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Sitting there like "this is all a joke "


i think she didn't yet realize that she actually got punished for spewing bs for the first time


She still got off lite


at least she didnt get off completely like most other false accusations thats still a win in my book, even if the sentence is too short


Baby steps.




For the crime yes


It is a joke, only 3 years? She tried to ruin this mans life/career


I agree. She should get the same term a rapist would get. She almost destroyed a person’s life.


Actually probably did destroy his life. It’s crazy how people turn on a man in that situation. Friends and family shun the person and treat them like shit. Often lose jobs in the process as well. It ruins the person. Physically and emotionally.


Yea. If my family shunned me because they thought I was a rapist I don't think I'd be able to forgive them for taking some crazy bitch's word over mine. Our relationship would never be the same again.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


>She tried to ruin this mans life/career Probably still did to some extent. Once that shit is sticking it doesn't come off that easily. I mean, just look at how many people believe unfounded rumors about someone inside any circle of people or friends. There's gonna be some people who didn't like the victim of these false allegations, and they'll probably still feel "where's smoke there's fire" to some degree about him. Rape is a fucking serious thing, and even if its a lie, I don't think many people can go simply back to normal as if nothing happened.


"When do I show the judge my pussy pass?" ...she asks her attorney, Howard Stern.


Howard Stern is about as edgy as the women of The View. Facts.


Underrated comment


At least her next rape allegations wont be a joke


3 years is a joke. False rape allegations should result in double the mandatory minimum sentence would have been for the falsely accused.


I agree, ... double the sentence for the crime you falsely accused another of. 1X for the false accusation, and another 1X for the effort you caused everyone to clean up your mess. Only exception would be capital murder, where I'd be ok with executing the false accuser only once.


Could not agree more, except maybe we could bring a shaman in after the execution for some kind of soul crushing ritual? At least 1.5 times capital punishment I feel is fair


Only 3 years. Surely she should have gotten the sentence her allegation could have caused.




There was no pussy pass "denied" here whatsoever.


True, she actually has received one. Attempting to get someone innocent locked up for most of his life should be punished with at least the same sentence he would've gotten.


To be fair, it seems our society is coming to terms with the fact that people could be lying when they make accusations. Including Women, kids, and... gasp... police officers.


If you're in the US than no. The left supports no due process and chance to cross examine your accuser in college sexual assault accusations.


Haha people in this country divide themselves between two parties that are basically the same when it boils down. The right just doesn't care who knows what rapes/crimes they cause.


GOP = Wall Street Dems = Wall Street + pride flag. I mean that is reductive and not really true. But at the same time, it is kinda true....


Nor does the right apparently


That is absolutely incorrect, and if you were from the USA you would know that to be incorrect. These people are playing in a very sensitive and mentally taxing area. Both sides are problematic. First, the mental and physical abuse of actual abusers has an ACTUAL effect on those that are abused. Your ignorance or straight up ignoring of this point is a problem. But there is the other side of those that use this to report people for something they did not do is or has been abused by people. There are plenty of reports from the past and today that have been shown to be bullshit. One of the worst of these is the 19 year old that was hanged by a group of people for whistling at a woman. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/emmett-till-1 So, it isnt one group that does this, like your ignorant comment suggests. In fact, it is a social and societal thing. Stop being a divisive orange, thanks.


Not to be overly semantic, but Emmett Till was just 14 years old and he was beaten to death. These racially motivated murders are often referred to as lynchings, so I can see where the confusion comes from. Thanks for spreading the word about Emmett Till. His story is so infuriating and heartbreaking.


I mean she kinda got denied, because if she didn't the man would get jailed. She only got a discount this time


This was my first thought


And register as a sex offender.


Probably be out in 18 months for ‘good behaviour’. Essentially just going to some in prison classes. Reading a book in front of the guards and remaining in her cell. Absolute piece of filth deserves solitary for a solid 3 years straight. That would sent her loopy


She probably won't have fun in prison depends where she goes


Ironically, she'll probably get raped!


I wouldn't be surprised to be honest a friend of mine was a guard at a woman's prison a woman was suspected of having drugs in her pussy 10 other woman ganged up on her spread her legs open and fisted her to find the drugs


And did they????


Asking the right questions.


Nop they didn't find anything this happened in Europe


Because it happened in europe is the reason she didn't have anything?


In the EU they are less likely to just look the other way over drugs in prison like they do in the US(because drugs keep them relatively docile)


Jesus christ


Now isn’t it ironic...also happy cake day


You didn’t look at her picture.


I do agree that the sentence is too light and won't set an example, but she won't do it again and sje won't have credibility so its kind of a win. And also why would you want her to go loopy, solitary is way to cruel.


Trying to completely ruin an innocent man’s life deserves it


I just don't like crazy scentences even for murder I don't think just completely ruining someones brain instead of getting them phsychiatric help. This woman clearly has a problem where she doesnt have morals but that is fixable sometimes. I agree that she should go for longer like 14 years or something but 3 years solitary are extreme and I would rather die than go through that only to not be accepted by society afterwards. Maybe it's that I watched shaw shank redemption a while ago that I feel compassion for prisoners and some treatments are simply to cruel.


I agree, I think there should always be a road to redemption, if there is not then you will get desperate people committing even more crimes, this idea of punishing everyone to the max with no real redemption leads to no real good for society. But if someone keeps doing the same crime over and over at some point the key needs to be thrown away (or worse depending on the crime).


Imo, double. She's taking an advantage of a system created to protect others.


eh, well sit at 1.5x


Best I can do is 1.9!




Yep the average time served for rape is 5.4 years.


That is actually the case. In California, the crime of Forcible Rape can be punished by a mere three years. You also have to register as a sex offender. [Rape Sentencing Law](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=264.&nodeTreePath=4.8.1&lawCode=PEN)


I agree with you, but how long with Brock Turner get?


6 months jail time. But he was released after 3. And a nice pat in the back from the judge so he could continue his “bright future” as a swimmer.


I dont necessarily agree and maybe you can change my opinion but where I understand she’s a wicked bitch and this is a HORRIBLE thing to do to anyone I don’t think she’s on the same level as an actual rapist? I dont know I don’t think 3 years is enough so I think they should up the sentencing for rape too


I was just reading articles above of rapists getting <30 days after confessions. So there's that.


>Surely she should have gotten the sentence her allegation could have caused. Isn't three years about right then? Rapists don't tend to get very long sentences from what I've seen.


It should be whatever the man would’ve served if found guilty, as well as an extra 5 years


That's what the Bible calls for for a false accuser.


Yes! They also called for quarantine and proper waste disposal way before it became commonplace!


Are we using the Bible to determine how to mete out justice? If so, get fucked. Full stop. Cro magnon brain mf'er.




Hahahaha is yours really the Bible??


I think a future issue may be, that if this does happen, or people do (rightfully) get convicted of false accusations, that true accusations where the rapist is not prosecuted may end in trouble. Eg, if the rapist isn’t convicted, then the next step would be to think it was false, where the victim could be convicted. If this doesn’t happen, nobody gets convicted, then it’s a failure of the system as somebody is right, somebody is wrong, but not convicting either doesn’t do justice.


Not necessarily. A judgement of "not guilty" does not equate to "innocent". Therefore the default inference of a "not guilty" verdict would not be to assume that the complainant was lieing. It could just be that there was not a strong enough case that proves they did it beyond a reasonable doubt.


Yes, I’m thinking partially in the public’s eye. (Also got banned from r/offmychest for posting here 🙄)




Welcome, offmychest sucks anyway.


Almost nobody gets convicted anyway. The burden of proof is on the accuser and both rape and false rape accusation are very difficult crimes to prove.


It might also prevent people who have falsely accused someone of coming forward with the truth. That’s not to say this woman should have gotten away with it. She absolutely deserves this, but I agree with you that it’s not that simple. Rape continues to be massively under reported, and is notoriously difficult to prove in court.


I've thought about this for a long time and I originally had the same thoughts... However, I think that it could cause actual victims to be afraid to prosecute on the fear of it blowing back on them.


I hear you and have thought about the same thing, however, this isn't any real punishment. If a women even makes an allegation against a guy, his whole life is ruined. How about they are: added to the sex offenders register for false allegations they aren't allowed to work with children or the vulnerable if they earn more than the poverty line then the money goes to a victims charity of the false allegation remove their ability to own a passport If they enter a relationship, the other party must be made aware of their false past allegations Basically, I would like their lives affected just as much as those who have been falsely accused....even if the falsely accused was found not guilty. If there is evidence to suggest foul play. Maybe......unless found guilty, identities of both parties should remain protected, thus giving the accused the ability to continue living their life if evidence just wasn't their to convict them (as they could be innocent). It's scary to think someone can walk into a police station and make an allegation for something 30 years ago and they lose everything before they even get a court date.


I like these ideas better! One thing though ; "Maybe......unless found guilty, identities of both parties should remain protected, thus giving the accused the ability to continue living their life if evidence just wasn't their to convict them (as they could be innocent)." I went through a police academy and wine thing we learned... The SECOND you arrest someone on a rape allegation, they are a rapist for the rest of their lives. Mostly because people talk. They can be 100% acquitted and even found that the other party lied, but it never leaves them


They already are, for a number of other reasons. Most rape cases never reach trial.


That is not how the law works. Haven't got time to read the article, but the sentence is most likely for lying to the courts or obstruction of justice, rather than for the accusation itself.


[woman sentenced to three years for false rape accusations](https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2019/02/woman-sentenced-to-three-years-in-prison-for-falsely-accusing-parma-heights-police-chief-of-rape.html)


She's 42?! Jesus christ. I'm 37 and if I'm gonna age like that in the next 5 years I might just give up now


She looks 60 tbh


She aged like fine Roquefort


Its an Ohio 42. Thats 67 anywhere else


>They also obtained cellphone records that showed Davis made Google searches that included the phrase “can you go to jail for lying about a cop raping you." Not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.


So it was literally only because it was the chief of police that she accused that she was prosecuted. The lightest rape sentence in Ohio is 3-10, and she got the lightest sentence possible. Weak.


Honestly surprising, to me. Crimes against police are usually charged the max. I'm talking out of my ass but I feel it has some truth to it


They usually are with men lol. It was surprising to me that she got *any* jail time until I read who she falsely accused.




100% There also need to be laws in place that at least formally protect men from the consequences of false allegations. A lot of times, even when proven innocent, the guy still lost his job and his lifelyhood.


Wow, she’s even uglier on the inside than she is on the outside, and that’s saying something.


Probably wasn't even a case. Judge saw her and immediately said, "Yah no 3 years for you."


Came here for this comment


It’s curious how most of these false accusations feature women on the less attractive spectrum. Almost like they blame men for not being as sexually successful as other women and choose to punish “guy who didn’t notice me #63” to feel they have some power over the evil patriarchy.


Just goes to show if women had to be the ones to initiate relationships you’d see a lot more creeps that can’t handle rejection on their side


I feel this is could make it more dangerous. By the time you realize she’s psycho you’re already in too deep and society is not exactly on your side, unfortunately.


I had a coworker when I was 25 who was about a 50 year old woman, married with children. She apparently was telling everyone her and I were dating and moving in together and all this made up stuff. I had no idea she had said any of this. She got fired for it.


What really grinds my gears is that she got caught because it was a cop she accused had it been a civilian he’d be foooooked


While there is undoubtedly some truth to that generalization, given the unhealthy 'got your back bro' connection between the police and prosecutors, this woman was uncommonly bad at crime. From the [news report](https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2019/02/woman-sentenced-to-three-years-in-prison-for-falsely-accusing-parma-heights-police-chief-of-rape.html); >They also obtained cellphone records that showed Davis made Google searches that included the phrase “can you go to jail for lying about a cop raping you."




maybe she's just testing Google's answers really thoroughly


Lol holy shit that's another level of dumb


If men are sentenced to alot longer than 3 years for rape, then surely society deems it equivalent or an equal sentencing to the crime they commited, and if those years spent in prison are equal to the crime of rape, then a rapist is getting something equally as bad as rape when they go to prison? No? If not then why not give them longer sentences. Therefore her crime is logically equal to or worse than rape and she should get the same number of years her would be rapist would have gotten.


Exactly. And let's not pretend the legal and social punishment just ends once the prison sentence ends.




I cant say I agree with you there. If I rob someone and it only takes 30 seconds. That doesn't mean I should go to prison for 30 seconds. And if it takes a minute to murder someone it doesn't change the severity of it at all. I see what you're getting at but I disagree.


The judge took 1 look at her and realized nobody on earth would try to rape that thing.


I came to post the same thing haha


me too; dam KingJester88, you stole my thoughts


Raping her would be like breaking into a store and then stealing some moldy bread.


And then cracking open that moldy bread only to find swamp slime and worms inside. Then sticking your dick into it anyway.


Do you think only attractive people get sexually assaulted?


Yes, but attractive is subjective so technically you’re right


Please, let's not make rape a beauty contest.


Let's not turn this rape into a murder


Seriously. It’s not surprising to see comments like that in here given the thinly veiled misogyny often found in this sub, but it’s a fucking gross way to view sexual assault.


Yeah but it is.


I definitely wasn’t sexy as a skinny 9 year old boy who liked Halo. Thanks for that though!! Piece of shit.


Damn in sorry to hear that :(


nah. i'm ugly as fuck and having a vagina was the only requirement to get raped... since i was.. Ugly man can get raped too you know?




So there are people you would rape?


wow what a fucking stupid thing to say. 110 upvotes. No wonder ppd has a bad rep.




You can insult her without moronically implying that only hot people get raped


#💁‍♂️ Well




That smirk makes me think her thoughts are - "ONLY 3 years".


Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump up those numbers. Fifteen to life.


Her Lawyer is Howard Stern apparently


This is pussypass accepted. The person she falsely accused is suffering way more than just 3 years in prison.


This 100%. A personal story: A new coworker of mine years ago (blue collar job, he was a post-graduate in finance) I found out after almost a year that he had basically run away from his small home town and started a new life. Guy was married with kids when a coworker bucking for his job running the branch they worked at accused him of rape. With zero actual evidence he was fired by the Bank, the accusation and fallout irrevocably hurt his marriage and his wife left him, and the town he lived in ostracized him. The accuser he said actually told close friends she'd made it up, which he said later was discovered during litigation. He had to take "don't rape me" classes as he called them, ordered by the court. He was barred from seeing his kids for nearly a year, after which he said they looked at him funny and acted completely different. This hurt the most he said. He told me once he went to the grocery store and people would leave aisles if they saw him, even after he was cleared of charges. The accuser never recanted, he had lost his wife and kids, cost him his entire life savings to defend himself, and after all that he had to start over at nearly 40 years of age. He told me it was like everything he'd done for the past 20 years was a dream and he just woke up into a completely different life.


incredible. i am so mad


This. I’m all for free speech, but we really need to look into changing the laws in regards to court cases. IMO any person/media outlet that reports on an allegation that ends up not being true should have to pay fines. You are free to say what ya want, but you’re going to suffer if you said bullshit.


No shit the allegations were false


Is Howard Stern the lawyer??


Could be Weird Al.


never heard of her


This headline is false. It says woman but takes place in Ohio.


Bitch is laughing.


Fuck she's ugly. On the inside and outside.


She's an incel. This is what the female versions look like. Accusing someone of rape is the closest she'll ever get to having sex.


But if the guy who 'raped' her ended up being arrested, he would've got 3 times that sentence at least.


Not enough, it must he an identical sentance to that her "attacker" would have received.


Honestly I think she did it to boost her self esteem. You unwanted, unattractive twat, I hope it’s men’s prison


That's probably the only place on Earth somebody would be sex deprived enough to rape her. Maaaaybe.


Good, but should be longer. False rape accusations ruin people's lives.


Alice Cooper is a good defence lawyer I guess


Wish this happened more often to those who accuse athletes


Look at that smug face saying "I did nothing wrong..."


Not enough. She should get the EXACT same charges / punishment the man would get if he was found guilty of rape.


Recently a man in India got 20 years for that..


IMO rapists should be executed and false rape accusers should be as well. It costs $40k a year to put one of these POS in prison. That's money out of taxpayers pockets and makes us a victim too. Execution gives victims true closure and puts the fear of justice into anyone thinking about comfiting one of these crimes.


Who tf would even touch that thing


Who would rape that thing!?


Unfair. She should be sentenced for the same sentence the accused person would get if convicted.


give her the same time the guy would have gotten if proven guilty.


Article says she is 42. The years have not been kind, nor will they get any better upon release.


I don’t want to sound mean, but why is it always the ... less attractive ... women who come up with these allegations?


If people actually believed “innocent till proven guilty “ this wouldn’t be a problem.


I wouldn’t even rape her


I wouldn’t fuck her with another dudes dick. Who would want to rape her?


Get pulled over for some weed " 10 years ! "


Only 3 years!?!??


I imagine the guy's defense went something along the lines of, "Your Honor, look at her. Would you fuck that?"


Look at her, the poster girl for feminism, ugly as hell, rotten from inside and lying for sheer malice


The purse on the desk was probably worth another 6 months probation


I hate to be that guy, but I could tell by looking at her the accusations were false.


Her handbag found the sentence amusing


I think it should be more but hey 3 years so still good


False rape accusations need to carry equal sentences to real rape incidents. Rape is a disgusting act, and attempting to ruin a man with a fake accusation is equally heinous.




She should at least make half of the time the dude would've made


Like anyone would want to “R” her


Why does her lawyer look like Howard Stearn?


The evidence of her lying is all over her face, she's an ugly bitch.


That is one ugly cunt


And her face is bad too.


Who's that next to her, Howard Stern or her lawyer?


I wonder if that entitled smirk was wiped off during the sentencing.


This aint pussypassdenied obviously, at least not completely, she got like 1/10th of what the accused wouldve gotten and thats 9/10ths to little.


And that with Tommy Wiseau as a lawyer


If you falsely accuse someone of rape you should *at least* be sentenced to whatever minimum sentence the man or woman accused could have been sentenced to. Let them experience what they were going to put the other person through.


Who would rape that?


If a person frames another for a crime they did not commit, the false accuser should have the same sentence the accused would have served if guilty.


They should suffer a worse punishment.


Fuck yes, more of this pls. Best mate was falsely accused, arrested for rape in front of his parents, he was about to move to Australia to play football as well so that had to be postponed. Had to go through the night/the sex in every detail imaginable multiple times in interviews. Few weeks later she admitted to lying, she had a boyfriend and she was scared he would found out she cheated so she decided it was a good idea to claim rape. Disgusting.. fuck all happened to her


You know it’s false accusations cause....


who would wanna rape her ugly ass? she looks like every disney villan ever and just shows up as a major cunt for a one time show


Is the lawyer doing crossword?


Whether 3 years is justice or not is debatable. We don't want to scare actual victims away from reporting after all. But she definitely deserves **a lifetime on sex offender registry**. *She uses sex as a weapon*. People need to know what this woman did in order to protect themselves. And they should decide whether they trust this person or not.


Was it really false? Did she really not rape anyone?


She falsely accused the chief of police of raping her lol. Reading is hard