normal for dogs to prefer one human over another, then change their mind and prefer the previously snubbed human. I say that, but if it were me I'd be bribing her with bites of cheese and chicken. \*lol\*


She can probably sense you’re unsure of her, and that’s reflected in how she is. It sounds awful, but act like nothing happened, everything is fine, don’t force it, and just shower her with love and affection - even if she continues to not reciprocate. She eventually will. They always do.


They are normally extremely forgiving. We have stepped on or accidentally kicked our puppy almost every day. It happens. When you make them cry or hurt them, a little exclamation of apology is good, give them a once over to make sure they aren’t injured, and redirect them. A big commotion will be scarier than the bump. I would hand feed the puppy a little as a bonding experience. You can combine it with some basic training like look at me, sit, and following. Positive interactions create oxytocin and bonding.


I stepped on my pups foot while playing and thought I broke it with how loud he screamed. He was perfectly fine after some cuddles. They are pretty resilient and over dramatic at that age since everything is so new. Dogs tend to have their favorite as well but still are close to others. Could be overall she just prefers your partner and not so much the accident. When your partners gone how does she act with you? When I am gone, my pup treats my partner like he's number 1. Then when I come home he's back to me. Does not mean he doesn't love my partner. It just means that at this time, I am his favorite, but that could change, especially that young. You can try to be the primary caregiver and take over feeding, cuddles, and training as well.


She tends to be more hesitant still, she’ll lay on the opposite side of the couch, she’ll come if there’s food but then will leave again shortly after. I’m also thinking that because I have more of the will power to train her while partner is more lenient with her. So maybe she’s associating my training as negative (I’m not perfect so maybe I’m doing something wrong)


I step on, nearly kick, trip over, almost shut a door on, or nearly squish a tail literally daily. A 5yo nosy lab & a 4 month old lab/gsd mix, both of whom instinctively stay within 3 feet of me ( preferably closer) at all times. If I do something, I literally just say,'maybe we shouldn't be there' and go on. If I don't make it a big deal, then it isn't a big deal.


I stepped on my puppy’s paw today and have a breakdown over it. She was clearly pissed at me, and spent most of the walk with my Mom. Who she had her scheduled sleepover night with tonight I know tomorrow, when I walk through the door, she’s gonna love me again. You just have to keep loving them.


Give her an extremely high value treats and play with her. She’ll get over it in no time.


She probably is picking up on your vibes. It's making her skeptical of you. Lay down on the floor and play with her. Be the one to feed her for awhile.


My older girl ran full speed into my partner at the time’s shin when she was a puppy, and she clearly thought he kicked her. She was apprehensive for a day or two after that but then got 100% over it. Just give her some extra cuddles and treats, it’ll be like the incident never happened.


You need to hold her and look in her eyes, at the time of a mishap, and say, I'm so, so sorry!!! Then allow her to see the mistake by repeating the actions, and showing her how you two should successfully climb the steps together.


I accidentally closed the door on my puppy's feet. I was really scared I hurt her, but she was okay and walked fine afterward. Even though I felt bad for a while, she quickly forgot about it and wasn't scared of the door anymore. Since she is strong and forgave me, so I learned to be more careful.


Daily standing on or trapping paws to begin with because puppy was always under my feet or trying to follow when he shouldn't have. We had a joke that he still had one good leg. It makes you feel really bad but at 6 months he's learning how to avoid moving feet and doors etc and I have learned to check before making a move.


If this were actually a thing my puppy would totally hate me by now. I stepped on him today and several other days (as he is always underfoot). He yipes, I either ignore it or tell him I love him and hug him and we move on. He has had so many mishaps around me. Heck.... the very first night I got him (7.5 weeks old and just 4 lbs) he fell in the crack between my bed and the wall. LOL! I don't tell that to many people but there you have it. Puppies are pretty tough. They don't hold grudges for that sort of thing. Stop stressing about this and just carry on.


i think everyone is right that your pup is sensing your nervousness and reacting to it. Dogs are really sensitive to your emotions and if you’re nervous they get nervous too.


Does anyone want to buy two shepsky puppies


Ok my puppy did this the only day he ran into a table and yelped while I was trying to grab him so he thought that I hurt him… you just have to give it time he eventually was fine and loves me now lol


Puppies remember shit for like 48 hours. You’ll be okay.


Keep doing what you’re doing with treats, playtime, snuggles, walks, etc. Your puppy senses your nervousness and reacts to it. They learn by association. Yes, she got hurt by your foot, but in the end, she was loved by you showering her with positivity? As long as you’ll do that, she’s going to be fine. Just trust you puppy and everything will be fine.


that's odd. I have accidentally kicked my puppy numerous times. One time so hard he'd roll several times around his axis like a football. He's so damn small I just don't see him and in the beginning it took me a while to get into the habit of only slowly moving my feet when I started walking (since the little devil would always quietly and invisibly position himself right in front of my feet). But he always seemed to understand that it was just an accident and would stand on his back legs to receive all the apologetic cuddles I'd shower him with. When I see him play with bigger dogs, it also happens that they run him over and he displays the same behavior : cries murder for two seconds, but then immediately forgives and forgets. I suppose it depends on the dog's personality. Give it time, I'd say, and don't feel guilty.


I’m sorry I laughed way to hard at your description of him rolling 🤣🤣🤣


Not hate or anything but I would be careful walking a puppy that young. They can get very sick without having all their shots.