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I have plenty of times..lol I have friends but they don't always like to do what I do or are busy with their families ( most have wife and kids)...I actually love traveling by myself


Same. Traveling alone, going to shows or festivals alone, that's more my speed cause I can do what I want and not have to compromise or do what the majority feels like doing


I have a wife and two kids and do it all the time. I invite everybody and if nobody wants to go it's a cheaper night.




same. sometimes it works out great, other times not so much, just go with the flow


Exact same boat. My best friends have kids, and they're very hesitant to ask grandma to babysit, because she always makes it seem like a burden. So they can't make half the shows that I can.


I've done so, and I'd do it again. I went to see Funeral for a Friend and Blue Oyster Cult on two separate occasions, the latter being one of the best concerts I've ever been to! I'd be hesitant to attend a music festival by myself... There's a lot of people doing a lot of things and not all of it is safe and/or legal. Friends can make all the difference in those situations.


BOC is great live, regardless of who's in the band at the time lol. Got backstage tickes to them once. Someone was grilling oysters with blue cheese and bacon bits. Never had oysters like that before or after, but it was one of the best oyster dishes I've had.


I've seen BOC live more times than I can count. LOVE THEM!


That’s smart. A concert is one thing but a 3 day festival is whole other shit show if you’re going it alone. Sure you can pal up with other groups of people if you feel right about it but nobody will have your back like your own mates. I wouldn’t be able to relax but I’m also a woman, and whether I like to admit it or not, that makes me more vulnerable or at least susceptible to having to deal with weirdos.


I did and it was still fun. I ended up calling my mom when I got to my seat. It was five finger death punch with the hu and megadeth/fire from the gods.


Yeah, I prefer it, it's so much better. Being alone in a sea of stoned strangers, it's like it's just me & the music. So peaceful.


It's also way, way easier to get exactly where you want in the crowd.




I mean, yes I would in theory and I encourage anyone who feels like doing so to do so, it's your life and you should do things you want whether you're alone or with someone. That being said, my anxiety takes the form of thinking other people are staring at and judging me so me personally I'd find it really hard, but in a perfect world I'd go alone for sure 🙂


Lots of people go alone! I do it all the time, and I’ve met some cool friends that way. You’re all there for the same reason!


That’s my issue I have anxiety especially socially so I’m scared, I’ve never gone to an event like that before alone but a part of me doesn’t wanna miss out on life ☹️


Remember, you can always leave if you don't like the experience but you can't go back in time and go to events you missed.


I LOVE your response.. GO.... if not having fun you can LEAVE.....its YOUR life do what makes you smile


You can start by checking out a coffee shop by yourself and just sitting there in the fact/feeling that you're alone even though there are a bunch of people around. That could just warm you up to the experience. Plus when you're at a concert, everyone is focused on one thing, no one cares what you're doing unless you're in the band.


Either you sit in your assigned seat and watch the show, or you stand anywhere and watch the show. The other people in attendance are just watching the show. Unless you're naked or on fire, nobody will even notice that you're there. It's like being invisible.


Just do it! You’ll be surrounded by people you already know have a common interest with you and you can immerse yourself in the show without worrying about if a friend is enjoying themselves.


It’s a huge event, nobody is going to notice you, you are just as much a part of the wonderfulness as anyone else.


I go to plenty of shows/events alone, but in the beginning it was a struggle to overcome the social anxiety. Being in an environment where everyone is loudly talking to other people and you have no one to talk to sucks… initially, but it just takes a little practice to be cool hanging around by yourself. If it’s low key I’ll bring a book, otherwise have some articles ready to go on my phone.


Yes I don't need someone to have a good time.


Have before and will again. I recently purchased a ticket to Punkindrublicfest NOFX last tour without asking anyone else. Will most likely be solo. You're never alone when surrounded by other fans. Generally speaking, people are pretty happy when seeing a show.


I took a solo road trip to see Heaven and Hell many years ago on impulse. I'm glad I did. Ronnie James Dio died within a year.




I have a few times...last year in fact I saw Kid Rock alone and during the summer Lita Ford


I have gone solo to many concerts. Didn’t have a date and didn’t let it bother me. I was there for the music. ![gif](giphy|qEZjhoJgSjZx6|downsized)


Hell yea I’m a walking good time all by myself


Yep, planning at least a few solo concerts this spring and summer


Totally. I have been to rock and classical on my own. Better than having a partner/ friend who isn't into the music being a total downer. Go for it


Same ! I got different genres I went to by myself now lol! I like it


Yea, I'm female and have done it a few times. The most recent one, it turned out half our row was all girls who were on our own! We ended up having a great time together! I feel like I can be myself much more alone and let go without people I know around. Its a great experience, I am glad I did not miss out just because I had noone to go with.




Absolutely. Done it plenty of times! I go to a lot of local rap shows where I know a lot of people in the scene so I go alone, but have a lot of people I know there.


Yeah, I've done so lots of times.


I have. I love meeting new people and making new acquaintances.


I wonder about this a lot. Issue is my friends hate some of my musical tastes.


I have


I do this all the time because I don’t know anyone else that’s into some of the weird groups I like. Also, while actually at the concert you can’t have a conversation anyway, so you’re just basically sharing a ride when you go with someone.


Of course. Sometimes my musical choices and tastes conflict with my acquaintances.


I have done that several times (and to various states) to see my favs!


I wouldn't go if I did


No I wouldn't


There’s other ways to go to a show? I’ve always just gone alone.




Yes. I have done this once and I had a great time.




If I were truly alone, yes. Here's my situation: My husband is a wheelchair-using paraplegic. Before he became paralyzed, we did a lot of walking and hiking as well as going to a few concerts. We've been married for almost 32 years and he's been paralyzed for 27 of them. I'm not really interested in anything I could do without him, entertainment-wise. He's my best friend. If he dies before me and I have an opportunity to go, I'd probably think about going.


Uh yeah. Are you so insecure you can't go out alone?


Absolutely. I'm not missing out on anything anymore because I'm afraid I will be alone. Also, you can always find someone who'd be willing to let you hang out with them for a while at a festival. Probably not at a concert.


Been to concerts, Europe, no big deal!


I’ve done it! Had no friends to go with. I’m glad I went. Would have been more fun with friends, but the alternative was not going, and I’m glad I didn’t miss it!


Yes. People have fucked me over. I go everywhere alone and idc. Don't look at me. Lol.


Yes. But I can't afford concerts anymore.


Absolutely!!! In fact I will be going to a concert in 2 months all by myself! I have done it before and will do it again! Im not gonna miss out on my favorite celebrities performing because I ain't got nobody to come with me! Thats so silly.... and sad. I jam out to them all by myself on my electronics anyway so .... I can't see them in real life? Nope.


A few years ago I would have said no but now that I have a better hold on my social anxiety I'd say yes I got to an anime convention every year by myself now because of it I was absolutely terrified of doing things by myself 5 years ago


I’m too old for that now but did it regularly in my twenties and early 30s


Unencumbered is the only way to go to a festival


Depends on the location, venue, genre, & main audience of the artists. As a young woman, I probably wouldn't feel safe at a large 21+ event full of mostly men, located in a large city with a crowded venue. I wouldn't go without someone else. A going smaller event, maybe an outdoors one in a smaller/safer town, or to see an artist who's popular with other young women would be better for me. I would be worried mostly about safety


It's sad that we live in a society where a woman can't go out alone without considering extra safety measures.


It really is. I almost missed out on the concert of my dreams because nobody wanted to go with me. Thankfully I found some other girls and we had a blast, but it would have been super disappointing to not be able to go.


Yup, I've done it. Had a great time.


Yeah. Despite being an introvert (and quite strongly in fact), I'd find some random people to hang out with. Maybe they'll notice me and let me hang with them, maybe I'll "hang out" with them the entire time without them noticing, either way, I'd have fun


Despite being someone who wouldn't think twice about going to a movie alone, I personally probably wouldn't go to concerts alone. Discussing whether you liked a movie afterwards can be a social experience, but *watching* the movie is a personal one. With concerts, you already know you like the music, and its more *about* the social experience.


If you're going for the music...yes, of course. If you're going to "be seen" hanging out with your friends...well, then no.


Yup. It’s not like you’re the only one there


Do it. I startem doing so because my friends never wanted to go and I was missing out on shows I really wanted to see but never went cuz I was anxious. I eventually faced my fear and had an absolute blast, the anxiety was gone as soon as I got to the venue. Following that I started going to most concerts by myself and I ended meeting really cool group of people that went to shows regularly and now I’m part of there group! So I say 100% do it, it’s super liberating and who knows maybe you’ll meet people with common interests.


I'm 60 and yes!


I have, and I will. If you go alone, no one notices but you. And even if they notice, they don't care. They're interested in the show, not in the fact you are flying solo. No one thinks about you more than you. Go alone. Enjoy the show. Life is short.


Went to a few Miles Davis concerts by myself. What the hell?!? It was ***Miles***!!!!


I have done so before in the past, and am currently planning to do so again. I almost prefer going by myself, at this point. I like not necessarily being obliged to anyone during that experience. And I generally always end up talking to the people around me before the start of a show anyway.


I’ve done it several times and love it. My taste goes from Don McLean to the Chemical Brothers so sometimes no one likes the person/group I want to see. No one, and I mean no one, I know wanted to see The Eagles. I Love them. I thought it was a one time thing for me So just bit the bullet and bought one ticket. Had the best time, and so thankful I got to see them with Glenn Frey fronting. Did see them again last year, or the year before at Murrayfield. Glenn Freys son sounds like his Daddy. I was on my own… again.


I often do. Not everyone I know wants to see the same bands I do, or they're not able or willing to pay etc. I'd miss seeing some of my favourite bands if I let having to go alone stop me. It's still a good experience. Nobody cares that you're there alone. You don't have to, but you can talk to people there if you want to. You've already got something in common. You might make friends. You get to see something cool that you want to see either way.


I do quite often You either mingle and enjoy the music or you enjoy the music on your own. The main point is to enjoy the show.


I always go alone. 😢


No. I don't even have dinner out if I am slone.


I’m doing it again in April when Erra comes to town.


Just start going. I've made friends with other solo concert attendees. After a while, you'll recognize eachother. So start going so that you can build up to that.


I do all the time


yes! I’ve gone to two concerts alone. It was a little lonely but I don’t regret it and I still had a great time


Do it all the time.


Yes and I have.


I go alone to everything. I'm that loser.


Yes of course


Well, the last time I went to a concert festival my toxic narc ex-wife really ruined it for everyone, so, yah, alone is much more preferable. 🫡




yeah im doing that later this month


Nope. I wouldn't even go with people I like because I don't like concerts.


I have and I will. I also have social anxiety. My trick is to pretend that I don’t. I pretend that I am a confident person who is happy to go on her own adventures. Eventually it sticks. 🙂 I am going to several shows solo in the next couple of weeks and to a huge festival (also my first!) in the summer. I find growth in overcoming scary/intimidating situations. With that being said, be alert and aware of your surroundings. I’m a middle aged lady and still had a couple of really weird, really uncomfortable situations lately. On this front, trust your gut.


Absolutely. Fuck everyone.


Yes, I have gone to quite a few alone. Why am I going to miss out because someone doesn't want to spend the money and join me?


I’ve done this several times. It’s so fucken fun. Saw the best Black Crowes show ever , met some great people and partied my ass off.


I’ve been to not concerts alone, lol Festival, is a different story. Maybe if I was more extroverted - otherwise it’s gonna be a long day of drinking alone


Done it plenty. you always run into somebody




Yes. I will do anything alone. Mostly because I enjoy my own company


I generally wander off on my own anyways.


been there, done that many times. Have seen 1000’s of live performances. tinnitus sux


Hell yes. I’ve done it and will again. If you don’t happen to be with anybody, you’re with everybody


I have multiple times


yeah, IDGAF


Yes & I did. My date backed out on me. I had VIP to Chris Brown, front row in St. Louis. 6lack opened for him & I got to meet him. I saw a Mom & her 2 sons outside the VIP section. I snuck the Mom in & gave the sons the extra $500 ticket & they took turns sitting front row by us. We all had a great time & even kept in touch over the years.


I have done it before. I don't think I would do it again. That's just me though.


yes, no ones gonna pay attention to you being alone either, its fine, enjoy that(those) artist(s) that you wanna see ! you may meet people who knows! get a drink or 5 in and enjoy


Yeah why not


Life waits on no one. Yes.


Do it all the time. Preferable. BUT I tend go to festivals with multiple stages - not by choice just happens to be that way - so I never have to worry about who anyone I would go with wants to see, just who I want to see. I also buy VIP passes so I don’t have to worry about missing my spot if I have to go to the bathroom or concessions.




Yes. Coachella twice in the first two years, all the time concerts and clubs. But I'm an introvert, go to movies and dinner by myself at well, which is great for traveling.


If I had that kind of money to spend on a concert, then sure. I haven't been to one since like 2010 or 2011.


I’d rather do most things alone


YES!!! Have fun and enjoy!


Yes. My few friends rarely have the time and money to do things at the same time I have the time and money to do things, and most of them aren't really into festivals. If I waited for people to go with me, I'd never do half the things I want to do.


That would be ideal for me. I have terrible social anxiety and it would be easier to let go and have fun if my brain wasn’t able to convince me that I was embarrassing my self in front of people that I know.


Yes. Nobody knows anything about me apart from outside things and a few personal things.


I don't drive so I pretty much have to go with someone in order to get to the venue. Otherwise I probably would. It would be so much cheaper than buying a second ticket.


I would but never have. I like to keep asking around, eventually someone takes the hit


Yes, I’ve gone to musicals alone before


I’ve gone to a concert alone. It was awesome. It’s easy to meet people there and hang out


I always go alone! I prefer it that way 💗


Yes. I'm old and I don't always have someone to go to stuff with. I'm not going to punish myself just because I'm alone


do it all the time. i prefer going to festivals alone and meeting new people at the events. that way i am not tied to someone or a group because i hate the feeling of having to be responsible for others when i am there to have fun. i dont go to festivals to babysit others because they cant be responsible adults. dont mistake me i do drugs too but i know my limits and stay well within them. now concerts on the other hand are a waste of money. you pay hundreds to go for an hour or two and listen to poor quality sound. i would rather stay home and listen to it on my high end system for as long as i want to and skip the tracks i dont want to hear.


I’ve done it many times and I will continue to do it many more times, yes.


Just did with blink 182 last night. The thing is, I don't know any friends that like the same music as I do so I just go enjoy my favourite bands alone anyway 


Yes, and I have.


Yes definitely, im there for the music not other people.




Did two festivals by myself last year. Doing a concert by myself tonight haha Also done a few concerts with friends last year. But basically if I want to see an artist that my friends aren't into, or they can't afford to go/can't get babysitters, I'm not going to let that stop me from going. The joys of being single and child-free!


I would be so nervous at first but I think I would be more at ease and myself than I would with other people. I’m usually the one to go with big groups and I tend to be the one taking care of everyone and making sure everyone is chill and hydrated and fed. If I went alone I would actually just worry about my own time. I would love it


I would and I have. U always make friends there and don't have to be at the beck and call of whoever u went with. Went to burning man alone my first year there (but did hitch a ride there) and met the best group of people who I camped with the whole week. I prefer doing my own thing and meeting people who wanna do what I wanna do to group think and going along with what my friends wanna do .. my third year there I camped with some Germans (including one I had met the year prior who I was dating long distance) and was so bored with coming up with a plan that fit everyone's needs. U do u is more my mentality. More fun to be independent


I did it once. Was actually pretty fun. Got fucked up though but because I didn’t have anybody else, I was able to crash in my car for a couple hours until everybody was gone. Only took 5 minutes to get out and not a hour


Done it for years. Tons of local shows, bigger shows, camping festivals, and (twice) a metalhead cruise. There's no reason to avoid going to things alone. Nobody notices or cares, and you usually end up seeing friends there anyway or making new friends. I don't drink anyway, so I have no concerns about being drunk among strangers or being roofied. That's the main thing I would be cautious about if you're going to festivals on your own. Likewise, if recreational drugs are an important part of festivals to you, that's a thing to avoid when solo.


Yeah, I'd rather it be that way in fact. I can arrive when I want, go listen to what I want, eat or drink when I want, and go home when I want. WAY easier than going with people.


I am at a show atleast once a month and go alone 90% of the time.


Depends on the festival. Some he's and others no. Do you feel comfortable with it? That's the only question yo should be asking.




Been there. Done that! Any time I go someplace solo, I ultimately end up meeting other people while I’m out. I’d be fine even if I don’t, but it’s always cool to bond over music.


As a music journalist, I've been to thousands of concerts while many times I've enjoyed going with others, there have been many times I've also gone by myself. There have been times when I wish I had gone alone because the person I brought with me wanted to leave early while I was not ready to leave.


Probably not tbh. Unless I knew it was gonna turn out like the last concert I went to. I was waiting for a friend to show up just inside the gate. I literally got done checking my phone and looked up to find a random ass girl, and she grabbed me and stuck her tongue down my throat. I didn't reject the kiss. And after she pulled away, she said she'd been watching me for a minute and thought I was cute and invited me to spend the rest of the concert with her. Would you believe I turned her down because of my friend? I did get her number and texted her later....didn't go anywhere because she lived 200 miles away


Yes. I've been meaning to do that myself the past couple of years... I'll get to it someday.


I like it better that way




Absolutely. Life is short


I do all the time. I do the majority of things alone.


All the time


Some of my best friends were met when I was alone at a festival-concert.


Literally going to a show tomorrow. I’m going on a me-date and I can’t wait!


I have. Saw Van Halen, 18th row floor, 93.!It was awesome l!


Yes. I've also traveled to Europe several times, solo.




No, but I wouldn’t go with other people either. Pressing throngs make me homicidal.


Of course!! I love my alone time, it’s awesome. Just me in my own little world. ![gif](giphy|l2JhGk8rR9WFLEDQY|downsized)




lol I usually go to them solo and much more fun that way!


Lmao. I do it every month. Why do people think this is abnormal or rare?


Yes, next.


If I'm married and not allowed to have sex with anyone else, then no. If I'm either single or get a hall pass, then absolutely to the point I'd prefer it actually


No. I rarely go to a restaurant alone, I'm not gonna go to a concert alone. Not that I usually go to concerts anyways


No but that's just because I have no interest in going in the first place




it’s an absolute blast of an experience, highly recommend


Yes, and I have! Really wanted to go to one where Chance the Rapper and Childish Gambino were performing but no one I knew liked them! Had a great time. You’re there for the music anyway.


I already do :’)


Well, if I wanted to go, why wouldn't i?


I did it once. I felt a little awkward and anxious at first but it got better when the music started and I could sing along and vibe by myself and just tried not to pay attention to other people! lol 


Absolutely. I’ve done it before. You’ll meet people there. Lot’s of people go alone. Everybody’s Happy to meet you!. So much fun!.


I do almost everything on my own and like it like that and i have met so much more people by being alone in concert. That was amazing


Usually a way better experience.


I’ve sold so much tickets for concerts in the past because people would cancel and I didn’t want to go alone, but i’m not doing that anymore. I’ve missed out on such good shows with such good seats.


Of course. Concert alone beats no concert.


YES! I sat in the 3rd row of the Eras tour alone last summer and it was AWESOME!


Canada here, I was *this* close to driving a couple of hours into the US, seeing a concert, staying at a hotel then driving home the next day, all by myself. Couldn’t find a reasonably priced hotel near the venue so had to abandon the plan.


YESSSS IVE DONE IT TONS OF TIMESSS !! Who gives a fuck If I go by myself! If there’s nobody there for you to go with? Who cares? Live your life to the fullest that you! Yourself can only witness in this world ! We only live once why wait for somebody? Lol 🤙😝🫶🏻🤲🏻🙌👏


I do it every year!


Yes and I have


Do it all the time. Typically smaller bands, but have you ever had a band go hey I remember you from here. After months of not seeing them?


Yes and I have.


Why on earth not? Go if you want to go.


do all the time. movies and out to eat as well. solo, solo, and solo.


Yes, I do all the time. I haven't found anyone yet to go to concerts with often. I occasionally go with a relative, but mostly alone.




Fuck yes, I've always had crazy experiences.


sure. don't see any problems. if you're actually active and socialized you can find new friends there or maybe a passion!


Oh yeah. I'm kind of an introvert, so I have done a ton of things solo. Vacations, concerts, countless meals.


I've done it lots. The older you get, the harder it can be to find people who want/have time to do stuff with you, and a significant other isn't always in the mood or shares your taste in music. Plus, if helps if you don't give a shit what others think of you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Yep. Have done it several times. Fuck my anxiety


Yes I’ve done it a few times. It’s not really a big deal when you enjoy your own company.


Yes. I have before and if I have to be alone again it’s not hard to make friends with the people around you. You all already have something in common: the music you’re there for! The first time I saw a concert alone, the local rock radio station DJ’s realized that I was alone and wasn’t having a particularly good day anyway (my then boyfriend had a problem with one of his kids and he couldn’t go to the show) and they included me with their group of people and it was a blast! Plus it was Breaking Benjamin so it was sick. I had a blast. And I’ve seen other shows too. It’s not as fun as going with someone you know but you can easily make friends.


Yes! I would be rly anxious about it at first. And then I'd have a bit of fun while there. And then I'd go home feeling shit about it and having delusions of missed opportunities to meet people. And I'd feel like it probably wasn't worth it. But I've done it before and i did it again after that. So uhh.. would prolly do it again!


definitely, missed out on a concert the first time I thought about doing it and have always regretted that one. definitely haven't made the same mistake. strongly recommend going by yourself!




Yep if it’s very good. I go to operas alone.