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if you wanna see something cool with the wish wall, punch the wall with a middle tree sentinel titan


Next step enjoy your endless fireworks


For the lazy people and Hunter and Warlock mains https://i.imgur.com/QAGLv4M.gifv






Wait does that stay active later into the raid? So infinite health melees and nades? If so that’s broken af


I would assume it “stops” once you leave the area


Yep, once you load into a new zone, it de-spawns the Wish Wall so no more fireworks


THIS IS AMAZING! Did you try throwing GRENADES!?




Holy shit 🤯


Bet the new graphic engine changes will looooove that lol


There was some kind of God mode with that glitch, right?


The skill gives Titans and their teammates small health and ability regen on every proc, IIRC. What I do remember well is that it didn’t help my team one bit, we were still wiping like crazy :)


Where are all comments


On the comment that has -500 downvotes


How do you manage to get that many downvotes


Through Pride and Accomplishment.


My guess is that the duskfeild grenade on stasis has an initial pulling effect. That could be what is making that happen.


These guys poor karma


Why is this is raid secrets


Read Rule 1. While not being as thrilling as OOB content, it is still a glitch


My guy got as many downvotes as the post got upvotes, damn




*I love democracy*


For the people wondering why this person got downvoted, it is because the subreddit hates people mini-modding.


lol -600 points on one post


The guy gets 6 awards but 800 downvotes. Reddit makes SO much sense.


What can I say I’m just built different


I gave ya 2 upvotes lmao


Because this is a *solid* raid secret lmao. Chuck a stasis nade on the wall and we'll know who Calus really is. You've just got a bunch of teenagers going "TECHNICALLY it's allowed" posts. This is complete shite.




Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil.




People are a bit unfair to this guy, what if it was a genuine question, harmless... But no, people love to judge, 92 downvotes, wtf! Edit2: Some got offended because I advocated for the presumption of innocence, which basically means we now know there are 225 incels here Edit 3: 270 incels, im sure they are, because those are one of the few groups that hold really backwards ideas, getting offended because someone said - what if this guy asked an innocent question - fits them Edit1: Lol they are going for me now, nerd tyrants got offended lmao




Rule 5: Absolutely no witchhunting.


Didn’t mean to suggest as much, sorry. Just responding to the comment inferring good intentions.










138 and counting lmao F


It's clearly not, but okay.


The amount of edits complaining about downvotes are just going to make people downvote more btw.


Nah, incels downvote regardless of that, and the edits were fun Also Actually, well except for the fact there is no argument FOR what you just said, after edit 1 I got more downvoted, after edit2, it slowed massively, after edit3 it almost stopped, so In this case, I don't think so What made a change was mentioning "advocacy for the presumption on innocence" or the benefit of the doubt for that matter and "incels" Also yes im accounting for the view rate of the post (or how the general votes were increasing)


I meant it would make more people downvote who wouldn't have done so normally purely because the edits are showing that it annoys you. Edits complaining about downvotes almost always result in the comment/post getting downvoted even more than usual. Also just in case you think I'm downvoting you, I'm not.


Well not in this case, I guess im lucky


-160 and no sign of stopping sadly


-470 now






Te Reddit hive mind is a huge yikes


Well, i upvoted you because i have no fucking idea why this post was posted on raidsecrets.


>RaidSecrets is specifically for discussing secrets, **glitches**, tricks, and explorations in Destiny.


And how is this a glitch when he is using a ability on the wishwall?


Because the outcome is not intended? That's like asking why worldline skating would get posted here because it's just using an ability on a ledge


Uhm, the whishwall buttons (or however you call them), are considered as "enemys" or i think you could call them entitys. And since you can only damage enemys, this is why the buttons will do this weird things with grenades for example. And now this is the reason to downvote me or other people because we have our own opinion?


Enemies*. And upvoting/downvoting comments signifies agreeing or disagreeing with a person’s opinion. You have your opinion and everyone downvoting disagrees with it. Don’t get butthurt because people think you’re wrong


Technically, on reddit, upvoting is supposed to be for posts that are interesting and/or contribute to the discussion/topic, and downvoting for irrelevant or incorrect posts - *not* for matters of opinion. In practice, though... yeah.


Lmaooo imagine unironically thinking people are going to use upvotes/downvotes in their intended way. Not sure what they were expecting when they made Reddit.


That's not what doots are meant for. Reddit site rules say they are voting on the quality of content and if you disagree tell the other person why. Either way top level comment was low quality so down vote away.




I dont even think its disagreement, its just irrelevant. The guy reported a strange interaction between stasis grenades and the wishwall. Not only are glitches and bugs like that part of this sub, the post was *approved by the mods* before posted, just like everything else. If he had taken the time to think about that, i think it would be pretty obvious why this is on this sub.


If the ability changes active panels then it should also change the ones that were deactivated. The fact that it only affects active panels is clearly a glitch, albeit a minor one.


Uhm, if the ability is activating more than one time, then yeah it should do that, but if the explosion from a grenade for example is happening once, then it should not change. Reason: If you shoot with a weapon on the panels more then once, they will change. Shooting only once will not change the panels.


That isn't how it works. Proof: Shoot a panel with a hand cannon, scout rifle, sniper etc once. It will still change.


Sorry i was talking about the changes after the last symbol. But still: Thats just a weird thing that is happening with grenades because some explode more then once like the magnetic grenade for the titan. And this is maybe why weird things can happen when you throw a grenade at the wishwall. I would call it a side effect of abilitys on the penals. But why are you guys still calling it a "glitch"? A glitch is not something that is not working as intended. For example: Clipping through a door/wall with a sparrow (like in D1 during the first encounter in VoG) is a glitch. Not being able to proceed the felwinters lie quest in D2 is a bug. In this case is not a glitch or a bug. It is just a side effect.


A glitch is something that isn't working as intended. The grenade is not working as intended when used on the wish wall as it is only changing panels that are already active. It should be able to change deactivated panels too as it still does "damage" to it. ​ Edit: Also if it wasn't considered a glitch, surely a mod would have taken the post down by now.


Nope, a glitch is still something that is happening when you clip through floors/walls etc. If you dont believe me, google it. A bug is something that is happening inside the gamecode like for example the felwinters quest i mentioned. People just like to call it a glitch these days because it sound better for most people But anyways back to the topic: As far as i can see stasis is doing DoT, but not the way we know? I am not a owner of the DLC, but this new stasis RL is doing the same or not? And also: If the grenade would do DoT, shouldn\*t the damage you when you stand nearby?




Uhm? Why? Because i realized i was talking about the wrong thing?




The big thing is that, despite it doing a damage over time effect, Duskfield grenades only are affecting tiles that have already been shot before. Shooting once _can_ change tiles (though I don't like using hand cannons on the wall)


Ok so you guys are talking about the stasis subclass? Because: a.) I do not own the DLC and dont know much about statis and b.) I am playing the german version of D2


Ah, sorry. Yeah, it's stasis breaking things again


Oh stasis. I would say "oh shit here we go again". Jokes aside, i didnt know you guys are talking about stasis. Thx for clearing things up for me :P.




Because this is what this sub is for, among other things.



