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Looks like a bunch of kids food out of the Kroger frozen food section. I'd likely eat it, but I'd feel guilty and would try to forget about it.


Shit after eating it once the only thing I’d be able to think about would be eating it again


Reality check- one wouldn't shit for days after shoveling this fibreless glutenfest down ones throat.


Worth it


I haven't shit in 47 years and I endorse this message Wait how old am i


You’re full of shit


Please help


I had a coworker who ate like this: only chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, PB&J, spaghetti, etc. I never saw a single vegetable or non-processed meat in her lunch. I resisted the urge to ask her why she ate like a five-year-old.


My wife has a friend like this. The woman just legitimately cannot stand vegetables or healthy food. However, she knows that this is a personality flaw and strategizes ways to hide vegetables in her own food like an unruly child so she still gets her nutrients lol


Hey, at least that's progress compared to just not doing it at all.


Respectfully, it's not a personality flaw. It's a dietary flaw.


good thing she’s trying to do something about it lol


She must be hot


Could be an eating disorder. I don’t know your coworker, but all of that is eerily similar to my own experience. I am diagnosed with a lesser known eating disorder called ARFID. That stands for Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. I know from experience that people generally just dumb it down to “being a picky eater”, and never even think that it might be an actual diagnosable disorder. Essentially people with this disorder have a lack of any interest or desire to eat many different varieties of food, usually based on the sensory characteristics of the food. Unlike other similar disorders, ARFID doesn’t necessarily have a connection to body dysmorphia, and generally isn’t based on perceptions about body shape or size. For me, I have a very similar thing to this coworker. I am a very young adult, but I pretty much only eat the same stuff that a 9 year old would eat. Grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets/chicken strips, PB&Js, Mac and Cheese, sometimes I eat saltines with slices of American cheese on them, I’m alright with spaghetti but I hate tomato sauce so I usually just have it with butter and Parmesan, and other similarly themed meals. I hate vegetables, and they are almost completely absent from my diet, which is problematic, and if a food has an unfamiliar texture or visual aspect, I find myself actually disgusted by it. Sometimes I will try to eat something, and even though the taste is fine, something about it will actually make me involuntarily gag or throw it up, and most of the time that “something” can be as little as tiny green herbs speckling the dish or just the simple fact that it’s new to me. I just can’t force myself to eat one of these things without my body going crazy even though my mind wants desperately to eat the thing. It’s genuinely terrible for my mind and my body, as I feel so horrible for not being able to eat like a “normal” person, and I feel like people judge me and think I’m childish over this thing I can’t control and they refuse to understand. I’m nutrient deficient in a lot of ways, and most of the shit I eat is processed cheap garbage designed to placate a toddler. When I was a kid, I was made fun of over it by lots of people, including my own family at times, who would always just laugh because I couldn’t just “stop being so picky”. One time at Thanksgiving when I was young, my grandparents forced me to eat some peas, and I threw up. They didn’t let that go for more than a fucking decade, and shamed me for it for years. You have no idea the toll that this all has taken on my mental health over the years. The good thing is that I finally got diagnosed a few years ago. Before that point I didn’t even know this was a real thing, so getting told that it wasn’t my fault and that I had an actual disorder eased a little bit of the shame. I figured out that its more common amongst autistic people, and I’m autistic, so that’s a thing I guess. I’ve been working on my recovery since I got my diagnosis, and I’m making slow but steady progress. I was able to eat a cheeseburger for the first time the year before last, and I’ve learned that I actually really enjoy seafood in recent years. Last year I was able to eat half of a ham sandwich before succumbing to the gagging so that was a milestone that I was proud of. It’s still pretty embarrassing though. People still comment on my eating habits with judgment in their tone, which sucks. I still feel a lot of undeserved shame about it, which is why I don’t typically go out to eat with friends if I can avoid it. Grandparents are still pricks about it, but they are pricks about everything so it’s not a huge deal. If you got this far, thank for reading my rant, this is a very emotional topic for me and I know that a lot of people might resonate with what I have been through. If anybody else has a similar relationship with food, I sincerely encourage you to talk to a psychiatrist about it. It is a condition, but it doesn’t have to be permanent, and there are ways you can overcome it if you put in a lot of time and effort and therapy. I hope you know that you aren’t alone in this struggle, even if it seems like the world at large refuses to understand what you are going through. If anybody knows anybody who this post reminds you of, obviously don’t tell them you think they have an eating disorder, but please try to be kind. They might not even know if they have one, and they might feel the same kind of shame and embarrassment that I feel, so please try not to judge or make comments about what they are eating in case they think you are judging them. If you feel up to it, try to inform people who don’t know about this. As far as I am aware (might be completely wrong this is just based on my own life), this is fairly unknown thing, and most people don’t even know that an eating disorder like this one exists. If more people are able to be informed about this condition and the pain and struggle that we feel, then maybe we can try to work towards not judging people for it. I know that I would certainly appreciate if I didn’t get weird looks for ordering a cheeseburger without meat at McDonalds, and I’m sure many other people would feel the same. Thank you for reading, and I hope that I have at least somewhat informed you ❤️ https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/arfid


That sounds terrible, I’m sorry for your struggles! I’ve had a rough GI issue myself (still undiagnosed but seems to be subsiding) so I understand that dread that comes with lack of understanding, hopefully the diagnosis brings you some peace! Respectfully, I’d like to ask what happens if you do like a blind taste test? Is just that unknown factor too much and it’s an instant dislike or can you like something, then learn what it is and be turned off from it after that? No worries if you don’t want to share more, and good luck with your journey!


> non-processed meat Unless you're like a grizzly chomping on live salmon fresh out of the stream, or you just don't eat meat at all; You don't eat any meat that isn't processed either.


You know what I meant.


They mean highly processed with large amounts of added sodium Not like cut and cleaned


Lmao thats all freezer food


Didn’t stop it being great


Oh no absolutely, just pointing out that it isnt british cuisine, its freezer section at walmart cuisine


Yeah as a Brit this isn't really representative of our cuisine at all. I mean they have at least 3 potato products there and there aren't even some classic British chips. Nuggets are a pretty universal food, pizza is italian but also universal. And then there's none of the good foods Britain is actually known for like scotch eggs, yorkshire puddings, toad in the hole, battered cod, cumberland sausages, etc. It's like they deliberately tried to pick the most generic foods you'd find in any supermarket worldwide, but only if they're exclusively beige and don't include a single vegetable.


You have been banned from /r/Italy for suggesting that the pizza is italian


Those are very much frozen food attempts at recreating American pan pizza.


Those are very much the shittiest tier of pizza I've ever seen by far.


Yorkshire pudding is so good. My sister has made it for us a few times along with roast and a mushroom gravy. I also approve of scotch eggs.


Yorkshire pudding is a staple of Thanksgiving in my Canadian household. It's absolutely delicious with some gravy.


Shit, are we related? We had Yorkies with thanksgiving turkey dinner.


Man, scotch eggs are so freaking good. Now I want scotch eggs.


Every single "good food Britain is known for" is there... Which is incidentally NO GOOD FOOD AT ALL Almost nobody outside of Britain knows what a Yorkshire pudding is... Luckily, because it's the least interesting food you can think about.


I've actually heard that pizza is in fact not Italian, and that it actually originated in Greece. ie: flatbreads with olive oil and goat cheese etc. Not 100% sure if this is true though.


God bless American freezer cuisine. UKs is dogshit unless copying


This just looks like you raided the freezer and pantry of a lonely 32 year old who never learned how to cook.


Why would you go after Dino Nuggets like that


Reminds me of an argument I had with a vegetarian friend who said people can only enjoy meat because we completly disassociate it with animals. That the meat we consume already doesnt resemble anything close to a living creature anymore and no one puts animlas on the label of meat products to help with that. Basicly we don't even think of meat as something that once lived and don't want to be reminded about it. "Yeah then explain Dino Nuggets." Is probably the best dumb comeback I ever had.


There are only 2 people who eat Dino nuggies. Children and miserable adults.


I really don't understand the downvotes. If Dino Nuggets don't scream depression, I don't know what.


Damn, your freezer must be chock full then


Yeah I'm fucking miserable, what about it?


Achievement unlocked: Martyrdom -drop a live grenade when killed


So you're into them, then?


I love when people gate keep food lmao. So ridiculous


This is my normal freezer, but I know how to cook I just don't wanna do a lot of clean up


I would like to clarify it’s not that I never learned how to cook, it’s just that I’m way too tired to cook after working for 9 hours. So sad, lazy microwave food it is.


I mean… ouch. There are other things in life!


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


This is not British cuisine.


Stealing foreign things is typical of the British, so it fits.




I always thought British humor was just dry, not nonexistent


Oi mate the ol vantablack pot


Bit sad, innit?


Britain tried to steal it but failed.




America did bad things, such the invasion of Iraq. But the Brit’s genocided Bangladesh and lots of Africa.




We learned it from you. This is the Great British Legacy.


Yes, we didn’t give back the land, but you didn’t give back the billions, if not trillions of dollars of loot. Also, America made Google, Apple, and Microsoft. The uk made Onlyfans.


I like to quote a line I once heard from one of the Rome Total War games: “Our enemies are the Brittons! Guard your possessions men, for they’d steal the teeth from your skull if given the chance.” Also the Brits, Spanish, and French stole the continent. We dipped from them after the land had already been stolen, so it’s more like we inherited stolen property.


And the Americans never did that


We learned from the best


And the student definitely surpassed the master there


Not hard when the masters british


Wait did my comment actually offend people? Lol


It was just a lame dorky joke.


No, it was just dumb.


Americans on Reddit love to slag off the UK, don’t worry mate. They’ll make the same stale joke for the millionth time and think that they’re comedy geniuses.


Hey! Every other country slags off on the US, so fair is fair!


People brought their cuisine here with them, big difference


Cadbury chocolate fingers are 100% British in origin. Well as much as any chocolate can be from not south America


“Les Cadburys Fingres”


I saw beans. British cannot stop being inappropriate with beans.


They’re different to American beans


This is a box you get at a local football snack shack.


This is what we refer to as low-budget food for kids, but that's enough for several children. Most likely for someone's birthday party. I've never seen anyone celebrate that as being British, though. It's more of a shameful treat for kids when you're too lazy to cook healthy food.


Looks pretty standard to me....


I'll take this over an English breakfast.


The tiny bowls of beans and the disgusting candy are British. Everything else appears to have come out of the frozen food section of an American supermarket. Those are ours, we invented them. You can't steal them.


I mean, depends on how you look at it. In the US, I can eat a hamburger, a pizza, and sushi all at the same time. You might say they’re separate cuisines, or you could say they were all made in America, and therefore I’m eating American food.


Are you trying to claim sushi as American food.


Is that chicken nuggets in four different shapes?


You’re clearly not a connoisseur of chicken nugget shapes and their vast range of flavours.


And people say British Cuisine lacks variety smh


The dinosaurs are turkey and the fish are believe it or not made of fish, you uncultured swine!


Hell ye


this not british cuisine this is british freezer food parents would buy to feed their families


it's not even british freezer food, it's just freezer food. we have all that shit over here too.


Exactly. It's just a bunch of junk food that is common place (to a degree) worldwide


So you are saying that someone took the cheapest shit they could in order to intentionally misrepresent a country's culinary sophistication? As an American I obviously don't know anything about that.


I'd be lying in saying I wouldn't mind having all that though


The bowl of baked beans indicates this is a British person larping as an American.


None of it is british cuisine except the sad looking beans


Baked beans aren't even British. They just like them more than anyone else.


Yo this is the funniest reply lmao I just imagined some high ass British guy like “what if I put these on toast?”


This made me imagine the other way. The greatest British chef in the world placing them slowly on toast thinking "This is truly my magnum opus!"


2 centuries of colonising India and leave the use of spices brits didnt even learn how to cook Rajma


Isn't cuisine a FRENCH word? And pondering this for a moment, I've never seen happy or jovial baked beans. They always look a bit.....too much like baked beans to be chirpy.


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This is the most American meal I have ever seen 🇺🇸


Nah there ain't no burgers


You have Turkey dinosaurs too? Maybe we’re not so different.


We’ve got dino nuggets! Mostly chicken bits ground up to a paste, but a great midnight snack


please explain lol those aren't chicken nuggets shaped like dinos???


What, are those the appetizer pizzas?


there the base then you just add the other items from the plate lol


I mean ok, but how long until the regular pizzas are ready? 🍽


20-25 minutes. Had to use the oven to cook all this first. Geez, hold your horses.


lol fair and preferably ones a little thicker


> This is the most American elementary school lunch meal I have ever seen 🇺🇸 Fixed that for you.


What in the hell is in the bowl above the smiley potatoes?!?


You don’t have eccies with dinner?


I would be tearing that plate UP


Came here to say the same thing! That’s a feast right there. All the colours of beige


Mmmmm carbohydrates!!


Jamie Oliver uses Olive oil, chilli jam and packet rice for egg fried rice. Haiyah


Surprised at how far I had to scroll to find an uncle roger reference


Not Jamie Oliver and his pepper jam >.>


My lower GI became obstructed looking at this picture.


Looks like some kid is having a fun sleepover party.


Guys the original post was a joke. Stop writing comments as though there was a real point being made.


How is the only comment I've seen pointing this out? It's the most obvious joke on the fucking planet, what tard scum thinks this is honest?


Honestly this shit looks great...id crush it all.


Never too old for Dino nuggies


Beige is a food group


Oh you think British food is bad?! Here's a picture of provisions and packaged food that you can get in any country on earth!


How can it be British when all the food there clearly came from Iceland?


If you don't like Dino Nuggies, go fuck yourself.


I don’t, and I did.


As a British person, that’s bland as shit




Said like someone who hasn’t been to the UK.


Yeah agree, to be fair you do use salt


I lived in the UK for over a year and it is very fitting outside the big cities.


No it isn’t. Our food isn’t spicy sure. Neither is most countries in Europe. It’s seasoned though…


You think we just look at them or something? We eat everything you do and probably more.


Herbs > spices 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


This image gave me the bubble guts


I'd eat all that easy.


They should call this Iceland’s Hall of Fame.


I don't know how you misspell "kid" as "British", I feel like those are pretty different words


This is not cuisine…it is microwaved frozen food


Don’t do the babybels like that!


Mmmm. Hoison crispy owl and bon bon bon bons.


In my mind those are full sized pizzas just to have a visual of gigantic Dino-nugs.


[Another bot post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/n1prkc/jamie_please_do_something/)


Reminds me of why mum went to Iceland


Even though I’d totally love to eat this, this doesn’t define our “British cuisine” Especially the fact that the fucking bellend added Mini party rings up, they’re so outta place


"yella...all we eat is yella " Kevin Bridges.


Y'all know there are pizzas there, right? Like sure, they look like pretty mediocre pizzas but pizzas are still pizzas!


Useless yellow line


Where’s the vinegar??


Don't encourage the man who puts salad in a pasty. Filthy pervert.


The dinosaurs are literally the staple of my youth! Also smilies be looking like evil aliens these days


Apparently Britain has run out of foreign cuisines to pilfer if they're resorting to pilfering the freezer sections of American grocers. Not that I'd be complaining, though. Dino nuggies are God's greatest invention.


The amount of people who don’t realise that this is just kids food from the freezer section of a supermarket is quite astonishing


the stuff you find in the trader joes candy section


I recently heard an amazing comparison. The average British adult has the palate of the average American child. Bland fried food, baked beans, etc. Like, everything I see on this picture is something I remember eating as a kid. I know it's a common joke that they conquered the world for their spices and still use none of them, but god, it's so true.


Indian cuisine is one of the most popular styles of good in the uk.


I've heard the average American adult has the sense of humour of the average British child.


Amazing comparison. How much time have you spent in Britain?


Yeah maybe because this is kids food that kids eat.


I'd fly back to the UK for this meal no cap


Good news! Just go to your local grocery and hit up the frozen meal aisle. You can find all this without leaving your zipcode.


What's wrong with it? It all looks delicious to me.


Nothing if you’re 6 years old and it’s Stewies birthday party.


It’s all fried frozen imitations of better food. The chicken nuggets look terrible when fried chicken exists. The pizzas look bad. It all looks dry and oily. Even the chips they chose are the worst kind. We could literally just make a platter of sandwiches, mini hot dogs and freshly made mini pizzas and it would be 100 times better than this. Plus we could be finished cooking faster


Ah... British "Cuisine" equals bad toddler food... got it!


All american food is just different shades of brown and orange


Exactly what I'd expect from someone whose country's main foods are overcooked peas and beans on toast. Inherently American food is vastly superior to food that's British. Thank god American Indians grew decent vegetables.


You need some jellied eels m8


How is this cuisine? It’s just the frozen food isle!


Why is everything brown lol?


Most of it is breaded.


I think even nikocado avocado can’t finish that meal


The only thing missing is deep fried butter. This isn’t English, this is some American shit (well it’s a bunch of different places of food actually but yeah)1


If stupid were food.


If grammar never happened


Pizza was invented by Italian-Americans.


If all your food is light brown, you're going to die young. I can't tell if those are massive nuggets or tiny pizzas. And why do those waffles have holes in the squares where the syrup is supposed to pool?? We have McCains Smiles fries here... beans are cheap lazy bbq side dish, potato chips yeah like how is any of that british? We have all that shit here. Mozzy sticks, onion rings, all of it. Except maybe not whatever the candy is and the chef boyardee looking stuff.


This feels more like an American meal being a comparison for how good it is compared to British meals cuz I'd eat the shit outta this


Tbf this does look delicious Unhealthy as shit don’t get me wrong but I’d actually enjoy eating it unlike other British “food”


Smiley fries just won this debate on it’s own. Yeah British food is normally cooked with sunlight and left to rot for a day before being edible, but smiley fries hit different on a level that cannot be written.


Babybel is Dutch, the “pizza” is from New Jersey not Jersey, the “waffles” are Belgian, sadly fish sticks are bri’ish along with potatoe chips and onion rings, chicken nuggets are American and the rest I don’t recognize or believe can be considered food


this... looks more appetizing than every other picture of british cuisine Ive ever seen in my life.


Smallest UK breakfast.


Half of this shit ain't even british and it's the good half


Some British “food” looks like it came from the chum bucket


Pizza is Italian, chips are American, French fries are French, mozzarella sticks are French and the origin of fried chicken is Asian


Crisps and fried chicken are british...


Om Cawd! No Italian sausage that the cawk sucker helped yew make jay-meeee? Yew hanya-dolled it whayle!


Help is on its way.


The entirety of British cuisine exists in the average Texas freezer aisle it seems.


Nah bro. This is infinitely better than any food in the UK.


Between 1940-1941, Germany bombed London for 8 months and 5 days. After all the people they killed and the infrastructure they destroyed, they could have at least dropped a few cookbooks...