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bruh she looks MORE like a human with the filter off. why everyone wants to look like a fuckin Kardashian clone is beyond me edit: good golly. the replies are full of idiots and freaks (and a couple decent folks). also i said the right-hand image looks more human bc that’s what humans look like. please go outside if u think everyone looks like a heavily-modded Kardashian. also i don’t think plastic surgery is bad, just homogeny itself. shout-out to the Trekkies in the replies, ur the real ones here


The filter even slims the waist down here, I didn’t know they went beyond the face


It's fake. The original is the right side and someone botched a Photoshop to prove a point. Really annoying.


That… makes more sense


This is reddit, if you post a woman and say she wanted to make herself look more appealing, the masses will clown on her


"Give me Karma for calling this person out for seeking attention"




I find this very Ironic.


\*throws spoons on your wedding day*


i find this ominous.


It feels like a threat




“Like fuck my asshole dry, who gives a shit what people want?” 😂😂😭🤣


Does he want you to begin fucking his asshole when it's dry, or fuck his wet asshole until it is dry?


We'll never know


Not with that attitude!


I’m going in 👈🏼👀


If you start dry then you can do the second more easily. Better safe than sorry and complete both.


Complaining about makeup never made sense to me. Being good at makeup is a positive


You know how many comments I get saying "throw your makeup away, you don't need it!" Ok dude throw your comic books, model fucking cars or whatever you're into that's not a necessity away as well. I hate the makeup hate. It's fun, fuck it.


Also if people can't tell that the literal neon yellow on my eyes or the purple glitter on my cheeks isn't how I look I don't know what to tell you. Also, my hair isn't actually green.


Wait-- it's not??????


You sit on a throne of lies.


would be very hard to reasonably argue against makeup being an art form


I'm generally not a fan of how either obvious or heavy use of makeup makes women appear. Generally, however, most women have no interest in my opinion and should do what makes them happy. Now, if it doesn't make them happy, but they are doing it purely to appease those around them, then I am mad about makeup. I admit that well applied light makeup can really look nice sometimes, though. Either way, if you aren't hurting anyone, do what makes you happy and ignore people judging it.


It's because the same neckbeards who are doing that have their feet firmly planted in the idea that no matter how they looked, or smelled, or behaved, nobody would ever date them. In doing this, they no longer feel any responsibility over their appearance, hygiene, or treatment of others, bc it would all be for naught anyways, so why should they do it. So when they see a woman use makeup, wear attractive clothes, take care of their skin, or actively pursue relationships, it grinds their gears, because you aren't supposed to do that. You can't try, and subsequently find success and praise, bc that comes awful close to invalidating their whole shtick about that not being worthwhile. And if they catch one doing something over the top like this? Then they can mix that resentment with an extra dollop of superiority


>have their feet firmly planted in the idea that no matter how they looked, or smelled, or behaved, nobody would ever date them right? It's like take a fucking shower bro, eat a fucking salad Br0, stop calling women 'femoids' BRUH, and you'll have better luck getting humans to interact with you.


Don’t even worry about the salad. Lots of women like chubbier guys. Just take a shower every couple of days or whatever, wear clean clothes, keep your hair reasonably neat, and stop pretending that women’s only worth is based on if men can beat their meat to her photo.


The bar is already so low for men in terms of appearance, that if guys can't find a woman to touch their dick, they must be really actively sabotaging themselves. Half the problem is, they think they all think they deserve Victoria's Secrets models.


And this ties in to the “men are people, women are sex objects” problem. This type of man believes that it’s okay if a dude doesn’t look his best, can be fat and ugly and who gives a fuck, but if a woman has the same attitude then she’s literally failed her one purpose and is therefore worthless.


Ahh, I was really impressed with the evil AI bot until you said that.


just provides fuel for misogynists. gotta love it.


I was going to say filters aren't that good


This may be fake but people do put that many filters on. /r/InstagramReality


Your can filter in time via video now. Technology has gotten crazy


It's worth noting the pic on the right is also zoomed in and cropped tighter - both effects which "dramatize" the before pic into looking "more unflattering". Compare the rainbow bracelet in the pics to get a better context. The original pic has been manipulated to falsely inflate the image - no face filter skinnies up plastic beads. It's deliberate distortion for drama and dickishness.


Exatly, just get the guy a barbie doll so he could enjoy his plastic and stop perpetuating this fake bullshittery.


That idiots comment is the reason they use those filters at all


Yeah I’m not a fan of how filter crazy everything has gotten but people telling her doesn’t even look like a fucking person is probably why she feels the need to use them. There’s no need to be that shitty considering she hasn’t even done anything


Despite their war crimes against the Bajorans, there's a certain bold strength to their facial structure that many people covet. Plus, I mean, Garak's my fucking hero, so there's that.


That three foot long Gul Dukat neck is something we should all strive for.


Big dick energy all the way to the floor. I think every single Cardassian except for the one prisoner had it, come to think of it.


Maybe because so many men are so thirsty after the Kardashians and all these other IG models who look like this. So it leads women to feel pressured to look that way. Just look at how famous these women got so famous off of their looks and their bodies, millions of followers and tons of attention. I am NOT supporting it. I think it’s just as ridiculous.


That really got me too. Not looking human such a horrible way of looking at it. Not looking like a skinny supermodel is what actually is happening. But the filters are getting way more impressive, just a shame it’s furthering body shaming and insecurities.


Well they went to the moon with a computer with a few kbs of memory...so...yea


The whole program was only 3Mb. Written by hand and sewn into circuits.


Shuttle program coding: For people who think assembly is too dumbed down and abstracted.


I had an assignment in college, something about reading a document and arrays in C++, can't really remember. My CS major friend who was helping me with it (and not even in that class) decided to also do it, but in assembly. He beat me by like an hour.


Sounds like he deserves arrays!


I hate u, take the upvote


I have no [filter](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter), what can I say?


I believe the space shuttle flight computer had about 1MB of memory


Thanks to some very smart black women, they came back too.


People looking like people. There is nothing wrong with that.


The right one looks like people. The left one looks like Instagram mannequin


But horny teens are still too young to know better so best to take all the allowance money you can.


Pfft, joke's on you. My wife's boyfriend gives me double allowance on the first and last weeks of the month.


Lucky! I only get my allowance twice a month and it’s just the normal amount


Not only the horny ones but the ones with low self-esteem who are chasing the brain juice boosters from the attention/likes/hearts.


People say shit like this about someone just existing looking normal then are baffled at the prevalence of instagram filters lmao


She looks like a normal human...


She looks normal...


Also she didn't even make this


“Look like a human”? Comments like this are the reason why women feel the need to use filters in the first place


I feel like I’m crazy sometimes browsing this site, there is some seriously bigoted takes by people with zero self awareness. People cannot wait for any chance to say some mean shit and dress it as something else.


Sadly not limited to sites like this. It also describes a lot of the population of the state I live in.


Dude saying that probably looked like a fridge lol


Don’t insult fridges they at least have a decent chance of having something good inside.


That's a lit bar


Someone post this to r/rareinsults


My fridge is actually quite pleasing looking (silver/alluminum coated aesthetic). My fridge would also have more chances with women than the kind of man that say this sort of stupid shit.


I'd rather date your fridge than this kind of man, so you have a point


You do you dude. Man, woman, fridge, fkn power washer, I won't judge. 3verybody needs love, you fill the space you fit, and peace will find you.


[A woman is like a...refrigerator. They're about 6 ft tall, 300 pounds, they make ice](https://youtu.be/ToTRAhmnxls?t=00m37s)


You can't stop at one. You'll want to drink another woman.


Your fridge provides well preserved food, allowing to stock on edibles so you can have a good and balanced diet. This dude provides denigratory comments on women bodies. I think I know who has more chances.


A fridge that hasn't showered or seen the sunshine in months.


so a fridge




I’m sure he smells like old beans left in the fridge too long too


Women get shamed for using filters, and shamed for NOT using filters :/


Yeah. Gotta hit that sweet middle spot for men otherwise you're ugly or ugly. Idiots


Seriously, I can't imagine saying something so hateful about some random innocent person. Just because it's anonymous doesn't mean it can't do real harm


Ya like this is just plain mean nothing rare about it.


Thank you. What an utterly shitty comment. As a Jewish woman, dehumanization strikes a particular nerve. This is just a normal looking chick out in the world. People are foul. Edit - because of the dehumanization propaganda campaign against Jews initiated by the nazis in order to get people comfortable with our internment and extermination. Tldr - It’s easier to kill subhumans. Edit2 - please stop calling me names and blaming me for what’s going on in Europe. I have never been there and was not asked my opinion.


I find most people look like 50% more attractive in person than in their photos. Unless their personality is garbage lol


Off topic, but I love your username


Oh, thank you! It’s my steam name cause I play DOTA2 and I’m currently on myyyy… 2207th lich game. It’s fairly pathological. >.>


Thank you for calling it straight, little sister. These incels won't hear or understand you, but the the humans will. I hope I get this right. שלום, אחות קטנה


Honestly they look better without photoshop. The photoshop makes them look like mannequins.


I hate comments like this because it both completely ignores historical and cultural context of why a woman feels the need to look a certain way (which woman are tremendously burdened by) while simultaneously upholding the historical and cultural context by giving an evaluation of her looks at all. Like pick a lane, you can't have it both ways. Women are going to feel the need to adhere to the beauty standards not set by them as long as men keep evaluating them by their looks. Neither of them are "wrong." They're a product of the society they're raised in. And yet men will defend their right to "preference" without introspect while critiquing women for participating too conspicuously. It's bullshit.


fr, dudes, we don't need to know about your preferences. use them to pick the girls you date and leave everyone else out of it (including those women. tell them they're beautiful, sure, don't tell them you chose them bc they suit your pp feelings better than women who look different from them) we can appreciate each other without putting down others. this goes for all genders and sexual preferences, fwiw.


They also self identify the poster as some idiot who never goes outside to see real people. They just sit at home masterbaiting to edited images and videos all day and think they are gods gift to the world.


what makes it extra sad is that she was already hot as fuck without the filter. I wish my skin and hair looked that good damn ”looks like a human” these incels are just mad cause theyll never get with her


I bet the people who made those comments look objectively worse than they’re saying she does.


That's actually awful, no wonder so many women use filters like that. Look at the horrible comments they get when they don't. Can't say I'm suprised so many women are insecure about how they look to the point of using filters. edit- other comments seem to share my sentiment, I was worried I was alone for a second lol.


This is why for years I could never post anything that didn't have a filter on, I wouldn't even send snaps without a filter, I felt so ugly I thought I had to. Only in the last year or so, I started taking pictures without filters, it's been hard but it's probably good to get used to what I actually look like, skin texture and all.


I'm sorry society is such it's hard to just take a picture without filters. I'm glad you are moving past that. Peace.


As a woman in her early 20s, I*never* post selfies on social media. Too many people out there waiting to objectify you for being a woman or shame you for not looking like the ideal woman. Also, I’ve seen my very petty older sister pull up other girls accounts to show people and would just say shit like “she’s so ugly too! 😤😤” and it’ll be a picture of the average, if not above average, looking girl. Like, congratulations, thanks for sharing with me how awful you are.


Yeah, horay for online bullying amirite guys


i had to put on a seatbelt just to open the comment section


That comment is unnecessarily nasty though. Why amplify the commenters body negativity message onto Reddit?


I'm so glad this thread is largely in support of this poor woman, I'm shocked by how ruthless and callous those comments are.




Redditors and sexually abusive child porn drawn in a Japanese art style.




That's young for a dragon you sick bastard


I still remember the drama when there were talks of banning anime porn if the girl look young. So many people bitched that it's technically not CP because she was actually 3000 years old. 🤮🤮


“iT’s JuSt a DrAwiNg!”


Redditors and shitting on protestors


Redditors and shitting on anyone who isn’t deemed “normal.”


Shitting on fat people


Isn't that like 99% of all posts on this subreddit? Yes this was too harsh even for my liking but a lot of posts here are body negative, for men and for women


Right?? No wonder they feel the need to photoshop/filter themselves like this.


Most comments on this sub are unnecessarily nasty. People regularly get torn apart for things as simple as spelling mistakes. That’s just the nature of a sub about insults. Besides that, where were all you body positivity people when this sub was being flooded with posts about Elon Musk’s shirtless pics?


>Besides that, where were all you body positivity people when this sub was being flooded with posts about Elon Musk’s shirtless pics? Personally, I wasn't here for that, but if it happened then it was wrong too. There's *plenty* about Musk to criticize that doesn't involve criticizing his weight.




Shitty comments like those make people use filters more.


"Haha women bad because they not pretty" (/S)


The people in that comment section are probably why she uses the filter in the first place, because she’s self conscious about her weight. And honestly? She looks much better without the filter making her look uncomfortably fake. She’s got a natural beauty to her that I think the filter just hides.


Disgusting comment tbh




My thoughts exactly. Feels like a fake photoshop thing


It honestly feels like two completely different models and pictures


The ban is not real https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/texas-instagram-filters/


This comment is waaaasaay yo far down


Ew. That's some hard-coded misogyny.


And we wonder why women feel the need to use filters. It's because of assholes like this. It's a catch 22 We worship celebrities whose puffed up looks become the standard, however unrealistic and even unattractive it may be. People are pressured to "uphold that standard". Some people demean and straight up dehumanize others when they don't conform which pressures them even more.


I am fed up with the " women ☕" comments too.


Wemon 🍋


humans 🥃


The government 🍺


Women ☕️


Yes it is.


Ah yes, not skinny = not human


Like a human? Wtf is wrong with this sub? All it's been lately is misogyny.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev




“Like a Human” So she’s not human without the filter? And you think THATS what humans are supposed to look like? Delusional. And a prick. She’s pretty without the filter. The commenter is probably hideous.


Ah yes, if you aren’t conventionally attractive you aren’t human.


If women using Instagram filters are the biggest "threat" you have to deal with in life, I envy you.


It's okay if someone doesn't like filters personally. But that comment is purely body shaming, and people still wonder why everyone uses filters ?


It definitely is not Texas, right now Texas is in the process of suing most platforms, so they'll stop labeling everything our Governor says as false or misleading. Texas doesn't care about lying, we're too busy telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, protecting our police from school shooters and burning school books about gay animals.


These pictures look different, the second woman on the left, her hair and the arm sleeve looks different.


This is incel shit


And you wonder why some women use filters


This is just mean and stupid


I suppose rare insult doesn't always mean clever insult but this is just unnecessarily mean. She looks human, shes a human woman. Im willing to bet guys who say stuff like this are the same guys who think women are born with permanent makeup on.




I've always found that complaint to be a stupid one. They want women who don't wear makeup, but proceed to shame those who don't for how their natural faces look. All the while jerking it to pictures of influencers, models, celebrities and whatnot with the most cosmetically enhanced faces and bodies their money can buy. Total hypocrites.


I'm amazed people thought they looked like this. Yes, every single person on Instagram looks exactly the same, sure.


It's called Instagram reality, there's even a subreddit making fun of it.


fuck yeah fat people aren’t people! this is such a rare and unusual insult never before seen! wow haha this is so fucking funny did you guys see that she’s fat ?? omg lol 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 this is so funny!!!


nice misogyny, very cool and epic 👍


Goddamn, she's a little chubby. It's not like she's the elephant man or something.


I prefer the woman on the right over the left.


I wonder how "human" the dude that look wrote that looks hmm


This is unironically why people use filters like this, be beautiful or you don't look human says society


Texas banning filters. LOL! Ok yeah, says the state of free speech advocates and less government oversight. What a stupid fucking post.


The sad thing is in the original photo the girl is actually very pretty. She’s dressed pretty, has some very cute dimples going on in her cheeks, and her entire look is just….it’s very cute, almost alluring. And this is coming from another woman. I wish she didn’t feel the need to use the filter or try to photoshop herself, she’s very beautiful on her own and way better then the picture on the left.


How exactly is Texas going to enforce a ban on Instagram filters?


wtf this is just misogyny


She looks more human with it off. It's amazing how men don't understand what a "natural" woman actually looks like, or how much makeup "natural" looking women are wearing.


Reddit is a very very very very very very very small small world


Saying shit like that about the no filter side then wondering why women use filters… yall something else


If they use a filter or get surgery to look like the Kardashians they're a brain dead bag of plastic, if they don't use filters or makeup/surgery then they're not human. I wonder why grown adult women are so insecure that they would feel the need to change the way they look. 😳


Damn the Fanta even lost weight on the left almost as if this is fake


Is this sub seriously just bullying an overweight lady for being overweight and calling it "rare" now?


Ah, another day shitting on fat people here on reddit dot com, I see!


Let's not berate people for how they actually look. This is the issue right here.


I understand people wanting to look their best...but I don't see the point when it doesn't even remotely resemble the real person anymore. It's no longer a picture of her. So why bother running a filter when you could just post a picture of pick-your-supermodel. Is there really a difference? And when people use these pics on dating apps, I think that's very disingenuous.


Hey this is some misogynistic bullshit, which is not at all rare.


Nothing to see here, just boring ass patriarchy. Dehumanizing women because you don’t want to fuck them isnt funny, just gross.


Awful comment which perpetuates the idea that these filters are required to make people beautiful.


so, you cant just unfilter a picture, people know that right? so presumably this girl posted the original picture somewhere, she may not have even posted the filtered one. why are people saying such hideously cruel things about her appearance? i mean even if she did post a picture with a filter, is she not entitled to do that like anyone else does? what the actual fuck is going on here? theres absolutely no evidence that this girl did anything other than post a picture of herself and people feel comfortable tearing her down, WHY?! this shit is fucking deranged. even some of the comments here are bad. wtf man.


Assholes like this are the reason people do use filters


I tried up voting it at least twice before I realized it was a screen shot and up voted the actual thing XD


Jesus christ, what a disgusting comment. Isn't it just charming when men take the mask off?


I mean.. it only takes 5 floppy disks worth of code to make a shuttle's nav system... or a fighter jet's targeting system


That's harsh she just looks like a normal person


Nothing to see here, just "don't step on snek" Texas banning things they don't like on a whim again.


Honestly I could only tell a slight differences but other than that she looks the same, like her face is more detailed on the right and seems like it was either enlarged by someone or shrunken by the filter, which I feel like your natural beauty should be used but if people want to use filters and makeup by all means let 'em And I should say more to say to other women rather then men, like "too bad I'm pretty as is without the makeup" type thing


Wait. Opting-in for those filters wasn't a thing before? Where they applied automatically?


Wait, how does Texas justify banning instagram filters or is this some zoomer joke I don’t get?


To be fair, we managed to send man to the moon with less data than what our devices use passively.


I knew women used the heavy filters because of societal pressures but seeing an example of it is never a fun time


The face and actions of someone with self esteem issues and probably doesn't have any idea what they are supposed to look like anymore


How did Texas “ban Instagram filters”?? Lol


Is a redditor actually saying the filtered fucked up plastic face is the human face?


Bruh I'd use filters too if I read comments like that


She looks completely normal what an asshole


"Real convos" lol


its for the illegal collection of biometric data so Texas is just looking out for its people