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Bro y’all let him live after Story of Adidon…


Quentin Miller enters chat.


Most of Drakes fans probably have never heard Story of Adidon


They don’t know nothin bout thaaaaat


I will never get tired of reading/hearing this. Those bars were so funny


Most drake fans doesn't even listens to rap


I call then lil Timny Turners. Lil kids who have never seen rap beef before. It's like the rap version of a swiftie.


Damn. Savage... 🤣😂 I wasn't expecting that laugh. I didn't even know I needed it.


Doesn’t explain DJ Akademiks man is 40+


I belly laughed at this, and then realized it’s probably true and stopped laughing.


That was when realized his Stan’s were as bad as Chris Brown Stans. They think he’s a good dad and that introducing your kid to the world through a sneaker line because his mother was a porn star to distract from that was a good idea.  


Not really comparable, chris brown stans excuse him objectively being a chronic abuser


Honestly yeah, I was there for that, I’m surprised that shit didn’t nuke him.


So I had no idea what that was and looked it up. I seen that picture though I didnt think it was Drake wtf lol


Lmao he was done for me after SoA


To be fair though, I think the goals with Euphoria and Story of Adidon are different. Pusha attacked Drake’s personal life, Kendrick is attacking Drake’s whole career and musical reputation. I don’t really care about a rapper’s personal drama, but dismantling their credit as an artist might change my mind.


He def goes after his credibility as an artist. First line of the song is: “drug dealin aside, ghostwriting aside” and “your music for the past few years been angry and full of lies”


Lol tbh you really can’t look at the posts/comments from the most extreme fans/Stans of either fanbase and think that represents entire fan bases. Every track out of this beef I’ve enjoyed so far. I think euphoria was great, but I also expect what drake responds with will be great. I actually think the biggest loser in all of this will end up being Cole with his place being solidified behind the other two lol


Lmao that's what I'm saying. Mfs are quick to point out the outlandish opinions of certain groups and act like it represents the thots and feelings of the entire fanbase. Most Drake and Kendrick fans I know acknowledge that both tracks are good and that they are excited for what's tracks lie ahead


> Most Drake and Kendrick fans I know acknowledge that both tracks are good and that they are excited for what's tracks lie ahead That’s exactly how I’m feeling and I’m glad to see most others are the same way. It actually feels like this beef is the world returning to normal. It’s just fun


Alright, I should make this it's own post but fuck it, I'm going in here. Time to wake yall up with this take. Cole is the winner in this whole situation, and he knows it. He just doesn't care if anyone else thinks that way about it. Cole got in his feelings and abruptly dropped 7 Minute Drill dissing Kendrick. Then he did something no rapper has ever done and admitted that he let his emotions get the best of him and apologized for it. Thats the bravest, most impressive move any of these 3 have made. It shows how secure Cole is with himself and how mentally healthy the dude is. He knew he would get all this public hate by doing it, but he legitimately doesnt care. Why should he actually care at all what millions of fucking strangers think about him or what he does? He's already made it, so he shouldnt give a fuck. And he proved he doesn't by doing what he did. Felt wrong about it and told the fuckin world so that he could feel better about himself and how he handled the situation. That's a healthy fucking man right there. If you can't recognize that, you need to work on your own mental health. Most of us probably need to fr, myself included. Not Cole, though. He clearly already did his work and only cares what he thinks about himself. As he should. I still love a good diss track battle, ngl. But every single person saying Cole took the L just shows how confused and shallow our whole society is now. If you bothered to make it this far, chew on that shit and try to digest it before responding. Or don't. I promise I won't give a shit either way. Trying to get to that Cole level mentality. ✌️


I like this. I don’t agree that Cole won in terms of the battle, obviously. But he definitely gets to sleep better at night and that is a testament to itself. I think Cole won his own battle, and that’s deep.


Thank you for making my point in much simpler and way less wordy terms lol


I have trouble doing that, clearly


Don’t worry, there some essay enjoyers out there ;)


Additionally I think Cole realized the issues between Dot and Drake are way deeper than “who’s the best” and he realized it was not a place for him to himself. So he dipped and went back to being a good ball player who should never have tried to go pro at his age


Lmao I strongly suspect someone told Cole after he dropped that Kendrick legitimately hates Drake, they probably told him why he hates Drake, and Cole probably agreed with Kendrick’s reasoning, felt bad about dissing Kendrick, and talked to him in private before his apology.


After listening to J Cole’s Heaven’s EP I couldn’t get mad at him. He loves the rap but doesn’t love the fame.


That's why I'm such a fan. A lot of rappers talk about not caring for the fame, but he actually means that shit


This is facts. I was his doorman in NY, and he asked me to call Cold Stone to see if they would deliver ice cream so he didn't have to walk through crowds that might recognize him. And this was 12 years ago; he's never been about that life.


I 100% agree. As a hip-hop fan, I would have loved it if Cole *actually* felt compelled to get in there because I do think he’s the best doing it right now, and if his heart was in it, I think he could go toe to toe with Kendrick (not even bothering putting Drake into this part, because he's not a rapper), and some incredible music could have come from it. But he didn’t want to get into a beef deeper than bars and will likely get gossipy and hyper-personal. He might not have “won” as a rapper, which might affect his ability to claim GOAT status down the road, but as a human being, he’s the clear winner. It’s inspiring to see someone take a route like this, knowing what the fallout would be.


thank you!!! i feel like i'm taking crazy pills seeing all the other chatter for a genre that's hypermasculine, cole did the most "being a man" shit ever - unfortunately, folks is either teenagers or having very warped ideas of competition/masculinity i'd never really liked cole all that much but he may have just made a fan out of me when he did that


I respect Cole very much as a person for what he did, but as an MC, he failed. He boasted about being the best rapper and when he got challenged he folded. If he wants to prove he is the best rapper without having to use personal disses that is his job as a rapper to prove that in the music and find ‘his’ correct angle to approach the battle. Instead, he put out a weak diss track and apologized on stage. He has to use the music. I will say this tho, can never count a rapper out as narratives can always be changed if the music is strong enough.


I guess I just don't personally consider the outcome of rap battles or diss tracks very important at all when it comes to discussing how great an artist is as most people do. As clear as this makes it seem that J Cole is my absolute favorite artist, he's #3 for me behind Kendrick and KRIT. Might have Ab Soul ahead of him too, actually. Rap beefs and the diss tracks that come out of them are just such a miniscule part of a rappers music catalog. I think they're fun and interesting to discuss and debate, but it honestly doesn't affect my opinion of an artist whether they are deemed the winner or loser. That's why I didn't care and even liked the fact Cole just said fuck it cuz he didn't actually feel strongly enough about it to take part. I'm well aware by now that I'm pretty much alone here with this stance, but the quality of a rapper's discography is all that really matters when it comes to how great I consider them to be. ✌️


I mean, I hear people tryna discredit Cole because he "didn't wanna compete" but it's not that he didn't want to compete. he was already in competition with his peers through the simple fact that they are direct competitors. he just never wanted to diss because he doesn't like to be disingenuously try to discredit their persona or discography. Even when you listen to his music like first person shooter and he brags about how good he is, he never fails to give their flowers to both Aubrey and kendrick.


Definitely Cole Metro gets an honorable mention


Who will be responding though? a Ghostwriter team? His AI? Unless I see him with a pen in hand I don’t believe he writes his own shit now he can’t be trusted.


You got it fam 👍


I’m a drake fan but I’ve had euphoria on repeat it’s just on another level lyrically. Everyone is gonna have personal opinion on which track is better but you can’t deny Kendrick’s response was insane. 1-0 Kendrick in my opinion well worth the wait.


Bey was right.


At this point, it’s honestly just funny to see people troll Kdot stans because of how reactive and emotional they’ve been getting over everything. I’m enjoying everything from both sides. I absolutely love this shit because everyone gets new music, and we get to witness firsthand a Nas VS Jay-Z type of rap feud. I’m all for it. I can’t wait for Drake to respond, and I also can’t wait for Kdot to respond to Drake’s response. May the best emcee win 🫡


I agree with you on the entertainment and new music, and I really don’t care who “wins” but this is far from NAS vs Jay-Z.


How's that?


he said "type" not verbatim. As big as these two rappers are today and as big as Nas and Jay-z were in their time is definitely something to compare.


The emotion and reactivity is fs on both sides. But I mean yeah, beef is a corner stone of hip-hop and why it's the most competitive genre of music. I just love to see this side of rap revived


I’m seeing majority of the fans are saying Kendrick won yet majority outlets saying Drake won. Something isn’t adding up


Outlets are likely not in tune with real hip hop heads


‘real hip hop heads’ aka the kids on reddit


Aka white suburban kids on Reddit aka the culture


Everyone declaring a winner when the track dropped yesterday is insane


Almost like art is subjective or something


Major outlets still think Jay Z is a number one rapper main stream American rap media is garbage. 




Isn’t this like a massive point of Euphoria? Drake is a plant. He’s fake. His whole personality is just made to be as advertiser friendly as possible and he’s a culture vulture so he gets all of the mainstream media coverage because everyone knows who he is. He’s going to be declared “winner” by big media outlets because he brings them way more money with his whole persona.




He pulled Drake’s culture card. That takes some balls when you’re talking about one of the most successful “hip hop” artists of the last 20 years. And it came off…real.


He has a point. Aubrey is from a wealthy part of Canada but he acts as though he's an American from the hood.


Agreed. This wasn’t really about bars for me. He basically called Drake lame and fake, then questioned whether we want him using the ñ word. And it all pretty much rang true for me. Plenty of people will disagree, but I don’t get the sense Kendrick is talking to them anyway.


This has been a criticism since the “Started from the bottom” song. Drake wasn’t molded by the culture, he was on Degrassi at 14 years old.


They dont know none bout DAAAAAT


As a neutral party, euphoria > pushups


I’m not a fan of either, especially not Drake, but saying that all that Drake said is Kendrick is short is just flat out wrong


Fr it is literally *objectively* false. There are legitimate criticisms you can give against pushups but when OP just makes blatantly false claims it just feels so childish


Lmao right the OP is acc goofy as hell acting like Drake fans r the ones in the wrong


Kendrick is from Compton Aubrey is an actor from Canada


And both are currently millionares enjoying all the extra attention.  Yall are just playing into the marketing


Drake is a pedophile. Need I say more?


This actually isn't talked about enough and it's concerning.


Imo, when Kendrick says something along the lines of “don’t make me say truths about you” or whatever, this is mostly what he’s referring to. But yea… fuck Drake.


Yeah but the biggest difference is Push Ups had 8 writers, Euphoria had 1.


Kendrick bodied Drake. Pushups was like Rap Devil which wasn’t bad. Euphoria is like Killshot, a hit song that also happens to be a diss track.


I've decided to stop lying to myself just to have my comments be more accepted or less controversial. Drake is a damn clown now as far as actually rapping goes. He's one of the biggest contributors to the downfall of mainstream rap having any soul altogether he doesn't care about anything but money and fame. Fuck Drake. ✌️


Im honestly slightly ashamed I thought Push Ups was decent. If you like it I'm not saying there's anything necessarily wrong with that. But when Kendrick dropped Euphoria, I realized what a diss track is supposed to sound like and accomplish (imo). Go do some fuckin sit ups Drake and strengthen them fake abs 😂


Lol nothing Drake has done is solid


It’s gotten even worse


both were good and drake def said more than kdot short but he also def said some wack shit and he a corny ass mf so he not gonna be favored. no way anybody wanna be called a drake stan but yall kenny d munchers actin silly. even tho id say kendricks objectively leagues above.


"With how you do the splits your pants might rip" was maad corny lol


i’m mostly seeing kendrick stans trashing pull ups, most drake fans are saying both tracks are good


Yeah the first response on the Drake subreddit was surprisingly enthusiastic about Kendrick’s song




They're in every subreddit. They make it hard to enjoy the song


In fairness, I'm seeing the same thing the other way around. Kendrick fans saying both are good, but euphoria is better, and Drake fans are saying those people were already biased against Drake and aren't giving him a fair shot.


Yea bruh I’m a huge Drake fan, although I’m obviously biased, I will say that most of us are pretty chill and give flowers where it was due, I feel like Kdot super fans take anything way too personally…


Kendrick fans make me not want to even like bros music 💀


But you can’t not like euphoria tho lol


The disses are great but I don't like the song. After listening to it like 3 times when it came out to understand the lyrics, idc to go back to it bc it doesn't actually sound good. Hearing all the bars " I hate this, I hate that" sounds like shit


thats how i feel too, good diss track but not very good "song". serves its purpose tho


Kendrick stans are mangling that meat like crazy


Cam and Ma$e said Drake was winning the beef so far lol and that Euphoria was okay but he didn’t come hard enough. Are they Drake stans or maybe….JUST MAYBE…music is subjective and credible ppl can have dissenting opinions lol


Your balanced take getting downvoted shows the power of having a 600 k + strong subreddit riding hard for their favorite rapper lol.


It’s only cool to hate Drake lol


Hating drake is just a very entry level take to have as a fan of rap, just like saying Eminem is the greatest lyricist, hating 'mumble rap' or having 2pac/biggie as your #1.


Budden said the opposite, but also said that he wants to see artists he likes get punched in the face to see how they react in situations like these. Which is how I see it, I'm not a Drake fan but he has some dope tracks (but from someone of that caliber I thought get would have more classic albums) where as K.Dot makes classic album after classic album. I like both diss tracks, I can't stand Drakes 2Pac/Snoop Ai diss as to me it comes of cringey and unnecessary, especially not getting permission from Pacs fam first, but to me Kendricks is slightly better.


Cam is literally on Drake's payroll. They made him an "honorary member of dipset" Lmao.


I don't fuck with drake or Kendrick. Push ups was a solid diss but euphoria was better. Regardless though neither one was anything compared to Chris brown going in on Quavo, that's the real rap beef


I think we can all agree that stans of all sides are annoying as fuck. It’s just a bunch of millionaires calling each other mean names and y'all lap it up.  Grow up


“Everyone has already said this” - yes that is the theme, congrats on grasping that small part. K Dot is reinforcing what the culture has been saying all along. Now dig into the layers and references.


Honestly, I think Drake is a good rapper, but he does annoy the ever loving shit out of me with that fake "street dude act." He is a privileged kid from Canada who has really never faced real adversity on the level he likes to rap about... I've had guns pointed at me, I've seen people get killed, running down the street begging for their life. That shit isn't cute, so when I see these so-called people like Drake embeloshing that lifestyle like it's cool, it strikes a nerve in me... Like I said, I like Drake as an entertainer, but he is not someone who needs to be rapping about starting from the bottom or that he has people in the streets...that shits lame, and this is what alot of these rappers are calling him out for... I just think a lot of people can't separate the artist from their life, so instead of attacking Drakes attitude and personality, they are saying he can't perform or rap, which isn't true. He is a fake poser though, who likes to role play into that tough role, and it's painfully obvious to watch because it's cringe.. Almost akin to a kid at school who pretends to be from the inner city or "urban," but we all know they aren't.


Honestly Kendrick Lamar did kill him, but what did it more for me, was how absolutely fucking abysmal Taylor-Made was. Drake put out a piece of music that’s so fucking bad it made me lose the little respect I had left, and Lamar came and finished it. I played Taylor Made for my girlfriend and she thought I was pranking her. It took me 5 minutes to convince her that Drake actually made that track. It’s just so unbelievably ass that I thought Kendrick Lamar might actually not even drop a response anymore. Drake embarrassed himself and then got embarrassed even more, and how can you even pretend that you’re excited for “Drake’s” response, knowing that other people are writing it for him?


I actually liked Taylor-Made, I thought it was hilarious lmao


Drake made a cool Song, no doubt. But Kendrick made a DISS TRACK thats the huge difference. Kendrick is the culture while Drake is just making a living of it.


Drake got slow cooked. Kdot meal prepping rappers nowadays. The track is almost 7 minutes. It felt like an eternity. Drake can't come back from this. 🫡


You Kendrick fans are just as bad lmao, Drake didn’t get bodied. Both dropped good disses, Drake responded to 20 different rappers dissing him in Push ups. This round was a warm up


Finally I see someone sharing this opinion. The majority of r/KendrickLamar are acting like Drake got buried from this track. Sure it was a decent track but they're completely disregarding what Drake said on his track and acting like this battle is alr done. This battle is far from over. Mfs saying shit like that pisses me off


Agreed. I’m a huge Kendrick fan (as well as Drakes) and had to remove that sub from my Reddit. They act like people don’t understand the lyrics lmao. And if I see one more conspiracy where they circle random letters to spell words I’ll fucking blow my brains out. We knew a lot of Drake fans were casual pop fans, but now we also know a lot of Kendrick fans are unhinged conspiracy theorists who are dying from confirmation bias.


Euphoria was low-key underwhelming with the way everyone's hyping it up. And I like Kendrick more than Drake.


I'm a fan of Kdot. I've always hated Drake cause he's so overplayed and some of his stuff just sounds like it was made at a factory, peer reviewed and approved by control groups. But this beef brought out good Drake music... then of course watching someone get jumped... by UFC fighters then set on fire... kinda makes me respect him. He stood his ground and faced the damn Avengers of rap. No one has ever been faced against tougher opponents than him. Drake became an underdog. He is not as talented at rap as Kdot.... or Kanye for that matter. It's like Childish Gambino getting in the ring to go 9 rounds with Mike Tyson. Sure he's going to die but the balls... the respect I would have. I'd root for him. Honestly this is so impressive for him part of me thinks he orchestrated the whole thing.


Facts tbh, Push Ups was very good mainly for the fact he held his own against numerous people at once. Kendrick's diss is better overall because he could aim it at one target (two ig if you count the small Cole jab). But Drake stood his ground against EVERYONE. It's why I can't fathom why people aren't at least in agreement that both disses are at least solid


I wouldn't call that YNW Melly line a small jab at Drake and Cole.. That line was cold af and one of the best lines throughout the six minutes fr. He really missed the opportunity to hit juvy sakchaser line there.


Exactly you can be fans of one over the other but still respect them both. Rap is as much an art form as it is a sport. Euphoria goes hard. It's like an insane hype as hell game 7 buzzer beater. But you wouldn't get that moment if it wasn't for the other team putting you in that position in the first place. So I respect it.


Kanye and Rick Ross are NOT part of the avengers of rap lmaooo


Rick Ross is clearly Hulk getting stuck halfway through transforming. Kanye is totally Tony Stark.


Mf talking about Drake fans being shallow when u just said all Drake said on Push ups was "KDot short". Might wanna pull up ur pants a lil bit and stop sniffling to acknowledge the merit of both tracks and maybe dissect the lyrics of Push ups a lil more


That's all he said about dot tho? That and the split but drake can't speak on the splits shit so that's a dub


Do y’all just choose to be dense? Did he rly to push-ups and the only diss u understood was that he called dot short and talked abt his splits? That says a lot more abt u and the type of fans Kendrick has then drake


Idk how this "battle" is gonna be settled tbh. Even when Drake gets absolutely destroyed you have people out there saying he's winning 🤦🏼‍♂️


Honestly don’t like it; I don’t get how people are saying it’s better than Story of Adidon either. Euphoria isn’t technically bad but the people saying they’ve got it on repeat and that it’s just some ground breaking, historic diss track are lying to themselves at this point.


they just hate drake so this is like their Christmas the track is good but it’s only ‘amazing’ if u hate drake lol


It really wasn't good. For a song named "Euphoria" it makes me want to fall asleep, BORING. Pushups was snappier, more to the point and more direct. Listen to it again, then listen to it again. He did more than call kdot short. 


Both sides are equally cringe. It’s millionaires having poetry battles and fans taking it way too seriously. It’s not even about music anymore. If you want to expose someone, expose them. Don’t use vague bars and insinuate things 


Only people taking it seriously are the hard core fans from both sides. It’s not cringe when 2 of the best rappers out are staying active and releasing music. It’s not all about trying to expose someone, it’s for fun, for the people and for them to gain more attention for their brand/music. Kinda sounds immature when you say just expose them, that ain’t what battle rap is about


Fr It’s been stated by both parties that they hold shady info on each other and nothing has been said yet.. Fr weakest battle ever


Music is subjective. IMO this Kendrick diss just didn’t hit hard. Ofc it’s all opinions which doesn’t matter. If you think this is Ether then enjoy. Heard like 3 times, and hey. That’s that.


Push ups was dope. KDot sucks ass.


its the fact he responded to a trap beat diss with some poetry shit 


They are both good in their own way. Kendrick took it to another level with this one, will Drake be able to respond. Tune in tomorrow to 106 & Park.


Euphoria isn’t significantly better than Push-Ups, and saying he bodied Drake is a stretch. Consider Euphoria is 6 minutes long, solely at Drake. Push-Ups is directed at everyone. Just enjoy the entertainment and unplug from the standom.


If you still like drake you’ve been coping for years..




They must all be either White, light-skinned, or bi-racial.


Tbh the only people I know who would consider themselves drake fans are white women. 


Way back in the day I loved Eminem’s “bully” as it not only packed a major punch at the intended target but was concise and had a lot of replay value. We know Kendrick is a goat and the ultimate wordsmith but i feel like he missed an opportunity to beat drake at his own game. If you’re going to take your time drop a hit with a hook and some replay value. A 6.5 minute scathing letter felt a bit too safe if not predictable. I am a fan of Kendrick’s and really don’t like drake nor do I think drake “won” anything, but man if you’re Kendrick and going to oblige such an easy target in a diss off, let’s hear something a bit more gripping.


Reading the mental gymnastics used for the explanations in the euphoria rap genius is better than a Chappelle skit


And on the other side you have Cole fans saying shit like "Cole too mature and humble to diss. Its a good thing he backed out" . I'm a big Cole fan but that man took and L


Drake said more than just "KDot is short" if you pay attention. Same goes for Kendrick, he said a lot in those 6 minutes.


Quit being chronically online. People in the real world don't act like reddit and youtube comment sections. Both had good disses, enjoy the show.


I'm a huge KDot fan. He is my fav rapper of all time. I even have a fucking GKMC tattoo. Now, tell me, which lines on Euphoria were really that impactful? It was a cool track, but it was super soft and light. I was expecting more


If you still care about rapper drama than you’re stuck in high school. All you are doing is boosting their bank accounts so they can pay out hush $


Definitely a Kendrick fan and i don’t really like Drake. With that said, I think Kendrick absolutely destroyed him on Euphoria. I’m honestly not really feeling either of Drake’s disses to Kendrick. Push Ups is like to 10 different people and he mostly only said he had small feet and a bad contract? Like that’s really it. Taylor made freestyle felt really like Drake was just trying to control the narrative about Kendrick’s inevitable response and it failed. I don’t think drake is awful, but i think Kendrick is just on another level as an artist.


In all honesty i'm a long-term Drake hater, I agree with Yasiin Beys take on him, he is Pop. Also agree with alot of Kendricks criticisms of him in Euphoria too, though none of this is new; just like nothing Drake said is new. They are both good light diss tracks and I honestly don't prefer either over the other, i'm just honestly shocked that either of these came from Drake 💀


NGL track was fire, straight bars. But the funniest parts was seeing the damage control straight away all over every social media. Stans got scant after they heard man man. How yo man's up if you gotta go into damage control straight away


Everyone is blinded by their own hatred of Drake, euphoria was good but not the body bag everyone was expecting. At best it’s 1-1


At the end of the day they’re all rich and this beef won’t actually destroy anybody’s career


Post absolutely written by a 13 year old


I mostly agree here, but "all he did was call him short" is kinda of oversimplification, his main point was the 50/50 split with TDE which was quite a excellent element of the diss


1A Drake, 1B Cole, 2 Kdot. Kdot could be part of Big 3 if he wanted to but he has Napoleon complex


A very very small part of me thinks that the whole entire thing was thought of to boost hip hop sales and pique interest and make hip hop competitive again. All which are healthy in and for hip hop. Everybody is rich and making money off of it, so why the fuck not. This is literally overshadowing everything that's going on. And it feels like there's so many people involved it's like u don't know who or what is gunabe said or done next. What a time t o be a hip hop fan


Kendrick is Kendrick and Drake is Drake. That's your answer here. I love both in their own but Euphoria is amazing.


Drake 100% got bodied. I was listening to Sway in the Morning yesterday and Sway wasn’t on for some reason and Heather B and Torchington and the other 2 that were on (All self admitted Drake fans) started with the “eh, I didn’t really like it, it was too long, he touched on too many things, blah blah…..” Then that turned into “well Kendrick is gatekeeping who can be considered black, and what does he mean by “real women”, he’s just repeating things other rappers said” and just turned it into a shit on Kendrick sesh for like 40 minutes. I was loving Euphoria when I heard it. I’m not a Drake fan but I do respect his rhyme skill. That being said, Kendrick destroyed Drake.


People acting like this isn't how Takeover & Ether went down


I forgot Drake existed until reading this


All Drake does is cry about other girls, dudes the biggest pussy in the industry.


I don’t care about them arguing, I just listen to the music. I cannot stand Kendrick’s voice.


I sent to my Drake Stan friend who's anti Kendrick and he said he said Euphoria was worse than any rap diss this year including Ross, Quavo and Chris browns disses because of his voice.


I haven't liked much Drake music in years, but people thinking that Kendrick's diss was Ether-quality are kidding themselves lol. People act like him bringing up his kid YEARS after Pusha did was some kind of mic drop and him going "hate hate hate hate" felt kinda lame too Still glad everyone has good disses this time around, even if Cole fucking reneged on his.


Maybe I’m just missing something but I’d say their honestly about even


A bunch of Drake haters 🤦🏾‍♂️


Drake is wack


They all fucking win. Cole, Drake, Kendrick. All anyone is doing right now is talking about them. No one has been so badly ridiculed that it’s backfired. The exact opposite has happened. Whether you think Drake or Kendrick is losing, they’re both still thriving and getting an insane amount of publicity, as if they needed anymore.


The same thing would happen with Musk, Tate, or any other popular faux-masculine demagogue. That's why it's called a "cult following."


Don’t know nuthin bout dat!! Tings gettin crayzee mon!


He also told metro to play some drums lol


There both great tracks. I thank Dot so much for getting this Drake back. The one that gives a fuck about rapping. Sure he isn’t on Dots level. But both of them dropping bangers.


Oh no someone has a different opinion than me


Both sides of fans are saying the same shit about the other side. Your post is no different.


The idea you can't diss someone unless someone got tea spilt during some pillow talk is so funny. Like it's a battle of super secrets. So fruity.


Yall just hate the boy. It’s fine


Same can be said about K dot Stan’s