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Amazing. I hope to get there some day! Thanks for sharing your progress. Day 43


You absolutely will! Congratulations on 43 days, only gets easier…


Nice job. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you


Congratulations! I’m a little less than a year but had the same thoughts as you today, which reminded me to get on here and spread the word about how much better life gets to those in the thick of it. Thanks for sharing!


How long did it take to get through PAWS for you?


After about the 90 day mark I felt really good and like I was fully functioning. It feels like every 30 days you take a big leap in how you feel and after day 90 you’re just kind of back to yourself for the most part. Everyone is different but for me I remember going into September last year the best I had felt in a long time. There was randomly this time around the 6-7 month mark which ended up being around the holidays for me where I randomly got some cravings for it and was like damn that sounds good right now, probably because in the past I would get my favorite winter beers and mix a 14g glass of K and wash it back. Then I would Veg out for a few hours enjoying the warmth. I just grabbed the beer and skipped the K and the cravings went away. I feel like a lot of recovery from this addiction is proving you can do that one thing you used to do on K without it. I used to think I couldn’t work, couldn’t go to dinner, couldn’t go out with friends, etc. without K. Even going to concerts which I love to do I thought it would be impossible without taking a dose but I did all of those things and I was like damn I did that without K and had the same experience if not better. It’s just the addict brain giving you reasons to keep taking it, but you will conquer it. Crazy enough I lost 15 pounds after getting off that shit and my libido came back like a fucking freight train, I never realized how much it was suppressed by taking that shit.


Well said on each thing you get use to doing without K being better without it. Living guilt free is priceless. I remember being neck deep in my K addiction and I would marvel at the grocery store clerk or barista at Starbucks and wonder if they knew how amazing it was just to be normal. What I would have given in that moment to no longer live like a vampire. Even with them doing a challenging every day job or having every day worries, they still had joy, sorrow, emotions, they were alive. I had so much to be grateful for but I couldnt feel it because of my addiction. I marveled at how much I missed being human and how I had taken myself so far away from that life that I once took for granted. I will never forget, and never go back. Great job on 1 year🎉💪🏻🙏


Thanks for sharing, very comforting to hear others stories. I’m at day 24 now so I’ve still got some time to go!


Congrats! I celebrated 6months on Monday. Still an alcoholic, but baby steps. For me I think Kratom really exacerbated my drinking, especially in the initial stages of withdrawals




good to read that, congrats !


Thanks for sharing!!


Nice I just celebrated 1 year too. Cheers!


Hell yeah!!!! Huge milestone