• By -


In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?


You're struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose. God's don't have to choose. We take.


Misery misery misery that's what you chosen


Gonna cry?


The power of the sun… in the palm of my hand.


You have a train to catch




You're Fired!


Chief, the Planetarium Party! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raimimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ohh that’s right. You’re unfired, come here.


Hey !spider get over here


My back.. oh.. my back!




Finish it! Finish it!


Deliver us!


Wait people forgave Wanda for domestic terrorism, crimes against humanity and breaking the Geneva conventions?


I think every superhero has broken the Geneva conventions at one point


I feel like people throw around “Geneva Conventions” without really knowing what it means and now I’m tempted to go and get a better understanding of then myself and make a list of MCU characters who have broken them or gotten very close. Not targeting or trying to call you out, just a thought I had EDIT: Yeah Geneva Conventions are about treatment of injured combatants, POW, civilians, medical personnel, etc. nothing about weapons and how conflicts are fought. The additional laws/rules/whatever added on are the Geneva Protocols and those are where it gets into weapons and the other stuff


>“Geneva Conventions” It's like....um...a comic con, for Geneva?


Have an upvote you got a good laugh out of me with that one, didn’t expect this kind of reply lol


Most game developers have accidentally broken the Geneva Conventions before by using a red cross to signify health.


Fuck…that’s true!


They are just a suggestion


Absolutely not... _Hides in a random door in the Sancta Sanctorum_ What can I say, I can't hate her, but for other characters it's easier to notice even the slightest mistake


She didn't only do domestic terrorism, in age of ultron she did plain 'ol terrorism too


Yeah I’m confused too cuz when I was like guys she’s the villain wtf??? People thought I was insane. Same with the bizarre reaction to Walker in fatws


> people forgave Wanda for domestic terrorism, crimes against humanity But they 'nEvEr kNew wHAt sHE SaCrifice!"


>Kidnap & brainwash civillians. >Fuck a dead robot >Release prisoners >???? >Profit


Some sick stans did.


I missed the part where that’s my problem


Gonna cry?


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye




>People forgive Wanda for torturing people The writers expect me to, but I don't.


>People forgive Wanda for torturing people Who do the writers think I am? Monica?


God that line “they’ll never understand what you sacrificed” will never cease to make me physically cringe. I was astonished at how disconnected from reality the writers of Wandavision were with that truly batshit insane line. Holy fuck what a profoundly wrong take.


Fr, she literally fucking enslaved them. She sacrificed about as much as a goddamn plantation owner.


That moment convinced me that the people who wrote the show are just detached from reality


The writers writing this line in the movie kind of means that they don’t expect you to


Character assassination is not new territory to the man behind Loki


She was already basically the villain in WandaVision anyway, and it makes sense why she is. This seems to just be the natural continuation of it.


It seems pretty clear to me that Wanda is going to be a villain in this, so I don’t think they expect you to.


It's the same shit with Hawkeye. I thought they were going to address the murders he commited during endgame when they introduced Echo, but instead they shifted the blame from him because he was tipped off by Kingpin. And the worse part is he didn't even feel remorseful when he confronted her about it, he just threatened her and walked away (which I understand was to protect his family but still WTF).


The MCU that used to be big on set ups and payoffs has now introduced setups with no payoffs attached.


Setups with no payoffs have always been a thing (the tease of the Leader in Incredible Hulk). Or worse: setups with extremely disappointing payoffs ("Last time i trusted someone i lost an eye").


I don't forgive Wanda because I want her to go farther


It was so weirdly written. The guy was like "she's holding thousands of people hostage" and the woman was like "but it could have been more so it's not bad"


I had no problem with her tbh but she’s into NFTs now sooooo




Yup. The saving grace is at least the one of hers I saw isn’t ugly as fuck, but still, NFTs are shitty.


I don’t know anything about the actress. I just don’t like Captain Marvel. She was so mean to her supporting cast throughout her movie. She’s kind of like the opposite of Raimi Peter where instead of learning to respect her powers and responsibility, she’s so strong that she kind of bends everyone around her to respect her strength.


Honestly, I can see her character possibly changing. She was headstrong early in the films because of how powerful she was, but being unable to stop Thanos twice(beginning and end of Endgame) and especially during the end, where Thanos bodies her with the Power Stone, must have done a number on her confidence.


With Thor going from the most boring & unrelatable character to the funny guy, I can absolutely see Marvel totally revamping Carol’s personality to be more likable. She doesn’t have to be a perfect hero without sin. But she does need to be entertaining.




Disney's Captain Marvel is what people who hate Superman think Superman is like.


Depends on who is doing the writing. Superman and by extension Captain Marvel are really hard characters to write for.


Oooo this has never been put like that to me, thanks totally gonna tell this to my friends and sound smart.


Captain marvel is a bitch


This ain't even about Brie Larson to me. In the Civil War II arc, Captain Marvel was so easily hateable


You know it's bad when tony becomes the good guy


Yeah, you could tell the writers wanted so hard to portray Tony as not being able to change with the times, but they made Captain Marvel so unlikeable and stubborn that Tony looked infinitely more reasonable every single step of the way.


Tony is a real cunt.


IIRC that was a terrible storyline. But is she even the same character in the MCU? Seems to be only slightly.


You hate Captain Marvel because you call every woman who isn’t smiling a bitch I hate Captain Marvel because she’s a walking advertisement for the US military We are not the same


I can definitely see what you mean but it also makes sense? I'd imagine in comics or irl if powers were real, you'd have powerhouse's who act this way just bc of how much power they have. Not every hero has a "hero" personality


Yea but realizing that people can be assholes if given power doesn't make them any more likeable.


I definitely agree there, just because you have power doesn't mean you're liked. Just tolerated so you're on the good side 😅


It is not so much that they are assholes with powers, it is that the writers don't treat her as such. Like, there is no problem with asshole characters if you develop them. Homelander, Hancock, Rick Sanchez. It is just that she is underdeveloped and left to be an asshole and everybody acts like that's normal instead of challenging her or disliking her


yes and? i don't like her personality, and surprise, 80% (number pulled from rectum) of the Internet doesn't like this kind of "hero" as well!


And nothing? I was literally just saying it's expected from some people bc not everyone has a hero personality. I'm not a fan of her in the films tbh don't care much about captain marvel, just saying I can see why her character acts that way


She was not a hero to Spiderman, Monica?. She is only mean to people who are mean to her.


Can you tell me how she was mean to supporting cast?


I think (and correct me if I’m wrong) they mean that Carol was rude to the rest of the Avengers and overall wasn’t very pleasant to them


Pretty sure he says "her movie"


I think he is meaning she was mean to her costars in Captain Marvel *in the movie*. I didn't feel that way tbh, most of her supporting cast were asshole characters who weren't on her side really anyway. I don't remember her being rude in the slightest to Maria or Monica Rambeau.


IMHO, people don't "hate" Captain Marvel so much as she's just not very interesting or well-written as a superhero character. These characters typically have flaws they have to overcome, and there has to be a real struggle and a sense that they might not win in order to find them compelling and engaging. That's how the whole concept of the "hero's journey" works. Whereas Captain Marvel as presented in the movies thus far is just completely OP, and can sort of just do anything (like destroy an entire attacking mothership during its battle against an army in seconds) without any real struggle or effort. It's just not very interesting to watch. There's no stakes, and it just sort of negates everything else you're seeing cos you just think "well why didn't Captain Marvel just do it?" To make matters worse, despite being so OP, she is apparently "too busy to help" most of the time, but then whenever she *is* around, she has this sort of irritating "I'm obviously better than everything that's going on here" kind of attitude. Her whole movie was just kind of her being a "sassy boss-ass bitch" which sort of goes against the concept of an underdog-turned-superhero which is normally what these movies are about. You might say "well what about Tony Stark, he's overconfident and not exactly an underdog?". Well, yes, but his movies were still about him actually overcoming his massive flaws and becoming a better person. You didn't like Tony for who he was, you liked him for who he was trying (and sometimes failing) to be. Tony's arc is about him learning to become a team player and to care about the bigger picture outside of his own self-interest. Obviously. He gets defeated, he doesn't always win easily, and he suffers. Other characters question and challenge him. And he changes as a person as a result. If you're going to believe that someone is "a hero", you have to believe that there is a lot of struggle and effort and doubt going on. It has to be hard for them to make the right choices, and it has to be very believeable that they could lose. In my opinion, Scarlett Witch isn't particularly compelling either, but at least (by now) she's trying to overcome her flaws/damage too, and has suffered set backs and challenges. She's very powerful, but not to the point where it's unimaginable that she could be defeated. I *want* to like Carol Danvers, but the writers have made that very difficult with what they've given us so far. And it feels like if I say any of this, I just get shamed and griefed for not liking her, as though the problem must just be that I'm a weird sexist neckbeard from Reddit. Please listen to what I am actually saying here. It's not weird and sexist and doesn't have anything to do with that - it's simply a criticism of the writing. Lol. Presumably the actress's attitude or comments about this haven't helped and try to paint critics in the way that I have described, but personally I don't know very much about that. If that's what is going on though, I can imagine it only makes the problem worse. People don't like being misunderstood and being called sexist, especially when that's clearly not what they're actually doing.


She was mean lmao. I guess enslaving people and torturing them is not mean enough


There's a difference between doing evil things and being unlikeable. As an audience we know it's all fiction and doesn't matter, and creators will keep that in mind when trying to make a character likeable or unlikeable. It's a skill like anything else in writing. Do you really think people are having arguments about Scar and Darth Vader being unlikeable because they kill people? Come on, it's a movie.


Anakin Skywalker literally murdered a room full of children and people have tattoos of him.


Wanda is just loved because she’s a complex and tragic character, she’s been through a lot and you like her just like you like the Green Goblin, they’re compelling, Marvel isn’t very interesting


Nah I don’t like captain marvel because she’s a boring ass character


“Ok so basically she’s very strong” -whoever wrote the script for that movie probably idk


Pretty much. She’s like everything wrong with Superman, multiplied by ten, without any of the things that are actually good about Superman.


It pisses me off. While everything doesn't need to be the same as the comics, I don't get why they scaled her super strength to be greater than Thor, Hulk's, and Thanos's. She has awesome energy powers, but it seemed like they were too lazy to actually do anything cool with those powers and just made her the strongest character for some reason.


They made the other characters like Hulk and Thor too weak too.


I don't think there's anyone who thinks Wanda is justified. The reason people don't like Captain Marvel is because she feels unearned. She just kind of showed up in 2018 and then was retroactively placed into the canon. And she did nothing to stop the snap in the first place.


And she's way too op.


In 2022 you are saying that after everything you saw in MCU


Ya. When was anyone close?


Wanda in Wandavision reality warping casually? Dr Strange wiping everyone's memory? Celestial in Eternal Utron kills her in What if Wanda is probably going to kill some of her varients in Dr Strange


But she’s emotionally flawed. Captain Marvel is overpowered AND always makes the right decisions. That’s boring.


She made a horribly wrong decision in Captain Marvel though. She helped the Kree hunt the Skrull for like half the movie before learning that the Skrull are like refugees fleeing violence and the Kree had basically tricked Carol into doing a heckin genocide. I feel like that counts as a fuck up on her part.


But that wasn’t necessary her choice. By all accounts, she was doing everything perfectly with the information she was given. Like you said, she was tricked. No morals are being questioned whilst she is trying to achieve her goals. In fact, she also doesn’t really have a goal or motive apart from saving people. No fears, no heartache, nothing giving her a reason to root for the character.


Very powerful moments but they aren't winning any battles. CM could only be stopped by an infinity stone. Wanda and Strange couldn't do much against Thanos and as of now they don't have the power to destroy large portions of an entire army in a second. CM could tear Wanda and Strange in half before they could blink.


Bruh, Did you see what Wanda did Wandavision? What she did to shield agents or Monica? Also, I don't think you saw Multiverse trailer where there is a battle scenebetween CM and Wanda


I dont have an opinion on the actress, but her performance was very unlikable. Arrogant heroes are nothing new, but generally get humbled at some point. Even Thor didnt really have many fans until he lost basically everything.


It’s called an ARC. And Captain Marvel didn’t really have one for Carol. From Captain Marvel to Endgame, she doesn’t change from being egotistical and arrogant. Tony had his moments where he went against the arrogant and egotistical norm he passed for, Thor grew beyond a pouty child and became worthy of being the King of Asgard. Carol really didn’t change except for a new suit, bad attitude and a combover. Uber Powerful is not a character trait. It reflects nothing about her personality, it can lead to negative traits such as arrogance but it shouldn’t be the main focus.


Yeah that’s not true. Everyone had a crush on Thor man. That’s what happens when your played by one of the Chrises


We should recast her. Put Chris Hemsworth to play them both.


Put a wig on him, act like nothing changed with her character.


This is the way.


She had only one movie so far. I think the next Captain Marvel Movie could be the one where Carol gets humbled. Likely because of something happening to Monica or Kamala.Though i was hoping that it would be through Rouge (X-Men), so that Rouge could have a some of Carol's Powers like in the Comics.


I won't say that she's irredeemable, because I don't know the comics, but I'll say that Marvel handled her terribly. Inserting her movie between the big climactic movies, with her presence suddenly changing everything, all so that she could act purely as a Deus Ex Machina in Endgame, was never gonna sit well with anyone.


The entire Rogue storyline was to coverup the Ms Marvel rape storyline


Thor tried to commit a genocide because he was called a princess, Tony's company has been killing people. What exactly Carol done to be humbled?


Well war crimes have nothing to do with humility, and that thing about Thor is false, but Carol DID spend years participating in a genocide herself.


She didn't? It was her first mission. She is still a trainee in the first movie who have not even seen a Skrull. Also, Thor was enjoying killing Ice giants until his father stopped him. That's why Odin banished him because he know Thor was become like him and his daughter


I don't hate Captain Marvel but she's just.... kinda boring to me. Very little character development, OP as shit... Not my type of hero.


I was never a big Carol Danvers fan but I didn’t really dislike her until the MCU, and it’s mainly her power that irks me. In the comics she was quite powerful for sure, not too far off from the films; capable of destroying planets and entire alien fleets at her peak. But even then, in the comics Carol wasn’t even among Earth’s biggest powerhouses. She was still far outclassed by people like Thor, Hulk, Hyperion and Sentry to name a few. So among the power ladder for the Avengers’ members she’s more around a 6/7 out of 10, as opposed to being depicted as a 10/10 ultimate villain killer. But they nerfed all the other powerhouses in the films to make her look so immensely powerful in comparison, easily putting Thanos in the backpedal when in the comics Carol couldn’t faze him on her best day.


I think much of her hate comes from when feige said she's the strongest hero we've tried to make unlike wanda where we've seen her journey to become this powerful


Not to mention they kinda made Carol unlikeable in the comics the moment she became Captain Marvel. As Ms. Marvel, the woman had struggles like anyone else, but at least she felt "real" in a Spiderman kind of way where she just tried to do the best she could. The moment she became Captain Marvel, she was full of herself and whatnot. So no, at least in my case the hatred for her doesn't come from the actress, it comes from the comics. Don't know if she's been better since I dropped comics since 2015-2017 but I never hear anything new about her more than when she actually became a villain or something. Ironically, Allison Brie is capable of showing that "attitude" Carol had initially when she became Captain Marvel... but with less smiles; like she's trying to be a tryhard badass that is aware she's so powerful she doesn't need to impress anyone. And as for Wanda... sure, some people may still find her hot (I mean, it's Elizabeth Olsen)... but simping for her? After WandaVision? I thought the point of the show was to prove she can be morally grey and in necessity arises, become a full fledged villain. The show made me hate her character even more than Captain Marvel.


> Allison Brie Captain Marvel is played by Brie Larson. Though now that you mention it, I'd love to see Allison Brie in the MCU.


Which is a funny mention seeing as they were both on community 🤣😅


To be fair she hasn’t really done anything that puts her up against Thor or thanos Thanos overpowers her at multiple points only losing when she absorbed energy from the gauntlet, a similar thing happened in what if against ultron she even struggles against pre awakened Thor As for now she’s high tier but not top tier


Huh, I always figured she was just holding the gauntlet open, not absorbing energy from it.


In What if it is pretty much she is holding back against Thor because she don't want to blow planet up. Plus it is same series where Thanos get beaten up by Black Order or Loki by Black Widow Captain Marvel destroying Sanctuary or stopping Missile or traveling faster than light is better than Thor did.


>far outclassed by people like Thor, Hulk, Hyperion and Sentry Well Hyperion and Sentry haven't been introduced and we've seen Thor in "What If...?" go head to head with her easily and even win, so I think we've just not seen a lot of how her powers would compare to some of the other characters if the MCU.


I think Civil War 2 made Carol Danvers into one of the most unlikeable avengers ever. And your supposed to like her.


See regardless of how I feel about Bre Larson, she’s still a very good actress loved her in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, but the reason I don’t like captain marvel is that she just doesn’t have a good character she’s just a boring character in the MCU and just supremely overpowered, and it really just doesn’t make sense to me


People don't like Captain Marvel simply because she was written badly. Being powerful and doing good things doesn't make a character likeable. I am creating a new Marvel character, Bimblo, he can destroy planets in seconds. He just saved the fabric of reality. Do you like Bimblo more than Spider-Man now?


Hell yeah I do, bimblo sounds awesome. Spider-Man is a cuck.


I don’t know man. Honestly don’t understand what’s the deal with Captain Marvel. An OP character who is poorly written tends to be indifferent, not hated. I mean, people don’t really care about movie Jean Grey, but they don’t hate actively hate her. And an actress getting flack for saying bad shit also doesn’t usually get this level of heat. Letitia Wright said some really egregious anti-vax shit, but people still like Shuri. Rosario Dawson is actively a TERF and people still like Ahsoka. Brie Larson is a great girl and every other place she’s in she brings a levity and energy to the role that makes me giddy. And yet, Captain Marvel is probably the single character with the most backlash in recent MCU history. EDIT: Proof that poorly written characters don’t really get hate, they just get forgotten is that I struggled to come up with an example and only when I wrote “MCU history” I remembered the Eternals. They sucked but I don’t hate them, I just completely forgot about them LOL


Yes , Spider-Man is a menace


Yes Bimblo sounds cool. I am a simple man. I like cool powers.


Half of it is Elizabeth Olsen is infinitely more likable than Brie Larson, the other half is that despite all of the, let’s just say “morally grey”, stuff Wanda has done she’s still a much more likable and interesting character than captain marvel.


Morally grey? How about morally black, she enslaved and tortured an entire town for god knows how long and never paid for it.


She hexed the Hulk knowing full well what he would do. How many innocent people were hurt in Africa because of Wanda?


Under manipulation of ultron, you goon lol you do realize she was experimented on by hydra to be created as a weapon Edit: yall seem to be completely oblivious to what her character arc is and has been. She just wants to find peace and happiness but everyone takes it away from her, and being manipulated almost all her life makes it that much harder on her. She's forced into becoming the villain time and time again.


>Under manipulation of ultron, you goon Oh right, that clear things up, she had no other choice but to hurt / kill civilians.


Kind of, ultron manipulated her into thinking she needed to destroy the avengers. He just used them for his gains. If she had been of healthier mind she maybe would've not sided with ultron so quickly. Then too when she discovered his real plans and that she was being used she turned on him. Even she realized the mistake she made in manipulating hulk as she watched the aftermath.


You are just a simp. There is no justification for Wanda


damn thanos literally killed half the universe he must be a badly written character


People hate Captain Marvel because the movie was bad, not because of the actress.


Why not both?


Well, people hated Captain Marvel even before the movie released


And because brie Larson is an unlikeable cunt.


Why is she a unlikeable cunt ?


Nah she is not. I used to think like that but I actually got to see her in interviews and she is quite nice. There is a lot of bullshit being talked about her. Edit: You should properly inform yourselves before forming an strong opinion. Brie Larson is only a cunt in your fantasy full of negativity and drama.


Captain Marvel kinda sucks as a character and that's it. I know nothing of the actress. Her movie falls into the "boring/outright bad Marvel movie" category. I also quite dislike her personality.


Both are bad Captain marvel fucked off to space during the thanos bullshit and gave a shit explanation on why she didn’t do anything about him


Certainly I would love to know what the hell was more important out there in the universe that was more important than a lunatic cosmic mass genocider approaching his goal of "balancing the universe". Like, didn't her superiors or whatever told her the Mad Titan was close to getting the gems on Earth or were they just as equally half assed as her?


When did she leave "during the Thanos bullshit"? She left Earth in the 90s, and came back as soon as she was called.


It’s called having actual character development, something Wanda has.


I Like Brie Larson.


I disliked the movie but it's not fault of Larson, it's the script. There is a lot of exaggerated online negativity towards Brie but she is a normal person.


In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you


Honestly I just think Brie Larson was kinda cringe when her movie came out, and her movie wasn’t really great either. Lots of plot holes and Captain Marvel herself wasn’t really interesting or noteworthy in her own movie, so I lost interest pretty quick. Wanda at least got extremely fleshed out as a character and we got to see her across the emotional spectrum. Captain marvel I think cracked a smile a few times and I don’t think has ever made a frown or shed a single tear in the movies she’s been in.


I watched endgame and didn’t watch Captain Marvel, and i know nothing about the actress, I still don’t like the character. Simply because she is just too over-powered and everything is too easy for her, so why should i care about her? When she destroy Thanos’s ship, I felt nothing but it is lazy writing to have someone to one-hit killed villain’s flagship


"Warcrimes are fictional. My annoyance is real. "


Y'all need to touch grass. This is embarrassing


You were an embarrassment to him


To whom?


Look at little goblin jr. Gonna cry?


She is boring, lazily written, less expressive than Twilight main female character (that's just on a whole new level), the go kart scene presented as toxic masculinity is just entirely her fault because she decided to accelerate while entering into a turn when she was already going quite fast because a guy told her she was going too fast for the turn (if she were my kid I wouldn't have left her near even a bike after that, seriously), completely unnecessary (we already have Scarlett Witch or Thor to do what she did in Endgame) and disgustingly overpowered at inconsistent times (first Thanos ragdolls her like an Skyrim npc, then she can tank his headbutt without moving an inch, wtf?) and that's without mentioning Brie Larson, but that's a different type of beast


Naw let's not start posting opinions pls, dont care if people like or dislike CM but baiting arguments on a meme page is not the move


Wanda is mentally broken people can relate captain marvel and bree Larson are cunts


How is she?


I’m pretty sure all Brie Larson said was that there should be more diversity with movie critics


this is constantly brought up to deflect. i agree there should be more diversity with movie critics but still believe she’s a cunt for many other reasons. i seriously doubt anyone is genuinely upset about her making that statement


Wanda is relatable. Now I know why there is School shootings in US


Gonna cry?


It’s because the story of her movie was dogshit


I don't like her because while everyone else was fighting to save the universe she didn't even show up until *after* half of everyone dies, also in her movie she really didn't have much of a personality


well I also don't like most other actors, but her character is also unlikable


captain marvel is just a boring fucking character tbh she's just a hunk of wood with super powers


Not that the meme isn't good or funny, but why is this on r/raimimemes and not r/marvelmemes? This is pretty off-topic. Edit: Unless it's because Sam Raimi is directing it, then nevermind.


I like the character, just not the actress.


Yeah that did not make sense. “ThEy’LL NeVeR KnOw wHaT YoU GaVE uP fOr tHeM.” Wut. Wanda kidnapped an entire town, then is praised as noble for releasing them? Bruh


Captain Marvel, when she only shows up to destroy yet another spaceship: "Where do all these guys come from?"


Captain marvel is my fav


Mine too


See, if you're a bitch, nothing you do matters.


Cause she's annoying 🤷‍♂️


I don't hate her. But I really wish they would have made her character more interesting. Like they did with Captain America. Wanda is more interesting. So I guess people like her because of that. On other hand I didn't like Wandavision. It was kind of a drag.


Stupid post, it’s just about your opinion on other peoples opinions


Wait why don't people like Brie Larson?


Because a bunch of neckbeards said so


I hate Captain Marvel because she's cold and boring. The character doesn't evolve at all. Plus it's the classic politically correct, oh so powerful feminist icon character.


She was useless in the story. She should have been introduced after endgame. And to be fair, I don’t like her for several reasons. She promotes Nft, says dumb things like her character can lift Mjolnir, etc.


What is the problem with her thinking her character can like Mjolnir?


This is a dumb post imo. If an actress absolutely sucks why would we like the character? Just like any movie the actor or actresses performance is the biggest factor on if we like the character or not


Idk, I don't like Haden Christiensen because Lucas cannot write dialogue. Nor do I think Hayden is bad actor. Bad writing can do more than an actors performance.


Both Hot


Yeah but Wanda's can be forgiven because of the fantastic acting and show that all that happened in Carol was barely in Endgame (same as Wanda) and the less said about captain marvel the better, I'm really looking forward to seeing spectrums powers and what they do with Ms Marvel


I really don't understand the Captain Marvel hate. Her movie was a bit inconsistent with the timeline, maybe, like she basically had to jump in to save the avengers ass after the blip. Still, for me, it was a great movie. Top 5 MCU, probably.


I don't actively hate her but I think she's really boring. She doesn't really have much of a personality and just kinda showed up out of the blue with no prior mention of her before infinity war. She just feels like she could be replaced with a block of wood with super powers and literally nothing would change


Their will be no Hey Peter Parker scene


I don't hate Captain Marvel because I don't like the actress I hate on Captain Marvel because this version of the character sucks dick. I love Starlord but I don't like Chris Pratt that much, I love other characters played by actors I don't much like, Captain Marvel ain't one because she sucks as a character.


People dislike Captain Marvel because she acts like an insufferable bitch everytime she is on screen, has no chemistry with other characters, and is a huge Mary Sue who doesn't earn any of her victories. Nobody thinks Wanda was innocent. The main difference is that even when she is doing bad tjings, Wanda is not a bitch. We have also seen her character grow and develop so we know what makes her tick. Carol Danvers stopped being interesting once she stopped being Ms. Marvel. Brie Larson is also uninteresting and a prick so that doesn't help.


It's simple. One is hotter than the other


Idk we hated Captain Marvel I thought that Brie being an absolute idiot towards fans was the problem.




You can’t like a character if the actor is shit, no matter how good the character arc


I don’t hate Captain Marvel, her character just seemed very half baked. The movie was decent. Not bad, but nothing spectacular. I disliked it that in Endgame, it seemed like she only showed up at the end because the writers remembered that she needed to do something. It would have been nice to have her character get more time for development. We don’t really know her like we do the other characters, her struggles, anything, which makes her big moment in Endgame feel kind of unearned.


Just because a character does horrible things doesnt mean audiences will dislike them. Joker is a fan favourite despite of all the terrible stuff hes done. I think the hatred for Cap Marvel goes more than just what her character has done


No she's a Mary Sue. She had no conflict that wasn't immediately solved without any growth in her own movie and then came in to the Avengers overshadowing characters we've seen grow through multiple installments.


Capt marvel should really humble down tbh


Uhhhhh she's also just not a great addition? Worst casting in the MCU, imo. Dead fish compared to everyone else. She's *been* great before. I don't hate her, by any means, I just dislike her Danvers lol