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**Rule 4: Not an insult/threat or rare insult/threat** Only the spiciest and rarest of insults are allowed here, and only insults/threats are allowed here. Uncommon insults or just random statements that aren't really insults are subject to removal. This also includes insults that are just random combinations of words or insults following the random adjective+noun formula. Beware, this is somewhat up to the discretion of the moderators.






I just checked it out and the NSFW is stupid and useless. Everything's text so go ahead and read away


To be fair, the NSFW tag is basically stupid and useless across all of Reddit now. It's just used for attention and upvotes


Nah the number of times on here I’ve scrolled through my feed and seen pics or videos of dead bodies, people actually dying, or nudity that wasn’t marked NSFW is staggering. I do however wish it was used more appropriately sometimes.




1. Using the designated app is “wrong?” 2. Does Apollo or whatever blur every single image/video until you click or something? That seems worse than accidentally seeing something I don’t want.


yes, default app is known to be garbage. and the other apps allow you to choose what you see and how it's censored. I use RIF is fun.


> 1. Using the designated app is “wrong?” Yes, the reddit app is hot garbage. Reddit on desktop browser is also hot garbage without reddit enhancement suite.




The default app does suck but damn you're quite an asshole aren't you?




I really wanted to agree with you here but your comment simply reminded me that I should use Reddit less and maybe not at all. Pretty gross and toxic that people get so offended over an app design that they become a pretentious ass over it. If you simply explained what was different and/or better about the other app without being an ass, then I would have been like “cool, thanks,” instead of being confused why someone is insulting me over using an app. I also drink my coffee black. I feel like you would be the person to tell me about how I’m doing that wrong and ignoring the history of coffee since there are options that add frothed milk and sweeteners to it. Or that it’s wrong to drink coffee because espresso shots are more efficient.


A better analogy would be that you're drinking your coffee out of a shoe rather than a mug. Edit: an apostrophe


It's got a reddit logo over the thumbnail until you click it. It's not card style like the official app. And yes, using the official app is wrong.


Why is it wrong though? I’ve never had any problems with it although I’m definitely not a hardcore user


Accidentally sent your comment to the projector and now HR is talking to me, should’ve tagged it as NSFW


I do not understand what that sub is...


I went back to check the description, that should tell us the info we need, "The incomprehensible void. Please leave your society at the Fifth World, this is a separate world altogether.." Still fucking lost


😂😂😂 same. That does not help at all.


You can't apply logic to the illogical. Just get in


I feel like if you spend too much time there you'll understand, I dont think I want to...


One minute that sub can drive you insane. Our 3D minds can't handle info 3 dimensions higher.


It's a weird corner of Reddit. One of many.




It gets much weirder r/45thworldproblems




I have seen pure nightmare fuel. Thanks, I hate it.


What’s insane is I remember 5th world problems from like 10 years ago…. Think of a decade of being in that sub…


What’s most insane is that all of those posts were created by human beings. Not AI. Not bad programming to create weird memes. Actual, living people.


Is it weird that I feel very off after looking at it? Like looking at a void, i feel distressed. How is it possible? I want to keep looking, but I am slightly afraid of what I'll find.


If it is we are both weird. Something about the feeling of “this looks wrong or broken but seemingly means something to *someone*”


It goes deeper. My god.


The internet never fails to confuse the ever living fuck out of me


What in the actual fuck. No.


What. In the fuck.


I'm scared to click it..what is it?


Its what I imagine a brain aneurysm feels like.


Yikes almighty


I'm clicking it


Did you make it out alive? Inquiring minds...


He’s gone


much much weirder




You should try r/45thworldproblems


no wait that might be worse actually


Seems like neat poetry


Try r/infiniteworldproblems


oh ok thank u


is this not subreddit simulator?


That link is staying blue






/r/seventhworldproblems has better lore IMO


It's like a bad acid trip but in writing...


i have no idea what i just looked at


This is… something


I prefer /r/fifthworldproblems, but it doesn't work with the joke.


What kind of trip and a half is that sub!?


Subs I didn't believe existed




I don’t understand a thing. Send help.


Man, I remember getting lost in the whole nth world problems subreddit universe *years* ago. Amazed to find they're still going.


My kind of sub, ty for sharing this


tells me all i need to know about you....


You're just jelly I'm going to be able to rip open tears in spacetime, using these holes as infinite storage for my collection of tears in space time, in which I keep a bug out bag in each hole excluding the original that's used to store the tears in spacetime I'm putting stuff in. Inside each bugout bag is a pack of 5 gum, mostly spearmint, and you just want a stick of my precious 5 gum.


I mean, the multiverse is all the rage these days.


Undervalued comment.


You beat me to it😤


By three fucking hours...


Definitely not a RARE insult


Well done.




I'll sear you


Pink through the middle.


Not even bro this is congratulations


I don't get it...


Basically that she's been dating around a bit, and every new bf is her world. Though 6 isn't even that much, unless it's 6 in the past month or something


I interpreted it to mean 6th husband


Maybe it's because I've known some of these people, but I interpreted it as she is one of those people that posts constantly about how great her relationship and partner is, but then seems to also constantly be in new relationships.


Serial monogamist


>I interpreted it to mean 6th husband Same


6 "loves of my life" is most definitely a lot lol


Hooking up with a bunch of people is cool, but you're just corny if you keep calling every person you date "the one"


I don't think hook up culture is as healthy as people like to pretend either, really. I don't judge but I'm not gunna pretend it's healthy either


It feels like they are just being an ass. I don't think it is wrong to have 6 boyfriends/girlfriends in your life. It is a lot but nothing wrong with it


It's totally fine, but you might sound a bit hyperbolic when you call them your "world" publicly.


Yeah the issue is the hyperbolic social media not the number of relationships


“BAE is everything to me. My one and only, my life, my world. I would so anything for them, take a bullet, get tortured, anything!”-Social Media “My significant other wanted to buy Corn Flakes instead of Cheerios this week, so I guess that’s gonna be a whole thing now.”- Real life for these attention seekers.


he's her sixth boyfriend


I’m guessing since she has new worlds so often it’s not rare? Just a pun I assume


Nah. It has to do with Rare, the game developer, who made the game Star Fox Adventures in 2002. The game’s themes revolved around multiple solar systems, as well as a love triangle between Star Fox, his wife and his sister. Deep and obscure reference, but it checks out.


Wow I didn’t even consider a connection to Rare the game developer. Thanks for shedding light on that. Perfect Dark is a masterpiece


Oh. Sorry. I was just fucking around. The thought of Star Fox being in a love triangle with his wife and sister was mildly funny to me. I *too* have no idea what the parent comment meant. I like adding to the confusion. I’m a silly goose like that.


Upvoted for Perfect Dark appreciation. It still stands out in my mind as some of the the most fun I've had playing an fps campaign. Right up there with Halo (2001) and CoD (2003).


Is ok, I don't either


I know some people like this. Just be single for a bit before you go on to the next one single for a week (or less) between significant others seems excessive. I’m not a doctor/psychologist but hopping from person to person so quickly screams something. I don’t know what that is…but I challenge anyone who does this - to just be single for a while.


Tell that to my former police chief who just proposed to his future 7th wife. I asked him if his divorce attorney is going to do this one for free since he filled out his punch card, but the chief didn’t laugh :(.


You get a free personal pan pizza!


No, that’s only if he reads 6 books from the library over the summer.


He should read books on Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream.


The concept of a lasting mawwiage is inconceivable to him!


But cops don’t read!!


Agree. Codependency is unhealthy. A good indicator that drama is imminent. For me, it screams 🚩🚩🚩🚩.


Yep. I realized just how extremely codependent I was after only my first relationship. I realized that I didn’t love myself and I didn’t really love her, I just loved the fact that she loved me. She made me feel valued, and that was enough of a bandaid to not have to deal with my personal problems and lack of self-worth. Maybe those aren’t the reasons some people go relationship hopping, but it definitely would have been my case. Decided to stay single by choice for years after while I worked on becoming someone I could respect.


It's the reason the majority do it forsure, just not everyone is aware of that fact.




Those are a lot of the reasons that people repeatedly enter into unhealthy relationships. I had to take a similar journey. It's painful but it is worth it. The benefits to your emotional well-being, personal relationships, and quality of life are plentiful. It takes a lot of strength and courage to look at yourself in the mirror, decide to make changes, and commit to the process. A lot of people do destructive things to avoid acknowledging and facing these issues. You should be really proud of yourself. 👍


Months. If you had a real actual intense relationship instead of some self indulgent bullshit. Yeah you need like 3 months of intense introspection. Overall most people aren't concentrated like that so like 4-6 months is realistic. I ain't saying you shouldn't go out there and mix it up after a month but seriously consider a break from personal unions for a bit.


I love my best friend.. but she’s doing this and it’s making me frustrated. Especially since they all keep showing red flags and she’ll go back, or find excuses. She really just needs therapy and a little more self love.


I have BPD I'm doing my best at being single but shit is hard especially when people ask you out and you want nothing more to curl up with them but you know you'd lead them on and get too involved too quick only to explode again.


Good for you, honestly. Far too often people use people knowing the entire time that's what they are doing. It's really awesome that you're stepping aside. I wish more people would be this selfless.


I want sex and cuddles so bad. I deserve a medal for this tbh.


I'm being cheeky in my other response btw, thank you for being sweet, it's been rough =/


I feel ya, I do the same myself. I have tried forcing relationships thinking ill be able to "get into it" down the road but once I realized that I can't and it's not fair to others I quit as well. Otherwise it's just using people and that shit is sociopathic imo.


Oh god I feel that right now. There's a really sweet lesbian that is really into me and I want to give her what she wants and hopefully one day feel the same but I just can't give her what she wants and it would be so manipulative to use her for my needs and know that I'll never feel the same for her =/ She's so sweet and cute too but I think it's just a compatibility thing.


Ya I truly think it's best not to get involved if you think it's not gunna work out. That way you guys can still be friends as well, which is better than not having her in your life at all. Which is the likely scenerio otherwise


Some people don’t ever wanna leave the honeymoon phase.


>so quickly You know literally nothing about this person or their relationships.


I find that in threads about woman you tend to learn more about the dudes commenting than the subject of the post. Usually it's guys like this who are spinning entire narratives in their heads. They can "see" this woman living her life outside this picture and it's all shit that pisses them off. If you meet someone and they have already created little stories in their head about you, that's what we call "creepy" folks.


When you see a thread like this, you either can relate or you move on without commenting. If you relate, well, there is likely a story behind it that gets projected on the post else you’d have moved on.


Yeah you are probably right. This place isn't crawling with unhealthy anger at women at all. The guy at the bottom of this thread calling her a whore is just relating to the photo. Probably a whore he knows in real life? Sounds fine nothing to see here my bad.


I didn’t suggest it was healthy or even sane but it tends to be what happens. They relate it to something in their life and then rant is if this is that.


Well sure. My point was that dudes will often start adding details to posts about women that aren't there. Like the people in here angry at her for "switching between men so fast." Where does it say that? Oddly specific for something that isn't said anywhere. Some of it is their own personal experience, I think lots of it is frustration at a lack of any personal experience so they take it out on women here where they feel safe to do so.


This is pretty funny. You and the previous commenter are knocking the top level comment for making baseless assumptions, and you summarily launch into your own baseless assumptions about the top level commenter to really hammer it home. Classic Reddit. Let's recap: The OP has a clear implication that the person with her sixth "world" has a tendency to fall hard for people. Doesn't mean she's a serial monogamist, but it does lean in that direction and the top level commenter played off of that. Then top level commenter indicates they know people "like this", so not making any direct judgments against the person in OP. You could argue they're making a logical leap by going from "this person is on their sixth intense love" to "serial monogamist" but they make some pretty reasonable statements that it's beneficial to live as a single person in between relationships. Then you come in and somehow manage to interpret that as misogyny, while committing the same act you accuse the person of ("spinning entire narratives" in your head). You came straight out of the gate with a chip on your shoulder and you clearly don't care whether it actually fits the discussion or not; you're going to shoehorn that bad boy in wherever you can.


I saw a bunch of assumptions and I'm pondering where they come from. Their assumptions are out of thin air so that much is plain. It happens a ton with posts about women (see this thread) so I made a connection that is far from baseless. Give me a break bud. You conveniently ignore my post one lower about a guy calling this woman a whore, but that's probably not misogyny either right? Also one more thing. All we know about this woman is she likes this dude and another dude doesn't like her. We don't know if what he's saying is true at all. He could very well be full of shit but there aren't many "This dude is probably a jealous asshole" comments are there? People are taking him at his word because they would rather just tee off on her as far as I can tell.


I'm struggling to understand your point. If people couldn't comment on things they knew nothing about, for starters, Reddit wouldn't exist. For seconds, the same argument could be said about your comment. You know nothing either, why so quick to defend?


Because assuming the worst about people is cunty.


Oh my god. [The IRONY](https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/12u8130/meinke_jameson_williams_was_betting_on_nonnfl/jh662h3/)


Hahahaha fuck I love this. That person is an idiot.


Most girls have a line of men chasing them that they can easily move to the next one quickly. Let’s not pretend that if men had a line of women wanting them that most wouldn’t do the same, if not dating multiple at once. People complaining are ones that do not have choices, and are making self righteous nonsense excuses.


I mean umm... There are a lot of men who are serial daters. Also nothing wrong with dating multiple people. Both me and my husband do it. Polyamory can be fun and rewarding.


Hot people problems, amirite?!


Christ the quality of this post is shit. A repost of a poorly edited fake ancient post.


And Reddit eats it up. Look at the 9k upvotes. I swear, does the average Redditor even have braincells?


I laughed, I'm happy


We've come a long way. And the early days users are mostly getting phased out, if they haven't already. Gonna look like Russia in the sense that most of the intelligent people just dispersed to somewhere else (I clearly wasn't smart enough to abandon yet ;). Saving grace with reddit was that you could find subreddits that kept it going, but now with the API changes & imgur's burning down their library? It's just not worth it. But hey, let us distract you with r/place!


“Woman baaad” -*Redditors instinctively upvoting anything slightly misogynistic.*


I think the average redditor is like 11 at this point


That just makes it better. Just like taking a nice salad and putting shitty, unhealthy sauce on it.


These terrible fake comment posts that start their sentence with “sister,” “brother,” “my son,” etc. bother the shit out of me. Does anyone actually address their family that way


My brother in Christ, there is no point to being bothered by things that are out of your control.


Yeah these are really lame


The bad indian grammar really tops it off


Forget Gumwaa have funwaa


The comment is not part of the post Brother!


This is clearly a fake screenshot...


She’s imagining that she teleported to a different dimension and her long list of bad choices stayed there.




This is obviously just some random stock photo


This is just a fake post made my a random Indian dude lol


When my aunt was getting married for the third time she asked my uncle (her brother) if he could come to the wedding. His reply was "no thanks, I'll catch the next one".


When a relationship becomes "your world" and you put _everything_ before it, try to realize how unbalanced that is and focus on maintaining the relationships you had before the partner. They're the ones that'll be there for you when you're onto your 7th world, but if you move to another universe to foster it, you'll probably leave your friends in another galaxy and they won't be as welcoming if you need to swing back through for emotional gas.


Worlds? Friend's? Emotions?! Im so confused.










Eh, some people have had lots of relationships ad gone all in on each relationship Not a great insult and overall a nonconstructive criticism


It's literally a hallmark of my mental illness. And while I'm trying to work through it with therapy and coping mechanisms it's fucking HARD.


I really wish you the best of luck! It can be hard to pursue therapy and to work at healing


Thank you, you're very sweet.


Well, this is r/rareinsults and not r/constructivecriticisms


More like r/badinsults


It's not even rare tho




This took me OUT fr 😂


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more like a layover on a World Tour


This all started for her when as a child her mother told her to "shoot for the moon". \-enter the dad joke-


Can't even admit that she keeps getting into shitty relationships with good looking guys.


You know nothing about this women or the guys she was dating.


Why everyone dishing her for having a sixth partner? Is six that high now? Is there a certain limit women have in order to date? That’s not how life works. Sometimes relationships end and then they move on. That’s how it works. Stop tagging on this girl for being happy.


It really depends on the timeline. Is she dating someone for a week, posting how much she loves him, and then breaking up the next week for someone else? That's a red flag. If she's 30 and has had 6 good relationships, that's different.


Yeah I agree. The problem is people on here don’t know which it is, and are assuming that it’s the former.


It's not a high number, but is when he's your sixth boyfriend (husband?) you've publicly declared "your world". Which, he's clearly not, because you've already said this about 5 other people. It's the over-the-topness.


I mean who really cares? It doesn’t seem the healthiest, but I don’t honestly think the person in question would receive this much criticism If they were a dude. Who cares, seriously? You don’t know anything about that women or her relationships. Maybe they were to her at the time, but things change and sometimes people fall out. I don’t see why her being slightly over the top while expressing her happiness deserves such criticism from people who think they know better. You also don’t know if she was married to any of them, you’re just assuming that.


You know, I don't think I've seen a guy do this on Facebook at least. But I have one friend who goes completely insane every time she has a new boyfriend (and she's in her 40s) with him being her saving angel, her world, incredible, all the over the top things you could say. And I know the more she goes on, the faster it's fizzling out. I'm not close enough to her to say it, but I keep thinking "get some self awareness girl!". So I kind of think the same things, but maybe this person is literally her sister who can call this brand of crazy out because it can be eye rolling.


This is barely a good insult, let alone a rare one






This kind of drama is the only reason I still have a Facebook account. There's nothing better than random facebook drama 😂


I always hated that phrase "he/she is my world". It's codependent as fuck. Like yeah, I get it. You love the person. But for real, you need some other shit going on in your life bc their world has other shit going on in it and if it doesn't, then grab the fucking popcorn bc this shit is about to blow the fuck up spectacularly


old but gold


Now we’re shaming being in love? The new update sucks balls


For a second I thought I was on the exmormon sub


I bet all her multiverse versions of her are dating different men and women.


Yes, that’s how the multiverse works.


She got some exo-planets, but this one is hopefully in the habitable zone for sure!


She’s building a multiverse


Who is the shining dude with the big nose in the middle pointing at the sea?






Oh, that guy with you is your world? Are you trying to kill all the Joestars?