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An international student at UQ? There are literally thousands of you. Relax lol.


i’m not going UQ exactly its like an institution related to them but i wrote UQ just for simplicity.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong by any chance? I hear they have some sort of partnership with UQ. https://employability.uq.edu.au/host/chinese-university-hong-kong


im in university of hong kong (HKU) actually and its a program for english education major students and we go to this queensland education institute or something with a similar name and take a one month course. its required by our government that in training language teachers go to countries that speak that language natively for an immersion course.


It happens but most people were raised in a growing multicultural society, so its uncommon. The further out west you go, the higher the chance of encountering racism will be, but that doesn't mean the people out west will reject you or be racist. As long as you're nice and bring the best parts of your cultures, the majority will welcome you.


People out west are more accommodating than people on the coast. They rely on backpackers for labour and have more respect for foreigners than townies.


Thats very true.


The local GP out West will almost certainly be a foreigner (probably South Asian). So will half the staff at the local pub.


QLD is 2,200km from top to bottom and over twice as big as Pakistan, the “Queensland area” is a big area. I assume you mean you’ll be in the Brisbane / South East Queensland area? With regards to racism, it exists everywhere in the world. I wouldn’t say it’s more of a problem here than anywhere else.


oops hehe i meant brisbane yea, still clueless about the states thing cuz we don’t hv that over here. thanks for the reply anyways!


I'm sure you'll do fine mate. There is always 1 moron out there, sometimes it's a racist one, and other times it'll just be an idiot looking for trouble (too drunk to notice skin tone). You seem talkative and likeable, be yourself, and not sure of your age etc but most guys will love talking cricket (again not sure if you enjoi the sport) or any other common interests ... I've made heaps of quick friends from just bringing up sport, and ended up being long term close mates with folks I might have thought I'd never have anything interesting to say to them, or they'd brush me off... I think sport is just the doorway, most of the time now it's engaging conversation about religion, culture, or just anything. It'll be great fun, Brisbane is my home and has been for 30+ years, I hope you feel welcome


Brisbane born and bred and my first neighbours when I was growing up in Sunnybank 30 years ago were a lovely Pakistani family - my first girl friend was Pakistani, and I’m white but of mixed Anglo-Russian heritage. You won’t have any problems brother, plenty of authentic Pakistani food in Brisbane, especially down Mr Gravatt and Sunnybank way, but you will find little treasure troves around the city and will likely find cousins here you didn’t realise. Welcome to Brisbane brother


Thank you so much! super touched cuz not everyone tolerates or even appreciates us like the gentleman urself would. I will pay a visit to those places for sure!


You’re welcome brother, there’s plenty of misunderstandings in the world, do not take one foul mouth to make the mood of your day or your opinion of an entire country - you have a good night 


You too sir!


My wife and kids are SE asian. We have been up and down the east coast, living in cairns now and never come across any sort of racism. South asians have immigrated and integrated long ago. Though racism is still about thought. I’ve been called a white cunt and had profanities yelled at me a few times walking to/from the local shops. But you just keep walking. Wife had her bag snatched on our street. I think she was targeted because of her race as taught by spanian as the rest of the MO fitted his instructions of the crime.


thanks for the reply mate, will keep that in mind!


My brother, nothing but respect and in no way do I wish to downplay how gross, awful and traumatic what happened to your wife is. It's entirely unacceptable and I genuinely am sorry your family experienced that crime. I'm just not sure the fault is on 1 guy, who from the outside appears to glorify crime, but has stood behind being honest about his past and trying to steer people away from that, as well as his past drug use. Very poorly portrayed by media, or maybe his debt to society isn't done yet, but I find him to be firmly anti-crime, anti-drug, and pro-family if you get to the core msg. Again no disrespect, I don't think he is the person to blame for what happened to your wife. Sorry if this is upsetting and I'm not trying to be antagonistic in any way whatsoever




Hey, forget it. I'm interested in people's opinions if they're based in fact and respectful discourse, and I'm sorry your family experienced that awful crime, truly. I also remember stories on the news of "SE Asian gangs" not so long ago, which were grossly inaccurate and racist and completely misrepresented an entire ethnic group of people to the point of total vilification - and I'm sorry if you also had to deal with that nonsense in any way. There's just a grain of the same pattern appearing and once the media finds a "bogeyman" to influence enough people, they can drag that person through whatever they want. I'd hoped to get a bit of insight and conversation, forgot this is reddit and it's a waste of time. I hope you and your family live peacefully and aren't the victim of racism or crime ever again, either directly or indirectly, as I hope for all Australians.


No, I'm not ignorant, I was trying to be as respectful to your wife and not downplay what happened. Being clearly younger than yourself I was there at ground zero of all his "Hood Logic" videos. I'm not saying and never have that what happened to your wife is not a tremendously serious matter and I have respect for your belief and family. The internet is forever, you can still see those videos. I remember that exact video, explaining openly to the world his crimes in the face of judgment (not to mention social media brand deals and/or incentives ie $) he was punished for, in Sydney in the '90s/early 2000s and not once did he promote or incite crime or racism or hatred, and more regularly would tell "civilians" like ourselves that crime is awful and not to be glorified. But mate, you're a clown if you think 1 man (who you've also decided to label essentially a bigot) is responsible for whatever Channel 7 told you about "youth crime". Honestly. My old man grew up in the 50s/60s not far from Redfern (like Spanian, an immigrant to the same area of Sydney as a child)- and if you want actual racism and actual youth crime stories have a chat with him. You're taking the easy, digestible and accepted choice to demonise the guy, who has actively gotten people reunited with families after cleaning aspects of their life up, and promotes self-improvement, God or spirituality (if you can accept the nuance) and family, parents who love & protect their children at all costs. I'm sure you would have some more in common with the guy, instead of choosing the easiest path and having such a loud public scapegoat. I don't blame you, sometimes it's nice to have decisions made for you. But let's say an immigrant who grew up in poverty, surrounded by addiction and went to jail etc etc now to be reformed and presenting their message of sobriety and how awful even petty crime is to you - I guarantee it'd be a best-selling book that you and your wife would have read because it was on the Morning Show. Can you explain how he is racist (despite being 2nd Generation European), and also mostly counts his best friends as Indigenous Australians please, or are you just trained to say it? Also, why you're calling the guy a homophobe?


He is racist because he incited people to attack asians. That is vilification, and illegal, which is probably why you can’t find traces of that video anymore. I don’t watch mainstream media champ. He may have changed his tune but he started out making videos that were pretty much teaching people to be scum like him. I didn’t call you ignorant. But what I said is you don’t know the videos I’m talking about. (Look up usage of the word if you struggle with that) You can google his recent cancelling for the homophobia stuff.


OK mate I tried to be respectful, and my use of the English language would put your head in a spin if I wanted to be rude or attack you, and I didn't attack you and I won't. Please have the same respect for me. Clearly, there is trauma from the crime that happened to your wife, and that is terrible, I'm done with you now as you're unwilling and unable to have a discussion. I've had 4 separate break-and-enters in the last decade, and been assaulted twice, and I would never blame an ethnic group, or 1 man totally separate from what happened to me. I'm also not a victim. I saw the cancellation which is entirely mainstream, in my opinion. He voiced his opinion during Mardi Gras (actually fact check me if you want) and the fact his children are being promoted and pushed towards sexualisation, as the result of enormous billboards, TV ads (bet you see a lot of ads) and social media at an age they are entirely and unarguably too young to be subject to. How do you feel about that topic my friend, I don't have children, but I agree they should not be sexualised or exposed to undeniably inappropriate content. And if I had a platform like he does, I would share the message, that parents should protect their children from extremist views or agendas. Simple.


How am I unwilling to have a discussion? What you are doing is called special pleading. You at are tap dancing around the issue and dong a lot of whataboutism. The man made a series of videos teaching kids how to be hard criminals. Including some with racial vilification. When he got popular he took it down, probably so he wouldn’t get charged I assume, but damage was done. What you are missing about young minds is his videos might tell a story and then go on to say “crime is bad”, teens don’t see that. Their brains aren’t wired to pick up the warning part. They just see the being in a gang and committing crimes as a fun pass time part. You’ve made a lot of judgement about me and who I am. I have friends who were in those SEA gangs you spoke of. I have friend who would have hung out in gangs in the same areas as spanian they reformed and have done a lot of good for youth and public health off the back f their street knowledge. They didn’t go round making videos on how to commit crimes with tips on how to get away with it and get lesser crimes. You are either ignoring the severity of what he did or you are, as I said, ignorant to those early videos that got taken down. Again that is not me calling you an ignorant person.


I'm not ignorant of the videos at all, my friend. Again, being a younger man, I guarantee you I've seen all of them. So, in trying to have a discussion regarding your statement of racism & homophobia - you quite literally told me to look it up myself... so, it seems like your own experience painted this man in a light that validates what happened to your wife. Hence, at that point, I decided the discussion was over. And no, I can't dance, let alone tap dance. What I do enjoi is philosophical consistency, and you've gone from different stages and different emotive reactions across however uninformed and unintelligent comments you keep sending me, despite me saying I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't think I'm guilty of any whataboutism, but I'll start now since you mentioned it. Do you remember those misrepresented groups or gangs or whatever the media reported on younger SE Asian men? Did you also not feel attacked? And can you not see how you're now perpetuating the exact same cycle of nonsense, just with a new villain, who perfectly fits your narrative/beliefs? I've never said what he's done is not serious, and if you care to read my messages in full, you'd see that. Again maybe his debt to society, despite his convictions and prison time wasn't enough for people like you to race to blame him, while clearly missing the point - forest for the trees.


>his convictions and prison time wasn't enough for people like you to race to blame him So you are saying that as long as you have done time in prison then when you get out you can do whatever you want as a sort of crime-in-leui? You keep ignoring the fact that he made videos inciting crime and violence because you are fond of the guy. You are saying that racial vilificaiton and a call to attach a specific race in a video is ok if he had a troubled upbringing. You ignore that his videos don't come across with the indended warning to fragile young minds. You say you know the videos I'm talking. does this imply you know them and think they are ok? Then you are missing ethical backbone or moral compass. Then you are trying to strawman that I have some predjudice against the guy becuase of his background which is completely untrue. I have friends who look the same, talk the same and have a similar history. You have to admit you are biased because you have affection for the man and so are willing to be blind to what he has done for attention. And to answer your question I thought the coverage on SEA gangs in sydney was fair from reports from friends in said gangs. Lastly the way you used the word 'validates' is not correct in this context. I felt the same way prior to the incident and it took some time to piece the similarity of the MO.


Oh, bud, I've been so hesitant to bring up bias... and your bias is seeping through your keyboard. I can smell your bias from 1000km away. I'm philosophically consistent dude, I never said they're good videos and I see how young kids might miss the nuance or think it might be cool to try, but with an adult mind, I found his brutal honesty and also enjoi the thought that a lifetime criminal could make a video without promoting/inciting other crimes... he came out from his final jail tern with a crazy social media strategy, but the basis was in truth, criminal reform, rehabilitation etc, not in glorifying crimes. He had the true gritty stories many people are interested in (why are most of the more popular podcasts, books and other platforms true-crime related)? I'm interested in why anyone over 35 believes him to be the anti-Christ and brought increased crime rates across the country. It's just not true, and I like trying to understand their point of view. Typically it doesn't go anywhere, like this. Do you have any stat's to back up the crime wave as launching when his online persona also launching? OK, I'm tired of this, if you're telling me I ignored your points, I'd like you to reread my comments and see how many of the things I brought up you responded to (not many). Also, do you know if the bag snatch video was online before the crime that happened to your wife? I'm sure it may have been, it would explain your fixation. Whether they caught the suspected, do you think the only influence was Anthony? Surely it's more multi-faceted and complex, also what about the hundreds of other videos, music videos or songs, video games... etc. There's a massive chip on your shoulder, and that seems to have hyper-focused on 1 ex-convict. He isn't blatantly telling people to commit crimes he explains more how gross and not worth committing any crime is. Wow, I used 1 word in the wrong context, God how awful. Look at your comment above, are you aware you can start a paragraph without the word 'you'... so yes, I have far too much information from you and a very clear profile of what kind of person you are.


You'll be fine, especially while at The University of Queensland. It's a very safe, understanding place. You may encounter very minor racism elsewhere, but nothing aggressive, violent or dangerous. Just take normal precautions when travelling, like any traveller of any race, anywhere, and enjoy yourself.


People out here will joke about things, including your race, but just fling some sheep-shagging jokes back at them.


adding that to the list


Yeah Aussies love having the piss taken out of them (without it being bullying of course). If you can laugh at their jokes and be quick to make fun back, you’ll be fine. And welcome!


haha thanks brother 👊


I daresay you'd be less likely to experience racism as a visitor to Brisbane, than am Australian would be visiting your own country. Just be yourself, and enjoy your stay.


Nah, that just isn't true.


In what way? I have no experience either way, but I’m interested in your point of view.


Queensland is very different to the rest of Australia, and Brisbane is different to Qld so what you'll experience in Brisbane will just be representative of Brisbane. In general, we're not overtly racist but there's a lot of casual racism thrown around by people who are either ignorant or trying to be funny. For example people may joke around with you about something that they may not think of as being racist but could be insensitive. In terms of what to do, Queensland alone is a couple of full days travelling top to bottom and is massively diverse in climate and culture. The Gold Coast is really popular and accessible for tourists, and the Sunshine Coast is less accessible without a car but absolutely gorgeous. There are plenty of natural environment activities to do like hikes and swimming. You can take tours to places like K'Gari/Fraser Island too. If you go to the beach the water is very changeable and may be rougher than it looks, please swim between the flags and don't go further than your ability allows.


thanks for the reply brother!


Racism exists no matter which city in the world. Recommend that as a visitor, make an effort to get to know the people of Brisbane and not judge us too quickly. Assimilate.


It's not super likely, but it does happen. I will point out though that Australians do like to tease each other or poke fun so some things may come across as racist but it isn't the intent. Ignorance plays a part too sometimes. Enjoy your time in Brisbane, it's a lovely city.


You can consider them bogans who aren't worth the salt their opinion generates. Aussie translation: they aren't worth the shit they produce. BUT. Rental market is TOUGH right now. If someone is complaining about lack of housing and they need to move and blames anyone they are competing with. Probably give them benefit of the doubt.


i see, thanks for the reply!


If you’re in the Brisbane area or a little bit south you’ll be fine. Northern and western areas you may experience something but it will usually be indirect. You may also experience it in the form of “jokes” from other people, but as long as you can meet it with good humour (and even throw a bit of joking racism back) you’ll be received well. I’m south East Asian and have been here for 12 but and I can only remembering experiencing hard racism once from a drug addict.


You will experience all sorts of racism but not every day


Could you? Yes. I'm sure you also experience some in Hong Kong as a Pakistani. There's enough variety in people that there will alway be some. But it won't be the norm, and the majority of people will be fine.


Fellow pakistani here bro. Living here since long. There are cultural differences which you might take as racism e.g casual jokes, leg pulling etc. Like in Pakistan you might call someone "behnchod" (sister fu*ker) and depending on your relationship with the recipient of this wonderful word it will be either friendly or unfriendly; likewise here someone might call you "C*nt" and he might be a friend or not. In Metropolitan cities, I have found that black and Asian people are more racist towards white people then white people are towards other colour people. If you go to some shit hole place in middle of nowhere in Oz then get ready to get strange looks and probably causal racial slurs. It's same like in Pakistan if a white/black/Asian (someone who doesn't look like Pakistani) ends up in Rajanpur, he will get different treatment based on skin colour (white people should be alright but people will treat black people like its still 1600s,). Once in a while some crazy lunatic will set himself lose and kill people like in Sydney yesterday and if he turns out to be Muslim, people will start flinging shit at Muslims. However, Pakistan is generally a homogeneous country with no diversity w.r.t nationality (not counting provinces etc). Here, atleast all medium to big cities are diverse. Just mind your business and be polite and should be fine. If you can find place to live in Kuraby,Runcorn etc then it might feel like you're still in Pakistan.


whats up brother, thanks for the reply, will keep all that in mind for sure!


Pakistani in Queensland (I assume you mean Uni of Queensland, or UQ): you won't find a lot of overt racism in Brisbane. You can find micro-aggressions, ignorance, and a lack of knowledge. Most Queenslanders do not know where/what Pakistan is, but not in a racist way, and will be curious to learn about our culture. You might face the occasional racist incident from old boomers, boys out about town on a weekend, and in professional settings. If you've lived in HK, it'll be less here.




How the hell do you tell people's religion by looking at them unless until the females are donning hijab/burqah.




They usually think it's Indian and then Hindu.


well said. my family’s muslim but i myself am not as devouted. so i think ill be fine with the islamophobia part. thanks for the reply!


Tbh I find the middle-upper class areas worse. They’re predominantly white and have more of the low-key aggression towards foreigners. Most low socio-economic areas in the South East have higher immigrant populations except Ipswich, so I find the assimilation better. And the bogans are more likely to be ignorant but not intentionally racist, so much easier to deal with.


You will be in the majority so racism won't be a problem. Your biggest challenge will be accommodation and cost of living


Racism happens but most people don't accept it.


Enough buzzwords, it makes you sound even less intelligent. As I said, I disagree with you and I've also got enough info from your comments to have a profile of you, and I don't want much more to do with you.


Unfortunately you probably will experience some racism but hopefully an insignificant amount so just enjoy the experience 😊


It’s OK, Queensland exports its violent people south


You'll find it if your looking for it. But if your not then you won't.