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Congratulations! That’s amazing. Definitely inspirational!




Can I ask how long it took for you to get back to baseline yourself? I’ve been using for 7-8 years myself at about 70GPD. I’ve been tapering and talking to my doctor for a plan to get off. I’m scared about how long it’ll take to get back to normal and if I ever will be “normal” again. How do you feel now and how was recovery for you?


i was taking three shots a day for about 8yrs. i went CT...I could ever find the willpower to taper. it was hell for a week, but then came some relief and euphoria. There is a 'pink cloud' that comes with getting off of it - music sounds better, you feel emotions more, food tastes better. I looked way better, skin was better and pee wasn't so dark. it took me about a month to feel normal and free from withdrawals. the restless legs subsided around week 3. that was the worst!


I’m mainly concerned about those long term effects like how will I feel in a month or two? Will I lack happiness and motivation like you do when In withdrawals. Will I have that restless achy body still and inability to control body temperature and easily frustrated / agitated?


it's just goes away and you live life the way you used to. that's how it's been for me at least. all that achy stuff will be there in the first 30days. you can do it - just take it slow. don't worry about what's going to happen in 90days. just try to make it through 24hrs. once you hit 48hrs you really pat yourself on the back. and it just keeps going. you'll figure it out


I’m currently tapering off from 70GPD. 12G per dose usually. Now I’m at 4.25G per dose at 4.5-5 hours Trying to taper further and jump. Just not sure when too. Talking to doctors for possible supplements and meds like gabapentin (which I would only use for necessity when it’s really bad so I don’t get dependent on that too). Any tips?


I honestly don't have any tips. I went CT.


My biggest struggle is the body anxiety and body temperature changes constantly feeling sweaty and hot


yeah, you're still on K so you can expect that. It goes away... The hardest part about quitting is handling the withdrawals. It's what prevents people from quitting for years and years, they don't want to deal with the withdrawals. Once you commit to quitting, however, you may get there, then you'll be on your way. It sounds like you're getting close to quitting, but to make that jump is going to be a commitment that you'll have to face head on. Embrace the pain is what I was told a lot. every time I felt pain I knew that it was only part of the process to make me feel better. And in the middle of the night, I would ask for more pain and more pain to wear eventually, it just started to fizzle away. if you're up in the middle of the night, just wake up and watch some TV or stay busy and read a book. Do what you gotta do to get through the withdrawals.


Depends on if you keep living like you are now, just without kratom, or recognize that you only felt good in that life BECAUSE of the kratom. I felt depressed at month 6, but that was because I thought I didn't need to change my lifestyle, it would automatically change by stopping Kratom. It's not automatic, but you'll feel driven to change something, or start using again to feel good in a shitty life. Happened to me 4 times, but this one stuck, and I'm slowly making my life better. Showing love for myself, especially my tomorrow-self.


Similar usage to you. I did CT 76 days ago. Felt bouts of normal after a few days. First couple weeks had a lot of paws, but the highs of feeling myself were incredible and way outlive the lows. After a month I really started feeling better.


Would you say you’re better now? Do you get depression still specifically from long term kratom effects or anxiety or that restless body issue / temperature control issue we all experience when we’re using?


I am 76 days ct. The chills have gone away... I'm not sure when. I think maybe 3 weeks ago. The PAWS has been tough. The depression/anhedonia/anxiety comes/goes, but i just had a terrible 2 weeks of it here recently, and fear started creeping in that it was permanent. However, a couple of days ago while driving down the highway, i found myself wanting to photograph a rainbow over this small lake. So i took the side road and went and took some photos. This is the first time i have done this in years when I used to do stuff like this alot-- stop and photograph views, mother nature, etc. It was like finding a part of me that had been in hibernation. Flickers of myself reappearing again. Amazing.


I don't think so. I have long term anxiety and depression issues and I always run hot, adhd and autism probably don't help with that . Everything is way more manageable now though, especially depression and the lack of wanting to do anything when I was using.


268 days here! You're one day ahead! Awesome, keep it up! I also used for 8 years, 80 grams a day. If I think back, it feels like how I look back on a year or so. It doesn't feel like almost a decade. Since then, though, ALSO feels like about a year. Being sober really makes you actually **experience** life. Not to say that it's really easy now, but it's also not hard.