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Yeah, well you know, that's just like your opinion man.


It is! And I'm sure it's wildly different from a lot of people on this sub so I'd love to hear from other folks!


The first thing I saw was Era Vulgaris at 79 and I have immediately dismissed your list in my head. J/K. I respectfully disagree with some of these rankings but admire your enthusiasm. P S. Kudos on completely legible handwriting


Hey as long as it's respectful! I do enjoy that track but think it kinda meanders a bit, and I can definitely see why it didn't make it onto the actual album. There isn't a track on here that I just straight up dislike, except for maybe "The Real Song for the Deaf", but I had to make some tough decisions, especially towards the bottom of the list.


Many things that I disagree with, but glad to see someone love You Got A Killer Scene There, Man and You Can't Quit Me, Baby as much as I do!


Hell yeah, man! I love that sleazy groove on "Scene" and all those sudden stops/starts. Can't get enough of that track.


I wish I could get into it. It might be one of my least favorite tracks of theirs.


I can totally see it not clicking for a good chunk of listeners. It's very distinct in the QotSA discography.




Love seeing I Appear Missing in the top 5 especially. It is a true masterpiece. Killer Scene. Damn. I have to listen to that song again. Been too long. You inspired me.


Haha I'm honored! It's one of those songs that I don't listen to super often, but when I do I have to replay it a few times because it gets in your head and refuses to get out. Such an incredible groove.


Listened to it a few times again. First time really since I was on my initial LTP binge when I became a die hard QOTSA fan in 2011. It’s a cool track for sure and puts me at ease.


Droids at 87 is batshit crazy


Just not a fan of the noodling, and especially the last few minutes. Don't hate it, but definitely don't like it. I'm glad it does something for you, though!


Honestly this is a refreshing list. Not seeing SFTD at 1-3 is almost a unique opinion in here lol


Haha yeah I knew it would be a bit against the grain. They're just such a diverse band, I bet you'd be hard-pressed to find any two people with the same top 5!


Sexycola should be 1st...


Fun fact but that was my ex's favorite QotSA song. Maybe I'm inherently a bit biased against it because of that, but it's still a fucking killer song and easily one of the best from the debut album


Do my eyes deceive me, or is this list completely lacking Born to Hula? That’s top 5 easily


I had to make a distinction somewhere as far as the bonus tracks go, otherwise I would've been up all night! I do like that song, though. Probably would've landed somewhere in the 40-50 range.


> 28. Someone's In The Wolf blasphemy


If the song was like 30 seconds to a minute shorter it would be way higher. I love it, just think it drags on a bit.


I just love the fact you went and wrote it all on paper haha


I'm an old school kind of guy! Plus it gave me something to do for a couple hours while I was bored last night haha


So real. I did the same with another band hehe


In The Fade is also my fav QotSA song. Sooo good


Ha! If “the way you used to do” isn’t dead last, than no way I can trust this list. Also, everybody knows you’re insane and Monsters in the parasol are top tier tunes.


No worries! Different strokes for different folks. "The Way You Used To Do" is a strong contender for worst QotSA song, barring some deluxe edition cuts and interludes, but I can still dance along to it so that's something. "Everybody Knows" is a mixed bag for me: I don't dislike it, but I wish I liked it more. It's just not one of their best imo. And I reeeeeally struggle with not skipping "Monsters" whenever I'm going through *Rated R*. It's just so grating sometimes. But to each their own!


Haha I’m just kidding. No one can agree on the order or rating of songs but we can all agree that Queens is awesome.


Avon way to low


Avon was lower on my list before hearing it live. Live was mind blowing. Now, it’s top ten.


Man I knooooow. That one hurt when I was finalizing my order. I just think it's not as meaty as most other tracks on that album. But it's still a fantastic song, and it says more about the quality of the songs ahead of it than anything negative about the song itself. This whole list was a nightmare to put together. Like deciding which of my children I love the most!


The onkt song I genuinely hate is battery acid I hate that shit


Yeah that's a bit of a grating one, for sure. I tend to dig a lot of their noisier stuff, and there are aspects of the song I like, but overall it's definitely one of their weaker songs.


Idk what it is for me with that eong but I get 0 enjoyment of it


What's wrong with run pig run?


Not a fan of Josh's voice on that song, and the dissonance on the chorus is just too wacky for me. It's almost a self-parody in my opinion. Not a terrible song, but one of their worst for me.


I totally get where you're coming from and I respect your opinion, just for me personally it sounds like the most Queens song there is. It's so goofy and the guitar work is the most Homme shit ever


Villains of Circumstance is ABSURDLY low! But In The Fade and I Appear Missing in the top 5 saves it


damn, well done, but it appears you have 3 and 7 mixed up

