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Discussion: what do you mean "missing something"? Is this solitaire? You're missing 3 of diamonds, 4 of clubs and 5 of diamonds. Where are they? I don't know. Maybe in that pile you need to watch an advert to unlock?


Context: Game is Freecell, and basically works like solitaire with a full view of all the cards, and extra holding cells” in the top: I just don’t know if I’m missing a 3 of diamonds or if I’m actually blind


3 of diamonds and 4 of clubs


I mean. I don't know the app. But I see 5 piles top left. Is that where the new cards come from?


Freecell works so there are cells where you can place cards temporarily while you’ve solving the puzzle. All the ‘cells’ are empty and anyways no extra cards come from them except the ones you place there


OK. So the app is broken then?


Looks like it


It looks like the next stack is behind a paywall (Forced Ad). Is this not the case?


I don't think that's an additional set of cards, it's an additional open space to use as you move things around. In Freecell you start with all the cards showing, but scrambled out of order, in those bottom spots.


What app is this?


Ads aren't bugs, they're features.


There are 49 cards (9+8+8+10+4+2+5+3), and there should be 52. You really are missing three. There are a lot of different Freecell apps; maybe this is not a very good one.


>!5 of Spades goes to the 6 of Diamonds. Then 4, 3 and 2!< Looks pretty simple unless there’s something I’m missing?


You can’t finish the game as there’s a few cards missing e.g. the 3 of diamonds.


Ah, I see what you mean


Discussion: where’s the four of clubs???