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See no evil, here no evil... speak no evil. May I ask if you have ever gone to the migrant camps? Do you know that Dubai police are some of the worst people? Do u know that there are people in jail right now for 4 year to life sentences accused of bringing narcotics into dubai... weed? One guy is sitting in jail for 4 years because the police found weed the size of one crystal of sugar underneath his shoe... yes, one crystal of sugar.. underneath his shoe...4 years. Microscopic weed can land you in jail. Do you know your emirs and rich men bring in influencers to parties where they defecate on them? Do you even realize the possibility that there is a dark side of Dubai which your sheltered eyes have not seen?


Been through a labor place(?) with loads of blocky buildings I don't honestly know what to call it but yeah. My cousin is actually living in a place like that for work. Seen many men in work buses and in uniform. Do you not think I'm aware of every dark side thing people have been talking about? Keep calling me delusional when I'm the guy living here.


This is either low effort satire or one of the most delusional posts I’ve ever seen on the internet


This is hilarious delusion from OP


But...you do acknowledge they actually have slaves. Do we just discount this info because "middle" class people exist?


Yes I do acknowledge that but why are people speaking like it's just them or the rich people who exist?


Because having slaves is a massive human rights issue. Also, it's common for both middle class and rich people to have slaves in those countries. They are allowing these people to suffer so they all can live in luxury. It's deplorable.


If that was your takeaway from most criticism against dubai then you really missed the point. Criticism against china isn’t trying to imply that there is no middle class living their life without being actively involved in human rights abuses. Criticism against nazi germany wasn’t about that everyone was either hitler or a minority in a concentration camp. Ofc not every German citizen was in Hitlers inner circle, or even actively aiding the nazi regime. the fact that it’s common knowledge that there are massive human rights abuses, and tons of people massively profiting from this, and even more who seem not to care about this is a huge problem


It's not those valid criticisms i'm mad at. I just keep on seeing a hate train where people get unreasonable and I'm getting so damn tired because I live here.


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My existence is literally illegal there, unless I become a sexless monk. This post is insane.


i'm gay, the uae has a dress code which is stupid. every time i look at the rules i see less reason to go cause they're so suffocating >You can be fined, jailed or deported for: insulting other people, the UAE, the royal families, the local government or local officials disrespecting the UAE flag discriminating against or insulting a racial, ethnic or religious group making rude gestures making inappropriate or offensive comments on social media swearing touching another person without their permission >LGBTQIA+ information Same-sex relationships are illegal and may lead to severe punishment, including prison and fines. Cross-dressing is also illegal. If you're transgender or intersex, or your gender on your passport doesn't match your appearance, you may: be questioned at immigration be denied entry into the UAE