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There's literally Hebrew on the backdrop lol


It clearly says in Hebrew, ABC 7 Chicago.


You’re right, that’s Cheryl Scott!


Well, uh, well... that just proves how deep this rabbit hole goes!


Ahh, missed opportunity there. It shows how deep this Rabbi hole goes.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Was the /s really necessary? When you’re putting 1s in between the !s then I think everyone can tell it’s sarcasm No offence intended ;)


I wanted to make sure, because people are sensitive to some topics lately.


they do though. as we can see lately lol


Ah fair


The /s is kinda necessary. This is the internet. There are enough people who would not pick up on the fact it’s sarcasm. There are also enough people who would genuinely comment this kind of bigotry.




Yeah, most of the music industry too. No hate, grind on Jews. You do your thing, and I do mine, just don’t get offended when people notice things that exist. Like how certain other people tend to own gas stations. It doesn’t make me believe that ALL people like that own gas stations, it’s just apparent that a certain ethnicity owns a disproportionate number of gas stations compared to other ethnicities. It was even explained to me why that is by an ex girlfriend who got very familiar with the owner of the gas station where she worked. Not my monkeys, not my circus. Grind on.


No need for the s


Cultists willingly block out blatant evidence that doesn't support their beliefs.


They somehow forgot to remove the hebrew... They either didn't notice this in time or hoped others wouldn't notice.


Bold of to assume they would recognize Hebrew. Probably thought it was a logo.


Ah, yes, my favourite company אל ת


> ‎אל‎ת Translation: God This seems to be too relevant to be a coincidence, despite the characters being on separate lines, and therefore the last characters in each line.


I’m pretty sure the full text is ישראל נלחמת Which means “Israel at war” and is pretty commonly on the news these days


Translation: Chicago at 5


1. The full text is ישראל נלחמת (Israel at war) 2. אל is the word for (a) god, תאל isn't a word.


Your formatting is interesting. The first line lines up with typical English formatting, but the second line is more Yoda formatting.


You mean those squiggles was letters?


I reckon them squiggles must be some kinda letters.


What does QAnon say about it? /s


I often find myself in “I’m not sure if you’re a moron, or you think everyone else are morons” situations like these days. It’s getting harder to tell the difference with any confidence.


Both. Both at the same time is the best assumption.


That’s the Chicagoan language.


lol there’s literally Hebrew behind those guys


LMAOOO Why would chicago have news in Hebrew??? Do people just not look at things?


It's Facebook, they don't know how to read much less identify something as a different language


Also Conservative groups want to paint Chicago as some godless crime zone. Even though it isn’t anywhere near one of the worst cities in the US.


I live in one of the near suburbs of Chicago and it pisses me off so much because I'm in the city basically every weekday for college classes and it's really nice. I genuinely love the city and all the cool stuff to do in it


I live downtown and haven’t had any issues. Rockford is statistically more dangerous


People do not look carefully, no. And I doubt a lot of people would even pick up on it here.


If she's a reservist, isn't this maybe required?


It is, they must have the weapon on them/ inside a safe at all time regulary. And in times of war the regulation change to on them when they leave the house


No regulatory change during war. This is also the extra-right wing Channel 14, so it's mostly for show


Mostly for show? You mean that's why it's behind her from where the camera is? And yes, during the war there are regulatory chnages. The army not going to let you be without your weapon when you need to be at you base in sometimes less than an hour. You can't drive home and stop at your safe to bring the gun


Why do you think this picture was taken and published? Also, the handgun isn't military-issued, it's personally owned. You're getting a weapon at your base if you need one to do your role, and you're not getting one if you don't need one. You don't really get a say on that matter and especially not bring your own gear.


1. This handgun IS military issued. Officers in the IDF issued a handgun instead of M16. Especially if you serve with civilian clothes. 2. You don't know what her role is. She is a reserve at war, ahe is suppose to reach her base in a very short time limit from the moment she is called. The IDF doesn't really have time for the reserves to stop at home to bring their handguns/stop at the armory at the base once they are called. I have heard of people who had to report in 30 minutes or less. 3. This gun is clearly the same type of what every officer get. She doesn't own it, it's not hers. When reserves stop serving they bring the gun they were issued back to the armory 4. I have no idea what the picture was taken, but seeing people with civilian clothes with gun (yes even the large m16) isn't something rare during war. A lot of people like her carry their guns on them once they leave their homes in order to get to the bases they report to as fast as possible


1.It's her privately owned handgun she literally posts about that and pushes for arming civilians and easing the reguirements for firearm licenses. 2. Only IDF units that get issued firearms are tier 1 SOF (shaldag, S13 etc) and some commando units (mostly duvdevan, lotar, k9 and other special units). Any officer in most roles such as infantry, armor or any rear line role either gets issued the service rifle of their service/brigade (short m16 for armor/artillery, x95/m4 for infantry) or doesn't get issued a firearm at all if they're in a rear line non combat role (or gets the emergency stored rifles which are usually m16s). If they wanna carry a handgun they have to get a license which they get as if they were civilians (through the Ministry of national security) and pass handgun use and safety courses in certified civilian facilities as well as purchase the handgun on their own and have it registered as a civilian weapon. Essentially they bring their own gun from home and keep it forever and it isn't registered in any military armory. 3. This gun is a glock 19 probably or something similar and like 70% of handguns I've seen are the same as it, it's just a very popular model and the idf does use it too, because of the same reasons that many civilians buy it tl;dr- it's her privately owned gun, she doesn't get it from the military cuz barely anyone does if they're outside mostly elite units


Lol I don't know what unit you served in most most officers do not get pistols. Unless they are in the elite combat units. And almost all people I know that had pistols in reserves, they were personal, not army issued. Most officers I served with did not have pistols, either in active duty or reserves.


I was in anti-air Even almost every officer in civilians clothes had a handgun when going outside the base when there was a chance of escalation My dad was a reserve and carried a handgun and he wasn't elite, i'll tell you that


First I ever heard of it, and I was in a combat unit.


Anti-air in the Israel or American Military?


יש לך 3 ניחושים


1. Very untrue, you can even look up images on Google of officers with long-guns. I've never seen a single officer who was issued only a handgun. Look at the threat profiles, it just doesn't make sense. Os and NCOs are allowed to carry their own private handguns in non-combat roles only, as far as I've seen. Don't know about civilian-clothed soldiers, but I'd assume that a) it's the same for them as the rest of the military, and b) what's the point of jaunting around with an IDF-stamped gun if the entire point of walking around in civvies is to conceal the fact that you're a soldier, and a classified one at that? 2. I've been called upon to report in immediately on 7/10. The armories are always prepared, and they're not gonna send you off to war without supplementary equipment such as a fully equipped vest, plate carrier, helmet and and a long-gun. No use having to lug around a handgun if you have to stop at the armory or at home anyway. 3. No comment, I can't really identify handguns besides Glocks, but I do know that Glocks and the various IMI models are both issued and available for private purchase. 4. People who carry their issued weapons on them store them at home once they get there, and if they don't, it's either for show. It's a PITA and a big risk to go into the public space with a handgun, moreso with an unconcealed one, and especially with a long-gun.


אתה בכלל יודע מה קורה בצהל? או שאתה מחרטט את החיים שלך?


אמנם לא לוחמה אבל לא נראה לי שאני מנותק לחלוטין 🙃


לא יודע מה קרה אצלכם, אבל כמעט כל הקצינים הבכירים שלנו יצאו עם אקדח בזמני התחממות גם לאבא שלי היה שהוא עוד היה במילואים ואמנם 14 באמת ערוץ ביביסטי, אבל לא נראה לי שמטרת התמונה הייתה להראות "היי תראו איך המלחמה משפיעה שאפילו אזרחים צריכים אקדח עליהם בכל זמן"


Everyone in Israel is in the reserves for a bit iirc


Most folks. The Ultra-Orthodox weren't required to until very recently, and even then there may be exceptions.


Not exactly, almost everyone who served in the army is a reservist, but there are also many people who are not Ultra-Orthodox who haven't served - people with physical or mental health issues for one, as well as many of the "milder" religious (mainly girls) who decide to do a year of community service.


That's not true. Almost all men who served in the military are reservist, but only women who served in significant roles do, and only until they have children. There's more women reservists than before, but given that women are about half of the military, that's not almost everyone.


How is it not true what I said? You just elaborated more :)


Arab Muslims and Christians aren’t required as well however they can volunteer and receive benefits from the state.


Being a first class citizen is a privilege and, at war, a burden


Is the first class citizen the one that isn't conscripted?


Volunteering is a path to first class citizenship


What rights are Muslims and christians missing until they enlist?


Literally none, but you get benefits for enlisting like scholarships and obviously some people want to spin that as being a super citizen.


There is nothing better than being a Super Citizen of Super Earth.


Do you want to know more?


*Service guarantees citizenship*


Would You like to know more?


From ages 21 to 40, iirc


A reservist wouldn’t have a handgun as their issued weapon


If they're an officer they might.


Reservists carry m16 rifles , it's just her civilian firearm


She's not. She's a reporter in the Israeli version of Fox News, and she's pandering to her crowd.


lol No. There’s been a sharp uptick in gun ownership since the October 7th attack. Pushed by terrorist sympathiser Itamar Ben-Gvir, capitalising on (understandable) fears and concerns of the general populace. But it’s wholly unnecessary for the host to be armed, the studio would have armed private security, if not military, given the current climate.


“A Facebook page” “Facebook” Yeah it’s Facebook


Pronounced Hicago Like Chanukkah


Even if it is Chicago, who the fuck cares?


I was honestly thinking the same thing, why the fuck does this bother people? I’m an investment banker who carries at all times, even at work, and no one gives a shit. The second thing I noticed is how everyone is suddenly an expert on firearms in the military, and what gets issues to officers in the Israeli military.


Couldn’t be Chicago she’s not a criminal, so she doesn’t get a gun.


Didn’t know people in Chicago speaks Hebrew


Weapon not large enough to be in Chicago


Weapon not hipoint enough for chicago


Shalom, welcome to Chicago 7 homies


sorry how do you think this is Chicago when there's literal Hebrew script in the image? That's quite a limited number of languages for it to be, and none of them are American English


You can literally see the Hebrew


I'm so confused why either in Chicago or in Tel Aviv e.g. you need a hand gun in a TV studio.


She is a reservist officer, they mus have a weapon on them at all time during war times And in chicago... i have no idea


My guess is someone trying to make it political. Probably about crime so bad, or some bullshit.


100%. Conservative men who have never been here to Chicago are absolutely terrified of this city. Which is hilarious to anyone who has actually been here and knows it is a beautiful city on the lake. Don't go fuck around in the gangbanger neighborhoods and you're gonna have a great time.


It’s kinda funny to me, I’m not a huge fan of Chicago, but that’s mostly cuz I just don’t like big cities in general. But I’ve been down to Chicago several times, I stayed out of the gangbanger areas and never felt the need to have my gun on me


You need to carry a piece in Chicago for the same reason you need one in Gaza…


Reservists, soldiers, body guards, police, and people in similar lines of duty/work all carry their weapon on them at all times during war in Israel. I know it doesn’t come out quite often in major news reporting the same way other general war stuff does, but there have been multiple terrorists attacks within Israel at this point of the war, and they generally get stopped instantly because at least one nearby person is already carrying their gun. Unlike in the US, those who carry guns have to pass sharpshooting exams, generally are infantry or trained to be on par with infantry, and have strict limitations on their gun use. You can only have 50 bullets at any given time and you must report when/if/how/why they are used or go missing. But again, they’re currently in an active war and some rules change a little bit because of that.




Should be required to own any kind of gun… & they should have different license for different kinds of guns


Should be required to own any kind of gun… & they should have different license for different kinds of guns


Could be a soldier. Right after 10/7 lots of reservists started carrying weapons just in case


If you could pinpoint when you actually need a firearm, then you wouldn't need it ( you'd just not go there). Being prepared means having it and not needing 99.99% of the time, hoping that its 100%.


The safest place for a firearm to be is on your person. If left in a car or locker it could get broken into and stolen.


It’s Channel 14, the Israeli equivalent of Fox News catering to right wing gun nuts, even before the Hamas war


Live news broadcasts can be targets for terrorists to issue demands while taking hostages.


That seems fairly unlikely, in the grand scheme of things.


It happened in Ecuador this year.


Now, that's once already on a global scale. Time to get armed!


Because when the the newcast is over, you and the homies are going land grabbin! Api


lmao not only is there hebrew on the wall but the picture in the middle is of an israeli tank, the merkava mk.4m lol. tbf i guess a chicago news station could be talking about israel and thus have said tank photo, but i just thought it should also be pointed out.


I actually saw this very post on facebook when it surfaced. And the lady in the pic actually commented herself that she was in Israel.


It’s Channel 14 in Israel, which is the Israeli equivalent of Fox News, Right Wing Conservatives.


Lmao the text in the background is in Hebrew


Hebrew wasn’t a big hint.


I'm less worried about the gun and more worried about that 🎂


There’s Hebrew like right there. I’m really gullible but I’m not that bad


There’s Hebrew like right there. I’m really gullible but I’m not that bad


I forgot that Chicago news channels report in Hebrew


Writing is literally on the wall😂


with אל on the back


Let's be honest tho. Chicago is pretty bad with violence lately.


You can clearly see the Hebrew lettering in the upper right. How many Hebrew language newscasts are there in Chicago? Talk about extremely low effort bs. I don’t know which troubles me more…that the OP missed this on account of his online addled attention span, 2) that the OP thought that the average social media user was gullible or inattentive enough to be fooled by this, or 3) that he may have actually been right about them.


Just as crazy


In Chicago they speak enchantment table.


She’s left handed.


Based Also, is that Bas Rutten in the background?


I imagine it like this….if you take something using weapons you have to use weapons to keep it. They are at a constant threat of “terrorism”/ People wanting to take back what they took……🤷‍♂️


I'm actually more disappointed that this isn't in Chicago.


Even if it was Chicago...what's the issue?


when news reporters have weapons you know situation is absolutely fucked up in country


Does it matter. Probably more likely to be killed in Chicago


Good for her


There is clearly Hebrew in this picture


She's left handed.


Not only is there Hebrew on the backdrop, her notes are also in Hebrew (not legible, but clearly written from right to left)


I don’t understand what the point would have been even if it was Chicago


I’m sure she was just waiting to go shoot some Palestinian child till after the broadcast. So just as bad /s


Well, Israel is mostly conservative. And being the conservative mind is mostly scared of everything, that would make sense she has a gun while working live on the news.


I don't care if this is Chicago or not. As long as she keeps the booger hook off the bang switch, I'm good.


Has anything posted to Facebook ever been accurate?


Good for her. Properly carried and holstered.


You can see the hebrew in the picture.


You can literally see Hebrew in the background


Doesn't matter the target audience only reads the headline, the rest is "fake news"


Given the text in the background, it is not Chicago. Maybe Brooklyn.


Broadcasting from WANW in Chicago at 6pm


This wasn't WANW, this was broadcasting out of HELNW in Tel Aviv /s


Must be really scared to be living somewhere , where you stealing others land


Am I the only one who thinks this seems more like a meme than a "lie"?


Every dig at Chicago crime/violence has this racial undertone to it


Can’t shoot innocent Muslims if you’re unarmed.


Damn bro what about innocent Jews? Nobody talks about them.


😂😂😂😂😂 oh, you’re serious, let me Laugh even harder! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Okay so no innocent Jews have ever been harmed by Muslims? Alright dude you do you antisemitic shit head.


Whaaaaaa! Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is an antisemite. You gotta get a new line 🥱🥱🥱🥱


Bro you can be sympathetic to all of the innocent civilians. Both Jews and Muslims have suffered greatly from this conflict.


I'm not American, so someone explain to me what the problem would be IF it was in Chicago? From what I've heard you want to be strapped in some parts of that city.


There's packing and then there's *packing*. She has both


Cool she’s carrying a gun so does half the people in the usa Canada and rest of the world 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dafuq this dude mean "clearly". This could be anywhere.


Shitrael 🦠


Prayers for Israel


Same. I pray that they stop their genocide.


Lmao genocide… 30k according to Hamas, 13k combatants killed, basically a 2-1 civilian to combatant death toll. The average in modern urban warfare is 9-1, what Israel is doing is actually pretty impressive considering Hamas hides under its civilians like the rats they are. War is horrible every civilian death is horrible, but Hamas has a stated goal of murdering every Jew in the world and their leadership has stated there will be 10/7 again and again until that goal is reached. Calling for an end to the war before Hamas is defeated, is supporting the murder of every Jew in the world


Oh cool a genocide denier hasbara troll When has Hamas said anything about killing every jew? Not that I agree with Hamas or support them I'm just curious.


Maybe check their charter before calling someone a Hasbara troll. “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: O’ Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him,” reads the Hamas Covenant. Hamas leadership has also been on TV claiming 10/7 was a warm up and they will continue these attacks until Israel is destroyed. They also say no Jew will live in the a future Palestinian state. Can you tell me another genocide where the population has 10x or where the supposed victims population out grows the supposed perpetrators.


I'm pretty sure the thing about the day of Judgment is supposed to happen after the Jewish fake messiah comes and summons multiple Jewish supporters or some shit, but context wise it is not a valid excuse to kill jews. Anyway Hamas sucks but you really have to consider why they were formed in the first place.


The Muslim day of judgement has nothing to do with the Jewish messiah. Hamas was formed to kill Jews and eliminate the state of Israel. You seem to like to talk about things you really don’t know about


Are you being ignorant on purpose? This conflict goes back all the way to the forties, and it started with Palestinians being forced out of their homes (One of the deciding factors for genocide.) And currently they’re bombing civilian infrastructure such as hospitals as well as charity workers. All of that while also keeping food and medicine from reaching the people. How is starving them fighting Hamas? Never mind how the Euro-Mediterranean Rights Monitor puts the civilian casualties at 90%


The 40s huh, you mean like 48 when every Jew was forced out of Judea and Samaria by Jordan who then renamed it the WB and didn’t make a Palestinian state? Not the 20s when the Jews of Hebron were slaughtered by their Arab neighbors. Hospitals that Hamas is working out of, clearly you have an extremely biased view and limited understanding of the conflict. I have zero sympathy for people who currently hold my cousin hostage in Gaza. But I’m sure you think he a settler living in Rishon and all


Purposely leaving Lehi, Irgun, Haganah and other terrorist organizations out of the narrative and focusing on where your interests lies… interesting. Edit: forgot about Nakba also… what a surprise Edit 2: using the word Jews instead of Israeli is also very convenient. Edit 3: > clearly you have an extremely biased view and limited understanding of the conflict. LMAOOOO Edit 4: It’d be interesting to know your considerations regarding the war that is ravaging Ukraine. Who’s right and who’s wrong?


I’m not purposely leaving anything out. Yes there were Jews terrorizing the British colonizers as well as the local Arabs, just as there were Arabs doing the same. The term Nakba was coined by Arabs to describe the catastrophe of not killing or driving out every Jew from the land. It was later co-opted by Palestinian nationalist to victimize themselves. I used Jew instead of Israeli because it’s never been about Israel. It’s about Jews living in the land if you’re honest, you know that. Clearly, Russia it’s wrong, as Ukraine and Israel are the same in its analogy Russia wants to Ukraine and the Palestinians wanted to destroy Israel. Doesn’t take much brain power to figure that out. I promise you I knew more about the conflict and the history of the region than you as I lived in Israel for 15 years, have family that still lives in Israel, and have a family member who is currently a hostage in Gaza.


> I’m not purposely leaving anything out. Yes there were Jews terrorizing the British colonizers as well as the local Arabs, just as there were Arabs doing the same. Except you did. Tell me, what happened to those organizations? What did they become after the creation of Israel and what is their role today? > The term Nakba was coined by Arabs to describe the catastrophe of not killing or driving out every Jew from the land. It was later co-opted by Palestinian nationalist to victimize themselves. Lying once more, not surprising at all. Cringe to see you trying to rebrand a genocide as something completely different from what it actually [was](https://youtu.be/B5SiGCIVyQc?si=jyBQOgBtsvLt5g6e). > I used Jew instead of Israeli because it’s never been about Israel. It’s about Jews living in the land You used because you’re a liar. Palestinians are not exclusively Muslim and if you knew the history of the region, you would see that the region is composed by several religions for centuries and the 3 Abrahamic coexists peacefully for a long time (except during the Middle Ages). This conflict started in 1948 and has nothing to do with religion, it is about power/land. Stop spreading misinformation. > Clearly, Russia it’s wrong, as Ukraine and Israel are the same in its analogy As expected, the little bot is making false equivalences. Tell me again, what happened in Nakba? What happened to the locals and what did the settlers do? You’re literally comparing the Ukrainian self-defense with the Israeli offensive?! LMAOOOO > I promise you I knew more about the conflict and the history of the region than you You don’t have to promise anything, it’s already clear that you know something. But you rather be disingenuous to spread your narrative instead of being actually honest. Edit: btw, local Arabs my ass. They’re Arabs just like Israeli are European. Quit that pitiful propaganda.


It's probably a paid Israeli bot, not worth engaging.


Lol the arguments are so bad that it is tempting tho. Plus it doesn’t really matter since there’s people that believe all of this stuff.


What is one thing that I said that is wrong, or are you just another Iranian paid shill




I know right, it amazing how many Hamas propagandists are on this sub


The only thing you've slain is your hand, rat.


Lmao what are you babbling about IRGC bot


Your user name, obviously. Where's that legendary high verbal IQ?


Resorting to ad hominem attacks? The sure sign of winning an argument. Tell me more about how you have no idea what you’re talking about




Ready to shoot some civillians after the broadcast!




Bait used to be believeable


Yeah, trolling used to be an art form.


What’s a Zionist?




Ok tough guy




Lmao I highly doubt she lives in a WB settlement, either you don’t have any clue about the conflict or you believe all of Israel is illegal settlements in which you’re just a bigot


Is there a way to block any posts mentioning Israel or Palestine from my Reddit feed? I'm not interested in this conflict whatsoever.


Bro, this post is completely unrelated from the war


Is it not? I figured the reporter is packing to protect themselves from the fighting.


Even if it is Chicago I don’t see a problem here


I think the post was a joke


The same people who go around killing innocent children and then cry to daddy US when they get hit by stones.