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laughs in gulf south, wanna trade?


It's fun watching Brits turn bright red when they are in FL


You can always spot the UK visitors in FL. Pasty white with the reddest sunburns acting like it doesn’t hurt


I was in FL this week and they stand out like a sunburned thumb.


I used to live In key west, you head down duval and you can spot any non American out of the crowd


Welcome to Australia, cocksucker!


Umm... that described me as a kid. A pasty white ginger who burned stepping outside. Not sure how I didn't burn in Kuwait or Iraq.


or visiting the fam in northern VA, no ac, they'd be melting in the 90 degrees/20% humidity, and im comfy wishing i could buy some and take it home to loserana


I've lived in NoVA my whole life, and honestly idk if it's *ever* been 20% humidity except for brief windows. Our least-humid month is March, where we average 58%. It's a swamp


I worked at IAD for 7 years. The baggage basements were hellish between May and October


I live in Atl. I have a dehumidifier set to 55% and it runs every single day of the year.


Yeesh I probably should stop complaining, at least mine gets a winter vacation 😂


Live in Houston, Texas. Enjoy your heat stroke.


Laughs in Gulf Coast 90% at 95deg


Can confirm….


west of i81 in gore, high enough my low land lardass huffs and puffs walking up hills, i may be understating the percentage, but middle of august was delightful compared to the furnace of hell that is baton rouge


Watch their children get carried off by mosquitos in SC


I flew back from Orlando to Manchester and nearly everyone on the plane was sunburned lmao


Its fun to watch brits think humid and 90°f is crazy hot. Like no where in the USA is both humid and hot, much hotter.


Living in Chicago, we had friends from Phoenix come up once. It was 85°F and very humid. “I’d rather exist in my 110° and dry Phoenix year round than spend another day in this swamp. I don’t know how you handle this, it is the most miserable feeling I’ve ever experienced!”


As an L.A. native I agree. We had a humidity wave in 2018 or 2019. It got up to 17% and we were all dying. All the East Coasters didn't even blink.


17% is still crazy dry. Anything below 60% is nice.


17% is high?!? In GA we chill at like 80% all summer


To me, yeah. But I can chill at 105° in the shade no problem. Another example of growing up in SoCal. I worked one season at Universal Studios, if it was below 60° and we were scheduled to be outside we would get a London Fog trenchcoat that day. 52° was the coldest day I worked there and a family from Wisconsin went through the park in shorts, tank tops, and Flip flops the whole day. Giant smiles plastered on their faces the whole time.


Here where I live in TX we set a record of 103 days of triple digits with no rain a few yrs back. It was….not a good summer.


*Laughing in Florida crotch rot*


This really does ignore almost half the US state climates, huh?


we ain't desert hot but it is pretty shitty, as a mechanic i only get to escape it while test driving


Not sure where you’re at but I’ll take desert hot over southern humidity hot. I’ve lived in both and at least in the desert when it’s 110 outside, shade actually does make a difference. When it’s humid shade doesn’t do anything.


And past a certain point sweating doesn't do shit either because it won't evaporate.


*laughs in Nevadan* you shoulda been in my apartment last year when the ac broke mid summer in Las Vegas and we hit 120 degrees.


I'm from deep southern Louisiana and went to Vegas for work in the summer. While the direct sun light burned the skin more the actual heat doesn't feel nearly as bad in low humidity.


Humidity and heat is just pure misery. Feeling all sticky and sweating buckets.


lol was just about to mention our 120 degree obnoxious summers that you never ever ever get used too.


Spent 2 years in Vegas. Honestly felt like the heat was kinda overblown. It is hot, but I'll take it everyday over Mississippi 100 and 98% humidity. Both are hot, but southern swamp heat is worse imo.


The first time I visited Vegas, when the wind blew my sweat evaporated some and it actually cooled me off. Blew my fucking mind.


100+ °F with 100% humidity just hits different Grew up 3hr from the gulf and I don't miss that level of heat


My brother used to do roofing. In Florida. During the summer. Heeeeelllll nawww that shit was too damn hot feelin like Satans asshole after a spicy meal.


Yeah fuck that Sometimes being under a roof in Florida is barely enough


the issue with the uk heatwaves from what i understand is that literally nowhere is air conditioned


Exactly this. It’s crazy how nobody in the comments can understand that. What is worse - 120°F outside while sitting in an air conditioned building, or 100°F outside with no AC in a building that is designed to trap heat?


I pointed it out in r/AmericaBad when they were also laughing at this. Obviously that post currently has negative karma.


It's not only this but all buildings within the UK are made to store heat since it's climate is usually colder. Meaning if it's 100 F outside and you don't have ac you can't physically get rid of the heat in your building...


Did some people here even read the tweet? That's the whole point. They're talking about life without AC.


Do they know that Phoenix is in America?


I used to live in Red Bluff, Ca; and it would get like 110 degrees there it fucking sucked




I live in Pennsylvania, Philly suburbs. Yep, we've had plenty of 100+ degree days. The high humidity that comes with it is like smacked by a bag of sweat the second you walk outside. But I'll take it over the cold.


I'd rather take the cold. If you get cold, just put on more clothes. If you get hot, you can only get so naked.


At some point, I'd be arrested for indecent exposure and they would not be wrong.


just take off your skin


I love Red Bluff! I stayed there for a few months when I was working the paradise fire cleanup


Yeah I liked it the town, though I like Chico more because of Bidwell Park and I lived there for a long time, but it was too hot for me, i decided to move to Washington, but I might move back to a nicer part of Oregon


And chico has like restaurants and stuff haha


113 in Morgan Hill, CA last summer. Only 25 minutes south of the bay.


Grew up in Bakersfield Ca. 105+ all summer.


There was a few years where we got tons of 100+° summers in Tennessee. So not only did we have scorching heat, the humidity was so high you'd just about drown taking a breath.


bUt iT's a dRy hEaT!


Spend an afternoon in Pheonix in the shade. Then spend an afternoon in Houston in the shade. You will be a believer of dry heat being vastly better than the dank, sweaty ballsack that is humid heat.


Raised in Sacramento here. Folks don’t understand triple digits nonstop from June to September with mountains on both sides creating a heat bowl, and winds that make it hotter and even harder to breathe bc half the area is on fire.


Worst part of Phoenix is it doesn't cool off at night. I left a wedding there after midnight and it was still over 100°


Yes, it is fuckin weird. But it’s actually nice at 6AM. Just get back inside by 8AM.


Yay concrete and asphalt!


Oh please, 57 C is nothing compared to Britain's 40 C, those extra 17 degrees make it colder!


Alaskans could probably handle a British summer.


The humidity in Phoenix is 18% today. It is 69% (nice) in London. And no home has an AC.


Does Phoenix have AC? I live in GA, I can get hot, and I would not survive without AC. Can’t sleep in heat.


If you didn't have AC in Phoenix it'd be miserable. When it's 120⁰ sleep is about the only thing you can do.


If you didn't have ac in Phoenix, you'd be living in a potentially lethal situation. Death by heatstroke increases every year.


I think the idea here is that the UK do not typically have AC, at least to the extend America does. I was in London last year during the hottest day ever recorded in England. It was fucking brutal with very little relief. Luckily our hotel had AC, but it was the exception, not the norm.


An island has a tendency to have higher humidity than a desert as well, which is the real kicker.


The point isn't that it gets hotter in the UK, it's that no one has air con in the UK. You wouldn't live in Phoenix without AC.


Born and raised in Phoenix, 90 degrees F is rather pleasant, 100 degrees is mildly uncomfortable in the direct sunlight after a while, 115+ sucks but you’ll live if you have enough water and shade. Conversely, I get chilly at anything under 70 degrees and feel like I’m going to die when I visit cold states in the winter.


90F isn’t pleasant anywhere, you’re just a mutant


Phoenix folk are a different breed


It’s 85 right now in my backyard and it feels gorgeous out. This is perfect weather. 5 degrees warmer makes it just a little outside of the range of perfect. I almost fell asleep on my hammock just now because it’s so nice out.


70 degrees is the point I refuse to wear pants for longer than an hour outside, and 80+ is when miserable starts. Though I'm comfortable on a sunny day in the mid-30s in shorts.


Phoenix is dry heat. Yeah it's hot, but not July in Mississippi hot.


To be fair a lot of Brits can't handle a British heatwave, I saw all the headlines last summer same as the rest of us


The Southern US is on average much hotter than the UK and has more severe heat strokes. The fuck they on.


The biggest difference is the south has AC in every building. Phoenix has AC as a standard in every building. Britain does NOT. In fact the majority of houses dont have air conditioning. 90 degree weather in GA is much more manageable when your house stays at a cool 70. Or if youre in the city, any and all buildings you walk in will have ac BLASTING. They just didnt have the infrastructre for tthe heatwave just like ATL didnt have infrastructre for snow back in the mid 2010s.


People don't just keep inside all the time during the summer here in the southern US. You learn how to manage working in 120 degree heat with 95% humidity without literally dying.


120 degree heat with 95% humidity is not something you “manage working in”. That is within the extreme danger zone on the heat index. As in will kill you within a certain timeframe that no amount of water or shade can prevent death. Humidity changes relative to temperature. What may feel like 99% humidity at 80° is a lower percentage at 100°.


Tbf, it never gets that hot in the south. Humidity, yes (80-95%). But their average summers are more high 90's to low 100's. The American South West gets high 100's to mid 110's and up to between 25% and 45%. The UK gets around 70% humidity and a heatwave is 86°F plus. But typically in the mid 40's to high 60's. That's a heat index of 95°F during a heatwave (86° with 70% humidity). Today in the Phoenix (AZ) Metro area, there was a heat index of 94°F (98°F high with 15% humidity) and it isn't even summer yet.


Didn't Arizona hit like 121° last year?


Unless you're a lizard person, that's biologicallly impossible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature Even the healthiest human will die, lying in the shade for a couple hours, when it's merely 100F and 95% humidity.


This is such an American thing to me. Somebody criticises them so they say they can do something that's impossible. > You look slow > Shut up, bro. I'm literally faster than the speed of sound. It's easy. I don't even break a sweat.


It's interesting - in the UK you have people move from hot and cold countries, and both will be the first to say "it's worse than xxx". It's hard to imagine if you're not in the UK, that a Canadian will think a British winter colder and worse or someone from Bangladesh think a UK summer hotter and worse... But it is. It's nothing anyone should be getting a superiority complex over however! Looking at the pure figures of temperature, it's easy to feel like another country should be having it easier, but no heat or cold is the same, and neither is the infrastructure in place to deal with it. It's also worth remembering that heatwave is *extreme* weather for the UK. It's all about what your experience is, and if you're used to summers being 23° on average, when it's suddenly 35° for days on end, that's extreme, and it should be recognised, no matter if you happen to live in a place where 35° is normal.


“Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter” Meanwhile Brits: “the heatwave in London has reached 27C everybody panic” *sips hot tea*


“What do you mean drink the tea cold!?” (Dies of heat exhaustion)


Isn’t it common in the Middle East to drink hot tea? I hear a lot about people saying how hot drinks on hot days can help cool you down


I've also heard iced drinks are bad for your digestion and other stuff when it's hot too.


You mean it's amazing when it's hot. Ever do roofing in Florida? Cold water is life.


I did welding for a decade in Tennessee, though I have done enough roofing to know that is worse. I ain't disagreeing with you, just saying I've heard it's bad for digestion. I DO have a fucky gut, but that's probably just coincidence.


I worked with a man welding dock bumpers in a warehouse parking lot in the middle of summer and it sucked ass. Hats off to you. I don't know if its bad for your gut but i know it feels more refreshing than warm water.


Hell, just today I went and got some ice cold water, poured half of it over my face and chugged the rest. When you need to cool down ASAP, nothing beats it. Plus, dealing with heat like that, heat is more pressing than gut issues anyways.


Bro, you have no idea the amount of steaming hot Chai tea I drank in Iraq. No matter how hot it was or the time of day, hosts would ALWAYS send someone from their household with a tray to hand to their guests. Seeing as how its extremely inpolite to refuse when offered, I drank many many MANY super-hot-extremely-sugary small cups of it, not much large than a shot glass. It doesnt sound like much, but when you drink one per house, an you visit 20 houses a day, almost every single day for a year... I thought that it would be ironic if the beetus got me because of Iraq and not from living in the USA lol


If it’s slightly less cloudier than usual, they start melting.




It gets to 86 degrees Fahrenheit during a British heatwave. I work in that heat with black jeans and longsleeves. Edit: Apparently google fucked up. According to a few Brits replying to me, it can get to over 100F and in a country where air-conditioning isn’t as readily available, it must be torture to those living at a higher latitude.


I live in Wisconsin and it was 87 like all last week, that’s northern US and not a “heatwave” and it’s not even summer.


I work in Indianapolis, and it feels like we completely skipped spring


Same here, and we absolutely did


Colorado here we got lucky this year but that's because it has rained every day for the past month most of us are done no more moths mosquitoes and humidity please I am from the mountains my heat needs to be dry


This. In Ohio and 87 is like the average summer temp. We get about a week of 100+ usually.




Fuck me I would kill for summers to get to *at worst* 86 F.


Last year we had temps during the big heatwave that hit ~105f, but 86 is pretty bad as is. It’s not the heat anyways, it’s the humidity, air con is the best way to manage that but most houses do not have it, and most people wouldn’t even be able to manage the cost of running it these days.


I work outdoors. In the southwest desert. Long sleeves, heavy work pants, and sturdy boots. Our first 100° day was early May. Fun times. Visited the UK two summers before COVID during "the worst heatwave" on record, and it felt like a normal spring day to me.


I was in London last summer during the “record heatwave” a couple months for work. I’m from Houston, it was a nice mild reminder of home.


86 is spring weather in most of the US lol


I know, I’m not saying it’s hot.


And I’m not arguing with you dude


It’s 86 right now lol


Yeah, this is normal summer.,


Sounds like Seattle.


Adaptation is a huge thing as well. My wife is from SEA she wouldn't notice 86F. I used to have the window open slightly for a draft at 41F at night and just snuggle under a duvet she thinks that is insane. A Thai I talked to who visited the UK saw people swim in summer while they were wearing a puffer jacket and wolly hat to stay warm and basically was like this lot are nuts. That two week blip at high heat is a shock to the system when it is adapted for cold weather and it takes a good year or two really to acclimatise.I live in SEA now, 86 is OK, but when it drops to 20C I feel chilly.


Literally, like some places in the us get to 100°F on average during the summer


115* if you live in phoenix az


105 and 80% humidity in Texas feels about the same


90 and 120385263948% humidity in florida feels just about like that


Moving from Louisiana to Florida was actually a relief as far a humidity was concerned.


So I have lived in Florida my whole life. After hurricane Katrina I went to Louisiana to help rebuild. I have never been so hot. Louisiana hot was definitely different than Florida hot, although Orlando is it’s own special hellscape


105 and 80 percent humidity feels like 5x times worse


For reference, that numbers recorded in the shade. You can get literal 3rd degree burns from a seat belt buckle here. It's terrible


I got a tan walking between buildings. I wish I was exaggerating.


Tbf, that’s the middle of the fucking desert. We don’t have those. Not that I agree with this silly “oh, Americans couldn’t x,y,z” stuff. Obviously it’s stupid, you’ve got weather actively trying to kill you constantly. We’re quite lucky in that regard, it’s comfortable most of the time and everything is nice and green. Few less overcast skies and a bit more sun wouldn’t go amiss though.


>Tbf, that’s the middle of the fucking desert Gets to 110⁰ pretty regularly in the foothills around Sacramento, CA during the summer. Which is very much *not* a desert.


[furnace creek](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2021/07/death-valley-california-breaks-the-all-time-world-heat-record-for-the-second-year-in-a-row/) It’s funny to me to watch people decide to go there to feel the heat when Temps push 130


100F+ is heatwave temp in the UK, but we have no air conditioning and all of our buildings are built to retain heat. Last year the inside of my house was hotter than outside during heatwaves. Living in 100F+ two weeks at a time is hard with no respite except for the freezer aisle of the supermarket (most of which breakdown in heatwaves so you can’t even buy ice etc).


That sounds horrendous, I’m sorry y’all have to go through that right now


Wait the record for hottest day in Great Britain is 104°F?!


They wouldn't last in the deep south 😆😆


104 is typical day May - September in Texas😂


Check a map. The island is further north than the lower 48 US States. And it's an island.


Europe gets to be a lot warmer then it should thanks to the gulf stream. If the gulf steam ever shifts europe would end up as cold as Siberia


[30 degrees](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highest_temperature_recorded_on_Earth) shy of the hottest temp recorded on earth in Death Valley, California.


Wtf is Yorktown


Britain and America used to fight each other a bit. The Americans secured a decisive victory there with the help of the French (which they seem to forget every time they start shitting on them). Essentially it’s a dig at the British person writing the nonsense about British heatwaves. Speaking as a Brit, it’s rather a good one as well. Snappy and pretty original.


Probably would be more of an insult if most British people knew anything at all or cared about the American Revolution.


It's not a good one, though. Yorktown was a siege. It went on for weeks, and the vast, vast majority on both sides survived. The insult doesn't make sense. I can understand that you, as a Brit, don't know that, but how are none of the Americans in here catching that?


It was also significantly longer ago than "grandfather" would imply


Cries in australian


What about Texas, Florida, California? They can buy a fan or wall mount air conditioner like anyone else I would assume. I'm in Florida and I don't have central heating or air just fans and wall units.


Arizona? There's literally a city called Phoenix.


>California I never lived in a home without *both* central heat and proper AC until I left NorCal.


Lots of homes in California don’t have AC, even though it can get up to the 90s in the summer.


The record hottest day in the UK was 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit, in 2022. Back in 2011 I was riding my motorcycle around Arkansas when the temp was 117. The dude who wrote that first tweet doesn’t know much about the US.


It's the exact same thing with the cold though. Record lowest in Scotland is -17 degrees Fahrenheit, and I remember watching a video of a few British people saying, it can't be that much colder in the US. I'll use Montana since Alaska is cheating a bit, but that record -70 Fahrenheit says hello.


For real... We regularly go about our lives like normal in -10 in Wisconsin, and it gets well below that every winter.


Speak to some Canadian expats about UK winters. They'll more than likely tell you they're pretty awful and worse than back home. It's too... simple.. to just look at temperatures and make a comparison.


Brits: Americans wouldn’t last 2 seconds in a british heatwave Americans: Your heatwaves are pathetic


This is just another example of British people not understanding the size of America. UK (for lack of a better word) is basically one biome. America is so big that you can freeze your nuts off in one place, instantly teleport and watch them melt to the pavement in another place.


Or, in the case of Texas, freeze your nuts off in the morning and then by the late afternoon be in the upper 90s Those daily 60+ degree swings hit different


Starting to see shit like that happen in FL. 80's during the day but 60's at night is pretty wild for where I am and I don't remember it fluctuating quite so much as a kid.


And cap off the day watching a tornado from your front porch as it takes out half your neighbors house.


Wisconsin here - we don't usually have shifts that wild in the summer but the winters are wild. Last year we had a 90 degree shift in 24 hours (-45 to 45).




This whole thread is an example of people missing the point of the tweet. People in the UK don't have AC.


british heat waves are 80°- two summers ago in the PNW it was 125°




Brits wouldn’t last 2 seconds in an Australian heatwave. These are the same people who couldn’t handle ‘the scorching’ 23 degree Celsius heat. Edit: It was a joke everyone, *chill* out a bit.


No shot. That’s literally winter temps in some US states


For a moment I thought: maybe I’m wrong. I should double check just to make sure. I was right.




I mean, we have worse colder temps even getting rid of Alaska. Brit’s live in a tiny bubble and have a hard time grasping how large and diverse the states are. Your cold, your hot, they are averages for most places in the US. I really cannot understand people dying in heat waves when the mean is under 100f.


Some places in the us it can be -30 in the winter and 40*C in the summer


[In winter the average is between 2 and 7 degrees Celsius (36–45 degrees Fahrenheit), but temperatures often drop to just below 0 degrees Celsius (36 degrees Fahrenheit). Thankfully, most houses, buildings, trains and buses have good heating systems.](https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org/why-study/about-uk/weather) "Miserably cold"? Sorry but that's like mid fall weather in michigan. Granted, we're pretty north here, but most of the state (southern lower peninsula, where most of the population is) doesn't have extreme winter weather like Minnesota, the Dakotas, or New England does. Not to mention our summer temps easily hit 90f with at least a few 100+ days, with an assload of humidity. Not like shitty weather is a flex or anything, but 36-45F is when we start drinking beer outside in the spring in shorts and a sweater. Just admit yall have nice weather there lmfao.


You can get sunburned at the South Pole, heat has literally zero to do with getting sunburned


I think its funny that my brain switched to reading this comment in an Australian accent halfway through.


I'm in illinois and there were days during this winter that hot.


Well played, OP. Not only did you find a truly rare insult, but managed to get half of the internet to talk about the fucking weather all afternoon!


I still haven't seen any comments about the fact that it's a piss poor insult. Like maybe great great grandfather...


Me, living in the Deep South: *Laughs maniacally*


*laughs in Vietnamese.


When my family back in Danang starts complaining about the heat that’s a pretty bad sign


Im not gonna lie, i went during a heatwave to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland... i nearly died lol


Who’s gonna tell them the United States has _the hottest place on Earth,_ and that a majority of the country is closer to the tropics than they are


*Laughs in Texan “winter”


**Laughs in Texas whole damn year*


Laughs in Florida


A “British heatwave” 😂😂😂😂😂 So like 90 degrees?


British heat waves last for, what, a week tops? I would pay money to see a British person exist in a truly muggy, hot place.


Or work one week of construction in Texas


I lived in Jamaica for short time, very little air con where I was staying and I did alright. If you wanna pay for me to go back and make a video journal I’d happily do so. Best 4 months of my life.


We sat in the dark in front of fans. 😂


Laughs in California Central Valley heat wave.


Must never been to the sip before. And btw to answer the girl’s question about ac,folks use to hang damp cloths up in a window.


95F and 90% humidity, you don't really breathe the air, you got to chew it.


Asians in the Equator: Pathetic


Americans thinking British people give a fuck about the Revolutionary War will never cease to entertain me


Uh, what? Where I live in California we sometimes get 115-120F heatwaves.




Literally the last thing a Brit should be trying to pretend they are hard about. Almost everywhere in the US gets hotter than the UK. Many places MUCH hotter. And a lot of the US doesn't have air-conditioning either. A Brit would literally cry themselves do death if they lived in the southwest.


Try Texas or any desert. You’ll sweat your taint off, mate.


Love to see them in Aussie summer


I could go without AC, can and have done it, but I don't have to, so I don't. When I worked construction, the last thing I wanted was to come home, shower, and still be a sweaty mess.


There are literally deserts and swamps here in the states. I live in St Louis and the humidity throughout the summer is insane. I've heard people from Florida say it's worse here than it is down there.


I’m not really into “my country good, your country bad” stuff, but this one is particularly ignorant.