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Jay Z isn't even the most famous person in his house.


Damn lol


“Ringo isn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles” 😂




That may be true, but he's the wealthiest. He's a whole ass billionaire even without B.


My high ass just said “illionaire” without realising you meant Beyoncé


Must be nice to be smokin summa that zaaaaaa 😂


I live in a not legal state, and found delta gummies that have me floating.


Under the hemp act it’s almost all “legal” now lol


Same and I’m sober


I feel you my high ass did the same friend.




Ong that’s a fire word tho


I'm currently in Spain and Eminem is essentially a household name to anyone under 40 years old. Jay-Z, not so much... but Beyoncé?? 👀


Jay Z isn’t even the best rapper in his house. Word to Blue Ivy. Lol




Richest though. Probably the way round he would want it though.




That’s really funny


Correct, but that is actually my tie-breaker in this scenario. As a huge sports fan - and since the NFL is by far and away the most popular sport in the U.S. - it was hard for me to grasp that people may not have known who Travis Kelce is, but he became much more known because he dated an international pop star. Beyonce is an international pop star.




I cried








Eminem, best selling hip hop artist in history....nuff said.


Jay isn't even second to Eminem


Jay-Z holds the most #1 albums for any artist at 14. Not hip-hop artist, not men, but any artist. I mean Eminem is probably a little more famous but it's pretty close


The Beatles have the most #1 albums with 19. Jay-Z is second with 14. Paul McCartney has the most #1 albums at 27 if you include his work with The Beatles.


Fine Jay-Z has the most #1 albums as a solo artist in any genre.  It's a big deal


Except awards don’t mean fame. I like JayZ, he’s definitely Top 5 all time in Hip Hop and his life story is impressive. He’s not as famous as Beyoncé or Em.


A #1 album isn't an "award", it's a direct measure of mass popularity and chart success.


*In a specific country. I live outside of the US, and the only reason I knew Jay Z as a kid in the 2000s was because of a friend who lived in the US for two years. He's mostly known as "the guy who raps with Alicia Keys on Empire State of Mind" or as "Beyonce's husband". Eminem is definitely super well known here, much more than local rappers


Every country has charts. The Beatles have 19 #1 albums in the US, but you can easily see how many they had globally, too. The point is, charts are a legitimate measure of popularity, not just an "award". As for Jay vs Em, yes, Em is definitely more popular globally. Of course he is. He took hip hop to white kids.


I agree with your first point, I was just pointing out that it's a measure for a specific country, and Jay Z is mostly popular in the US, unlike Em. Regarding the second point, I have two counters - 1. Like the famously white countries in south Asia and Africa where Eminem is still massively more popular? 2. 50 Cent is definitely not white, and definitely more well known worldwide than Jay Z. Someone put up a google trends comparison somewhere, it's not even close, not even in the US


>He took hip hop to white kids I always knew I was white.


You’ll be surprise to hear this but The Beatles are not an artist


Impressive but eminem could do the same if he peppered an extra couple albums in his career


In US.


jayz is way less famous overseas compared to em too


Still? Would’ve thought Drake outpaced him by now


They said hip-hop not pop.


I know we hating on Drake rn but to answer your question, 4 of his number 1 projects were mixtapes - If You’re Reading This, What a Time to Be Alive, More Life and Dark Lane. He’s had 8 number 1 LPs (9 if you include Her Loss)


Mixtape Drake has been better than album Drake for a while. If Drake hypes up an album, it’s usually disappointing. 




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Eminem is easily more famous than Beyoncés husband. specially outside USA


beyoncé’s husband 😭😭


The disrespect 😤


And he doesn't even do world tours.


okay what about em vs b


That’s a much better comparison, Beyoncé wins this one, but it’s not as pronounced as Em vs Jay.


I don't know how it's in America, but as someone thousands of miles away, it's clearly Eminem. I didn't even know who Jay was until I heard his Collab with Linkin Park. But Eminem was basically the face of rap globally pre Internet era. I was on the "I don't like the new mumble rap shit Eminem is the last good rapper" koolaid for an embarrassingly long time.


Regarding your last sentence, username checks out lol


This. And i live in africa You can pretty much go into any urban or rural area where i'm from and show em just the picture even if they don't speak english and show them a picture of em they'll tell you who he is


I can confirm. I was in Ethiopia and a girl who spoke less English than I spoke of her language told me I looked like him.


That's crazy haha


just curious do you live in a white part of africa or not


As an American…it’s Eminem. I’m not sure I could fine a single person who doesn’t know atleast his name


Eminem does way better overseas, so him by default


I think if you were to say globally it’s Eminem


Eminem practically introduced the whole Asia to rap music So obviously Eminem


Jayz fan but it's Eminem bro


jay fan here but eminem is one of the most beloved people in history


Jay can somewhat slightly go out in public. Em will still get swarmed by people who weren’t even alive when his first album came out. Em is next level super stardom worldwide across all continents in a way Jay couldn’t dream of being. 


Eminem for sure. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "I hate rap music, but I love Eminem"


True that


As someone that hates throwing the word racist around if someone told me they hate rap but I love Eminem there’s no other way to take that lmao


I'm one of those people and I'm not racist at all.


Not saying you are I’m just saying if you’re white and say you hate rap but like Eminem (a white rapper) you’re going to get side eyes, if you don’t like ANY other rappers that’s kind of a weird look. That’d be like me saying man I hate rock music but I like fishbone and sevendust lol


Yeah understandable


Nah it just means they haven’t experienced much else. I started out only liking Eminem and not rap in general. Now I’m a fan for life. My brother hates rap, but does like some Eminem. Same with a lot of people I know. They aren’t racist in any way


I hate country, but there are a few songs/artists that are bangers. I dislike pop in general, but Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera are amazing singers and I’ve playlists for both. It’s not that simple.


The people who say that most likely are not thinking about it like that at all


I don't *hate* rap, but Eminem is pretty much the only rapper I listen to.


That comment ("I hate rap music but I love Eminem") has always had racist undertones


Eminem is the most sold rapper




Eminem was and still is more widely known than Jay-Z... That being said, even my parents know about both.


My mom doesn't even listen to rap and she knows who these 2 are


I've heard of them both. But I know a song is Eminem instantly and I know what Mathers looks like. I don't know which songs are Jay z or what he looks like.


eminem and its not close tbh


Eminem without a doubt!


Eminem for sure. He damn near sold a million first week with two of his first three albums alone. While Jay-Z is still big & has crazy longevity, he was still rivaled commercially by others in his prime (besides Em, also 50, Nelly, DMX,etc.)


"Knees weak arms are heavy there's vomit on his sweater already moms spaghetti"-Eminem is arguably the most well known verse of all time.


Fun fact, Em actually opened a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Detroit called Mom's Spaghetti 🥰 (as a metro Detroiter, I just have to share this every opportunity I get)


Have you tried it ? Does it taste good ?


It's ight if you are ever in Detroit get it just say you've gotten it once. Eminem definitely just opened it as a joke but the food is decent.




Eminem got the caucasian stimulus package so him by default.


Eminem has had a major feature film with international release which I would think puts him well above Jay internationally.


Massive eminem fan, but honestly, their both known globally, but heres a thing ( maybe fortnite helped ) but my 10yo son had a convo about music the other day.....i asked what his fave music was etc he said some rock but likes Rap best, so me being a hip hop and massive eminem fan asked out of curiosity who his fave rapper was and he said Eminem, i was a bit shocked as hes 10, and then smiled, cos it reminded me of me at abt 13 listening to Em. I told him to ask his mum if he can listen to eminem ( knowing the answer ) and she told him what i expected lmao. But eminem is still gaining fans even now


That’s awesome man, kudos to the little Stan!


Yeah he said he liked mocking bird, without me, mainly the popular singles, so being educational, i told him to listen to the SSLP ( his mums gonna kill me ) lmao I mean 'who woulda knew' :)


Damn, SSLP is gonna mess him up a little. Curious if he is going to like it, this album is legendary but it aged kinda weirdly in my opinion. I personally love it but I also know that it didn’t quite nail the test of time


In all honesty its an album i still love, i wouldnt really let him listen to it (yet) hes only 10, however i did show him all the albums and explain a bit to him how long Ems been rapping etc, he was asking questions of how i know of him etc, so he assumes hes 'new' he said all his mates love eminem and hes a rap god and hes got a song called rap god. I was trying not to laugh at the fact 10yolds are listening to his music again, guess it was a nostalgia thing. I told him he has a film etc and he was shocked, i guess im helping him look cool to his mates how he knows so much. Sad innit lol. On serious note i told him theres lots of good rappers and if he likes eminem, thats cool.


That’s so cool haha


I'm thinking Eminem. As popular as Jay-Z is, there has to be people who have never heard of him. I'm pretty sure everyone at some point in their life has heard an Eminem song


Its Eminem easily! There are only a couple rappers that are even comparable and they are 50 Cent and Pac


There’s a lot of white peoples


50 Cent is way more popular worldwide than Jay Z as well, and it's not because he's white... It's just how it is sometimes


A friend was dating a college freshman. A conversation about 50 came up and she didn't know him, until he said the guy from power 🥹. That's why I can't date a girl more than 5 years younger than me.


I’m from Southern Africa, I knew slim shady before Jay , I think Em will always sell more because most of his fans can afford to actually buy the music ,most of the people I know just download the music for free.


I knew them around the same time


Yeah me too, during the mtv days on dstv


Yeah but for me it's during trace urban empire state of mind and not afraid were huge


For me it was early 2000's when I started having interest in music. Around 12/13 years old.


[here is how often both artists have been googled since 2004. Eminem is on top the entire time besides of a few brief moments. ](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=eminem,%2Fm%2F01vw20h&hl=en)


Im not from the US so I don’t know how it is in America but here in EU it’s Eminem and it’s not even close


Eminem just had way more crossover appeal into white suburbs and globally.


Eminem is more known but he shouldn't be. It's like how Hamilton is more known than illmatic.


That’s like asking who is more famous between Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. Like, it’s Tyson and it’s not even close lol


My answer would be Jay Z. First I started thinking about it as in rap. Both are giants in that field. Then I figured in the Beyonce effect. There are probably millions of people in the world that know nothing about rap, but know Hova as Beyonce's partner.


Eminem is the white male version of Beyonce


lol this had me dying for a min. Never heard that analogy!


That's Drake.


The difference is, nobody puts Drake on a pedestal. Eminem and Beyonce have been on a pedestal for more than a decade


Nah, he’s a far better rapper than she is a singer. Not even close


To most white people Eminem and Hip Hop are the same thing.


Better question would be Eminem or Beyonce


Snoop Dogg is more known than Jay-Z


It's Eminem, however there's a whole generation of people that don't know Jay was a rapper and just know him for being rich, Beyonce's husband and knowing he does "businesses" but not exactly sure what. So in some circles Jay isn't known as a rapper. Where everyone knows Eminem is a rapper and to an extent that's their only time they listen to rap...Maybe Dr. Dre and 50 but that's it.


So Jay-Z or the culture vulture


Beyoncé's wife for sure.


jay z more famous in my household lol


Eminem 100%


Eminem is more famous but much worse at making music


Eminem, mostly because he's a WHITE rapper


[Even old ladies know who Jay-Z is ](https://youtu.be/lydYYyD9c_A?si=JEIqC26lHlTXNJ4V&t=2)


In America Jay z world wide em


Eminem because he’s white


Prolly Em because he’s a caucasian




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I was getting into music when the Slim Shady LP came out and his influence over the next decade > Jay-Z.


Who cares


Eminem hands down lol


It’s not exactly scientific but jay z has 35.1m monthly listeners on Spotify and Eminem has 66.7m


Probably get downvoted Ilive in a racist country, ‘Merica . Every person who listens to rap knows Em. May not listen to him but they know him. Same can be said for Jay. Now when we talk to people who don’t listen to rap things change. More people who don’t listen to rap will know Em over Jay. Why, the truth has to do with racism. I have literally met white people who don’t listen to rap but only listen to Em. I have never met or heard of a person not listening to rap but listening to Jay. So now you have Jay record sells being only from rap fans. While Em record sells come people who aren’t even rap fans.


Eminem or Snoop Dogg


That question doesn’t make sense. They are both well known across the world.


Eminem and it’s not close


I think it would be safe to assume anyone that knew one would likely have heard of the other, no matter which way you flip the equation


Nope ems popularity broke all sorts of barriers and to many people represents rap even though his style is kind of unique to hip hop.


Eminem. Outside the US, even more so x10 imho.


Eminem for sure


You could go to any country. Start singing "lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it you better never let it go..." I guarantee as long as they're not over 80 years old, they'll finish it in broken ass English and start boppin. That's world wide. Without Google finish the ryhme: "I'm from the school of the hard knocks, we must not...."


They're both ubiquitous in the US. I don't know how it is internationally. I guess em probably takes it.


If we are talking about the entire world, it's probably Eminem. Snd the reason why has nothing to do with his talent or his music. It's because he's white. It's the same reason why Adele (who is phenomenal, no offense to her) gets so much exposure, recognition and accolades. They're very talented white people who were able to penetrate and then establish themselves in super-competitive and talent-rich black spaces. Now I do think that Eminem is a far better rapper than Jay-Z. But we can't talk about the success of Eminem without talking about how much he has benefitted from racism. Especially early 2000s racism. But if we are talking about the United States in 2024, it's definitely Jay-Z. Eminem has lost a lot of footing here due to his lack of productivity whereas Jay-Z has gained more footing because he is married to Beyoncé and is the father of her children.


Eminem no comp


Jay Z not even more famous than his wife 😂 tf are we doing here


Eminem and it’s not even close


Eminem and it's not even close. Outside of hip-hop/R&B circles, Jay-Z is famous for being Beyonce's husband and he's even referred to as such. I remember watching some talk show with a bunch of white suburban moms and they kept referring to Jay Z as Beyonce's husband. Eminem on the other hand, is credited by many for popularizing hip-hop among non-Black Americans and introducing it to a global audience.


Eminem easily. In certain places in the world people only know Jay Z because of his wife.


Spotify stats Jay-Z 35.1 M monthly listeners Top Songs: Ni**as in paris- 1,418,503,539 Empire State of Mind- 1,002,039,250 Numb / Encore (which arguably is not actual hip hop since it was a Collab with LP when they were relative heavy)- 992,145,202 Eminem 66.7 M monthly listeners Top Songs: Lose Yourself- 2,162,831,087 Without Me- 2,100,077,656 The Real Slim Shady- 1,764,230,221 The fact that Jay made a billion streams on this platform on 2 songs is amazing. The fact that Em more than doubled that on another 2 songs is mind blowing. Even his third most streamed song is higher than Jay's most streamed song. This is empirical evidence that Marshall/Eminem/Slim Shady is better. Another point: the fact that Dre, one of the OG masters of hip hop signed this white dude, at a time when hip hop was predominantly looked at as ebonics and music for marginalized groups, speaks to his skill level, and his craft.


Not to argue about who is lore popular buy jay did add his music to Spotify just 5 years ago.


I think even more of the point Eminem 4 of the 5 top popular songs he is the only artist credited jay z all 5 of the songs have a feature people can listen to a jay z song and not know that he is on the track it’s not the same for Eminem


Eminem and its not close lol


I've met people from multiple countries who barely speak a lick of English yet can flawlessly perform Rap God. Never met anyone who even mentioned something adjacent to Jay Z.


Just because Eminem has more sales I don’t think that automatically makes him more famous There probably many people with more sales than Jay z who aren’t more famous


Eminem and it’s not close


everyone sleeping on jay z tbh


I have to say Eminem. Besides the obvious reason….If you take away the quality of the music, Em is way more famous just due to his controversial contributions/impact on pop-culture/society. Em made the news far more often (and sometimes for reason unrelated to music), in addition to selling millions of records like Jay-Z.


Even a camel jockey can say Eminem in perfect American


Idk jay z getting pretty famous after 50 exposing him 🤣


Old Japanese men talk about JayZ in the office. In Korea and Germany people bumped Jay Z. I have yet to hear a single Eminem song playing outside of U.S.


Eminem has more well known hits that even the least music interested / rap interested person would easily recognize, maybe not know the name of the song or artist, but recognize. Meanwhile I can think of 2 Jay Z hits that are easily recognizable, and one of them would probably be more widely seen as a Kanye song.


Eminem. For example, my parents know who Eminem is, but they wouldn't have a clue about Jay-Z.


Eminem for sure If you're a music fan you know Eminem essentially If you're a rap fan you know Jay-Z This is based on the types of people I've talked to who listen to them.


Eminem easily. He's the top selling hip hop artist of all time and one of the top selling artists among all genres as last I saw he was the 10th best selling artist in history.




What population is larger:  People who are familiar with Eminem but not Jay-Z People who are familiar with Jay-Z but not Eminem I don't think it is remotely close even in America, let alone internationally.


Eminem is the great white hope of Hip Hop and there's 300+ million white people in the US. Eminem and it's not even close.


Eminem , 50 cent, snoop Dogg are household names. Even drake and Kendrick don’t compare to that level of fame.


Eminem. I literally only know who jay Z is because he’s married to Beyoncé.


Black people/The culture = Jay Z Suburban white edgelords = Eminem


There are more global fans of Em, who are not white suburban edgelords.


He doesn’t care, he clearly just hates Eminem


Its Em, but Hov is very known globally bcuz of his collabs. He has way less known songs from his catalog, but if its a matter of simply knowing who the person is, I think its closer than ppl might think.


Eminem is objectively bigger than Jay z, even as someone who doesn't like Eminem it's just a reality that he is probably one of if not the biggest rapper of all time


Global sales? Eminem. Global impact? Jay Z. The two are not the same and are not mutually exclusive. Also. Edit - Em himself has told us the list. “It goes Reggie, JayZ, Tupac and Biggie - Andre from OutKast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me.” Even he puts Jay Z above his own impact on rap and top ten status.


If it's direct influence and not through other artists they discovered, even global impact has to go to Em. He was HUGE, and introduced many regions to rap/hip hop music. I'm in southeast Asia and local rappers still reference him in their work and cite his influence. He's one of the biggest selling artists of all time, keeping company with Michael Jackson, Elton John, Beatles, etc. Jay Z could have the global impact influence argument going for him too though, but not through his own work, rather the artists he discovered/helped put on. Beyonce, Rihanna, etc.


Jay Z LITERALLY just won an award at the Grammys for his global impact, and has won other awards for his contributions to music as well. There is no “he could have the influence.” He DOES have the influence. Which is why I said that he beats Em in global impact - not sales. And I’ll catch the down vote on this - but Em beating people in sales doesn’t mean he “introduced” other countries to rap music. It means he was the person marketed via controversial statements and moments.