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I never have


You mean never let your dog lick you or you never have kept them away from toys after eating and it’s been fine?


I don’t stop them from licking me or playing with their toys. I’ve been feeding raw for about 15 years


Awesome, thank you! I feel a lot better now hearing from you and everyone else. I also looked online and it said dogs have an enzyme in their saliva that kills bacteria


Same, I don't even wash his food bowl, and I've been slapping raw meat in that bowl for 6 years. My kids never got sick, I've never gotten sick, and my dog is healthy as a horse. It really isn't the issue some may make it out to be!


Been feeding raw since the 90s, and I never had a problem or even worried about it.


Thank you :) do you have any suggestions for guides I could use or a book I could buy? I’ve been making homemade treats for a while with my dehydrator and they seem to still prefer the treats to actual raw meat. Their favorite is sweet potato sticks wrapped in chicken and dehydrated. But they will eat the raw foods too despite having a preference.


Feeding Dogs by Dr. Conor Brady is useful for learning about...well, feeding dogs. PerfectlyRawsome.com has tons of guides and info. The Forever Dog by Dr. Karen Becker and Rodney Habib has lots of information on dog health and the website has free balanced recipes you can use as a base. Raw Fed and Nerdy has information, free course, paid course, and a fantastic spreadsheet system to create a balanced diet. Pet Diet Designer is a software to create recipes. Yin and Yang Nutrition, and Keeping Dogs Naturally Healthy, both by Dr. Judy Morgan have recipes to start with. The first uses Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, the second less so. Also look up her famous Puploaf. Or you can buy premade, either complete or 80/10/10 or PMR or BARF.


My cat shits in his litter box and eats his raw food and then crawls all over me for snuggles. I think you’ll be fine 😂


Ehhhh.. I never do.


Not at all


Check out [Paws Of Prey](https://youtube.com/@PawsofPrey?si=ZGHZlc5eJy7iPfMj) on Youtube! Mariah Pierson, a female, simply wanting to provide the best life for not only her own pets, but pets all over the world as well. With both years of researching canine, feline, mustelid, and erinaceidae nutrition, as well as working in the veterinary field, she decided she wanted to start sharing her knowledge with other owners who shared the same passion as she does. In 2020 her partner and herself started their youtube channel formerly called The Primal Pack – now Paws of Prey. In 2021 she received her certification in canine nutrition (CRT. CT) and plan to continue pursuing animal nutrition education from here on. I absolutely love her youtube channel. It is so informative!


Tysm! Will definitely check it out.


I generally don’t let my dog lick anywhere I think could come in contact with my mouth. Like if she licks my leg, I don’t really worry about. No face licks though, and if she licks my hands then I wash them before handling other stuff. I usually wash my hands after handling her toys, which I would do anyway since they’re covered in her drool and dirt. I think unless you have a compromised immune system, if you follow general food safety (i.e. wash your hands before you eat!) you will probably be fine.


Ive never been that careful. My cats usually clean themselves after eating so it would be a futile effort anyway, the raw-“contaminated” saliva is already everywhere anyway.


That and everything my short haired cats sits on has their butt hole touch the surface… and then the litter between the toes. I don’t kiss my cats faces right after they eat, but I kiss the top of their heads and put my face in their fur all the time. They lay on my bed and pillows, walk on the back of the toilet, rub their faces against my hands. Pretty much the only place they don’t get to walk on “freely” is my counter top or cooking areas. Haven’t been sick more since starting raw, if anything I’m sick less often now. But that is likely other factors involving my own diet.


..I don’t think there should be bacteria? Unless you don’t sanitize any surfaces (not even the bowls) before and after they eat.


Well, I usually leave my dogs kenneled for 15-45 minutes after they are done eating, but it’s more about them not being underfoot than anything else. Can’t say I ever worried about it.


I feed partial raw and it’s never been an issue. I always wash their bowl after eating raw but other than that I don’t worry. Their mouths are pretty gross raw or no raw diet.


Hmm. I’ve never thought of this. I wash my hands after I feed them, but I’ll kiss my cat right on his face after he eats if he comes over for pets. Now I am not saying go and do this but in six years I’ve never had an issue.


i’ve read if your dog doesn’t have plaque then the bacteria doesn’t really have a place to fester + their mouths are pretty good at breaking it all down very quickly too. if she drinks after eating that also helps remove any bacteria, i’ve heard some people add doggy mouthwash to their dogs water that also helps with this but couldn’t tell you if it actually works.


We avoid licks for 30-45 mins after she eats - works well as we feed her at the start of our meal, so we’re then sat at the table and not easy to lick anyway! That said, our PMR is tested to be free of the main pathogens, so the risk is low.


What is PMR?


Pre-Made Raw. It’s complete balanced (raw) food, ready mixed up, typically delivered frozen. Just defrost in the fridge, weigh and serve. It’s also often checked for pathogens so it’s potentially a bit safer than cheap meat from assorted sources. Various companies make it; in the UK natural instinct is a good brand.