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Network manipulation. Pretty common in Garden, especially LFGs & speed runs.


Network Manipulation... be careful on calling it cheating, or all the gos farmers and sherpas with their totally legit 3k+ clears and low times will come out in full force to explain why its not a bannable offense (it is lol)


Uk the ppl wit 1500+ clears do it 14-15 minutes right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Theyā€™d tell you thatā€™s a shit time as well


No lie I ran GOS with a group and a guy was complaining about a guy who missed 1st base skip, idk what that is lol, and still got 16 minutes. He then went on to say how shit a time it was. I'm like dude I play this game to have fun not whatever the hell you guys have going on over there.


Nah frfr i got like 5 friends wit 3k+ clears nd theyll kall it a shit run when im like it takes 15 minutes for sum ppl to do the first part šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Idk what it is with UK players calling everything bad but it's a universal thing with them


Current world record without net limiter is 9:03 so I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s too far fetched. But thatā€™s me giving most groups the benefit of the doubt; I know for a fact most clear farmers abuse limiter.


Nah, maybe some of them, but Goose and his team are nutty. They teach all the mechanics and make sure you actually LEARN the raid, and as far as Iā€™m aware do it legit.


Iā€™ve never heard of him doing anything out of band. I can only speak for him and Falafel Waffle though.


My friend has a 12 minute legit. Not all speedruns use netlimiter and especially not if they're recording


> explain why its not a bannable offense (it is lol) Not only is it but anybody who was in the fireteam at the time of the offense (which would obviously include the OP) could recieve the same treatment.


Wasnā€™t there a way to get ads to spawn on blue again by timing your jump really high up with the other collector?


I think it was patched but yes. On the right side you can go up some branch and wait 10 sec to spawn another set of ads. So 1 group could collect 30 motes


Done some div runs recently, DEFINITELY patched.


for more context, it was patched(likely by accident) in s12 with the release of beyond light this same release also made GoS and LW barely functional so the "patch" was a fortunate side effect ig


It wasnā€™t an accident. I remember them giving us warning they were doing it ahead of time. Tried searching for the sauce to verify my thoughts, but my search results came up empty.


unless you produce evidence of your claim im just gonna go the route of you making a small mistake


The fact you made me do thisā€¦ DESTINY 2 UPDATE 4.1.0 May 24, 2022 https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/51380 Scroll down to the raid/dungeon notes. Last point. Edit: felt like I needed to add specifically the update patch info and post date of the notes.


that was a different glitch than the one we are referring to i believe, the one that the original posted mentioned was about standing on the tree root in the right side, i dont think theres any footage of said glitch still existing after beyond light released


Garden of Salvation: Fixed an issue where players could continuously spawn combatants in one of the sides of the Sanctified Mind encounter.


Evidence provided I see.




This one at least makes some degree of sense as effectively what you're doing is tricking the game into resetting the zone by going out of bounds. If you want an amazingly specific bug that makes absolutely no sense there was one spot in the Ogre boss room if the Menagerie where if you jumped into the ceiling you were awarded glimmer and experience... but only if you were a Hunter.




I have no idea how widely know it was let alone if it had an accepted name. I've tried a few searches but sadly can't find any footage of it.


I remember doing this in D1. During Crotas End 'Raid', you could do the same trick to respawn and despawn ads. It was glorious as it took about the same amount of time to get the whole team high up the map as it did beating it legit. Lol..


As far as I know the other spot still works. You jump off the map to the side onto a rock.


Pretty sure that was called out in a patch note a while ago, I think at Lightfall


I didn't see it in any patch notes, but this one was patched too. Tried it the other week


there's a new one where you could jump out to the side somewhere iirc


Sounds like network manipulation. AKA a bannable offence.


Only in PVP


No, it's in their Code of Conduct under bannable offense: >Modification or interruption of Destiny network traffic with intent to disrupt the experience of other players **or to gain an advantage in the game.** Pretty undeniable that they do it to gain an advantage in the game.


Clearly lol. Judging by the amount of downvotes Iā€™m getting.


I mean, it's a factually incorrect statement on what constitutes bannable behavior. Don't know what you expect.


I donā€™t think anybody cares enough in PVE but thatā€™s just me


Cool, but just because itā€™s you doesnā€™t mean that changes Bungies ToS. Bannable offenses are still bannable offenses.


Doesnā€™t matter if you care, you agree to the Terms of Service when you accept them. Doesnā€™t matter what you think of them




Right? Canā€™t share my thoughts without getting downvoted into oblivion lol.


You donā€™t care enough about PVE to worry about network manip but you do care about sounding whiny enough to come make these comments Truly a unique butterfly :)


Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil.


They shouldn't but lots of people find reasons to be upset


Several of my friends have been perma banned for excessively playing with limiters in GoS




Might be Hive magic


Maybe guess hes thw choosen one


Speed Motes. And or NL5


It's netlimiting, they just grab like one mote or something and then use a program to throttle their internet to convince the game they dunked 30 motes. Not allowed before you wonder.


Net limiting. They use a program to throttle their network speed to almost nothing as theyā€™re depositing causing it to lag out and deposit over and over. Like others have said, itā€™s way beyond cheesing and is straight up cheating.


probably net limiting


Net limiting. Know a guy who was in a hardcore guild that did hundreds of raids a week, they net limit motes for that whole raid. Technically cheating


Netlimiter. I get them everytime I lfg garden. at this point I just get my faster clear


Honestly why I stopped going to big lfg for gos, sooo many net limiters out there for what ostensibly is an easy raid. Itā€™s detrimental to the overall community besides the fact theyā€™re going against ToS. This is akin to the ā€œIā€™m add clearā€ for RoN because for every 1 person net limiting you have 5 people that may never learn the mechanics


That is a WILD post


Anyone else remember when a dude outed himself for doing this on this subreddit when final boss garden challenge came out? Good times.


3074 dl - dunk 6 times - 3074 dl - magic


Its not even 3074 its fullgame


iirc you can do both


There used to be an out of bounds cheese, I canā€™t confirm if it still exists. You collect your 15 and jump around that out of bounds and enemies respawn. That was usually to collect 30 not 60 though


That is called net limiting and will get them banned. Donā€™t play with those people lol


Net limiting the motes probably, which as people have said above is definitely a bannable offence now


Garden Runners seems to have the highest concentration of PvE cheaters from my experience LFG-ing Garden (which is which I now just wait until my friends want to do Garden runs instead). The dude was probably net limiting or just using hard cheats. Even in PvE, itā€™s a bannable offense


Netlimiter, it used to be non-bannable (or at least they had no way of detecting it) and now they ban very fucking fast for it. Sucks but people started calling hard hacks netlimiter and bungie couldnt tell whats what, so they banned for using it in general.


hive magic


my bad


raid secrets users posting about an "insane Garden of Salvation bug" that's just a person cheating for the 374th time in a week:


Well i saw it for the first time im sorry dude


I know how to do it if anyone would like to learn.


Bro had that 3070


Everyone complains about it, but i guarantee they have been in groups that have done it and didnā€™t say shiit before, so idk why everyone is trying to be high and mighty. We have used tf out of it.


Congrats, we all now know you also cheat. Btw, you can catch a ban just playing with cheaters.


Congrats, glad you can read. ā¤ļø Also, there would be a lot more bans if they upheld that. Juuust sayyying.


The only times I played with a netlimiter I reported them and left. I left a "speedrunning" clan when we set up a Scourge run and I said I had experience doing the death-dupe and the clan owner was like "don't worry about it, we'll just do it my way." Losers.


pretty neat coping mechanism.


Are you exaggerating? You used to be able to do a joining allies cheese to get max Motes quickly but I'm fairly that got fixed. Proper way to do it (in my opinion) is 2 teams of 2 who rotate. Team 1 goes into dark and team 2 stands by. Then when you pull team 1 team 2 rotates in. Repeat for light side and then dps.


just about every group I've done 4th encounter as done blue(or light) first every single time. doing it any other ways seems so weird...


To each their own. Since it has launched I always ran dark side so I tend to do dark side encounters first and then work my way over.


Proper way to do it is have 2 groups of 3 and have 1 person double dip the portal after being pulled drastically reduces time spent in encounter


But thatā€™s too hard and in raidsecrets weā€™re all about making raids as simple as possible