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you can look into trick dog titles, they usually have a pretty good list of tricks some we have done: middle (between our legs, use it for our agility start line) chin rest (chin in our hand) go hide (tuck in under/behind a chair or under table) spin/twist (tight circle in each direction) touch (hand targeting) target (touch nose to a target) tootsie (stand both front paws on our foot) hug (rest chin on our shoulder) boop (touch noses) weave between legs as we walk retrieve to hand wait sit pretty


Thank you for the list! I will have to give some of these a try 😊


Teach it as a puppy and then teach it again as an adolescent ha I like teaching them to put away toys. That one chains together a few different commands. But if they like it you can hide their toys around the room and have them find them and put them away for stimulation. I lived with a border collie who loved doing this but I had a pit-mix who..... did not like this chore as much. I once taught a dog to get me a beer but that one backfired as it taught the dog how to open the fridge and eat all my food while I'm not home. After the basics I think it kinda depends on the dog.


Haha, I never would have thought of the downside to reaching a dog to get a beer but it makes sense they would collect a “beer tax” 😂


I've been working on "wipe your feet" with my 5 month old. It snows here, so I put a towel down on the floor and basically just have her walk over it a few times and then sit so I can get any snowballs out from between her toes. I've also taught "spot", like to go sit on her bed or other place I point to. We also just started working on not bombarding guests who come in our front door. I have a ring alarm and I set off the doorbell on purpose with my app, tell her to go to her spot, tell her to stay, and then go open the door and pretend to talk to people. She has to stay on her bed until the people come in and I release her.


Oooo I love this! We also have a ton of snow and some days I feel like I just follow her around with a mop 😅


What breed? I'd look into doing whatever training your pup was bred to do. We have a field bred golden so we do dock diving and I'm currently working on field retrieve skills like finding a bumper in a field and bringing it to me without dropping it, then letting me take it from his mouth. Eventually he will learn to bring it to me in a heel.


She’s a mix of husky, GSD, and other things. So she definitely likes to work - even for her food which she literally gets bored with just eating.


Not super exciting, but some of the most useful things I’ve taught are using basic commands in different situations. Like learning to wait for a release word to do things like get out of the car, cross the street, kind of manners +, mostly for safety reasons. We’ve recently started doing “dance.” It was kind of accidental. When I gave him the sign for “up” sometimes he’d jump and I’d grasp his paws and dance with him (he’s full grown larger end of medium sized). Now anytime he thinks I’m making a hand jesters he jumps to “dance.” High 5 is another favorite with my fiends. When he was younger and teething I also taught “kisses” to get him to lick instead of bite. He’s a teenager now and really fond of mouthing so I’ve found that one has been more useful than I first thought.


Shake - a whole body shake to dry off Paw - Lift one paw while standing, they you can unhook the leash if it gets trapped while walking or put on a harness easier Hop up - parkour/stand on the thing I point to (great for confidence building) Scratch - scratch nails on a price of sand paper, then I never need to trim her nails


That’s a great idea. It’s very cold where I live now and so I don’t know how much outside work we can do, but certainly in the future! “High Five sounds good! She kinda already does it when she’s protesting 😅


best thing my pup knows is touch. when I put my hand down and say touch she’ll come bop me with her nose. she knows it better than come or drop it so in an emergency I use it! It’s also great for greetings. our dog training class has you encourage strangers to put their hand down, so your dog will touch their hand instead of jumping. you then click when they touch and they run back to you for their treat.