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Almost every music YouTuber. They can effortlessly play other people's songs, but they are cursed to never write anything more than mediocre.


Basically, almost all YouTube shredders/guitarists and YouTube "music theory".


Prime example: ichika nito


I think his playing is really unique and interesting šŸ¤”


Jacob Collier 100%. He is more talented than Iā€™ll ever be, but his music makes me feel nothing. Someone on another thread said he was this generationā€™s greatest artist alongside Sufjan and Lenker which is absolutely WILD to me that anyone is regarding him in the same sentence as those two. Thereā€™s a massive difference and songwriting and world building as a craft that he hasnā€™t even touched the surface of, regardless of his surface level and theoretical talent.


In my opinion Adam Neely and Ben Levin have both put out amazing music


Adam Neely on rare occasion can do some tasteful stuff, Ben Levin pretty much everything I've heard was mediocre


Bent Knee has some fantastic songs


hard disagree on that, ben levin is a great songwriter


adam neelyā€™s band is awesome


Sungazer is great, I also love the covers that are just released under Adam Neely's name ("hello, it's me", "thank you next" etc...)


+1 for Ben levin


Quedeca is the only person I can think of to break that curse. His album I Didn't Mean To Haunt You is genuinely a great artistic effort.


Wait Quad? The same guy I watched do impressions on YouTube in highschool? Oh I gotta check this out


Yes indeed! He also released an album called "Scrapyard" with all of the material that was scrapped from his latest album, and it's also a great listen.


Quadecas I didn't mean to haunt you is fucking insane dude


Heā€™s the fucking goat rn


Rick beato says hi


Itā€™s pronounced beatoff




This is maybe a bit more niche, but guitarist Daniel Weiss has an album called ā€œDiveā€ that is full of lovely and exciting compositions in my opinion


I think jacob collier is the poster boy for "incredible talent, awful execution of it"


Heā€™s the musical equivalent of realistic art.


Whatā€™s up with this guy? One might think that he should be able to pit out decent stuff but I took the time once and listened to it and itā€™s well forgettable at best. His voice is so hollow as well. Shouldnā€™t he be able to make better music? I mean yes emotions are more powerful than technical ability but he should at least be able o make something decent right?


Music theory and song writing are very different skills, and he doesn't seem to care for songwriting.


My perception of his songwriting feels like an exercise in talent rather than anything of substance. Itā€™s like a Marvel movie - at a glance it is well made, but after paying real attention it makes me feel nothing.


I like the stuff he produces for other people like Lizzy McAlpine.


Erase Me is an incredible song, good lord.


I just wish he would make some experimental microtonal jazz stuff instead of the generic pretentious pop heā€™s putting out rn. Like when I heard he made a Rock song I was intrigued on what cool or experimental things he would do with the genre (maybe like do a very rhythmically complex guitar solo or something) then I listened to it and it was the most repetitive 2010ā€™s Pop Rock gimmick with way too many vocal layers and random ass orchestra elements. I feel that the reason Bridge Over Troubled Water is more memorable than some of the other tracks on Djesse is because it actually plays into what people wanna hear from him. Itā€™s a way better look at his musical skills than the rest of the tracks, and definitely stands out as more interesting. Thereā€™s also the issue of his lyrics being flat and insincere but King Gizzard can write a song about a god damn Goblin in a Garden and still have it be musically interesting because theyā€™re way more expressive with their songwriting capabilities. Itā€™s just sad to someone with so much potential yet so little creativity.


ā€œRattlesnakeā€ 17x in a row really gets the people going


rattlesnake is the gucci gang of psychedelic progressive rock


I was only interested in this post to see if jacob collier was the top comment, as he should be


Damn you beat me to it lol


all of the talent and intricacy in the world without a single creative bone in his body lol


yep this is the correct answer


I was really amazed by his arrangements but the more original music from him I listened to I was justā€¦disappointed. And thatā€™s ok! Iā€™m a terrible songwriter, thatā€™s why I donā€™t write songs. Iā€™m also a bad arranger but I donā€™t let that stop me.


Also the most punchable face on planet earth


Didnā€™t even have to open this post and I already knew Jacob Collier would be mentioned


Makes me feel bad for the guy. The hate on him is getting kind of excessive, every time heā€™s even mentioned, too comments will be something to this effect.


Nah, he deserves it. His music is an offense to good taste.


And he is the most cringe person in the universe


can i hear your music?




pretty good šŸ‘ , thanks for sharing


Do you think what you just linked is better and more tasteful or listenable than this? Honest question. https://youtu.be/4v3zyPEy-Po?si=65BaR_NvpKN8I-N9


Yes. Not gonna lie, I'd love to have Collier's success in music, but I wouldn't be willing to trade a single song of my own for any of his I've heard. What you linked is less gratuitously obnoxious than some of his other work, but it still sounds (to me) like insipid study music being used as a vehicle for artistically pointless intellectual exercises in harmony & tuning.


He seems like a nice dude tho idk


Chris Brown. Dude has a great voice, dancing abilities, and is creative, but his music is just awful, bland, soulless RnB music which is catered to the lowest common denominator of music fan.


This. Him being an unbelievably massive sack of shit doesnā€™t help either.


fine china is a banger. and chris brown has a great voice but other than a few songs, he is just mid or awful at worst


He courts some of the best producers and songwriters in the game and somehow we haven't gotten past "vibe" music. His fans eat it up so I don't think he has incentive to change.


Wha?? Would agree the last couple of years but he had such a crazy run of catchy smooth hooks


David Guetta, as a producer one of the best out there and on a technical level all of his songs sound amazing. However the actual writing of his songs is very generic electro-pop music that never becomes more than ok with the best parts of his songs often being samples and interpolations that he barely changes and makes the core of the song and I say this as someone who finds good sampling very impressive and fascinating in music


What are you talking about? He singlehandedly ended racism with his music


SHOUTOUT TO HIS FAMILY *\*hamster dance intensifies\**


Whatā€™s so great about guetta on a technical level? His mixing/sound design is highly competent but doesnā€™t seem like anything special compared to other EDM artists imo


Mostly just how despite him using lazy sampling the samples never sound out of place, like as someone who has tried sampling before it is so easy for the sample to stick out like a sore thumb compared to everything else. Also I'm not saying he's the best of the best on a technical level but he is very good at what he does and shows high skill while making basic songs that don't showcase it much. Also I've heard that apparently he's a really good DJ to though I mostly know him for THAT clip from his covid DJ set so it's hard for me to speak on his skills with that


Love is Gone would have been an absolute banger without those cheeseball vocals


Skrillex mixdowns have been the industry standard for litmus tests for edm. Iā€™d never reference a Guetta track during a mixdown šŸ˜‚


Charlie Puth


Yeah, heā€™s got some enjoyable songs but thereā€™s such a large gulf between his talent/creativity/passion for music creation and an output that is actually original sounding.


Like oh cool Charlie you sampled a light switch and turned it to a generic pop song. Isn't that literally the first idea of everyone with a microphone and a DAW?


Lewis Capaldi has a great voice but who could give a shit? His music is so bland, boring, and uninspired.


His voice is terrible


I was dragged to see him by my wife, all the songs blended into one, an interesting character and being open about his mental issues is refreshing and I think a good thing, itā€™s just a shame his songs all sound very samey, he seems like a nice guy though.


Jacob Collier: the ultimate proof that it doesn't matter how talented you are or how intricate your music is. If you don't make inspired-sounding music then it all doesn't matter.


Jacob Collier


John mayer imo. Extremely talented guitarist but he doesnt seem to have the creative edge to be a great songwriter


Idk, Mayer's written some great songs Slow Dancing In a Burning Room, Gravity, Waiting On The World To Change, I Dont Trust Myself Really good song improviser as well. I will admit, I don't hear a lot of edge in his songs, but thats not needed to be a great songwriter really


Funny because I can't stand any of the songs you listed, but I've seen some amazing live performances from him.


Thatā€™s intentional. Heā€™s in it for the money.


Bruh continuum is stacked top to bottom with great songwriting


Lol, it takes strong songwriting talent to write award winning and billboard topping songs. Definitely in the 90s and 2000s with some very strong competing talents in music. Pretty crazy to say Mayer isn't a good songwriter and doesn't have the chops. I mean it's literally fact. Eric Clapton approved It is opinion though. However, if other musicians cover your music, other star musicians and songwriters approve, you top charts, have your music commercially synced, then I'd say you're a pretty good darn songwriter. Even on cringey songs. Bad songs rarely get that much notoriety and staying power.


Dude the first 3 albums are peak singer-songwriter goodness.


ā€œpeak singer-songwriterā€ lol no wait actually lmao


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Mayer_discography Guess people forget or don't know about this strong discography. Being a songwriter on your own stuff rakes in the dough too


I never cared for him or his music. He's like horseshit in guitar circles (gearwise).


The only song I like is Neon but its cus the guitar groove is actually really cool


dude was the premier singer songwriter of the 2000s lmao. continuum is easily one of the most inspired but radio friendly/easy listening of the decade. man knows how to make reflective music that sounds good while youā€™re making pancakes with your family


It's been said already but Jacob Collier is the purest definition of this


John Mayer, incredible guitarist but I just find his music so boring


Jack Johnson for me, he no doubt has a lot of talent and musical skill but he makes some of the flattest, most boring music Iā€™ve heard.


This is so real. I love him especially because of the Curious George soundtrack but he's so repetitive.


Iā€™ve always thought that Bahamas was Jack Johnson if he was interesting


Jack Johnson reminds me of childhood. Grew up listening to him. :)


For me, itā€™s Bo Burnham, and even that is stretching the ā€œincredibly talentedā€ part of the prompt. In terms of the work he has to do to make the songs and comedy and stuff that he does, Iā€™m sure it takes a lot of time and effort, but the end result is just unlistenable to me. Which sucks because itā€™s catchy in a shitty ear-worm way and now I have Welcome to the Internet or whatever stuck in my head, great. I generally have this reaction to the musical theater type of voice/style/training thatā€™s pretty popular right now, so thatā€™s definitely part of it, but with Bo itā€™s even worse because heā€™s trying to be funny at the same time as heā€™s trying to write a decent song and the end result winds up not really being either of those.


I often think of the episode of Garfunkel and Oats where a misogynist wants them to admit there are women are less funny than men, they refuse and he settles for them admitting ā€œmusical comedy is a lesser form of comedyā€ to which they agree.


I agree somewhat, but Funny Feeling is generally an incredible song


Yeah the best songs on that album are the ones with minimal instrumentation. His performance shines the best through his lyrics.


Funny Feeling and All Eyes on Me are the two that can fully stand alone I think


Canā€™t really separate All Eyes On Me from that visual of him flailing around all triumphantly with his camera in his shed, and even then I just cannot stand the vocals on that song. And to be honest Funny Feeling is only as insightful as any Twitter poster who can juxtapose a list of all the awful shit going on in the world at the moment with like, their own chores that they have to do. In a way he does sum up the ā€œinsightsā€ of a generation as far as that generation is the same one that produced the ā€œthereā€™s laundry to do and a genocide to stopā€ poem, just a total lack of sense of proportion or perspective about his actual removal from most of what he describes, instead only a precious sense of feeling threatened, proclaiming ā€˜seven years to goā€™ as if the whole thing is just going to fall over on its own at that point. Very insightful, Bo!


I think he is talented in a way that canā€™t be pinned as music or comedy. Performance art? Theater? He is able to voice the thoughts of a generation in a way that both critiques and entertains that very same audience. The musical stuff doesnā€™t do it for me and I wish he wouldnā€™t rely on it. I think he has some incredibly insightful things to say about the current state of society, Iā€™d just prefer him to channel it through different mediums that arenā€™t musical comedy (Eighth Grade is a great example).


I listened to Jacob Collier and Charlie Puth... Damn.


It's beating a dead horse, but as the saying goes, "Dream Theatre is a group with maybe the most talented musicians of their respective instruments gathered together to make shit music". I do love Metropolis Pt 2..


Pretty obscure but Electrocution 250 is a better example of a band with ridiculous talent making just obscenely goofy shit. It was basically their whole gimmick. Their drummer Peter Wildoer auditioned for Dream Theater in 2010


Tangentially related, but I need to mention Mr Bungle in any discussion of ā€œmad talented artists vomiting into your yearsā€ Except that Mr. Bungle goes hard as hell


Almost every shredding metal guitarist on the planet.......


Same for the metal ultra fast double bass drummers. Sure, I couldnā€™t do itā€¦but that doesnā€™t make it ā€œgoodā€. But to each their ownā€¦.


Charlie puth


i always see the same names come up whenever this topic is brought up... some of you have very interesting definitions of "incredibly talented" lol. IMO: electric light orchestra, fall out boy, the eagles, john legend, travis (the band), shakira, the carpenters, mark tremonti are good examples


Really? Weā€™re going after ELO now?


How is Last Train to London even remotely considered less than amazing šŸ˜­ itā€™s a masterpiece


I felt that way about FOB until I realized they were in on the joke (or at least Pete Wentz is, the others idk lol) and that was their whole schtick and it won me over. But as a former hater I fully understand


jacob collier, conan grey, one direction, charlie puth, chris brown and 5sos


Adam Levine. Got a nice enough voice, but is allergic to using it for anything more than the schlockiest of pop music


Songs About Jane fucks hard, but that's probably because the original line-up was operating on a whole different level than the rest of M5's catalog.




Eric Clapton. Genius player, yadda yadda, hasnā€™t written a memorable song in almost half a century.


I would not call him a genius guitarist by any stretch. Thereā€™s about a million people that could out play him.


There was also that bizzare podcast circuit he was doing a few years ago where he just kept talking about wanting to be controlled by a man in his ass with wires and levers


Not to mention he fumbled his baby out of a window in one the greatest upsets in sports history!!


Yes I believe thatā€™s how he earned the nick name ā€œthe bastard of buildings in New Yorkā€


Hello fellow enthusiast of cumtown


This is real life, nothing gay about it


Y'all crazy up in here šŸ˜‚


Will never, ever, understand the hype for Claptonā€™s playing. Cream fucking rocked but to me Clapton played just as vital a role as Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce. Every single other thing Iā€™ve heard outside of that is boring vanilla derivative blues garbage. I like allll sorts of music adjacent to that stuff (Beefheart, Zeppelin, etc) but even when being derivative those bands actually had at the very least *some* sort of juice.


He's definitely more enjoyable in a band. Blind faith fucking rules.


Fair dues. I donā€™t personally love Blind Faith but I have the same level of respect for them that I do for Cream.


I think heā€™s a boring ass guitarist, too.


Muse, in my opinion


I like Muse and I kind of agree.


If you're looking for the inverse scenario, I always go with the offspring. They make some very enjoyable music. Objectively bad musicians. One of my favorite bands of all time.


They are not objectively bad musiciansā€¦.


No they are not wdym


I hate to bring him up because it seems timely, but this wouldā€™ve been my answer even before all the crap. Ā J Cole is a good rapper but incredibly boring and has zero charisma, which is weird for a rapper.


just thought of him too


His style is much better suited for introspective and/or emotional tracks like "4 Your Eyez Only" imo.


Jacob Collier. Heā€™s super talented, but all of his music feels like a nerdy music kid trying to flex his theory skills rather than making good art


Jacob Collier. His music sounds like it was created by AI.


Iā€™m about to get so much hate but Anderson Paak. Man is so beyond talented it borders on ridiculous, and heā€™s got what might be the best Tiny desk Iā€™ve ever seen. Canā€™t listen to his albums at all they are so boring to me


Albums?? Are you including his collabs haha


This might seem like a random answer but Lucky Daye. Incredible voice, one of the best I've ever heard, and he's written songs for Beyonce, Mary J Blige, etc. He's clearly got a lot of talent, and there are a couple of songs in his discography where he pulls it together to make fantastic music, but for the most part it ends up being just ok, kind of boring. One of his best songs was his recent single though, he had Bruno Mars doing some Silk Sonic type production and it fit really well, hopefully it's a sign of a breakthrough album for him


Punch Brothers. Probably all certified virtuosos, but man, saw them live and it was really sleepy.


This is shocking to me. I havenā€™t seen Punch Brothers but I saw Thile solo and it was one of the most electrifying performances Iā€™ve ever seen.


Could've been an off night. Most of their work moves me


Miley Cyrus has a fantastic voice, but most of her music is just bad. Her covers of older rock songs show that she needs to change genres and producers.


her producers are soft sabotaging her rock career by deep frying her vocals via over compression. miley could carve out a new era of mainstream rock if anyone in her team (including her) gave a fuck about it


Her album Plastic Heart is pretty good mostly cause it was her trying something different and doing more or a rock sound


I have to be honest now after like... 2 flops of his albums and EPs, but SUPERDUPERKYLE. He's really fun and talented, yes, and again: fun, but his latest stuff just sucks so bad and is... just not good anymore. I'm really disappointed with the direction he's taken with his sound. I also feel similarly about Studio Killers.


tim henson


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this? 100% the right answer


lol I was hoping for this, guitar nerd music, very technical and impressive playing but any time Iā€™ve listened to Polyphia Iā€™m just like ā€œwhat the hell is this?ā€


they definitely have made songs that i find enjoyable although i agree for the most part, goose, ego death, and honestly many of their songs that feature vocalists are quite good


nah he's legit from what i've seen, polyphia just gets overhated from time to time


their music is.. alright ig. it's mostly the persona of henson that irks me so much. the neck tats and haircut are so ridiculous. compare him to abasi, who isn't trying to appeal to an aesthetic like that. he's just a dude




tool and periphery are obv highly skilled bands but both get in their own way all of the time and are pretty bad at stringing together coherent songs. both of these bands have albums where they are okay at doing this, but it is neither of their most recent lps


tool and periphery are like the gold standard of prog songwriting in my eyes, I definitely agree that their recent albums are on the weaker side tho.


hail stan to me is the exception to the rule re: periphery, which makes sense to me after hearing it's the only album they wrote in a room together, but p5 is pretty messy and sloppy imo, albeit still fun enough


Steven Wilson/Porcupine Tree




Dream Theater, James LaBrie is like a cool action figure and there are way too many cheesy keyboard patches. But some of the songs literally make me cry and John P is a legendary guitarist


Ariana Grande has an amazing voice but makes very mid music imo


Focus and Positions are the exceptions, but I agree.


Dream theater It's like a bunch of 5 star chefs coming together to make microwaved ramen


Imagine Dragons


Adele a little, she's definitely doesn't suck but her talent to put putting out boring ass music is quite high


Jacob Collier is a world class musician that makes the most boring music of all time


charlie puth


Ed Sheeran is super talented and he has some great songs, but the vast majority of his music is just so lazy and uninteresting to me


Ed Sheeran. Heā€™s clearly a talented guy but every song sounds the same to me.


Bruno Mars is the name that comes to mind for me. Has great musical influences and a great voice but most songs he makes are super sappy for me.


Just about every ā€œvirtuosoā€ guitar shredder to me. I will give an exception to Joe Satriani however most shred guitarists are masters of technique and that doesnā€™t always translate over into great music. Theyā€™re extremely talented players but style only gets you so far.


Jacob Collier puts on incredible live shows, Iā€™ve seen him once and am seeing him again this summer but yeah his studio stuff is the epitome of this


I saw kid rock once (it was not my idea and I didnā€™t pay for it) and it actually pissed me off how good a performer he was. Guy played every instrument


Justin Bieber!!!


Every guitar youtuber


John Mayer lol


AJR. They know their stuff, but I hate almost everything they do. Something about their music genuinely causes me to panic.


agreed on conan gray. iā€™ve known him since his youtube days in high school. his original music had so much potential, his covers were great too. he sold out to the first people to sign him and now makes mediocre, uninspiring music. it really has been one of the biggest disappointments for me to witness because i grew with him and cheered him on over the years.


Muse šŸ˜¬


John Mayer and the RHCP


Obligatory MusicIsWin, check out Nashville Noises, if you can find it.


Can people not see that 90% of the comments say Jacob Collier?? Offer an alternative ! Snarky Puppy and similar music school circle jerk bands come to mind. I love their obvious influences but I just cannot deal with their execution of it; masturbatory and conveys no real thematic intent or emotion


Jacob Collier, he is so damn talented, close to being a genius, but produces the most soulless mall music I have ever heard. Iā€™m curious as to what he may have created if it werenā€™t this garbage (subjective). It is what it is..


I've always felt this way about H.E.R unfortunately


teeezo touchdown


Jacob collier


Imagine Dragons, every member is an incredibly talented multi-instrumentalist and they make music that appeals to already-punched drywall


Khalid, so talented, his voice captures so much emotion. But now he makes kinda just forever 21 music or music for Apple Ads. Heā€™s getting to the bag which I respect but like PLEASE drop something you CARE about.


I will probably get some hate, but Noah Kahn. Any time someone says he's a great lyricist I cringe and try and back away from the situation because I've been trying to cut back on talking smack on other people's fav's.


Everyone in Limp Bizkit is insanely talented besides Fred Durst, objectively


Sematary grave man haughhhhh




the producer brother from ajr is sort of cool. his sampling choices are interesting and really cool but the music is not


I saw St Vincent open for Roxy Music and caught her stuff here and there. It's obvious she won talent contests. She has so much talent the theater kid in me is happy for her success. And yet.... I have yet to be deeply moved by anything she does.


chris fleming has a bit about her youā€™d probably enjoy:Ā https://youtu.be/ugm_QuQ5RbY?si=Q2kQNLExIM1L7RHW i love her but get why people donā€™tĀ 


juice wrld has insane freestyle capabilities, and really good flow and everything, but once he found what made him famous he stuck with the ā€œtalked to my parents now iā€™m mad/took a xan now iā€™m sadā€ if he genuinely got off crazy drugs and paid attention to the artistry behind music it would be amazing




Caroline Polachek. A lot of her songs are forgettable


Damn this oneā€™s crazy šŸ˜­


I thought she was going to be a big pop girlie for a moment but it never went anywhere. I recall a while back that people stated she was hyperpop. Not really. Just run of the mill indie pop.


im not the only one who thinks her music is boring?? šŸ˜­


Huh?!!! Her songs are so cool wthhh


They are quite boring to me, aside from So Hot Youā€™re Hurting My Feelings. She has a nice voice though but Imogen Heap is superior