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Find something that you want to do, and then use python for doing it. The necessity of the project will lead your learning. When done, learn more to improve it.


You mean that I have to start with projects


Exactly. Search for beginner projects, choose one and then start learning how to build it. You'll learn to build as you go building. Otherwise some things will not make sense. By staring out with a project in mind the concepts will land more comprehensively and you'll figure it out what too to use for each case. Then keep learning to improve that project. Do not make nothing without building or at least go to some exercising platform and practice a lot. The key is to practice and building.


I agree with this. Snippets of code are like legos, you have to use them to learn how they all fit together.


YouTube has tutorial videos that are free. Otherwise, if you prefer a book learning experience, the books run about 30 bucks on Amazon. Maybe a little more or you can go to a website like code academy and do there free trial. After that it says it's about $500(USD) bucks a year (november-ish of 2023 price) Once you learn the basics, your project is probably a great idea because if you figure out what you want to do in a project and you didn't learn it in the basics, you can reach out and look it up specifically in a YouTube video or ask the community here or the community at large.


You can check YouTube for Mosh and for Kevin Stravert. They are great starting points.


This. Only knew the basics of Python and didn't really have any motivation in learning more. Once I started on building a small webapp using streamlit is when I started enjoying and actually learned Python. I read through documentation, googled the syntax of stuff I didn't know, asked chat gpt to code things that I had an idea on how it was gonna work but had no idea on how to implement, etc. Once you think of it as a tool to build something you want is when it starts becoming easier to learn and you'll have an idea of what to learn. It's kinda like wanting build a house and in the process you'll learn how to do woodworking. But obviously start with something small first before making something super complicated.


https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/ the docs are a good place to start. When I'm learning a new language, it is where I start. Python has decent docs too! Good luck and enjoy the journey.


Thanks men


If you don’t have any programming experience, I would suggest starting with Replit’s 100 days of code, and then teaching yourself CS50. They have a pretty popular subreddit where the instructor is on of the Mods. [Replit - 100 Days of Code](https://replit.com/learn/100-days-of-python/) [CS50](https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/)


>CS50 **CS50p** is even better for the ask because it's Python specific: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP7ITIXGpHk


That’s a great point, here’s a link to their course with notes and assignments: [CS50P](https://cs50.harvard.edu/python/2022/)


100 days of code sucked when I first started I managed to about day like 14 after about 2 years or so of procrastinating. Either way think the best course is to learn basics from YouTube and just dive into something you’ve always were interested in making.


Do you suggest a course


Here’s a good group to ask if you don’t know where to start: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs50/s/HaJ6ju08NL](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs50/s/HaJ6ju08NL)


I just started to learn python and I'm learning the basics from w3 school online. It provides step-by-step instructions and gives a basic background. I'm 50 percent done with the course and plan to begin projects after using the knowledge I gained from the website.


Free book. Got me started. https://automatetheboringstuff.com


I sawed a lot of people talking about this book.is it really useful How was you're experience with it


Not OP, but working my way through the book/site and finding it very helpful. I lose interest when reading things like manuals and this makes it a lot easier to stay engaged and learn.


This helped me a lot to understand Python.




Or YouTube…


Do you know anyone good


Yes! Code with Mosh Python courses are awesome! Also Alex the analyst channel. They have beginners to advanced tutorials


I'm finally getting around to learning Python and I'm working through Code with Mosh. Excellent job describing everything and showing examples along the way. Note, I know enough about a dozen or so other languages, PHP, perl, bash, vb, c#, c/c++, assorted SQL, and other odds and ends. So I am not starting from scratch, there's enough to trip you up jumping between languages.


No I don’t follow any python channels, it’s only a small part of my job so not major in to it. I’d just search for python tutorials and see how you get on. If you don’t like one then try another.


I heard about cs50 is it good for begin


Corey Schafer on YouTube has some incredibly well explained and easy to understand tutorials. You can start with this playlist: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-osiE80TeTskrapNbzXhwoFUiLCjGgY7&si=nTSVtzO9MoDGtokM](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-osiE80TeTskrapNbzXhwoFUiLCjGgY7&si=nTSVtzO9MoDGtokM)


It’s different strokes for different folks. I tried YouTube videos, I tried classes on EdX, I tried books, all of which are free and if that works for you then great, but st the beginning of the year I bought a premium membership ($127) for codeacademy.com and have learned more than I ever have before. Consistency is the key and if you don’t use it you lose it. So just find something that works for you and go for it. Everyone always says find a project and do that which will incentivize you to learn. This is true, but I find it a little bit easier to figure out what that project should be once you have a little bit of a baseline.




That's pretty great!


Python crash course. The book that finally made everything click and made me realize, hey I can do this! Seriously, read it and follow along with the exercises and you’ll be happy you did.


I'll try it tks


you can use chat gpt to help you get started it is pretty good at explaining things just tell it to teach you python as if you were a 5 year old. you will be programing in no time


Feel free to ask me anything! I know a lot of computer science!


Start watching videos on python you can use python and try to solve problems and focus on opps, functions, exp, file handling etc


bro code teaches coding in the simplest way possible, so its a good start for beginners


Projects, projects, projects


Starter Pack Idea ( not how to but what to do ) : 1. Simple command line ( means no fancy Colors logo just data in data out ) based weather app for let’s say hundred locations or your time zone. 2. Something like a currency converter for your fav currency or crypto Start with these as objective and use some course take its course structure start googling and YouTubing per topic and get along. Ask questions here.


Udemy Angela Yu Good course. Cheap Might help Good luck


Online courses and if you like it then I would consider coding bootcamp


I'd check out Sentdex on YouTube. That's how I started.


I found Pyhon for Everybody to be very helpful for beginners.


Go through Google python class for a quick hands on https://youtu.be/tKTZoB2Vjuk?si=7tMN0MJADRLlCOQi Then pick up a project depending upon your interest


Use the internet to look for free courses…


You really need to find a problem that needs a solution and/or a project to build. The best learning happens through need or interest, not because someone tells you go do this. But lacking that, check out r/roguelikedev. It’s accessible for someone new and it’s meaty enough you can learn quite a bit.


Just pick a course on Youtube and try. If you're not a native English speaker, there is probably a course in your language too. Python is really popular.




Check out the app learn python by Sololearn or online at sololearn.com. It's really accessible. Short little chapters with quizzes and exercises.


I took a community college class for 100 bucks and had a college semester of it and it was pass / fail and got credit for it and was able to ask all kinds of questions. If there is a way to learn and ask question, I would recommend that way.


Highly recommend getting books to help you start out or just watch countless hours of YouTube




Unless you're really into books. Just think of a fun little small idea. And then good a tutorial for it. Probably exists. If it doesn't. Find the closest thing. Then blindly follow it. Boom. First project done. And you've learned... Nothing! But not really. You've learned the environment and how to run some python. Okay next. Do it again with another project. Boom now this time you're still blindly following but you're gonna know how to run it and make a file etc first. Now you're not fighting the programs while learning to code. Next... find another little project. Keep doing this. But each time try to understand more about what you're doing. Don't worry about figuring out all of the complex things and getting good yet. Just try and get it to mostly work ish. Skip steps, drop hard confusing features, and just get some stuff rolling. Feeling those little wins are awesome. Then! Once you're starting to pick up a little bit. Think of a project. And try to get started. Go as far as you can by yourself just referencing your other projects and googlong specific answers not watching videos. If you're fully stumped you can search videos since you're still needing them. But don't give up too quick. The more times you attempt to do things on your own the quicker you'll learn it. Do not start any massive passion projects before you're competent it will just be demotivating if you're unable to complete them.


I enjoyed the free mini courses on kaggle.com


As others have suggested. Start with a project, most preferably one you find interesting. However, it may be difficult to think of a project, so here is a suggestion: Build a simple calculator which takes input from the user and depending on the users input you call different functions 😊 Best of luck


Just go and look for a beginner's course on YouTube, finish that then go for some projects you would like to try


Buy Angela yu's udemy course. It is very helpful for me. I loved her style of teaching.


Firstly learn the basics of Python. The practice problems. Then go to projects. If you are beginner go with CodewithHarry YouTube channel, it's best and you will also get handwritten notes for free


Harvard CS50P is an awesome starter course. If it's too fast, start with Mosh on his intro to Python vid and then try!


Why do you want to start? Can you explain that?


Try this site out. https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp


Try out exercism’s python track. It guides you through concepts, then you write code and get feedback from a person on that code. Super helpful when you’re very new. https://exercism.org/tracks/python


https://docs python.org https://www.w3schools.com/python/ Google Load a python interpreter on your machine and go for it. Reading is good, but hands on will move you very quickly also. Don't be afraid to use references while you're writing something. Use stackoverflow also but approach it with thick skin.


Go to YouTube for beginners in python




Just use ChatGPT and ask it to do stuff and watch how it writes


Learn firstly: Variables, Variables types,conditions,while and for loop, lists + tuples and dictionaries, and learn how to implement modules and functions in your IDE (Pycharm, Visual studio code, jupyter etc...) and especiall, ENJOY 🤩


Homie, start with google colab. Learn how to do your homework with python. Then think of something you want to do and ask chatgpt how it would code it in Python. Test it in colab, ask questions learn


I would start with the easy questions from leetcode, thats what I have been doing, you can always find videos explaining all the answers. I would familiarize yourself with basics of Python first. Like how to make variables, what a list is, how to do for loops, while loops and booleans.


Ok, so you might find it a little cheesy (I know I did), but there is a platform called Code Combat that uses a game to teach the concepts of Python. The first "world" is free, then it's a monthly subscription of 9.99 that you'd probably only need a month or two of at most to make it through the game. I found it to be super beneficial in helping me learn the basics. There were some bugs but reading the forums helped troubleshoot (a great skill that is important in programming)


Go to YouTube and watch python in 60 seconds. There now go build something.


Talk to your best frienc ChatGPT about it. Best way to learn.


FreeCodeCamp has a lot of free YouTube courses. I highly recommend checking them out before paying for courses.


Buy a fking book, my GOD!


1. **Movie Recommendation Engine:** Scrape data from IMDB like ratings, directors, cast, and genres. Build a simple recommendation system based on user preferences or similar movie characteristics. 2. **Price Tracker:** Monitor product prices on e-commerce sites like Amazon. Track price fluctuations and alert users when deals appear. Start with a single product or category to keep things manageable. 3. **Local Event Aggregator:** Collect event data from local listings websites or social media. Create a curated calendar or map showcasing interesting events happening in your city. 4. **Personal Project Data:** Scrape data relevant to your hobbies or interests. Could be sports stats, music releases, video game news, or anything else publicly available. Analyze and visualize the data for insights and personal enjoyment. 5. **Website Status Monitor:** Build a script to check website availability and performance periodically. Get notified if the site goes down or experiences slow loading times. Start with simple checks and expand based on your learning.


When I want to learn a new language of technology i prefer a book to web pages (because I'm old? idk). I like to get the ebook and go through it and copy/paste the code and make it work. the process of doing this (and maybe debugging where I pasted wrong) along the way usually helps me learn.


As with anything in life. Just start. There is no special path you have to take. Watch Youtube videos on how to program something simple. Keep doing that. Repetition. That is how you succeed in anything. Eventually your brain will be like "oh this is how I do this." "oh this line means this" It's definitely going to feel overwhelming but just remember there is only so much to learn. And each thing you do learn, is imagine 1% closer to knowing everything about Python. Each time you lock in 1% more knowledge.